"That's what you use." Looking at Shao Xiaoli, Siming said in a soft voice: "this move is like a needle and a sleeve. It's a very good sword technique. Who do you want to learn from? "

Shao Xiaoli has never seen the woman in front of her.

The lines of her cheeks are as soft as carving, and the soft silver hair is more like the best cotton thread. She drapes them neatly, and then sticks to the lines of her body. Some of them are straight to the back, and some of them flow down the proud curve of her chest. The black robe is not absolutely black, and there are some lines inlaid with silver lines on it. Those lines are deeply buried, which vaguely outline a complete pattern, Shao Xiaoli can't see clearly.

The sudden appearance of this woman overturned her cognition.

She only felt that even Su Yanshu's elder sister, who had all kinds of manners, seemed to be a rouge fan compared with the woman in front of her.

"I..." Shao Xiaoli slightly back to God, of course, she can't give the boss out, nervous way: "I this is self-taught sword."

Siming said with a smile: "my little sister is really gifted."

Shao Xiaoli didn't know whether he was a friend or an enemy. He just quietly retreated behind the door and said, "what's the matter with this elder sister?"

Shao Xiaoli said, Yu Guang glanced at it and was stunned again.

I had a fight with the three eyed boy. The boy was hit on the street, and then he slipped all the way and hit the opposite wall. The smoke and dust hanging from the wall stagnated in the air after the silver haired woman appeared.

Shao Xiaoli was shocked and immediately looked away at the whole street.

There is no change in the long street, the wind does not come, the leaves do not sound, the lanterns do not shake, everything seems to be stagnant, quiet as death.

Shao Xiaoli once heard that there is a great God who can hold Yin and Yang in her palm and turn the time. She thought it was a legend, but now the goddess really came to her. Shao Xiaoli scratched his messy hair and dirty skirt because of his sword practice, which made him feel ashamed.

And the woman's clothes also seemed to rise and fall in the waves of time, slowly and affectionately. Her soft eyes always looked at Shao Xiaoli and said, "my sister just saw that your swordsmanship is good. I love you. Would you like to follow my sister? I can teach you a hundred times more magic than the most powerful skill of duanjie city."

Her voice came into her ears gently, with a touching color that was convincing. Shao Xiaoli looked in a trance, and the foot that returned to the threshold unconsciously stepped out.

"Magic?" Shao Xiaoli asked subconsciously.

Simang nodded and said, "I can take you out of duanjie City, teach you how to control other people's lives, let you live forever in the river of time, and help you keep anyone you want to keep."

"Keep anyone you want to keep?" Shao Xiaoli's eyes flashed.

Siming nodded with a smile. She held out her hands as flawless as jade. Her palms were upward and her fingers were slightly curled. She gently moved and said, "follow me."

Shao Xiaoli's steps actually followed her soft hands.

After only two steps, Shao Xiaoli is alarmed. She looks back slightly, stops, and looks at each other again with a faint resistance.

Simang said slowly, "do you believe me?"

"I..." Shao Xiaoli looked at her face, and there was a voice in her heart telling her, how could this sister be so beautiful to cheat? It was like the boss never cheated me... Right! boss.

She hesitated and looked back into the room.

Siming also followed her eyes.

"What can I do for you?"

Ning Changjiu didn't know when he appeared not far behind Shao Xiaoli. His white clothes were washed by Shao Xiaoli himself, very clean, with the fragrance of plants.

Ning long walked out of the house slowly and looked at the silver haired woman who claimed to be the maid of destiny.

The silver haired woman also looked at him and said with a smile, "young master, I didn't think you were here too. That day, it was nearly March, but I didn't even come to look for me?"

Ning Changjiu said, "come on in."

Listening to their conversation, Shao Xiaoli was surprised. He thought when the eldest brother and such a beautiful sister got together... He kept it from me... Should he go out for a private meeting while I was sleeping?

Then, I will be their servant girl in the future!

Standing among them, Shao Xiaoli suddenly felt a little redundant. She couldn't help scratching her face. Her face looked like a dish.

Ning Changjiu patted her on the shoulder when he turned back and said in lip language: "be careful yourself."


Siming slightly raised the hem of the black robe, gently crossed the threshold, and walked into the yard with Ning long.

Xueyujun is squatting under a tree in the yard like an old hen. When he sees the silver haired woman coming, he rushes to the tree like a killer. He hides among the leaves of the tree, pretending that he is just a passing bird.

Siming looked at it gently and said, "this chicken looks familiar."

Ning Changchang said: "I'm still a little thin now. Maybe I can make a pot of soup for you when the girl comes next time."

Siming narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "the hospitality of young master is really good."

Ning long stopped, he looked back, and then gradually frowned.

She stood in the yard with one hand on her back and the other hand on her chest. On the palm of her hand, there were several golden threads.

I'd rather be silent for a long time.

This is the array he prepared in advance in the yard.

This is the array that Ning Xiaoling buried in the courtyard when he was possessed.

This is the golden wire net array. It's said that in ancient times, the friars buried gold thread in the bottom of the river and trapped Jiaolong. It's very powerful.

Today's array is dozens of times better than that of Ning Xiaoling.

He didn't expect to trap her, but he didn't think about it. Before the array started, he was uprooted like a carrot.

"I'm also worried about the calamity and chaos of the royal city. So I've set up this array to protect myself. Don't blame me, girl." Rather long face does not change color ground to say.

Siming twisted the golden thread with his fingers, and he played a few frightening tones. He would rather not be moved for a long time, and walked towards the house.

Si Ming didn't destroy the array, but let it go again.

She walked in with Ning Changjiu's steps. When she got to the door, she took off a piece of yellow Rune paper with modification marks, and then picked out the "tongue" of a brass bell under the door. Then she stepped into the room.

Ning long seems calm, but the heart is tight.

Some of the methods he laid out these days have been cracked one by one by the other.

This is two people who did not speak, tacit.

Siming is full of body and light footed. As she walks, she cleans up the dishes and chopsticks on the table and sets them one by one.

"She can see the water bowl's incantation array?" Finally, the spirit of the sword Scripture couldn't hold on and said with his mind.

Siming cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, picked up the feather duster, dusted off the cobwebs on the wall, and also conveniently dusted off the red shell beetle that had been lying in the shadow. The beetle was frightened and fled to the crack of the door. On the way, its body quickly decayed and turned to dust, and then it was gently scattered by Siming with the feather duster.

"No? This bloody corpse was picked up by us in the ice field of the snow plain. It's as solid as a rock. If water and fire don't enter, the sword can't kill it. This... "The spirit of the sword Sutra seems to have seen a ghost.

Hiding in the big tree outside, xueyujun thought to himself that it was a duster made of plucking my hair. It was really powerful!

After dusting off the bloody corpse, Siming was attracted by several paintings on the wall. She went to the new paintings and her eyes seemed to be contained in the canvas.

This is a volume of space drawn by Ning Changchang with the help of Zhang qieyu's painting skills. The four paintings seem to be separated, but in fact they are integrated with each other. There are places where you can hide yourself and places where you can imprison others.

But the painting also did not hide from Siming's eyes.

"The master's writing skills are exquisite, and the charm is vivid and moving. If this is the best work of everyone in the world, I won't doubt it. It's just that this scroll is not beautiful." Simang said slowly, then stretched out his hand and turned the position of several paintings.

Although the four paintings still contain the law of space, the broken law is no longer a threat to her.

"This is really a fairy." The spirit way of sword Classics: "you this donkey seems to be able to dry stare."

Ning Changchang's heart is tense. He knows that the other side will break the situation he has laid down. It's not urgent, it's also the process of slowly grinding his heart.

Simang smiles superficially. In this not luxurious room, her back looks more and more beautiful.

She cleaned up the rest of the room.

At the moment, she looks very Shu Xian, but she looks like the wife of a good family who lived together many years ago. Her temperament has been softened by the precipitation of years, but her cheeks are still with the beautiful appearance of 28 years, and she bends down from time to time

The slender but plump figure was so stiff that it was hard to imagine what kind of special things were wrapped in the black robe.

Such a woman, no matter who sees it, may give birth to a feeling that it would be better if she were her own wife.

But Ning long eyes always no waves, he looked at her pick up the ground when the candle slightly bent body, calm way: "with me into the house."

Simang got up slowly. A lock of hair dropped from behind her ear and fell to her cheek. She put her hand on it and lowered her head slightly. She felt like a little bit of jade. "Are you inviting me, young master?"

Ning long in the heart silently recites the pure heart incantation, straight walked into the house.

Siming followed in.

"It looks like a woman's boudoir." Siming looked around and said.

Ning Changjiu nodded and said, "this is mother Li's room. After her mother died, this room will be vacated for me."

Simingqing let out a sound. She hung her sleeves and walked silently. Her slender figure floated across the room like a ghost. Through the light of the window paper, it fell on her silver hair like cotton, sending out a thin halo.

Ning long poured a bowl of water for her and said, "girl, please sit down."

Siming sat down and looked at Ning Chang with soft eyes.

Ning Changjiu opened the door to the mountain and said, "girl, I don't know what happened this time

Simang said angrily, "are you willing to ask me? More than two months ago, I sent you a keepsake to meet my master in Xingling hall. The master waited so long, but he didn't wait for you. However, the master told me that in ancient times, when I visited the immortal, there was a saying that I would go out of the mountain three times, so he ordered me to come again and ask my son to go to the Xingling hall for a talk. "

Ning Changchang said: "it's not that I don't want to go, but I can't find the location of Xingling hall."

Siming lightly covered his lower lip as if he could wake up. He laughed apologetically and stood up to give Ning Changjiu a gift. He apologized and said, "Xingling hall is different from secular king hall, but it's a little girl's negligence. Please don't blame me."

Rather long under the guise of putting the kettle slightly sideways, to avoid this ceremony.

Siming took his seat again, stretched out his beautiful jade finger, and said, "if you like, I'd like to take you to the temple to see our master."

Ning Changchang said: "if your master has something to do, just ask you to tell me. Why bother so much?"

Siming said: "the monster of chongsui is still waiting in this city. Every word we say may be heard by him. Only Xingling hall is isolated from the world, and can discuss some important matters."

Ning long did not answer, suddenly asked: "why did you say that with Xiao Li before?"


Ning Chang Chang asked, "do you need my help?"

"The young master is really a wise man." Simang said: "if the young master is really the son of heaven in the legend, then even my master will be willing to worship you as a God and bow to you and listen to you, only if he is obedient."

As he spoke, Siming's eyes were flowing. The ice and snow like eyes on his cheek and the charm of his lips were getting along with each other, with breathtaking beauty.

Ning Changjiu was still unmoved. He didn't even ask the son of destiny. He just said, "what do you want me to do for you? If you go through fire and water, I won't agree."

Siming shook his head and said, "don't worry, I won't embarrass you. At that time, Mr. Siming will tell you in detail."

Ning long nodded and asked the question in his heart directly: "is chongsui still in the city? What does he want to do?"

Simang sighed helplessly, shook his head and said: "for the monster chongsui, the master is also very troubled. Everything in this city is corresponding on the astrolabe of Xingling hall, and chongsui is the discordant light. This light is hidden in the dark of the astrolabe, even the master can't detect it."

"Where does chongsui come from?" Ning Changjiu said.

Siming looked at him quietly and said, "duanpu gorge."

Ning long looks at a loss.

Siming continued: "it's snowy all the year round, and there's a fortune teller who uses brute force to die. If you're lucky, maybe you can see him."

Ning long nodded, look still some at a loss.

Siming said: "what I said to the little girl before is also a promise to the young master. The little girl is not a person who has no faith in her words. I hope the young master can trust her."

Ning Changjiu said, "I'd like to believe you and Mr. Siming."

Siming nodded and said, "take the key I gave you last time. On the night when the ban ended, come to the king's hall and walk to the deepest place. There is a stone wall there. You can come to the Xingling hall by using the jade key to complete the eight diagrams on it. At that time, you can see Siming. This time, I hope you must come. If you come, the Xingling hall will always be your friend. If you don't come... "

Simang spoke a little later. His thin red lips sipped lightly and said, "if I don't come, I can only feel sorry for you."

Ning long listens, the other party's words are very soft, that kind of soft with a trace of ambiguity, because this sense of ambiguity, Ning long wants to hear her words clearly, he must be absorbed, but this kind of concentration is like a bug falling into a cobweb, the spirit is deterred, it is difficult to break away, he found that it is too late, his mood has been rhythmically fluctuating with the other party's words.

In the sea of Qi, the spirit of the sword Scripture has already understood, and it is ready to occupy the consciousness of Ning long at any time, making him cut off the contact with the silver haired woman.

But Siming didn't really do anything.

From the time she entered the house to the moment, all she did seemed to be a deterrent to Ning long, let him understand the gap, and told him that resistance was meaningless.

No matter how mysterious and robust the donkey under the hillside is, it can't withstand the fierce tiger's hunting and biting.

"I know. I'll come to see Mr. Siming at that time." Ning long stood up with her and saluted each other.

"Please, young master." Siming nodded gently. She was like Yuehui hidden in the dark clouds. After walking back two steps, her eyes were suddenly attracted by something. Xiujingwei looked at the box in the corner. She asked with a smile: "what is this?"

Ning long also Leng Leng, the box seems to be an ordinary box, but it's not a trap he laid.

The spirit of the sword Sutra responded for the first time and yelled, "stop her!"

Ning long doubted to see to that side.

The silver haired woman picked up the box, held it in her arms and untied the iron button.

When the box was opened, Siming's ice and snow like eyes were shining slightly. She lowered her head shyly, and her elegant dimple was covered with a shallow blush.

"Don't you think you still have such elegance?" Simang tilts the wooden box slightly. Ning Changjiu sees the things in the box and is slightly embarrassed.

The box was created by Shao Xiaoli when she first came to duanjie city. It is said that it is the props used by her mother and the king.

There are many leather whips made of string, leather gloves, metal collars, and many slender cotton ropes

"This..." rather long is in feel oneself unjust, he how also can't do these with Shao Xiaoli that wench.

But simang touched his lips with his fingers, made a silent gesture, and said: "this private affair in the boudoir is not a disgraceful thing, but I didn't think that you still like it. But if you really like it, you can carry it on your back when you come to the Xingling hall. My master... Doesn't mind."

Then, as if she had finished some secret, she closed the box gently with a smile and pushed the wooden box back to the corner.

The cold room is like a light dust floating, and simang is like a ray of moonlight in the dust.

This ray of moonlight left the last smile, and then gradually faded in the house.

Ning long looked at her leaving shadow, heartstrings did not relax at all.

And her last words, not to mention the ordinary man, even the spirit of the sword sutra was impatient. She said tentatively: "I don't think this girl is a joke, or... I'll take it with me then?"



Shao Xiaoli felt carefully into the room.

Ning long sits on a chair. On the table in front of him, there is a porcelain cup with water. On the opposite corner of him, there is also a porcelain cup with water in it.

There's poison in the water. Ning Changjiu has his own antidote method, so he took a sip of it to let the silver haired woman down.

But the other side seems to have exquisite heart, can see through all their ideas, to the end did not sip a sip, just smile.

"Is the elder sister gone?" Shao Xiaoli asked.

Ning long nodded.

"That sister is beautiful." Shao Xiaoli said, she took the opportunity to sit down in the chair opposite Ning Changjiu and wanted to drink water, but Ning Changjiu suddenly pressed her wrist and grabbed the cup.

Shao Xiaoli was stunned. She was so wronged that her eyes filled with tears: "boss, you are too eccentric. We get along day and night. How can we not compare with that fox spirit to say a few words

I'm not allowed to drink any more. It's too much... "

Ning long did not explain, just said: "before Kaicheng, you must be careful of anyone, including those you are familiar with, even me."

Shao Xiaoli didn't know why he said that. He just said angrily, "the boss doesn't play with me. Don't you allow other people to play with me?"

Ning looked at her for a long time and said, "on the day when the ban ends, something big may happen in the city."

Shao Xiaoli wiped the corner of his eyes and said, "is that what the elder sister told you?"

Ning Changchang said: "in a word, you should be careful. The swordsmanship and advanced realm you have learned in the past two months are enough for you to protect yourself in the city."

Shao Xiaoli's heart warmed up and said, "isn't there a boss protecting me? What can I be afraid of?"

Ning didn't say anything more for a long time. He vaguely guessed the thoughts of some silver haired women, but those thoughts were too terrible. Rao Shi, who had seen Mrs. Bai destroy the city, still couldn't hide the chill in his heart.

Seeing that Ning had not spoken for a long time, Shao Xiaoli could not help asking, "what's the name of that elder sister?"

Ning long did not hide: "maybe she is called Siming."

"Si Ming?" Shao Xiaoli is a little surprised: "is there any surname Si in the world?"

Ning long thought of his fourth elder martial sister and said, "yes."

Shao Xiaoli let out a cry and asked, "the elder brother and the fairy sister have just done something in the room..."

As she spoke, Shao Xiaoli, with sharp eyes, caught a glimpse of the wooden box in the corner of the room. As soon as she spoke, a series of pictures appeared in her head. She couldn't imagine the scene when the elegant and clear fairy sister, like camellia, folded her body, rolled her clothes open, and used those objects with her boss,

The girl's face suddenly blushed, she said a low boss really too much, immediately ran out of the house.

The spirit of the sword Sutra rises and falls in the sea of Qi, laughing.

Ning Changchang is too lazy to pay attention to these things. He calls Xueyu Jun and tells Shao Xiaoli something about practicing sword. He throws it to the yard and accompanies Shao Xiaoli. Today Shao Xiaoli seems to be stimulated and becomes more and more brave. Before long, Ning Changchang hears the scream of Xueyu Jun flapping his wings in the yard.

Ning long stood up, pushed open some windows and looked towards the direction of the courtyard.

Sand snow, white silk, mirror flower, autumn makeup, cloud cliff stone carving, leisurely falling Guizi, knocking on the moon to ask immortals

The seven moves in the first half of Tianyu sword Sutra are used one by one in Shao Xiaoli's hands. Although the succession of moves is still a little rigid, it can be completed in two or three years.

Looking at these sword moves, he could not help but think of the days when his younger sister was reading and writing, and the figure of Lu married on the snowy cliff.

Those memories are so clear and far away, at the moment in a different place, every time I think of them, it seems to be covered with a layer of fairy Qi.

He's not sure he'll ever see them again in his life.

He looked a little longer and then closed the window.


The day of Kaicheng is approaching, and the whole royal city has been turned over.

But that chongsui was very patient. He didn't show up in any dark night. Even though he participated in the Xinghe search Dafa on the cloud platform for three days and three nights, he couldn't find its trace.

So there is another guess in the city.

Will that chongsui has already turned into a human figure and hidden in the city of kings, and everyone they think they are familiar with in the city of kings may be the incarnation of chongsui.

The idea spread like a plague.

Originally in peace, people also began to worry about their own danger, for fear that when they wake up, their relatives' knives will stick into their chest.

However, chongsui refused to show up all the time. Some people began to doubt whether this monster existed or not, and whether all they did was to scare themselves.

Time passed day by day until the gate was opened and chongsui did not appear.

On the day when the ban was lifted, the sky seemed to light up a lot. The vegetable fields opened up outside the city were neglected for three months and grew surprisingly well.

Even xueyujun is very excited, shouting to hit the snowball on the ice.

Rather long heart but how also can't with the weather a sunny.

Because he was going to see Siming tonight, Shao Xiaoli was also ill and didn't take part in this field operation.

In the evening, Ning long stood in the courtyard, looking at the sky from afar.

This is the third month when he came to duanjie city. If he was outside, it would be a cool time in early autumn. The lotus seed festival in liantian town might be over, and the lotus in the pond would start to wither and turn into a pool of residual flowers and leaves.

Twilight has come, the sky of duanjie city has no fire, and the sky is always covered with fog.

Shao Xiaoli looks at his side face and doesn't quite understand what's wrong with seeing that beautiful sister. Maybe she can get back to be a wife.

But the boss looks like he is thinking about something.

She knew that all the gods in Shiyuan were reincarnated.

Is the boss thinking about his wife in his last life?

She thought so, and waved a sword in the courtyard. There was a white rainbow across the courtyard, dyed with twilight, like a piece of haze.

And this time, the team of Xingyuan marched very smoothly. At the same time, because of the absence of Kaiyuan, many people who had been suppressed were more energetic. They all carried the flag and went to the ice field with their own spirits, hoping to make history by themselves.

They had thought that in three months, countless monsters had multiplied between the cliffs.

But out of the city, they found that between the canyons, quiet almost dead.

The original tyrannical monsters didn't know where they had gone. After searching for a long time, they could only see a few. Many of the flowers that ate people on the cliff had died, leaving only a green stem spitting water. The fire snake in the black cliff was even extinct. Even if they saw it, it was just a young snake, which made those self proud monks not bear to start.

The towering trees in the dead ash forest are also much less visible to the naked eye.

* there are dozens of natural cutting walls and cliff rifts in the dead ash forest. In the past, they were extremely dangerous. Especially in a dense fog Valley, all the insects hidden in the valley were extremely toxic and insensitive. They could be poisoned, or forced to amputate or die directly. This misty Valley has held them back for decades.

But now, the boundless plain, the insects hear people's voice, like * scared, they are drilling in the stone, and dare not come out.

And then the barren Valley and plain swamp are almost the same. It's clearly a fight to open up the road, but now it's like a race. What they compete for is just pure footwork.

Running in the front is a young man with epee and half mask.

The other half of the young man's face was the one he suffered from the erosion of the beautiful poisonous gas in the misty Valley, which has not yet healed.

He has received a lot of ridicule for his face in recent years. Today, as long as he puts the flag on the ice, he will be the biggest hero in these decades. All the ridicule will turn into praise and admiration, and his fame will directly surpass that of Kai Yuan.

He pulled out the flag behind him.

At that time, a figure suddenly passed by his side. The boy was stunned and recognized him immediately. That man's God has the power of mustard seed, which can hold many things and then condense them into seed size. The young man understood that the man had been hiding on himself for a mustard seed. Now the end was coming, he suddenly appeared and took the road. The boy ran all the way, and his physical strength at the moment was certainly not as good as that of him who had repaired all the way. He watched the shameless little man run up to the ice and put up the flag. He couldn't help but roar angrily and unwillingly. But then, the boy found that the man was the first to put the flag on the ice, but his eyes were staring in front of him, and there was no joy on his face. The boy ran behind him and was about to reprimand him and fight him, but soon he was silent. In front of them, there is a thick layer of snow on the ice field, and on the snow, there is a row of very eye-catching footprints, which are in front of them, extending all the way, straight like a row of neatly planted seedlings“ This... What is this? " He put his hand into the snow, touched the footprints, and then waved his arm, trying to erase them: "whose footprints are these... I'm the first one to come. How can anyone come earlier than me? Who the hell is this? Why didn't he put up his own flag? " The man roared wildly and kept reaching out, desperately trying to wipe the footprints on the snow. But the calculated young man behind him calmed down. He looked at the spreading trace and said: "this must be the devil's footprints. The end of this ice sheet may not be the kingdom of heaven, but the purgatory where the devil lives."( Thanks to the helmsman who was praised by Wang xuanzi!! Thank you for your support! (MEDA)

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