The smoke was pouring into the sky.

Siming held the handle of the sword and slowly pulled it out of his body. The edge of the sword was filtered by blood, and it was red. The tremor of his heart hit the iron blade through the half inch distance, and then passed from the body of the sword to the hand holding the sword.

Her palms were shaking, too.

The huge wood behind her had been destroyed by the spirit power and collapsed slowly. She squatted down slowly and leaned against the broken stump. Looking at the blood mark on the sword, she half opened her mouth. Her high chest heaved and puffed. Her white upper garment was covered with blood red. It looked like a large blooming peony. Her sandalwood mouth also oozed blood, and her lips were red with blood.

In the past, she had seen the death of many beauties in the world. She always felt that death had a kind of soul stirring beauty.

Now the blood is flowing out, the white part is closer to the porcelain color, and the enchanting part is more red, like a new bud. This kind of beauty is budding in her body, as if she would open every petal at any time and bring her into the country of the nether world.

Siming raised his hand and pressed his wound.

Wound, the passage of time accelerated, fast hemostasis scab, and then blood scab peeling, skin tender as new.

It's just that it takes her too much energy.

Once that always soft, smiling woman has disappeared, the whole body is injured, she is more like a blood pool of female ghosts, full of resentment.

She coughed and turned back, stumbling toward the woods.

At the moment, she just wanted to find a secret cave to stabilize her injury. Even if the city of king was turned upside down, she didn't want to take care of it.

At the moment, her white skirt soaked in blood adhered to her slender and symmetrical thigh, which made her feel disgusted. The blood seemed to be indelible filth, just like the scattered residual red and the dirty snow in the corner.

She walked in the woods, a little calm breath, suddenly, she was cold, ear, someone's voice came.

"We really don't want to go with them on this trip to the snow plain. We won't have our name on the history books in the future."

"There is no end to the snow field, and those snow tigers and colossus are not equal to us... Nothing is more important than life. What's more, now duanjie city is in trouble, so we have to go back."

"What are those monsters in the snow? Why is it so powerful? "

"Yes, they are so powerful... So I'm worried that the snow field is still not the end. The deeper the snow is, the stronger the monster will be. It will be too late to run at that time."

"When is the end of it?"

"It's said that there will be a warrior in duanjie city every hundred years. It's another hundred years. I hope this time the warrior can take us out."

"Well... By the way, elder martial brother, do you smell blood?"

"Bloody smell..."

The two brothers and sisters also noticed the difference in the forest. They looked around and saw the broken trees.

"It's like there was a fight."

"There's blood here. Is it a monster?"

"There it is The younger martial sister suddenly exclaimed. She pointed to a certain direction, where there was a white corner.

Siming knew that he had been found.

The injuries that had been squeezed all night broke out together, and her body seemed to be nailed. It was difficult to move. Even if it was time to urge, it was difficult to recover all the injuries immediately.

If in the past, the disciples of duanjie city could not enter her eyes at all. She could decide their life and death freely.

But at the moment she can only avoid the edge, detour, which makes her heart added a bit of humiliation.

"Rather long..." simang called out his name with gnashing teeth. The young man's face flashed in his mind, and he wanted to tear it to pieces: "next time, you can't escape..."

The sound of footsteps came behind.

"Where is the devil?" The male disciple yelled.

Siming gave him a cold look. After hesitation, he chose to run away.

The male disciple saw her face in a trance. Although it was only one side, it still distracted him.

He had never seen such a delicate and beautiful face, even the queen of God depicted in the book.

It must be the monster who is so beautiful!

This strengthened his determination to kill the demon. He took out a wooden tube from his waist and pulled it out. A fireworks burst into the air. This is the signal.

Siming also noticed the fireworks blooming in the night sky, and she screamed in her heart.

Before long, all the disciples around will gather.

Even if simang is seriously injured now, she will not pay attention to their realm, but it is very difficult.

From then on, a hunting campaign started. She was the strongest hunter in duanjie City, but now she was surrounded by some humble young royal families. She was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to kill them all. But it's not a wise choice to continue to work at the moment. She must go back to the star spirit hall. Only there can she not be afraid of the pursuit of Yechu and chongsui.

The light between heaven and earth is getting brighter and brighter.

She doesn't like the day.

And the front of the beacon smoke is like a black sword, let her heart panic.

She is not sure whether her current state will be directly defeated by chongsui.

Hum... What do I have to do with the flood in the imperial city?

So, in the misty gorge, she stopped, looked for a dry cave, climbed in, killed the unicorn in the middle, cut off its horn, tore its flesh, and cut out the demon pill. After that, she simply set a ban at the entrance of the cave. Then, she leaned against the stone wall, which was covered with slender flowers, There was a lot of hay and bones of snakes and beasts on the ground.

This is the first time that she has rested in such an environment.

She was very fond of clean, that kind of like almost crazy, as spotless star spirit hall and her flawless body.

But at the moment, exhaustion crushed her, her swan neck resting on the dry and hard rocks, and she soon fell asleep.

In her sleep, she saw Ning Changjiu again.

She dreamed that the young man in white ascended the throne of the kingdom of God. Under the throne, there were countless bones, but she knelt humbly under the steps of bones, her knees touched the ground, her unrolled silver hair poured down like water, her bare snow feet were also in heavy shackles, and her slender legs were covered with red stripes. She knelt quietly and bowed to the back of the throne. There seemed to be people gathering around. They looked at themselves and made a mockery sound.

Her clean forehead touched the ground, and then suddenly woke up from the dream.

Siming opened his eyes.

Unicorn bodies are still piled up in the corner, and the prohibition of cave entrance has not been touched.

She recalled her previous dream, and did not know what it meant. If it was a sign of the future, she would like to die now.

But dreams are just dreams. They can never come true.

Siming recovered a lot of spiritual power, and the wound was almost healed. She took off her bloody dress and exposed the thin lining behind it. She came to a dark spring and soaked the white dress. She washed it hard many times until her knuckles turned white. Then she dried it with spiritual power and put it on again.

It's almost noon now, and it's bright outside.

After taking care of everything, she finally walked towards the direction of duanjie city.

Her wounds were healed, her skin was as fresh as new, her face was indifferent again, the blood stains between her silver hair had been washed away, and she became the Supreme God again. She was in charge of countless people's lives. What happened last night, in her opinion, was just the tempering of heaven for herself.

She didn't want to look back, but she walked forward slowly. She knew that one day, she would settle the accounts with Ning Changjiu, and then she would not lose again.



On the ice field, Xueyu Jun is like a piece of unfolded wooden board, gliding at high speed on the snow surface, dragging up a long snow wave belt.

The cold snow was rubbing against his abdomen at high speed, which brought him a burning feeling. He felt that his few feathers were about to burn out.

And it's easy to glide when it's lying down, so I have to comfort myself and say that it's not my own skin anyway. It's so ugly. If it's broken, it's time to replace it with a new one

Xueyujun takes them to slide in the snow and rushes up the high slope. There is a very long slope under the high slope. Xueyujun rushes down in fear and excitement.

Snowflakes are splashing.

A bird and two people from the high slope to slide down, like fish on the water.

Shao Xiaoli holds Ning Changchang and lies down slightly, holding the feather behind Xueyu's neck. The cold wind fills the skirt, and the sharp wind hisses and sweeps back in his ears.

The sky and the earth all snow, all directions all white.

Shao Xiaoli was very scared, but there was also a sense of happiness. Maybe that's how the swordsmen in the story books roam around the world.

She thought like this. She took a look at Ning Changjiu and found that he had passed out completely. She immediately stopped her absurd mood and quickly stretched out her sleeve to wipe his face“ Where are we going now Shao Xiaoli opened his mouth and tried his best to shout. The wind in front of him swallowed up most of the voices.

Xueyujun also opened his beaks and yelled, "I don't know. It's not something I can control."

Xueyujun really didn't use any strength. He just slid down the long snow slope, and the faster he went.

Shao Xiaoli worried: "what should we do when we bump into something..."

The blood feather gentleman is sad to come from, way: "that I die a die, you die a pair."

Shao Xiaoli holds Ning Changjiu in her arms and crouches on the bird's back. She doesn't speak any more. During this time, she also sees some local beasts on the snow plain.

It's just that their speed is too fast, and those beasts are just passing by in the afterglow of their eyes. But there are several snow rabbits foraging on the ice field, which are affected by the air current they are passing through, and they are knocked down and convulsed.

At the end of the slope, there is a slightly raised ramp.

They went up the slope again, flying forward and falling.

"Ah Xueyujun screamed, and he could not keep his body steady any more. He leaned forward and fell.

The young girl on its back was also thrown high.

In mid air, Shao Xiaoli suddenly grabs Ning Changjiu's arm, swings it and carries him on her back. She musters up great courage and perseverance and falls to the snow with her boss on her back. She silently encourages herself, thinking that she is elastic in front of her and should be able to cushion a lot... In a word, she can't let the boss get hurt any more.

But they didn't fall on the ice in the end.

When they are about to land, a huge white net suddenly pops up in the snow, wrapping them up. Shao Xiaoli screams, embraces Ning Changjiu, and is pulled up by the white net.

"Big brother, big brother, I caught a bald chicken. It seems to be a new breed. I haven't seen it very much." Shao Xiaoli heard someone shouting.

"Well, you can take it back to study it..."

"Ah? What's that? Is it the injured leopard? "

"No, it's like two people!"

"People? How is that possible? How can there be people in the snow? Is it someone who sneaks out of the tribe? "

"Not like... They don't look like people here."

"Should not..." two people look at each other, can see shock from each other's eyes.

"It's not from heaven."

They think so.

"You little mortals, let go of me! You are the bald chicken, but I am the messenger of the sky, the carrier pigeon of the future God... "Xueyujun flapped his wings in the white net, his chest feathers fell off in a long time of friction, and the chicken breast was black, with the smell of burning.

The two men in white hide, hiding in the dark, looked at it in horror and swallowed.

"Chickens can talk... They must be from heaven! We'll take them back quickly and tell the patriarch about it. "

While speaking, another white net has been cut off.

Shao Xiaoli bit his broken sword with his teeth and cut open the net. She carried Ning for a long time, and her body fell lightly to the ground. The red cloth at the end of her hair split, and ink fell down from her cheek, close to her bloodless face.

The two men in snow-white skins looked up and were shocked.

The girl in front of her seems to be haunted by a touch of blood. The edge of her red skirt is like the grass that has been gnawed by insects. It is broken, and the white temporary arm is also covered with blood marks.

But Rao is so, the moment she bites the sword and raises her head, she still has the beauty they have never seen.

Even the most beautiful daughter of the patriarch in the tribe is quite different from this one.

The boy on her back also has loose hair, and her pretty eyebrows are mistaken for her sisters at first sight.

"Who are you?" Shao Xiaoli is wary of speaking.


Shao Xiaoli has imagined the scene on the other side of the snow plain many times, but this time he really saw it, but he found that everything was still quite different from what she thought.

There is no snow at the end of the snow field, but a very serious desertification wilderness.

The vast snow field ends here. In front of us is a huge misty Rift Valley, which is extremely deep. A narrow mountain road is pulled up from the gray fog. The mountain road is like a bridge built by gods and ghosts in the chaos. It extends straight away, and I don't know where to go.

At both ends of the only mountain path is the endless valley of unknown depth, under which the gray color undulates endlessly, like the back of fish entangled and surging.

If Ning Changjiu wakes up at this moment, he can recognize that the object rolled below is exactly the same as the time mucus in the abyss at that time.

"How deep is it down here?" Shao Xiaoli, with Ning Changjiu on his back, follows them. His eyes turn to the crack wall and his heart moves.

One of the men explained, "there's no way to get down here. We used to hang a stone with a rope, but we couldn't get to the bottom. The stone and the rope were corroded."

Shao Xiaoli, with his boss on his back, walked more steadily. He was afraid that if he fell down, there would be no bones left.

Shao Xiaoli's feet smoothly stepped on the stone road, she suddenly understood why the boss let himself practice basic skills.

If you change to yourself, I'm afraid it's already unstable, and I'm scared to fall into the Canyon

The boss is worthy of being the boss. He is really forward-looking.

They walked through the deep rift valley, and then in a stony Valley, they saw a tribe surrounded by walls.

Shao Xiaoli feels like he has come to the poorest refugee street in duanjie city. Even the houses here are more shabby and shabby. He doesn't know how the people here have survived for hundreds of years.

Shao Xiaoli has a lot of questions.

She wanted to know where the people here came from, how many years they had existed, and what was hidden further away.

But nothing is more important than the boss.

She followed them to a shabby thatched house, and then brought water to cure Ning Changjiu.

Xueyujun spread his wings and lay on the ground with great fatigue. He couldn't make any effort.

"Little girl, I have done a great job today. When Uncle Ning wakes up, you must tell him the truth." The blood feather gentleman has the spirit to be powerless way.

Shao Xiaoli vowed: "although the boss said that you were not a good bird before, this time you should be guilty and meritorious. Next time, I will find you the most valiant demon bird outside duanjie city."

The blood feather gentleman praises a way: "small wench as expected speak righteousness!"

Shao Xiaoli brought hot water, washed some rough towels and said, "I'll wipe my body for the boss. You go out."

"Ah?" The blood feather gentleman is surprised, way: "the men and women give and receive not intimate, shouldn't be you go out?"

Shao Xiaoli grabbed a pair of its wings, like carrying a big white goose, threw it out the door and said, "you go here to inquire about the situation first, and I'll call you when I'm ready."

"All right? Good what good? What on earth do you want to do with Ning Xueyu asked.


The door closed.

The blood feather gentleman sighed tone, thought rather big Ye is really meet a woman not Shu, so many women have no a is good stubble.

But fortunately, the most ferocious simang won't come again.

That woman is nothing but her face and figure

Well, it's the rest of my life now. It's good to go out and have a look.

Xueyujun fluttered his bandaged hand and flew up, overlooking the whole tribe with scattered houses. Finally, he saw a wooden two-story dome house on the top of a mountain. Although the house could not be compared with the palace of duanjiecheng, the tall one among the short ones could be associated with the style in this series of soil culture houses with crooked melons and dates.

Xueyujun flapped his wings and landed on the top of the grass shed silently. He clawed away a little weed with his claws, and his eyes fell down. He found a huge round table in the middle of the room. Around the round table, there were seven or eight rough men sitting around in animal fur coats. Their decorations were also carved from animal bones and teeth, There are also more or less weathered scars on the cheeks and skin.

Xueyujun raised his ears, and their conversation came clearly.

"We all know what ah Jing just said."

"Well. Over the years, we have been planning to open up wasteland in the snow. Ah Jing, they are the furthest. Unexpectedly, they have brought back two living people before the end of the road. "

"That's... The man on the other side?"

"Yes, the legend is true. There is a country hiding on the other side of the snow plain. They have plenty of food and clothing and live a much better life than us."

"That is to say, they know the way to heaven? Is this the end of our prayers over the years? "

"No, don't think so simply. Have you forgotten the words of our ancestors? Our real country is always in the north, not in the south. Even if we find them, they won't accept us. The ancestors also said that if people come from the southern heaven, they must be treated as enemies, and they must not take any chances. "

"But ah Jing said that they were like a brother and sister or a young couple. They just entered by mistake..."

"Over the years, we have crossed one or two ice sheets and one desert from that lifeless lake, and finally moved here to live a more stable life. We have made our way out of the poor mountains and evil waters, and we can never allow any carelessness. In my opinion, we should capture them first, and we can torture them slowly about other things."

"Well, that little girl is well-dressed. Maybe she is still an important person in heaven. At that time, she can be used as a bargaining chip in exchange for something."


Hearing this, xueyujun jumps to his feet and thinks that the three of us are coming to your shabby place to be guests. Unexpectedly, you villains are thinking of doing evil behind your back.

Be used to the villain's blood feather King aroused the heart of justice.

Then he thought, this is another chance for him to make great achievements! At that time, maybe coax that little girl happy, little girl directly to their contract solution, at that time is really sky high let birds fly.

It's just... How do you do it?

Xueyujun's brain melon seeds began to turn.



When sleeping, Ning long also had a dream.

He dreamed of a vast sky country, a white bone ladder from the boundless void, he walked up, behind the shadow like the swaying shadow of the tree.

At the end of the white bone ladder is a huge throne. On the throne sits a headless giant in a gorgeous imperial crown. The giant puts his hands on the armrest of the throne. There is a wound running through his body on his chest, which is not like the wound of a sword.

Ning looked at him in silence for a long time.

I don't know how long later, a girl's cry sounded in his ear, which was as far away as from another world.

When he woke up, he found that he was lying on a mat of grass, and the smell of straw still lingered in his breath. Above his sight, there was a wall. On the four walls of the wall, there were some bricks and tiles that were not well fired. There were pillars on each side. There was no paint on the surface of the pillars, and there were dark mildew stains.

In the humble house, Shao Xiaoli sits beside him with a small bench,.

"Boss, you wake up."

Seeing Ning open his eyes for a long time, Shao Xiaoli is finally relieved.

Ning long standing up, looking at his clean loose white clothes, said: "Si Ming didn't come after me?"

Shao Xiaoli pretended to be angry and said, "it's time for you to think about other women."

"..." Ning long looked at the faint red mark on her young cheek, sighed and said, "we will go back one day, and I will take revenge for you."

Shao Xiaoli also covered his face, and his head turned to the past.

"Boss, we'd better stay away. The farther we go, the better. When we go back, the woman's injury will be better. We are still not rivals." Shao Xiaoli said: "although it's a bit dilapidated here, it's still OK to live here. We'll build a bigger house then, OK?"

Ning long into a short silence, he weak smile, said: "don't you want to go outside to see?"

Shao Xiaoli said: "the boss has always wanted to go out."

Ning Changjiu said: "there are people waiting for me outside, and I have a lot of things to do."

Shao Xiaoli asked cautiously, "is it a woman?"

Rather long eyelid droop, self-evident.

Shao Xiaoli let out a lot of gas, holding his cheek, asked: "can let the boss so haunted, should be a very beautiful sister?"

Ning long nodded and said, "yes."

Shao Xiaoli's heart sank, and she felt that her life was broken behind her. She straightened out her skirt and said, "how does that sister look, boss, please tell me."

Ning long asked, "which do you want to hear?"

Shao Xiaoli opened her eyes, covered her chest, choked and coughed. She raised her head and said with dim tears: "boss, I don't see it in ordinary days. You are such a person..."

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "they are very kind people just like you."

Shao Xiaoli said shyly, "I just want to repay my kindness."

Ning long supported his body from the bed, took the belt hanging on one side and tied it around his waist.

Shao Xiaoli eyes a bright, immediately said: "boss, I have seen your body, your innocence is gone, so you can't leave me."

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "you are kind when you don't speak."

Ning long walked down from the straw covered soil bed, the injury on his body was still painful, and the spirit of sword Sutra and Jinwu in his body also fell into a deep sleep, empty.

One night in three months, Ning Changjiu once crossed the snow and came here.

At that time, after he passed the only stone road of chaxia, he just took a look at it from a distance and left after he understood that there was no legendary exit in the ice field.

Shao Xiaoli followed him and asked, "boss, where are we going next. Xiao Li has tried his best. Next it's up to you to protect me. "

Ning Changchang said, "let's fix it for a few days, and then we'll talk about it later."

Shao Xiaoli nodded and said to himself, "I don't know if my old house is still there when we go back to duanjie city. That's my mother's legacy."

"No, we'll live in the palace." Ning Changchang said with a smile, and suddenly asked: "by the way, where is Xueyu Jun? Where did it go? "

While speaking, there was a big noise from outside.

Ning long frowned and subconsciously pressed the position where the sword was hanging on his waist. Unfortunately, the immortal sword Ming Lan was broken out of shape, leaving only a hilt.

The door opened, and several strong men ran in and surrounded them.

Shao Xiaoli was very nervous and began to recite the formula of sword technique in his heart.

Without waiting for her to draw the sword, the men knelt down smartly, and the leader shook his arms and exclaimed, "see you, Lord God and queen God."

The rest of them followed, their voices sonorous as swords.

God King and God queen?

Ning long after listening to frown, Shao Xiaoli after listening to feel floating, thought this stranger is really warm.

"What's going on?" Ning long asked.

After some inquiry, Ning Changjiu knew that after they arrived, some strange things happened in this tribe.

First of all, a strange bird flew across the sky. The strange bird dropped an egg in the air. The egg was smashed to the ground, and there was a note in it: "the king of God is here, all things are wasted."

In the fish market in the stockade, someone also found a piece of paper from the belly of the fish. On the note, it was said: "God is coming, everything is prosperous."

And many people in the city also heard a few dark corners, there are imps whispering, saying that the God King god later, can't do evil again, run quickly. Even when the stronghold leader went to pick up the water cup, he saw the word "Shenjiang" engraved on the bottom of the pot. This made them pay more attention to the arrival of these young girls. Naturally, they didn't talk much about their previous imprisonment. The two men who found them were also praised and were given a lot of meat and weapons. Ning Changjiu knows that these are all made by Xueyu Jun. This demon bird is not very clever, but a lot of smart. Although the village is barren, it has a lot of meat because of the nearby snow plain. Among them, there are thick fur tigers and leopards, and even a juvenile elephant. This is a delicacy for those who are far away from the snow and can hardly eat a meal of meat. They presented their gifts and paid homage to the king and queen of God. They were devout. Soon afterwards, xueyujun with a crown of pheasant feathers fell from the sky and flew to a nearby tree. The rest of the people knelt down to the finch one after another and cried out, "see the king of light." Of course, this is also the note that xueyujun wrote for himself. Guangming king is the word that he racked his brains to come up with. Shao Xiaoli looked at xueyujun's head with colorful jade hair crown and bandaged wings, and was silent for a long time. Fortunately, others believe in xueyujun's words. The biggest reason is that there was a record of bifangshenniao in the book left by our ancestors hundreds of years ago, and xueyujun's appearance is quite similar to that of bifangshenniao. Under the deceiving and deceiving of xueyujun, there is nothing wrong in the end. They moved to a cleaner place and were asked to teach them tomorrow morning. Ning Changjiu was full of poetry and books. He was no stranger to these, so he agreed. It was the first night outside the snow. Shao Xiaoli cooked a large pot of broth and enjoyed it as she never had before. She looked at the still dark sky and thought that it would be better if it could be combined with duanjie city. Duanjie city has enough wood and exquisite skills to build beautiful houses, but there is a lack of food, and there is enough meat here. Of course, what she wanted most was to go out with her boss. I heard that on the night outside, when she looked up like this, she could see the beautiful gems twinkling all over the sky.

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