The gray and black fog is stirring up and down. In the extreme darkness, these fog clusters are like the light with dead ash. In the fog package, countless long smoke are like entangled and wriggling snakes. They are rushing towards the direction of Ninglong falling, but they are extremely afraid of Jinwu light.

In the sense of falling, Ning long-term only has the consciousness to bite the tip of his tongue. The pain makes him awake for a short time. He opens his golden pupil, and he can't see the edge of the cliff. The vision occupied by those small, smoky snakes is dense like corpses. They have gathered into a hurricane like inverted cone. Just one look, it makes people's scalp explode.

In the process of rapid falling, Ning long held the sword in his hand and stabbed around. Fortunately, he didn't fall too far away from the cliff. Not far from the sword, he touched the hard rock wall.

His spirit quenched on the edge of the sword and plunged into it. His body was also forced to hit the rock wall. Then, following the inertia of falling, his blade kept sliding like cutting rotten soil. Along the smooth wall, he cut a very long gully all the way.

Ning long did not know how long he would fall in this abyss, but people always had instinctive fear of the unknown darkness. In the process of falling, he looked down, as if he could see countless evils and dangers hidden in the darkness.

His heart was so wary that he could not be calm at all. He grasped the hilt of the sword, and his wrist and arm were almost unconscious. Jinwu could not condense into a specific shape. Where it passed, it pulled out a long golden ribbon, which closed little by little in the dark, like a golden fishing line hanging from the sky.

After he fell into the wall with his sword, the speed of his descent slowed down a lot, so the fear brought by the abyss seemed to be pulled for a long time. He was in such a long and palpitating situation, and tried his best to make his mood calm.

That Jinwu and he together, his physical condition is getting worse and worse, Jinwu also become weaker and weaker, finally, it broke into a golden ball of light, suddenly into the body of Ning long, Ning long felt a touch of warmth from his chest, which helped him dispel a lot of cold.

The sword body and the wall kept rubbing, sparks splashing, and soon the pressure of the sword body almost reached the extreme.

Ning Changjiu knew that without this sword, he would fall into the abyss, and even break into pieces.

He pressed his hands on the hilt and bit his teeth. I don't know if it's an illusion. In the light he glanced down, he saw a faint green light.

The light is far away and small. It is arranged according to the pattern of a certain array. It looks like a constellation in the night sky, but it has the meaning of sacrificing the dead.

Ning long can't find out what it is. He can only make a preliminary judgment that it is the bottom of the abyss. The past practitioners hollowed out a mountain, which is equivalent to falling directly from the peak to the bottom!

Still falling at a high speed, the distance between him and those strange ghosts was shortened in an instant.

The ghost fire keeps enlarging in the sight, and the fear in the heart grows uncontrollably. When the sword in the hand burns to the extreme, it bursts with a crackle. The broken sword, which was trapped in the rock wall, suddenly loses its support and slides to the empty place - the rock wall appears a broken layer, and he enters a broader space!

Ning long low roar a, the whole body's spirit dint tide water gush out, before he want to fall into that lamplight of encircle, protected his body.


Ning long body hit the ground, his back pain, like hit something, he did not care, just rolled a few circles, removed the impact of the fall, and then hit the hard stone pier again.

It's a huge round stone pier under the dragon column.

Ning Chang's throat was sweet and he vomited blood. His body curled up in pain, his hands and feet trembled. The blood ran down his cheek and covered his eyelids. He stretched out his sleeve and touched his face to wipe the blood.

He got up with difficulty, but his body was hurt too much, his golden pupil could not gather in any case, so he had to reluctantly open his weaker sword eyes and look around.

It's a huge circular space.

The space is made of huge stones, solemn and solemn.

On the ground, there are countless strange objects, which are hard to distinguish at a glance, but the dust with different thickness on them shows that they have been for many years, and many of them are covered with old cloth, which is made of special material, a little awning, and the four corners of the cloth are lined.

It should be something dropped from the top. For fear of direct damage, I tied this cloth and let it fall here slowly.

Ning Changchang once asked Yan Zhou what is hidden here. Yan Zhou told him that there are many treasures in the world, which are very precious, but the demons and evils or other breath that can pollute the spirit can't be erased, so he can only hide them with pain.

And the huge space under the hidden peak is scattered with countless such evil weapons.

It should be the artifacts left over from the time when the gods were fighting.

The evil nature of the utensils filled the space, which made Ning feel a strong discomfort for a long time. His ears had already heard the roar and roar of the fierce beast, and the blood and cremation were real colors, which burned his eyelids.

Fortunately, in this space, aura is also abundant, even several times more abundant than hidden peak. This is similar to what he initially guessed. According to the phenomenon that the aura will sink when it reaches enough concentration, the aura in the hidden peak will flow to this space like a waterfall, and accumulate such a large amount of aura in order to suppress and wash the evil nature of these utensils. Even so, it should be a long process of hundreds of years. Ning Changchang doesn't think it's his chance to fall here. He doesn't dare to try to control any objects, and he doesn't have to take such risks. But the evil weapons seemed to be lonely for a long time. After feeling the breath of strangers, they made a trembling sound, which seemed to tempt him to pick them up. Ning long rejected these voices. After a brief breath adjustment, he began to look for the outlet of this space. He stood up and looked around slowly. The green lights he had seen before were all lights. Now there was no barrier of rich aura. All the lights in front of him were pure milky white, and the pole was very long. I didn't know what material was hidden in it, which could make the fire bright for a hundred years. Ning long stood up along the huge stone mound. His head suddenly hit something very hard, and it hurt a little. He took away some of his body, and there was an instinctive chill behind him. He felt that there was a very dangerous thing behind him. It was like a long sword on his back. As long as the other side made a little effort, he could pierce his heart. And he didn't notice until now. Ning calmed down for a long time. As he calmed down, the sense of danger gradually faded away. He turned around, opened his eyes and saw something like the white bone frame. He felt something was wrong. Then he stepped back a few steps, and then he finally saw what it was. The dragon column that runs through the mountain is really wrapped with dragons! The dragon shaped object is a huge, white and bony object. It winds around the pillar in circles. Only after tens of feet can you see the head. If you separate the body wrapped on the pillar, I don't know how long it will be. As soon as Ning Changjiu saw it, he felt a strange emotion in his heart. That emotion was not fear or excitement. He didn't know how to describe it. He just had a sense of epic vicissitudes. He looked carefully and found that it was not a keel, because it had no four claws. It looks more like a mythical python. It has been dead for many years. At this moment, the huge body wrapped around the pillar is still full of horror, while its conical head is lifted upward, looking at the exit of the deep well like space. This action of leaning and looking up is like a living creature, which makes people feel that it will wake up again at any time. It will slide along the dragon column and return to its kingdom again. That huge sense of oppression almost makes Ning long breathless, and at the moment, in the endless darkness, in the cold lights, a sound rings out, which makes Ning long like falling into the ice cellar. The voice is old and weak, like the wind mixed with dust, with uncomfortable shriveled and astringent. The owner of the voice should be an old man with white hair and half a foot into the coffin. But that's the only voice here at the moment“ This is the skeleton of Ba snake. At that time, the barbarian rode a god elephant to kill the snake demon, but the god elephant was swallowed by Ba snake. The tribe of the barbarian was also injured more than half. Later, the snake demon did not know who killed him, and the skeleton fell into the Southern wilderness. " The voice has a strange magic, as if if if you listen to it once, you will believe every word that the other party says. Ning Changchang's face was also in a trance for a moment. His heart was full of gold and black, and a sense of lucidity poured into his eyes. He blurted out: "who are you?"... " In the sword field, Ning Xiaoling didn't wait for Ning Changjiu.

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