Canyon, wasteland, swamp, fog, desert, Glacier

At night, outside the city, the gongs and drums are never stopped.

Rather long pinching the hidden breath technique, the figure of escape is as thin as the rain line.

If you were anyone else, you would not be able to find him in the boundless world.

But it was not a single person who pursued him, but the whole night behind him.

This dark night is like a blood crow with dark wings, sniffing the breath of the fugitives, chasing all over the world, not letting go of any inch of land.

Near the ice sheet, the thunder tore the night and hit the ice as thick as the earth.

Ning long fine as rain line figure is illuminated by thunder.

Sin Jun found him.

The thunder is incessant, the black feather like weaving falls from the sky, and pieces of them are like rotating throwing knives, shooting towards Ning Changjiu's position.

Ning Chang's figure is like a snake walking through the snow. Between the small movements of the left and the right, several black plumes flash down from his side. Further back, the previous lightning has touched the ice. The air of lightning has penetrated into the ice and exploded. At the same time, the ice can't bear the heavy load. It shakes like an earthquake. The cracks are full of electric light, and it flies along the ice, It's like a sword with infinite extension. It's approaching to the place where Ning Changjiu is.

A lot of snow water evaporates, the sound of ice cracking rings, and the figure of Ning Changjiu's sword seems small and embarrassed.

When the crack full of thunder and lightning approached Ning Changjiu, his figure could not be avoided at last. Ning Changjiu was forced to turn back. The sword that had already accumulated in his body was like a fierce fire beast. It opened its bloody mouth full of fangs and rushed at the electric light.

The sword fire hit the thunder.

The flame was torn open by the storm of thunder and lightning, and Ning Long's sword figure was instantly illuminated.

Although the sword fire was extinguished, the tip of the sword still pierced out with snow-white sword Qi.

The sword Qi and the meaning of judgment touch and devour each other. Where the blade of black sword cuts, the figure of sin Jun just outlines.

The white sword light also illuminated the shadow of sin king.

He stood in the snow, like a statue splashed with silver water, solemn and mysterious. All the fighting around had nothing to do with him.

In an uproar, sin Jun's broad sleeves are like under the cover of night.

Ning long inspired the sword Qi in front of sin Jun's body, like the sea water separated by the reef.

From time to time, several bright lights lit up, and the snow was shining brightly. The smooth snow that had not melted for ten thousand years began to melt in a large area, sizzling.

The time when the sword collided with black sleeve was very short, but in an instant, a hand came out of sin Jun's sleeve.

It's not so much a hand as five slender hooks with little curvature.

The tip of his claw caught the black sword,

Ning long wanted to draw the sword, but it seemed as if the other side had integrated with the sword, and he could not pull it out at all.

Rather long without much effort, since it can not be pulled out, then forward thorn.

Sword light again bright, rather long left hand holding the hilt, the palm of the right hand pressing the sheath bottom, pushed forward.

The Sura video is a rotating turbine, which stimulates the accumulated power in his body. On his skin, the light red light lights up. These lights turn into continuous flowing lines and rush towards the blade.

And on the side of his white clothes, there were also fireworks.

That's the backfire of breaking through the limits of heaven and earth.

During the stalemate between Ning Changchang and sin Jun, the electric light in the ice crack has been twisted. It suddenly jumps up near Ning Changchang's side, like a walking on the ground, and finally comes to the electric Python beside the prey.

It pounced on Ning long.

It's lightning, and a long hand is as fast as lightning.

Ning long directly reached out and caught the thunder.

His hands were blackened by lightning.

And sin Jun, who fixed the tip of the black sword, suddenly pushed it.

Ning long holds the black sword and flies backwards. The thunder and lightning also breaks free from the shackles of his hand, bumps into his chest, bites his white clothes, and slides against him on the snow.

At the same time, sin Jun's figure also disappeared in the same place, and then, in front of Ning Long's body, the dark robe suddenly appeared.

There was a tearing pain in the lower abdomen.

Sin Jun hit his abdomen with one blow, and Ning Long's Shura body was shaken, but he clenched his breath. Even if his body was hit by this blow again, his body was still burning hell like fire.

Sin Jun in will rather long hammer fly out, his left hand a, took over the spear like lightning.

Thunder and lightning in hand, it is no longer a sword, but turned into a sharp spear.

"Death." Sin Jun murmured, and the spear was thrown out.

Ning had not had time to adjust his figure for a long time. When the gun came, he had to cross the front with his sword and hit the tip of the gun.

Ning long feet deep depression in the snow, like two nails to grasp the ground. However, the long gun forcibly pried the nail up, and with the power of judgment, it kept pressing toward Ning Changjiu's heart.

Ning Changchang is now unable to hold the sword. He directly presses the sword body as a protective mirror on his chest. The high-speed rotating thunder gun was rubbing against the black sword, and the running electric sparks were splashing in front of him.

This black sword is worthy of being the artifact held by the divine officials in the past. Under such a battle, the surface of the black sword is still as smooth as a mirror without any scratch.

I feel relieved for a long time.

This shows that the limit of the world's power is not enough to destroy the sword.

But even with the peerless sword, he is still not the opponent of sin Jun.

The high-speed rotating thunder gun is against his chest, and the penetrating force almost tears his heart, while his body is like a boat in the storm waves, pushed back by the storm waves in the torrent.

If it goes on like this, sooner or later, his heart will be overwhelmed and burst.

All of a sudden, behind him came the roar of the snowy beast.

The light and the earthquake caused the chaos of these monsters. They ran and galloped in the snow, making the dark night more chaotic.

Ning long after death, snow elephant group followed light to run to come over.

The ground is shaking.

Ning long backward figure directly hit a snow elephant.

Snow's body was directly knocked down like a hill, but his flexible skin gave Ning a good buffer for a long time. Originally, he had nothing to rely on but was passively pushed by the thunder gun. Now he finally found the opportunity to adjust his body shape.

With a low roar, he leaned over, stepped on the snow, and leaped into the sky like a collapsing body.

The gun of thunder and lightning wiped his body and shot into the darkness behind him.

In the twinkling of an eye, the thunder gun came back.

Ning long in a moment of breathing just out of the mirror in the true formula of the moon.

His figure was briefly reversed from that of lightning.

The thunder gun went empty.

Sin Jun's figure appears again. He holds the handle of the gun without any pause. His figure jumps up and splits toward Ning Changjiu's place.

Ning Changjiu had just come back from the edge of death. His limbs were stiff and numb, and he did not have the strength to face the enemy.

"Why did you kill me?" Ning Changjiu roared: "will the blasphemer die? Why do blasphemers die? In this world, murderers die, arsonists die, traitors die... Only those who blaspheme will not die! "

Sin Jun waves a long gun and smashes it at Ning Changjiu. His voice is dignified and says, "why not die?"

Ning Chang spoke very quickly and said, "it is well known that killing people pays for their lives. Only killing people or the possibility of killing people can pay for their lives. You are the Lord of God. No one can kill you. You have no risk of being killed from the beginning to the end. Man can crush an ant to death at will, but he must not be condemned to death according to the rules

"You are not a man, you are a God who worships the way of heaven. Why do you kill me with the law?" Ning long asked.

Sin Jun said calmly: "according to the source of the road, you are right indeed. But you're wrong

Ning Changjiu's figure with black sword was hit and flew out again. Shura's body was scattered and condensed. In his pupils, the scarlet golden flame was burning.

"What's wrong with me?" Ning Changjiu asked harshly.

Sin king said: "what I follow is not illegal, what I judge is only sin. Even if you are innocent, you must be responsible for your past. "

"My past?" Ning long asked.

Sin King figure approaching, long gun tightly waving, "more than 2000 years ago, you should be put to death."

Ning Long's figure was out in the interwoven light. He asked, "more than 2000 years ago? What crime did I commit at that time? "

Sin Jun shot into his heart again and said, "Whoever draws his sword to heaven will be punished by heaven."

When Ning Changchang's figure flew backward again, he split a sword and Jinwu flew out to entangle the immortal spear.

Jinwu has a natural restraint against all the darkness in the world, but its combat power is not strong.

Soon, Jinwu is pushed away by the tip of the gun and flies back to Ningchang's body. Ningchang's figure falls on the snow. After rolling for several circles, he can stop his body. He gets up in the snow and raises his face. Under the electric light, there are several fine red marks on his pretty face.

Ning was almost breathless by the long gun for a long time.

Every time the shadow of the gun is waved into a circle, the snow within tens of miles evaporates.

Ning long felt that his body was about to split, and the smog in the hot sea of Qi announced the exhaustion of his spiritual power. His heart was also jumping unsteadily, and the temples at both ends were clearly bursting with meridians. Almost all his movements are based on the instinct of fighting.

Under this battle, many corpses have been added to the snow, which are all wild beasts on the ice.

They are scorched and tender by thunder and lightning. The delicious smell of meat floats disharmoniously. After moving their nose for a long time, they feel hungry and tired.

The snow is coming to an end.

Sin Jun's right sleeve is constantly floating and gradually recovering.

The hunt is coming to an end.

There was a flash of lightning in the sky.

Sin Jun raised the gun of thunder gun in his hand, strands of lightning converged on the tip of the gun.

Sin Jun swung his long gun, drew an arc in the air and chopped it down.

Ning long body jump, black sword high. The dark body of the sword is like a lead to attract thunder and electricity. All the countless rays of lightning are absorbed on the body of the sword. Ning long repeated the action of sin Jun and smashed back all the thunder and lightning on the black sword.

The lightning returned to the gun.

Ninglong's figure fell to the ground and ran back quickly.

However, the battle of Xueyuan consumed too much of his strength. At the moment, he wanted to escape, and now he was a hero.

At the end of the snow field is the huge Canyon, which is filled with the fog of gray time. The only stone road and single wooden bridge across it.

At the junction of the snow plain and the rift valley, Ning Changjiu and sin Jun began their final battle.

In Ning Chang's original plan, if he had to, he would jump directly into the canyon, protected by dead branches, so that he would not be eroded.

But he underestimated sin.

The power of sin king is constantly recovering, even if it is not as powerful as heyday, but it is still not something he can contend with.

The spear fell.

Ning Changchang's sword was horizontal, but the moment the gun fell, it turned into a soft whip in mid air. Ning Changchang was alert and immediately changed his move. When the move changed to half, the whip turned into a knife.

Sin King cleaves with a knife.

The huge impact not only shocked Ning long, but also made him feel that his body and bones would fall apart.

This is a near overwhelming force.

The light and sword are interwoven, the black feather is like a knife, and the bright light is out several times. Ning Changchang's figure is forced to retreat.

Near the edge of the cliff, when Ning long was ready to jump down, a knife that was too fast for him to imagine cut into his arms.

He sidestepped as fast as he could.

But he still didn't dodge.

Ning Changchang watched the knife cut his strong Shura body and cut off the right arm holding the sword shoulder to shoulder.

Not only him, but also the sword spirit in his body gave birth to a sense of despair.

In the previous suffocating pursuit, it was difficult for Ning long to use that sword.

Now that his right arm is cut off, how can he still have a chance of winning?

But his right arm, holding the sword, did not land.

Sudden change and rapid growth.

The hand, which should have fallen to the ground, miraculously flew back and connected its right shoulder again, even without any injury.

Time back.

After sin Jun, simang wrapped in a black cloak, Yingying Yuli.



The appearance of simang is a variable in this battle.

On that day, the king of sin imprisoned her on the cross rack for six days, and simang failed to get away, which showed that she had no ability to break the prison.

But now the woman has come out of her predicament and is in front of her.

Sin Jun soon figured out the answer.

Another person broke the prison, not simang, but the little mortal girl in the red dress.

Many years ago, those arrogant and domineering ancient gods understood the power of the human world. At that time, mortal swords cut off the heads of many ancient gods. Then, the Jedi passed through heaven, and the gods were separated from each other. The remaining ancient gods either lived in exile or gained more powerful power. In a word, there was little real intersection with people.

So the ancient gods habitually ignored the power of most mortals.

Sin Jun looked at Si Ming quietly.

All her wounds had healed, and her beautiful face had a cold smile.

Si Ming didn't go to see sin Jun for the first time. Instead, she looked at Ning Changjiu and said with a smile, "so embarrassed?"

Of course, I have no time to talk with her.

Then he stabilized his breath again in these times, and used to the power of Shura which had been cut off before.

Sin Jun said, "are you here to save him?"

Siming said with a smile, "I'm here to kill him."

Sin King's black robe seemed to send out a sneer, "it's said that you and Yechu's power can burst out the power of cutting the sky and destroying the earth."

Siming nodded: "sin Jun, do you want to have a try?"

"Well." Sin Jun nodded and said, "but I'll try it myself."

A gale of thunder.

The black robe of simang dances backward, the hood is blown off by the strong wind, the silver hair is flying, the face hidden under the hood is revealed, and the delicate face is full of light moonlight.

She looked at Ning Changjiu and said harshly, "what are you waiting for?"

Ning long-term understanding, holding a black sword toward sin Jun's back cut.

The thunder knife turns into an electric bird, and the rest of thunder is like the high pitched sound of an electric bird.

Simang also moved, the power of time wrapped her, making her action fast almost doubled, the flash of her figure almost occurred in an instant.

Black sword meets its master and sends out a buzzing sound. In the buzzing sound, there is also a message from Siming.

Ning long-term understanding, he stabbed a sword to sin Jun.

Sin, you can't stop it, because this sword is empty.

In the short time like the flash of electric fire, Ning Changjiu and simang attack the king of sin with horns, and their bodies flash alternately.

The thunder gun waved.

"Heaven's punishment!" Sin Jun locked Ning Changjiu's figure and drank it.

Siming also launched power, looking back on time, cancelled the trial of sin Jun.

This is her night. Under the blessing of the sundial, she is more than twice as powerful in the night than in the day. Now, in the same territory, she can even compare her power with the king of sin.

But even if the power of the two people can offset each other, simang can never be the opponent of sin Jun.

But there is still a long way to go.

When the two figures crossed, Ning Changjiu gave the black sword back to Siming.

This black sword played a very different power in Siming's hands.

Si Ming's sword cuts horizontally.

The sword seems to be very slow. It's like an old ox pulling a cart.

But the sense of urgency of danger is like an arrow from the string, and the sound of tearing the air shakes one's heart.

The contradiction between fast and slow is truly reflected in this sword.

If ordinary people face this sword, their mind will be deterred, and then cut into two parts by the speed in the illusion of time.

But simang can't deceive sin Jun.

At the moment when her sword was cut out, the thunder blade in sin Jun's palm also cut to Si Ming.

Thunder blade shuttles through layers of time domain, and precisely bumps into the most vulnerable part of black sword.

The cage of time dissolves at the same time.

But sin Jun didn't take advantage of the victory.

At the moment when the swords were fighting, Ning Changjiu leaped forward, combined with Shura's 81 moves, and stood on the tip of his fist, shaking at the back of sin Jun.

The realm of Ning Changchang and Si Ming is the peak of this world, and their power is their armor and sword.

In the same realm, sin Jun is equivalent to wearing a solid heavy armor and holding the most powerful sword in the world, while simang is equivalent to holding the shield and sword of time. Ning Changjiu is the only one who is bare handed. If Shura shenlu had not helped him strengthen his body, he would have died under sin Jun's judgment at this moment.

But now, two people at the top of the realm surround and suppress sin Jun. although sin Jun has a mysterious armor, he can only guarantee that he will not be defeated. It is also very difficult to kill both sides at the same time.

Ning long hit sin Jun's back, on the contrary, his bones hurt.

The astonishing sword of simang was forced back.

The gun of thunder and lightning dances into a circle.

Siming and Ning long retreat together.

Their eyes met in the air, and they understood each other's thoughts at the same time.

Rather long-term decision, directly toward the abyss of the fall.

Sin Jun didn't pursue him. After all, it's hard for him to stop the erosion of time.

Ning long jump into the endless canyon.

Sin Jun turns his target to simang.

When the gun of thunder falls, the rules of judgment turn into one electric bird after another, and they will not stop until the judge is killed.

The power of time envelops simang, her figure flickering on the side of the rift valley, trying to delay time.

At one moment, she suddenly held out her hand.

In the rift behind the king of sin, the power of time began to surge crazily.

Ning, who jumped into it, did not sink for a long time. He was held by the commander with power. After the withered branches at his waist were full of the power of the law, he suddenly leaped from the deep gorge.

Dead branches can't infuse psychic power, but they can infuse time.

Rather long hand dry branch, to sin Jun cut down.

Sin drew a perfect circle in front of him.

But in endless time, nothing is perfect forever.

The withered branches are suffused with the lustrous moonlight. When they are cut down, they are like waterfalls in the sky.

The circle seems to have experienced a long time, began to twist deformation, gradually into sand.

The power of sin king is broken.

He knew that it was not the law of time that really broke his power, but the withered branch.

He gazed at the withered branch as if to find out some big secret.

"Is this your sword?" Sin Jun suddenly asked.

Ning long thought of what the master had said, cut the nail and cut the railway: "yes."

This is also the sword that the master used to cut himself.

Sin Jun said: "this thing is not in the world. Where do you come from?"

Of course, I won't tell you the truth.

He uses the power of time on the withered branch to disintegrate the pursuit of the trial for Siming.

However, the law of filling the dead branches is also limited. It can't stand several times. After using it, sin Jun will never give him another chance to fill it. The fierce fighting started again. Ning long and Siming's body shape crisscross in the air, and the electric light illuminates their face and body from time to time. Siming knew that ordinary attacks could hardly leave any wounds on sin Jun. So she just attacked but didn't defend. She tried to leave some scars on sin Jun with a fierce posture of hurting the enemy by one thousand and losing three thousand. Ning Changjiu, on the other hand, used the power of withered branches to help Siming eliminate those trials. When the trial fell to Ning Changchang, Si Ming went back to time and cancelled the trial of sin Jun. The fighting goes on and on. Siming's eyebrows exuded blood again, and many thin threads were cut on his wrist under the sleeve. The most dangerous one was that sin Jun's thunder gun broke her defense and directly pierced her black robe. The spilled blood soaked the dark robe deeper. At the precipice, when the battle passed, the broken stones rolled into the cliff one after another. However, the recovery of sin Jun's right robe is obviously stagnant. In this battle, he also suffered the injury that is hard to detect. Thousands of years ago, before sin King became God, there were many real battles of life and death. But now he is God. After dozens of moves, he still failed to defeat the two difficult flies. It made him a little angry. Sin Jun suddenly stopped and hung up in the air. He slowly raised his thunder gun. In the sky, lightning kept passing. The breath of destruction rose in the air. Ning long involuntarily thought of the prophecy in the imperial city of the state of Zhao: "heaven and earth are punished, and the state of the city is sacrificed." Today's sense of fear of destroying the sky and the earth does not represent any grand scene, but the whole night seems to poke out countless knives and aim at the people on the edge of the cliff. They know that sin king will use the power of real terror. It's not something they can resist. Ning Changjiu and Siming knew that their bodies were close in an instant“ Let's go. " Simang was injured all over, and he said. She built a stagnant time wall in front of her body to buy time for Ning long time. Ning Changjiu grabs her by the wrist, reversely draws the flying array, and then escapes from the cliff which is about to completely collapse before the breath of destruction really comes. The next moment, they were far away from the tribe. It was a rocky wilderness. In the wilderness, there are a few scattered houses, which are already empty. They are the traces left by the tribes when they migrate from afar. They evaded sin for a while, but not for long. Ning Changjiu takes simang and bumps into a shabby house“ Water Siming's depressed injury broke out. She didn't want real water, of course. Ning long handed the dead branch to her. Siming leaned against the wall, took over the withered branches, pulled up the falling messy silver hair, tilted his face slightly, and sucked the power from his lips. Ning Changchang said, "I'll heal you first." Si Ming was intoxicated in the thick liquid of time, and just nodded to Ning Long's words. After her injury is healed, she can use the power to recover quickly for a long time. Siming's black robe was soaked in blood, but he could not see the wound for a long time. He thought that he was wearing a white skirt inside, so he should see more clearly. Thinking of this, he put his hand on her front and untied her black dress( Thank you for the helmsman of the Dharma protector! Thank you for your reward! Thank you very much for your support and love of this book! Momeda!)

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