Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 480: If she is not her, who is she?

Biquge, the quickest update is Goreng Emperor, and can't afford the latest chapter!

Tang Jinyu stared at people and asked, "Did you pay for the medical treatment?"

Jian Qi nodded: "The money I borrowed from the male **** is just to give the doctor money, so I can prepare gifts for you!"

Tang Jinyu stared at people, his eyes deep, "Give me a bank card!"

Jian Qi hairy, what does it mean?

Do you want to check consumption records?

In the dangerous eyes of Tang Jinyu, Jian Qi took out the bank card and handed it to him.

Tang Jinyu reached for it and asked, "How much did it cost?"


"Twenty thousand..." Jian Qi said weakly.

After seeing Tang Jinyu's dangerous eyes, Jian Qi smiled: "Really, twenty thousand!"

Staring at Jian Qi and looking at it, Tang Jinyu said coolly, "I will transfer the money to this bank card. I will return this card to Qiao Bai. Remember, you owe me 20,000!"

Jane nodded, and the sulky mouth said: "It's good, if it can't be changed, I will pay for it directly!"

Tang Jinyu black face, "Go away and rest!"

"You are my gold master now, do you want me to warm your bed?" Jane asked with a smile.

"Do you want me to pump you a meal before you can be honest?" Tang Jinyu asked.

"Little fairy, go rest!" Jane jumped into the bed next to her, took off her shoes, put on the quilt, closed her eyes and rested!

However, at the moment, Jian Qi was playing drums.

Nima, if Tang Jinyu took a bank card to check the consumption records, it cost about 40 million yuan. If it was discovered, it would be really scary!

How round this is, but it's a bit round!

Jane has a trembling hurdle!

Too terrifying!

Tang Jinyu's eyes looked at Jian Qi next to him, his eyes lightened slightly!

He was actually skeptical of her words, even at this moment.

After looking at the bank card in his hand, Tang Jinyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Job's bank card!

Slightly dazzling!

Taking the mobile phone next to him, Tang Jinyu directly opened it and transferred 20,000 to this bank card.

Putting down his mobile phone and bank card, Tang Jinyu couldn't sleep, turned his head, his eyes looked at Jian Qi next to him, his eyes slightly sinking a little!

Today's things, to be honest, he has a lot to ask, but finds that he doesn't seem to know how to ask.

When he just sat there and watched her selling flowers, he received a message that just as she disappeared, an assassination occurred in a restaurant not far away.

An anti-terror agent was killed!

At the time, there was a red-haired woman with a mask together with the agent. The anti-terrorist agent was killed by the sniping, and the red-haired woman left!

Soon after that, they arrived around the square and found Jian Qi who was about to leave by car!

This may or may not be a coincidence!

After all, this kind of thing is too sudden, and suddenly it seems that everything has a very special connection!

Tang Jinyu looked sideways at Jian Qi next to him, and suddenly felt that the woman next to him didn't know anything.

Is she bohemian? Is she indifference or bloodthirsty?

Staring at people, the light in Tang Jinyu's eyes became more and more sinking.

Jane, who the **** are you?

Are you you?

Tang Jinyu withdrew his eyes and twitched his lips, feeling a little strange. What was he thinking?

If she is not her, who is she?

She didn't wear a human skin mask, and Coco grew up with her. What she knows best about her is that Coco doesn't think this face is fake, and he can't see the true or false of this face!

Tang Jinyu stared staringly at Jian Qi who had fallen asleep. It seemed that she put down the alert and fell asleep. She seemed to arouse people's desire to protect!

Such her, there is no aggression!

In fact, even Qi Qi, who is asleep, is aggressive!

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