Mrs. Bai stood in the air. The throne behind her was scattered. The broken bones and skeleton ants were attached to her. Some of them agglomerated into the body of Jiaolong, some of them were spliced into bone tails much longer than her body. Some of them spontaneously grew out of silk, or held or held the gorgeous cloud temples as if they were crowns. Most of the rest were attached to her body and limbs, like a white bone armor.

And her two shoulders, each hanging a pure black and pure white crescent moon, the two crescent moon in her beautiful and enchanting face in the middle of the draw a line like dawn and dusk.

At the moment, Mrs. Bai is like a life out of myth, between the beautiful woman and the ancient beast.

"King Ming..."

Rather catch water to piece together a soul, look up, just a look can't help kowtow.

The other Ming officials also bowed their heads together.

Mrs. Bai didn't pursue to kill Zhao xianger. At the moment, her power is almost great. It's only easy to kill them. What she worries about now is whether the power beyond the law of the world will come suddenly and crush herself as usual.

So she must build a complete country as soon as possible.

"Many years later, the little girl who crawled out of the pile of bones cooked her body in sand and water and finally survived. She walked forward and gradually forgot everything. She came to a small town and went to the city with the refugees."

"Little white bone girl didn't know her origin. She thought she was just an ordinary girl. She lived like an ordinary person until she was killed by an old Taoist at the age of 14."

"Of course, the girl chosen by Ming Jun won't die. She gradually remembers everything. Over the years, people in the city have never given her much kindness, but she plans to give the City eternal life with good for bad."

"Five years later, on the eve of new year's Eve, the little girl lived up to the expectation of the king in the dark, restored her supreme state and inherited the power of the king in the dark. From then on, Linhe City will be hidden in the world as a brand-new Fengdu."

"Gods live in the world, accompanied by eternal loneliness, but they will wake up one day with the power beyond everything."

"From then on, I will wear such a crown and become a new one."

Mrs. Bai's voice is like singing, completing the last gap of mythological logic.

In the wilderness outside Linhe City, those wandering spirits gather one after another. They gather in the sky of Fengdu God Kingdom, like a flash of light on the water. However, they do not disappear in a flash, but actually gather together, forming a very complex caisson.

Mrs. Bai looked up at the sky. Her voice was majestic and proud: "the Ming officials listen to the orders, and each department will guard them."

On the Naihe bridge, all the souls responded together. They appeared almost at the same time in the halls of Yan Luo, the court of justice, the palace of impermanence and other buildings which had been given power. All of them were sitting in a state of anxiety, and their faces were solemn and holy without any emotion.

Only the girl in plain clothes and Shubai remained by the bridge.

This bridge is her eternal residence.

But Shu Bai seems to have been forgotten. He can't move his body, can't speak, and can't watch the shocking scenes just now. He wants to faint, but his consciousness is more and more clear. Everything that happened seems to be magnified several times by his senses, and it's very clear and real.

On the other hand, Ning Changjiu pulls Ning Xiaoling away quickly. He comes to Zhao xianger's side and grabs her hand. Just now Mrs. Bai's hand hits her. She is injured. If all the buildings in the city are not real now, she is covered with dust.

"Go first!" Ning Changjiu said.

Zhao Xiang'er nodded. As soon as he threw his sword, he called out nine feathers and was about to take them to the edge of Fengdu.

White madam light ground glanced at them one eye, way: "want to go, want to go?"

With a scornful smile and a touch of her fingertips, she issued the first law of Fengdu Kingdom: "all living creatures with life activity can not leave the kingdom of God constructed by the nether world."

When the first law was promulgated, the three people above jiuyu immediately felt the hostility.

That hostility does not come from a particular point, but from the whole world they live in.

The desolate night seems to turn into a long and endless sea in an instant, and you can't swim with the Mirs in the north and the south,

Mrs. Bai didn't kill them immediately. She was intoxicated with the pleasure of holding power. Her white and sharp fingers gently broke the void and issued the second rule: "in the kingdom of God, all living creatures or dead souls should follow the will of the King Ming and bow down to him."

As soon as the decree was issued, Ning Xiaoling was the first to be affected.

She hugged her head and tried to cover her ears to block Mrs. Bai's evil words.

But it's just a cover up.

The law has been issued, which has nothing to do with whether she hears it or not. Those who do not know it are also guilty.

In Ning Xiaoling's heart, the fighting spirit was quickly disintegrated and erased. A voice in her heart kept telling her that Mingjun was the master of all things, and that she should respect and bow her head when she was born in the world.

"Ah..." she wailed bitterly, struggling with the will from the bottom of her heart, but before long, the power of law will swallow everything.

Ning had a hard time with Zhao Xiang'er for a long time. They looked at each other and felt sad

In flashed the same idea, speak with one voice: "Ming Lord."

The king of the underworld did not shout at Mrs. Bai, but at each other.

Just now, in their subconscious, they planted a thought for themselves, that is, the man in front of them is the king of hell.

At the same time, they knelt down to each other, and Ning Xiaoling also made a psychological hint to herself like them, knelt down to the elder martial brother, which temporarily offset the influence of the law.

White madam tiny Zheng, immediately indifferent smile, she understands, is oneself didn't give the Ming king this word to make a clear definition, let them find a loophole.

But what's the point.

She fingered again and drew up the next order.

"Anyone who dares to be above the night should bear the cutting of the night."

After the command was given, countless corpses with swords appeared in the paint around jiuyu. There was no sign of their appearance, and the sharp blade in their hands had no luster. They were just like people who were ordered to execute.

In the night in all directions, the dense corpse shadows cut down the sword at the same time.

Zhao xianger pulls out the red umbrella on his back, holds up the ancient umbrella and sweeps it. Ning Changchang and Ning Xiaoling put out their swords at the same time. Two flying swords surround them and kill those corpses who want to bully their bodies.

"Go down first!" Ning long low voice.

Zhao Xiang'er let out a sound, and jiuyu made a dive like an arrow.

Mrs. Bai continued: "on the ground of the underworld, the executioner holding the sword is waiting for the blasphemous man falling from the night sky."

On the Bank of the yellow spring with its tail in its mouth, the broken skulls on the ground are endowed with spirituality again. They build up again, and the broken bones are melted into pale long knives, which are cut down to some place in the night sky accurately.

Zhao xianger wants to draw a sword directly to meet her. Ning Changjiu holds her hand and says, "get out of the city!"

Zhao Xiang'er doesn't like this tone, but now the situation is critical, and she doesn't say anything. Jiuyu turns sideways to avoid the chopping of the bone knife. Zhao Xiang'er says, "later, you will protect me with all your strength. I will concentrate on cutting the Fengdu area."

Ning Changchang and Ning Xiaoling both look resolute and nod together.

But Mrs. Bai doesn't seem to care about their escape. She takes the mysterious figure of pale beauty to step on the invisible steps in the void, and walks to the Naihe bridge. She looks at the tree white, like looking at her own people, with a little softness in her dignified eyes.

"See? That's the power of power, and you can have it. " Mrs. Bai stretched out her white and sharp fingers and slowly pointed them to his eyebrows.

Tree white heard her words clearly, but there was a very strong conflict in his heart. He wanted to refuse, but he could not make any redundant action. He could only open his eyes and watch his eyebrows on the precise point.

Shubai doesn't know what happened to him.

If there is a mirror at the moment, he can see how pale his face is now. The most important thing is that in his eyes, the pupil is gone, and instead, there are two black and white crescent moon.

Then, the storm of power poured into his body. Shubai shuddered all over. He felt that a torrent suddenly appeared in his body, washing everything away. However, he could not feel the pain of the broken viscera. Instead, he felt a sense of relief.

Looking at his annihilated and new body, Mrs. Bai was very satisfied with her own means. She calmly announced: "from then on, you will be the Lord of this Fengdu temple. You will guard here for me and resist all those who want to destroy the kingdom of God."

Tree white heard clearly, but did not understand, he opened his mouth, found that he can speak: "temple Lord?"

Mrs. Bai nodded: "this city is just one of the Youming halls that I built. In the future, I will build nine cities like this. When the tenth hall is really completed, it is the magnificent kingdom that really surpasses the world, and even can compete with the legendary Lord of the secluded kingdom."

Shu Bai couldn't understand her words with his knowledge at the moment. He just felt that he had touched a line that he couldn't touch.

Mrs. Bai just told him, and did not hope that he could understand.

She released the finger that pressed his brow and said, "look, what is the power of the real God and... What will happen to those who want to blaspheme the authority of the God."


In the night sky, nine feathers suddenly hissed, it silently flapped its wings, set off a huge wind, but the body can no longer move forward an inch.

In front of jiuyu, the pale and graceful figure suddenly appeared. She stretched out her hand and pressed it gently towards the three people on jiuyu's back.

There was almost no sound or bright color, but a great impact force suddenly overturned jiuyu. Zhao xianger opened the umbrella for the first time, but it didn't help in the face of this force. The force shook the surface of the umbrella and made her numb through the handle. The whole person was thrown back in a moment.

The distance that jiuyu had just crossed was flattened. They fell heavily on the side of the yellow spring, with different injuries.

Because of jiuyu and Hongsan, a large part of Zhao xianger's impact force was still resisted. Although he also fell heavily on the ground, he did not suffer any fatal injury. Without waiting for her to stabilize her body, in front of her body,

Lady Bai's figure reappeared.

Mrs. Bai looked down at the girl holding the sword and said with admiration, "what a beautiful girl. It's really easy for a woman in the world to hate because of her jealousy."

With that, she pointed out again. With a sound of Ding, it seemed that some kind of command had been realized. Zhao xianger's umbrella face was suddenly pressed down by a force, and her body slipped out. Behind her, Mrs. Bai appeared silently. Her hand, like jade bone carving, was pressed on Zhao xianger's back. The girl groaned with pain, and her eyebrows were frowning for a moment.

The red rope tied to the horse's tail is broken, her long hair is scattered, and is grasped by Mrs. Bai. Then with Mrs. Bai's figure, Zhao xianger is pulled by her long hair and lifted up in the air.

"I heard that you are the female monarch of the state of Zhao?" Mrs. Bai twisted her hand, looked at the exquisite little face like a porcelain doll, gently stroked it with her fingers, and said, "what? When I just killed the bone demon, wasn't it majestic? Why are you going to be a prisoner all of a sudden? "

Zhao xianger is in great pain. She wants to summon jiuyu to attack in the rear, but the jiuyu is nailed to the ground by a bone needle of Mrs. Bai.

Mrs. Bai looked at the face, then raised her head and slapped her face on Bai's face. With a slap, the girl's head tilted, and there was a striking slap on her left cheek. Her thin lip corner also spilled blood.

Ning long, who was almost hard to move, heard the sound. It seemed to hit his heart. He shuddered all over, and a nameless force poured into his inner body. Without any thinking, he directly picked up the sword by instinct, emptied his whole body and chopped at Mrs. Bai.

Lady Bai's pupil flashed a strange color, followed by a still contemptuous smile.

As soon as she pushed and dropped her hand, Ning Long's powerful sword was pulled by the irresistible force, and her body was out of balance. She fell to the ground again and fell into a deep pit.

Mrs. Bai looked at him and tut tut said: "this young man seems to like you very much, but it's also that you are such a beautiful person. Even I can't help but see that you are quite unreasonable. Do you want me to train you for your future husband first?"

Zhao xianger's body kept shaking under her powerful pressure. She wanted to speak, but she didn't open her mouth at all.

Suddenly, she remembered that day and night when she was in the underground palace. She fell into it by mistake and crawled on the ground under the authority of the old fox. Her bones were several times heavier, and her chest was also like a huge stone. It was hard for her to breathe. That kind of pain made her repeat the process of coma and awakening several times, and she was saved by her mother one day and one night later.

Now she clearly has a powerful force and the sharpest sword, but that kind of painful torture comes again, trampling on her dignity.

There was a mother who could take her away. Now who can save her?

She was never afraid of death, just regret.

While Mrs. Bai was holding her body, as if appreciating a beautiful China, looking at her exquisite curves wrapped in black tights, it was like the exquisite craftsmanship of heaven, and every undulation of the lines was close to perfection.

But the appreciation in Mrs. Bai's eyes became cruel and rejecting. She likes this kind of beauty and also wants to destroy it. How can the gorgeous petals be more pleasing to the eyes than the red flowers falling all over the ground.

She grabbed her neck and wanted to tear her clothes first and then cut her penis a little bit.

"Let her go..."

Ning Long's voice rings out again, she looks sideways, don't know why this youth still has strength to come to oneself in front.

Of course, it doesn't matter. How powerless is this painless threat.

She points again and knocks Ning Changjiu's body down again. She looks at the boy and says, "it seems that you really like her, but do you like her heart or this skin bag? If it's a heart, I can open it up and give it to you. If it's a skin bag, I can peel it off and put it on your younger martial sister, so you can have double love..."

Mrs. Bai was very satisfied with her idea.

But the boy seems to have been knocked unconscious in the pit, I don't know if I have heard his beautiful advice.

It suddenly occurred to Mrs. Bai that this scene seemed familiar, but she was too lazy to think about it.

She looked at the beautiful girl in front of her and lost her last patience.

The sky and the earth were dark.

Being nailed to the ground by a bone nail, jiuyu struggles hard, but he can't get away. He can only utter a cry.

Ning Xiaoling was also seriously injured and comatose by the previous blow. The corners of her eyes kept beating, but she couldn't wake up.

Only the red moon is like a strange eye, witnessing all this.

Mrs. Bai has already stretched out her sharp knife like fingers and pressed them on Zhao Xiang'er's chest, gently cutting her black strong clothes. And at that moment, the deep pit on the ground, covered with blood Ning long but opened his eyes. Instead of looking at Mrs. Bai, he looked at the first mythical pillar. He stared at the pillar, and his pupils turned into bright gold, like hot molten gold. Mrs. Bai felt the difference and frowned at it. Then, the pillar, which symbolizes mythological logic and can stand for thousands of years, began to slowly collapse.

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