Beware Mr. Officer, Tread Carefully!

Chapter 482: My teacher Tang’s small body can’t bear the injury

Biquge, the quickest update is Goreng Emperor, and can't afford the latest chapter!

"Who?" Jane said tentatively.

The door was slapped again with a slap, and Gui Gui's cold voice sounded again: "Have you gone to the toilet sewer? Can you move a little slower?"

Jian Qi: "..."

"Dear Instructor Di Tang, if you grieve your little fairy, will she really cry to death?" Jian Qiyou complained.

Jian Qi said, reaching for the flush toilet, the water rang, and she spoke again: "Two minutes, come out immediately!"

Outside the door, Tang Jinyu closed his hand and went out again.

Jian Qi quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth, then walked out and followed Tang Jinyu's footsteps with his backpack on his back.

The two came to the hospital cafeteria, and a group of people sat there wearing casual clothes, but because they were carrying backpacks, the group of people sitting there was still slightly noticeable.

In particular, the value of each face is not low, and the temperament is extraordinary, it makes people can not help but look at it a few more times.

Tang Jinyu and Jian Qi sat down, and the people sitting looked directly at them in unison, and finally looked at Jian Qi with an ambiguous face.

"Sister Qi, did you sleep well last night?" The crocodile said with a smile.

Jian Qi nodded: "It's very fragrant, after all, it's rare to be in the same room with my Tang instructor alone or widow!"

Everyone thought about turning corners and digging for secrets, but did not expect that Jian Qi was obviously much faster than them. In a word, the amount of information was so large that they felt that the dog food was about to hit them.

"If it weren't for the inadequate injury of my instructor Tang's body, I had to fight him for 300 rounds last night!"

Everyone: "..."

Sister Qi, are you sure your small body can't stand it?

For the eyes of everyone, Jian Qi ignored it. She turned her head to look at Tang Jinyu, blinked her eyes, and looked forward to the opening, "Teacher Tang, if you hurt a little better, we..."

Before Kan Qi's words were finished, Tang Jinyu stretched out his hand and took the bread from the dinner plate into her mouth.

The low air pressure that Tang Jinyu exuded early in the morning caused everyone to bury their heads and solve the breakfast in front of them quickly.

They should stop talking nonsense and wait for breakfast for a while, but they will be directly killed by dog ​​food!

Jian Qi reached for the bread in his mouth and looked at Tang Jinyu with full of anger. "Don't be shy."

Tang Jinyu didn't look at her, and the chilly mouth said: "If you feel you can't eat enough, you can go out and run a few kilometers back."

The voice fell, and Jane turned his head quickly, very seriously.

Tang Jinyu paused, turned his eyes and looked at someone next to him, with a slight smile across his eyes.

If you really don't die for a day, you will feel uncomfortable!


On the helicopter, everyone seemed a little quiet at the moment.

This time, the task was successfully completed by everyone. At the same time, it was also a pleasure to be happy.

Although injured, everyone is still alive.

Jian Qi looked out the window and looked at the prosperous city farther and farther away from her, but she didn't miss it at all.

She stayed here so long, but she didn't have any sense of belonging!

She didn’t spend much time with this group of people, but she felt very happy in her heart.

Jian Qi smiled and rejoiced again that he met such a group of people.

"Sister Qi, what are you smirking about?" Lightning sat across from Jian Qi and looked up to see that Jian Qi was smiling, and the feeling was very strange.

Especially deep...

It's totally different from her image!

Jian Qi turned his gaze to look at Lightning, and smiled with evil spirits: "Lightning Instructor, your eyesight has really dropped recently."


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