Yechu trudged across the snow plain. His thick robe had been dyed with golden radiance. He combed his long hair like a handsome young man. His eyes were bright and dark, which seemed to symbolize the rotation of yin and Yang.

The skills of Shura shenlu are constantly flowing in his body. Every week, the divine radiance in his pupils is strong.

Last night, when he left, he left a note for Ning Changjiu at the last moment.

He gave up killing Ning long.

One reason is that as long as there is no mistake in his plan, his long-term life and death will have nothing to do with the overall situation. The other reason is that according to the time of cultivation, he should be possessed by the devil, but he can still talk and laugh with himself as usual. He guesses that the other party may see the flaw, so he simply pushes the boat and leaves a favor.

But these are not the things he cares about most.

He knew that when he left Xueyuan, Siming would come to kill him once.

He is not the opponent of simang, because the realm here is limited, and they have reached the peak. No matter who comes here, the real fight is the number of means and the strength of power.

When the kingdom of God collapsed and they were exiled, Yechu left little power over their fate. Even if they pieced together for many years, they were no match for Siming.

But he may be out of doting on the younger generation, he is willing to accompany simang for the last time.

Night apart from the corners of the mouth outlines a faint smile.

He can't help but recall the first time simang climbed out of the fetal spirit abyss. At that time, she was so fragile that she held her slender arms and trembled uneasily in front of the strange world. Her beautiful eyes looked like the most perfect fate he wanted.

Unfortunately, simang's ambition and ability were beyond his imagination. When she was on an equal footing with him for the first time, a strange emotion appeared in his heart.

It's just that these past histories have been blown away.

But Yechu knew that he still had a hard knot in his heart. If not, how could he choose such a way to leave the world?

Chopping the sky is domineering, but how can it be safer than eating each other?

Yechu walked slowly through the snow plain. He didn't encounter any fierce animals on his way, as if every step he stepped on symbolized the best fate. What he went to was a road to the kingdom of God.

He walked out of the ice for thousands of miles, and then saw the black smoke over the canyon, which was the beacon fire on the fort.

Night apart from a slight frown.

He didn't understand what Siming was going to do. Was it because he wanted to cheat himself that there was an accident in the royal city and let him put down his guard and go into her trap?

How ridiculous?

Of course, he didn't believe simang, but he didn't expect that this woman was so stupid now.

As he walked through the last inch of soil in the ice field, when his steps were about to fall, it was like someone plucked the strings of fate and made a dangerous trembling sound.

Night except only feel in front of a sudden dark, as if dark clouds covered the sky.

He gently settled down and raised his head. Instead of seeing the dark clouds, he saw countless black plumes covering the sky.

He stood on the snow and looked up at the sky. His robe was straight.

All of a sudden, the surroundings darkened, and the rolling golden light in his pupils became more striking.

"Stars, turn north and south!" Night except without any hesitation, directly drank a, spirit pulse turbulent, with thousands of ways Jue, such as countless grains of stars, will he package them.

There was a flash of cold light on the snow.

In addition to the night should appear in the snow gorge thousands of miles away after this moment.

But he was still in the same place.

Many black feathers, like one noisy night crow after another, dive towards him like arrows.

Yechu took a deep breath.

His golden pupil is shining, in front of his eyes, suddenly appeared countless golden lines, the end of those lines do not know where, but they all come from the front, toward their own behind.

These are the lines of his destiny.

"Yechu, surrounded by dangers, finally left here." Yechu announced his destiny.

Fate did not respond.

Black feather for prison, all the fate of the trend, as if to be cut off by the Raider.

No matter how tranquil the mind of Ye Chu can be, this kind of feeling can only be felt when he was on the throne of heaven thousands of years ago, facing the Supreme God. It was the hope and awe for the supreme power and power.

He is much smarter than simang. In a short time, he guessed the identity of the comer.

"Sin king?" Even if I can't believe it, he still breathed out the name of the other party.

But when the words came out, he immediately regretted, because no one should call his name directly before God. If God is angry, he can't escape.

Night apart from soaking in the strands of fate, the black tide turned into a cage to ban him.

Sin Jun's figure is condensed from black feather and appears in front of Yechu's eyes. He is wrapped in black robe. Sharp claws hang out from the edge of his sleeve, and his long tail spreads on the ground, like winding and transparent water.

He stood quietly, not emitting any breath, but gave people a feeling that the collapse of a hundred thousand mountains could not shake his body.

Night apart from a trace of despair.

He once thought about whether the secret buried for 700 years would be discovered by the Lord of the kingdom of God. He had expected such a thing to happen, because the main punishment of the kingdom of God should be to cut off his Lord as a headless God, and they might be able to take this opportunity to get out of this boundless wilderness.

But the price must be to hand over the power.

The legacy of a broken Kingdom, even for another Lord of the Kingdom, is the only wealth in the world, and may even give him the power to surpass the rest of the kingdom.

At the moment when sin Jun appeared, countless thoughts flashed in Yechu's mind. Then, in his golden pupil, the dark shadow came.

"The crime of fraud."

This is the sentence of sin king for him, which is that he cheated for a long time with the wrong Shura God record.

Sin Jun's sleeves hang down on both sides from beginning to end, but in front of him, they suddenly appear

There are countless shadow like arrows.

Night in addition to the robe waving, launch the power of fate, such as the flying insects in the rain line, follow the simplest route, dancing in the mixed fate, to avoid hundreds of the shadow of sin Jun, but sin Jun's trial is like hundreds of millions of raindrops in the air, how can people stand in the wilderness, and how can they avoid the heavy rain for several days and nights?

Bang Bang's voice kept ringing, and the holy robe of the night was constantly sunken. After each punch, the golden light on the robe was dim. He held the line of his destiny and kept shuttling in it. At a certain moment, he turned a direction of destiny and turned to the sky. He threw it high into the sky along the line of destiny and wanted to escape.

Sin Jun stood still, raised his sleeve robe slightly and hooked his long finger.

Night apart from the flying figure like a broken kite, and sin Jun with the right to judge infiltrated into his destiny, usurped the fate of the line, pulled him back.

"The mysterious man in black has the wrong fate."

Night in addition to being pulled back to the ground, start the power again, but in the power, he did not dare to call the name of sin king, otherwise his law may be directly invalid.

The fate was changed again. In a moment, Yechu broke away from the control of sin Jun and fled along a very complicated and winding path of fate.

Sin has never changed.

The power of simang and Yechu is not complete. Otherwise, they may have a chance to compete with themselves in this world of oppression.

Unfortunately, they are all defective products.

Once the trial of sin Jun falls, it is endless pursuit. The countless silk threads of fate seem to be immersed in a huge dye vat, and none of them can escape the pollution of sin Jun.

The root of this trial is that Yechu cheated Ning Changjiu, but Ning Changjiu actually saw through his deception and didn't really fall into the danger of life from the beginning to the end. Therefore, the strength of this trial is much weaker than that of the commander.

The string of fate keeps shaking. Yechu, who was originally a spider in the spider web, suddenly reverses when sin Jun reaches out his hand and becomes a prey trapped in the spider web.

Sin Jun's figure disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Yechu when he appeared again.

He drew a perfect circle beside Yechu.

restrict sb . 's activities to a designated area or sphere.

Yechu is trapped in the cage of sin king. All his fates are like broken strings, which can't help him any more.

Night in addition to the golden pupil dimmed a lot, he forced down the fear of sin king, launched the last power.

"Chongsui sensed the movement here and made a decision."



In the ancient battlefield of Xueyuan, Su Yanshu, wearing a red skirt, leans on the instrument like a huge building. The surface of the instrument is cold, but she takes it as a warm arm.

All of a sudden, Su Yanshu felt that she was looking around. She felt that Yechu seemed to be back, and she was right beside her.

But only the boundless wind and snow.

She settled down and walked towards the direction of spiritual induction.

It doesn't seem to come from elsewhere, but from the center of this huge instrument. Now Su Yanshu has become the owner of this snow gorge, so she is naturally qualified to enter. Just before she left, Yechu once told her not to enter easily, so she never went to the depth of the instrument of numerology.

Now she tentatively opened the door.

The center of the huge building is also a space with precise and complex structure. Countless gears and unicorn arms crisscross in the field of vision. They are derived layer by layer, narrower and narrower than each other, just like a pagoda to the sky. In the center of the huge tower, there is a thick pillar supporting it. Countless wooden bars spread out in the form of umbrellas, fixing the structure of the high building.

Around the huge pillar is a spiral rising wooden ladder.

Su Yanshu walked up the wooden steps to find the source of her heart.

As she walked on the spiral steps, the whole world seemed to be spinning with her steps, and the thing at the end of the steps completely dazzled her - it was a crystal coffin, in which a corpse was placed.

That's Yechu's body.

This corpse is in the form of a broken puppet. There are no facial features and seven orifices on its face. There are huge cracks on its chest that were cut by simang.

Su Yanshu's heart smoked a little. She knew that this was one of the other forms of nightfall. At the beginning, he died in this form, so at the last moment of his life, he was closed in the attic and didn't want to let himself see it.

Su Yanshu has known his appearance for a long time, so for the present scene, she just felt pain in her heart.

She pushed open the crystal coffin and lifted Yechu from it. Then, like the guidance of fate, she unconsciously bit her finger and fed the blood to the mouth of the puppet. She was given hundreds of years by Yechu, which mixed with her blood and poured back into Yechu's body.

Su Yanshu's eyes tremble, and she stares at the puppet in her arms gently. Then, everything is like in a fairy tale. Yechu wakes up after drinking her own blood.

He opened his eyes as if he had been infused with a soul.

Su Yanshu looked at the scene dully and was overjoyed. She said in a low voice, "are you... Back?"

Yechu looks at the woman in her arms, holds her face and kisses her forehead.

Su Yanshu was overjoyed. She knew that Yechu would come back one day, because it was his promise. But she didn't expect that he would come back so quickly. Just very soon, her smile solidified on her cheek. Yechu said, "I'm leaving. Maybe I won't come back this time."

Su Yanshu suddenly lost his soul and said in a trembling voice: "why? You... Where are you going? "

Night apart from the edge of his broken body, toward the top.

This is the means he finally arranged for himself, and it is also the confidence that he is willing to fight with Siming again. No matter what means Siming uses, he has a way to return to the snow gorge.

The puppet gave birth to five senses, healed the wound, and gradually became a young man. Shura shenlu's strong body made him survive the attack of sin Jun, and the absolute fate he had left on the puppet pulled him back to the snow gorge and his body.

But he still can't escape the trial.

Yechu can clearly feel that the trial has followed the king of sin

Come together, in an instant has to snow gorge outside.

"I'm going to my kingdom." Yechu no longer has any hesitation.

Su Yanshu's intuition told her that Yechu didn't deceive herself. From then on, it might be goodbye forever.

Yechu came to the top of the building.

He thought a move, the whole building also issued a huge boom sound.

Around its surface, it began to demolish and deconstruct, revealing its original appearance.

It is a multi-layer structure, manufacturing complex cylindrical object, its middle, is a huge towering cylinder, the upper layer is a sharp cone, around the huge cylinder, there are eight smaller cylinders, the eight cylinders one by one corresponding to the eight trigrams array, each array has launched a light.

Qiantian, kundi, Zhenlei, Xunfeng, kanshui, Lihuo, Kenshan and Duze.

Each hexagram is bright, shining with its own color and weather, so these elements wildly ignite the eight arrow shaped cylinders, in which rolling is full of gray liquid of time.

He cheated Su Yanshu. He has been collecting for more than 100 years? What he gave to Zhongnian is just the tip of the iceberg.

"It's not that I don't love you." But he still said that to chongsui.

Unfortunately, this warehouse can only accommodate him.

He apologized to Su Yanshu, and then sent her outside. Su Yanshu kept struggling, but it didn't help. She fell in the snow and tried to wriggle, but she couldn't get up. She raised her head, her hair mixed with snow cluttered on her cheek, and then she saw the unforgettable scene.

The roar resounded throughout the ancient battlefield.

On the ground, those thousand year old snow were instantly drained and evaporated. The huge thing, like an arrow magnified countless times, seemed to loosen the string, pull up from the ground in the roar, and rise slowly.

The huge arrow continued to accelerate under the impetus of burning time, and the power of the whole world gathered to lift it to the sky.

It kept flying, eight columns in the jet of diamond-shaped flame, in which the liquid time quickly consumed, carrying it toward the endless high altitude.

After rising to the high altitude, the crystal like flame no longer ejected from the eight cylinders, and the time liquid in them had burned out, and began to separate from the main body and fall down.

But the main body is soaring at a faster speed, and the flame is not cut off. This is the best time of Yechu's life. It took him hundreds of years to build this huge building, but the stupid woman in charge of fortune telling thought that it was just a tool for fortune telling. The theory of fortune telling was just its disguise, and its essence was the acme of his research in the past 700 years. He had calculated all the details for today. And this magnificent scene, whether it is duanjie city or tribal people have seen. Sin Jun also saw it. Simang, who was tied to the cross, opened her eyes and looked at the shadow leaving with a long flame. Her chest was undulating, and she felt a strong sense of shame and reluctance. Maybe the flame was too dazzling, and she had the impulse to cry. She knew that her divinity was gradually being swallowed up... Ning long saw the light, and he never thought about it, so he sincerely felt that Yechu was a real genius, and his heart was filled with admiration. In this world, everyone's realm has been suppressed under the purple court. Of course, relying on human resources, it is impossible to cut off the sky. But when manpower is exhausted, we can still borrow more. This is the effort of Yechu for hundreds of years, and it is also the pinnacle of man-made objects in the world. At the last moment, everything will disintegrate, and he will break through the border and return to the kingdom of God by virtue of the physique of Shura shenlu, even if he will lose his strength afterwards. It kept flying, faster and faster, and rushed to the chaotic sky. It's a pity that there is no historian here, so it can't be recorded in history. It's a pity that you are still guilty here. If the king of sin is not here, no one will be able to stop this magnificent thing today. Sin king does not allow anyone to get out of his control. He moved, too. He walked from the snow plain, suddenly thousands of miles, between countless flashes, he stuck the limit of the world's human law, and forced toward the extremely long tail flame. I'm not afraid at all. He looked at the chaos of the sky, looking at the shadow behind him, and suddenly burst into tears. This is the most hearty moment of his life. After that, even if he was crushed to pieces, even if everything was empty, he had no regret. The figure of sin King's black robe kept narrowing, and he also used up all the strength he could show in this world. The robe was like a burning black flame, which exploded in the huge wind. He had not had this feeling for many years, because he found that he had a little respect for the fire arrow. God's respect is war spirit. The law of judgment enveloped him and approached the night. Night apart from no smile, he began to laugh wildly, this is the first time in his life to fight head-on with the Lord of God, whether success or failure, he is proud, but he wants to follow the example of the man who has been more than 700 years, the man who directly cut off the head of God! Sin King stopped in front of him, like a thick night. They looked at each other. Yechu ran into sin Jun with a burning arrow. Or is he the burning arrow. After a moment of silence, the wave of fire burst open in the sky and spread at a high speed. All the clouds were burned red, like a gorgeous red lotus in full bloom. This scene is just like the "Twilight day" in the prophecy of ancient gods. The gorgeous flames in the sky are like the door of hell. Boom!!! After the red lotus was in full bloom, the sound of crashing on the screen that day was conveyed from afar. This is also the first time in the past 700 years that someone has fought against the real and supreme God with his own strength( Ten thousand days, present ~)

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