There is no summer in duanjie city. The temperature is like nest after nest of mosquitoes, which fluctuate back and forth. Sometimes the hot and dry wind is buzzing, sometimes the cold is biting, which is very disturbing. Shao Xiaoli cooked a pot of bean porridge and brought it out. The steaming heat sprayed on her red face. Ning Changchang rolled over the Taoist methods he had learned in his previous life. Most of them were not as mysterious as the moon in the mirror, but more like the origin and foundation of many magic arts. Light through the window fell on his face, rather long open eyes, pupil is light. He held out his finger to touch the light in front of him“ Beyond the light... "Ning pondered this sentence in his heart for a long time. In this world, there are many masters who can cut the sword beyond sound. The sword and the sound come out together, the sword comes first, the words come again, and the head has landed. But no one ever felt that his sword or body method could surpass the light. There are all kinds of skills about this, which are just fables. He would not believe Yechu's words. He knew that Shifu was so powerful that even when he was about to ascend, he had no resistance under her sword. But in the fate of death, he survived after all, and returned to 12 years ago. Is it still in destiny? Shao Xiaoli brings bean porridge to him. Ning long drink bean porridge, looking at the side of the little girl, said: "the imperial ban has been issued down." Shao Xiaoli nodded gently and said: "I heard that the king has issued a killing order. To find out the monster named chongsui, I can't get out of the city for the next three months." Ning long if you want to go out, he has a way out of the city, but he began to doubt whether it is meaningful. Powerful as Yechu and Siming, they are still trapped in this world. One is hidden in the snow Valley, and the other is hidden in the King City. It seems that they are playing an invisible game. Shao Xiaoli also felt that three months was very long. She said anxiously, "boss, you don't want to leave secretly, do you?" If he left, he would not be far away from death. Ning Changjiu shook his head and said, "I won't go for the time being." Shao Xiaoli believes what he says unconditionally. Ning Changjiu suddenly asked, "can you suffer?" Shao Xiaoli recalled that when he was a child, when he knew that he had no royal blood, he tried his best to practice, pretending to be a real Royal descendant, and even went to steal pills. The pressure and fear at that time were far greater than they are today. She nodded hard: "I can eat it!" Ning Changchang said, "well, from today on, for the next three months, you can learn sword from me." Even though Ning had said it for a long time yesterday, she still felt a little abrupt. After a short period of stupidity, Shao Xiaoli knelt down and said, "I'll see you, master!" Ning Changjiu shook his head gently: "you don't have to call me Shifu."“ "Er..." Shao Xiaoli raised her head and didn't know whether to stand up. She asked, "what should I do?" Ning long way: "after the bean porridge, add more sugar." With that, Ning Changjiu walked towards the house. Shao Xiaoli looks at his back and thinks it's so simple. She swallows the saliva from her throat. Yu Guang secretly takes a look at Ning Changchang. Two people looked at each other, tacit. Xueyujun cried in the scabbard: "I don't want to be such an ugly bird!" But it also knew that it had no choice. The broken sword was decaying day by day, and the space was very narrow. It really longed for freedom. Maybe this was the price of freedom. When the scene ended, Shao Xiaoli, who had the courage to summon up, ran to the king and asked, "father, is Su Yanshu OK?" The king stopped. He had many daughters in his life. It's no wonder that he was affectionate. When the king passed on, he had a clear indicator of the number of descendants of each generation. He remembers the name of the daughter. Before her mother hanged herself, he liked it very much. But now, her mother's suspected self hanging adds a knot to his affection. But since she successfully summoned the spirit, the king did not vent his anger on her. He just said with a smile, "don't worry, she's fine."“ Then I want to see her. " Shao Xiaoli said( Thanks to the leader of the alliance, the helmsman of jichan river!! Thank you for your support and encouragement! (MEDA)

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