The moon is dancing, the lotus wind is swaying, and the boat does not know its way back.

The sound of a woman's Phoenix flute moves and the light of a jade pot turns.

On the boat, thin clothes cover the body of the jade immortal, and the skirt is full of moonlight and the fragrance of flowers. Lu married in her dream. After playing a song under the moon, she leaned over again, and several strands of green silk flowed into the water again, floating gently, like a soft and scattered weed.

The lotus boat is spinning and shaking.

Ning long drunk dream opened a glimmer of eyes.

All over the sky, stars in my eyes, slowly turning.

He couldn't tell whether the star river was turning or whether the boat was flowing with the water.

He only knew that he had never been so relaxed in the past two years.

The evening wind made me drunk.

The night gradually faded its heavy color.

The East is white.

It's better to wake up later than to drink for a long time.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a cold figure dressed in white, sitting alone in the bow of the boat. The lotus in the pool was like sleeping and waking up, embracing her one after another.

The bamboo flute is placed on the side of the garment, the jade sword is horizontal in front of the knee, and the back of the shoulder is pretty. The water marks of the green silk and white clothes have been dried with sword fire.

White jade shadow into the eyes, rather long thought suddenly, such as see Luoshen Lingbo.

Lu's temperament returned to cold.

Last night's story has passed. The plum blossoms are covered with new snow, and they are quiet.

Ning long stood up and looked at the woman's jade shadow in the dim morning light, as if he had returned to the time of heavy rain in the imperial city. At that time, in the dark palace, the bright sword light shone through the rain curtain of the city. Although he didn't tell people at that time, his heart was swayed by this not like the clear back of the world.

Ning long walked behind her, tentatively stretched out his hand, lifted the soft hair.

The well-defined fingers run through the ink hair like water.

Lu Qijia was not moved, and continued to look at the sunrise ahead.

Ning long intensified, stretched out his hand, gently around her.

The girl is so cold that she seems indifferent when she is held in her arms by the young man. The soft jade bell covered by the clothes is also held in her hand. Then the jade bell gradually turns into a jade bowl, a jade dish, and a snow cake. Finally, suddenly, it bounces back to its original state and trembles.

Lu Qijia snorted lightly and said faintly, "haven't you teased enough?"

Ning Changchang said: "one night is not enough, one life is not enough."

Lu said calmly, "it's not easy to see you again after a long time. I'll indulge you for a few days. When I get back to the peak, I'm not allowed to do that."

Ning long sat on her side, patted her knee, and said, "I dare to talk to you like this again. It seems that you were not able to discipline me last night."

Lu Jiajia looked at the action of patting his knee and recalled the scene of shame. Ever since she taught herself how to use sword, she has been injured, bled, and even dealt with death several times. But how could she be bullied like this? What's more, she is a teenager eight years younger than herself

How can I meet such a damned disciple? It's really a white eyed wolf who has been waiting outside the abyss these two years.

Although she thinks so, but white temporary cheek still can't help but get hot.

"You want to hit me again?" Lu's eyes are dark.

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "it seems like a beating, but it is not."

"Well?" Lu has doubts.

Ning Changchang said: "I was born with the same body of sword spirit. I refined your sword body with gold and black. Now you are a sword. Before a sword becomes a real peerless sword, it has to undergo a lot of tempering. Can you imagine the scene of those blacksmiths forging swords with hammers? It's just that marriage is my precious apprentice after all. I've been much more gentle. "

Lu Jiajia's eyebrows are slightly frowning. She would rather talk nonsense like this for a long time. She couldn't believe it, but I don't know if it's an illusion. She actually felt that her sword body was a step closer, with a sense of harmony between heaven and man.

Rather than waiting for the woman's sneer and sarcasm, Ning Changchang saw her eyelids drooping slightly and thought seriously.

This student is too stupid

Or is she willing to think more because I said that?

Rather long heart soft. However, he could not miss such a great opportunity, especially when he saw Lu's lonely appearance. He could not help recalling last night's obsession, and always felt that the two figures could not overlap.

"If you don't believe me, I'll give you another forging with gold black, and you'll know when you try." Ning Changjiu continued: "now I have entered the purple court, Jinwu is not what it used to be, just can let you go through the final stage."

Lu Jiajia asked with a smile: "is this not what it used to be? Is the bird getting bigger? "

Hearing this, Ning long where can calm down again, he said with a smile: "try not to know?"

The snow clothes slipped, half in front of the body, half in the waist.

Just as at the beginning of those nights, Ning long stretched out his finger, Jinwu broke through the purple house, Lingering between his fingers, and touched the xiubei of Lu's marriage.

At that moment, the butterfly bones on both sides of the ridge line became more and more distinct, and the woman's body became more and more tense. She could feel that something lit up her body and was in full bloom. In the long lost golden wave, her blood began to accelerate, splashing fierce sword spirit in countless orifices. The sword spirit and Jinwu seemed to fit naturally, chasing each other and showing more brightness.

Jinwu came out of the sword.

The soft sword has been almost refined, only the last point is left.

Ning drives Jinwu to tease Jiantai for a long time.

But now Lu's wife is no longer the one who lives long and lets him tease Jiantai.

Lu Jia sat cross legged, her hands pressed on her clothes, her heart as still as water, and her face as usual.

Rather long slightly frown, know that she is in patience, but there is no good way.

We have to work harder.

The sword is like an island surrounded by a storm. The rocks on the island are constantly peeling off and melting into the sea.

Finally, Lu could not hold back and hummed softly.

It's like an expert against the sword. Once the defending party shows some flaws, the next collapse is likely to break the dike.

Lu's cold jade body began to get hot, and her cheeks were dyed red before the morning glow. The light of the sky surged in from afar, and the rising green silk was dipped in the morning light.

Her bare feet began to bow inward, and her hands were clasped together like the lotus seal of Guanyin.

Fortunately, in the past two years, she has been practising hard, and the sword has already been refined.

The gold and the black melt into the sword.

There is a clear sound from heaven and earth.

Lu Jiajia's skin is like a new sword, reflecting the morning light, suddenly shining into ten thousand sharp points.

The sword was completely integrated with her body.

Sword spirit is rare in nature. It is only a few people who can completely integrate sword spirit into the body and look at the whole history.

Before she had time to feel this understanding, Lu's body was broken off again. Before the warm heat faded in the cool wind, her snow clothes were first removed.

The sword forging begins.

The process of forging swords is divided into many steps. Each famous sword seems to be unruly, so it needs to be forged repeatedly to make it docile.

A long hand is a hammer to forge an iron sword.

So the sword was put on the knee and forged for a long time. The body of the sword was forged from white to pink, and then from pink to red. The sound of the sword was crackling and crisp. It burned a lot of finger marks. The sound of the sword was like the pure sound of silk and bamboo. The pure sound gradually turned to compromise and submission.

This is different from last night. At the moment, the sword has no scabbard.

Before the rising sun, another day is also coming out.

Forging sword entered the second stage.

This time is the story of Jingwei reclamation.

Shenque Jingwei wanted to fill the deep sea, but it also angered the God of the sea, such as digging a well to see a spring, which caused more urgent and sudden wind and waves.

Jingwei is fighting against the wind and rain. He keeps going forward and backward without fear. It seems that he is willing to leave until the wind and waves stop.

The swaying lotus boat startled the swimming fish.

The cold snow that used to be on the head of the boat is melting again in the boat, but the fragrance is not reduced, but more striking.

The sun broke the horizon and rose slowly. The lotus flowers in the pool are rolled up into flowing clouds.

The language of the warbler among the lotus flowers stops gradually. In the soft and plump snow color, Jingwei fills the sea water. In the gap between the two warm moons, Yutu slowly draws back the jade pestle. The white medicine juice overflows slightly, like the delicate petals with spring snow.

The rolling mountains on the boat gradually stopped.

Two sunrise.

After cleaning up the mess, she knelt down in her clothes and straightened her hair. Her eyebrows and eyes fell on the protruding index finger, and her fingertips were gently wiped in front of her.

She didn't move, she didn't even move.

A long and thin line will be cut off, instantly cut a few lotus leaves, aroused a very long water line.

Ning looked at the sword light on her jade finger for a long time and said with admiration: "it's worthy of being an apprentice taught by my teacher. It's really powerful."

The joy faded from her eyes and brows. Lu's face lit up with a faint smile. She took back her fingers and said, "master, you can't miss it. It's just that you've made a success in training your body before, but there seems to be no difference between forging your sword and not forging it."

Ning Changchang also said with a smile: "refining the body is to polish the body of the sword, forging the sword is to sharpen the heart of the sword. The two can be distinguished. Now that you have become a master, you should forge more swords for you in the future. "

Thinking that she would be a regular on the boy's knee in the future, Lu's heart was full of complicated feelings.

Ning long thought of one thing, suddenly said: "I played flutes last night. Today, the lotus is just in bloom. How about another song?"

"Well?" Lu doesn't remember playing the flute. She just vaguely felt that in her sleep, she really played a piece of music. She spread out her hand and said, "take the bamboo flute to me."

Ning long began to undress.

Lu's marriage is pretty and her eyebrows are light.

"What are you doing?" Asked Lu.

Ning Changchang said, "I don't remember what I did last night?"

Of course, she doesn't remember it, but she can guess something vaguely. A thousand layers of snow waves have stirred up in her heart. Even she can't imagine what happened next month.

Ning Changchang seemed to break her airs, and continued: "last night, the beauty half knelt down, blowing and holding her title, which made Yuxiao reveal that she married you..."

"Shut up Lu's face was frosty and cold.

But Ning Chang's words still make her confused. She can't help touching her soft red lips. She's not sure whether Ning Chang's words are true or empty.

"Even if it's true, how can you count the things in your dreams?" Lu's heart was fixed. She closed her dress and tied it up. Her jade hand reached behind her neck and lifted her hair out of her collar and put it on her back.

Ning Changjiu gently touched the sword of landing and married, and said with a smile, "yes, if dreams can count, how can I see you now?"

Lu's body trembled slightly when she heard the speech. Xu is the morning light, she recalled two years of sitting, body and mind are embracing in the warm light.

They look up and look at each other as if they had a heart.

And then we get closer and close our eyes together.

In the morning light, the lips meet each other, the clothes embrace each other, the white light breaks everything, and outlines such a bright scenery.

Finally, the scene was interrupted by the restless hands.

"In Linhe City, under the cover of jiuyu, did you and Zhao xianger do the same?" Lu caught the hand and said, "there is no one around here, so I'll forgive you. If you dare to do that again, I'll chop it and feed it to the fish."

Ning long innocent way: "I and xianger girl clear, marry don't slander people out of thin air."

Lu Qijia snorted, grabbed the thief's hand, knelt down on the boat board again, and asked, "by the way, where's my Ming LAN sword?"

Ning Changchang was shocked in his heart. He thought that minglan had been rotten two years ago, and the whole sword had survived.

Ning Changjiu said in a low voice, "I still have that sword, but it's broken. But in ancient times, there was a reason that the sword went with people. It's your sword after all, so I never thought of throwing it away."

Lu's heart was gentle, but her face was calm and said, "I don't believe these things. I'm just asking. I wish I were all right. "

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "yes, now you don't need any sword. You are the most peerless one."

Lu said coldly, "I'm not a girl like Xiaoling. Don't try to coax me with these lies."

Ning long pretended to be embarrassed, approached her and said, "can't you really coax her?"

Lu Jiaxian looks calm and indifferent.

Ning Changchang, in the spirit of never letting her hold up her master's airs, continued to joke: "I told you three fables last night. I think my apprentice should have more than enough. I'll tell you more today."

"Well?" Of course, Lu can't forget those three stories.

There's no one in the world who's so secretive... Well, it's not decent for the jade rabbit to stir up medicine and make a blockbuster.

"What tricks do you want to play?" Lu said

Ning Changchang said, "in ancient times, there was a saying that blind people touch elephants. How about a blind man touch swords today?"

Lu's lips were slightly pursed. She understood something, and her eyes were full of shame.

Ning long execution seems very strong, he directly cut off a piece of his sleeve, blindfolded, said: "the story began?"

Lu Jia helplessly pressed his hand: "you are also a great friar in the purple court. How can you still be such a fool? Like a child. "

Ning Changchang said: "I didn't say it was good before. I have to follow my advice these days. How can I turn back again?"

Lu Qijia sighed, released her hand and said, "OK, it depends on you."

So the fight started when the blind man touched the sword.

"Is this sword ear? Um... The pendant of sword ear? "


"Is this the handle of the sword?"


"Is this the body of the sword?"


"Is this... Feather on the sword?"

"Mmm... Mmm..."


"Stop!" "I don't want to hear any more stories," Lu said

"But I haven't finished yet. How do you compensate?" Ning Changjiu said.

Lu Jia bit her lips and said reluctantly, "I'll blow the flute for you."

Ning long agreed, untied the blindfold sleeve cloth, waiting for the beauty to fulfill the promise.

But he never thought that Lu's words were also literal.

Lu took the bamboo flute and pressed it under her lips. Her eyes closed slightly and she played it gently.

The sky is clear, the earth is bright, the breeze is gentle, the water is silvery.

In the lotus, the sound of the flute is not like crying, but more like a long sparrow flying around in the wind and snow. After a thousand moonlit nights, it slowly flies back to the old couch, chirping and singing, telling the story of the distance.

Rather long mood, such as being washed away by snow, also return to calm.

He looked at the lotus pond, the lotus leaves, the light of the sky and the shadow of the mountains in the distance... These were the beautiful scenery in the world, but he did not stop his eyes.

He finally looked at the snow withered jade like shadow, until the sound of Xiao gradually dissipated, and did not move away for a long time.

The bamboo flute leaves the lip, and Lu Jiajia gently puts it on her knee, slowly looks back, and looks at Ning for a long time with a smile.

There should be female immortals and white cranes.



The lotus boat slowly came to the shore. Although the spring night passed, the good day was still the same.

Lu married her white clothes, tied her belt tightly and landed slowly.

Ning long followed her.

Although Zhang Qiyu has gone, the town is still full of vitality.

Gecko and toad, two self styled generals, are still fighting on the roof, and the rabbit essence with the big carrot on its back is still patrolling, and they are very conscientious.

Ning long passed the intersection and said hello to the rabbit essence. The rabbit essence seems to have no idea of him, but it treats all the guests equally and continues to move forward after saluting seriously.

It can be seen that she is a little afraid of the Sword Fairy in white.

"You've been here for a long time. You must be someone you know?" Lu asked.

Ning long nodded and said, "yes."

"Shall I see you?" Asked Lu.

Ning Changjiu shook his head and said, "I promised to take him to his grandfather, but I know that ordinary people can't go where his grandfather goes. The growth of teenagers always needs dreams. It's better to wake up later. "

Lu Jia gave a faint hum.

"Then go outside and have a look." Lu Jiadao.

Ning Changjiu kept up with her and asked, "what's the big deal in these two years?"

Lu Jiajia also sat on the cliff for a long time. Ning Xiaoling and other disciples told her all the news. She recalled for a while and told her many things.

The summer is getting hot, but Lu's sword is getting cooler and cooler.

Ning long holding her hand, like holding a piece of warm ice.

"Single sword kills the king?" Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "the little girl is so bold. It's a pity that when she was still killing a monarch of a mere human Dynasty, I had a fight with the ruler of the kingdom of God."

Lu Jiajia said with a light smile: "then you go to have a try and beat her down from the throne of Zhao state?"

Ning long way: "she is not easy to bully?"

Lu asked, "I'll be easy to bully?"

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "how can this be called bullying?"

Lu Qijia snorted faintly, slowly, looked at him and asked, "I really don't want to see you?"

Ning Changchang naturally wants to see her, but he knows that even if Zhao xianger likes herself, he can't keep her.

So he wants to win the three-year contract. Maybe only in this way can he imprint a mark that she can't erase no matter where she goes.

Ning Changchang said, "on the day of the three-year appointment, I will go there."

Lu's lips were like this: "to die is to save face. I used to say that a good man is light and lustless. It seems that I was cheated. "

Ning long laughed at himself, thought of something and asked, "how is the purple heaven gate in recent years?"

Lu Jia said: "the Fourth Avenue master has lived for the lowest level of 13 rain hours, and now it has gradually declined. If it wasn't for other sects, I'm afraid the purple heaven sect is now in the bag of others."

Ning long nodded and asked, "What immortal has ever been here?"

Lu Jia frowned and said, "are you asking the king to blame? Even if he comes, I can't see him

Ning Changchang shakes his head slightly. What he cares about is actually the people in the view.

But I don't think so.

"When will the grand ceremony begin?" Ning Changchang suddenly thought of this, calculated the time, seems also fast.

Lu said: "no news has come, but I think it's just recently."

Ning Changjiu said with a smile, "it's easy for you to win the first place now."

Looking at the tip of her shoe, she smiles and shakes her head: "I'm not interested in the position of patriarch."

Ning Changjiu clenched her hand and said, "I'm quite interested in you becoming the patriarch."

Lu's eyebrows were slightly raised, and she said, "as a monk, how can you get into the purple court when you think about these things all day long?"

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "that duanjie city is too boring. It's either demons or monsters or monsters with fierce fangs. After two years of being haunted by evil spirits, I'm tired both physically and mentally. Now I see my apprentice again. If I don't bully him, it seems that I'm going crazy in my cultivation."

When Lu Jiajia listened to his heresy, he just gave a cold smile.

Lu said, "after three years' engagement, aren't you going to see Xiaoling? If I become the patriarch, how can I spare myself to accompany you? "

Ning pondered for a long time and said, "you can take the position of the patriarch first, and then give it to the Deputy patriarch to be the supervisor..." Lu Jiabai gave him a look and said angrily, "is the identity of the patriarch so attractive?" Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "it's not as big as the master." Big characters are especially pronounced. Lu Jia ignored him and went on. When I returned to the thatched cottage, night had fallen again. This is the place where Lu has been married for more than two years. Ning long standing in front of the woodcarving, carefully looked at it for a while, and said: "it doesn't seem like it." Lu Jia waved her hand and cut the wood carving in half. She asked with a smile, "is it like now?" Ning long felt a chill behind her and habitually wanted to compromise, but then he thought that she was her apprentice and had been disciplined twice by herself. How dare she still be so disobedient? He turned his head and said, "I don't like being admonished because I annoy my master everywhere, do I?" Lu couldn't help looking at the branches piled up by the window. She was in a complicated state of mind, but her face was cold. She said, "do you want to gain an inch?" Rather long fight relative way: "Apprentice want to contradict master?" But Lu didn't give in this time. She said with a faint smile, "master, don't you think I'm really not your opponent?" Rather long gently pick eyebrows. How can this disciple be so disobedient? Lu's hand stretched out. Ning long also extended a finger. That means, it's a sword. The two swords touched each other, and the light of the sword gently spread and enveloped them. The fingertips that touch each other seem to have countless lights. Those sword lights touch each other and explode into oblivion. In the tiny sparks that seem to go out in a flash, there are actually mysterious and complex sword meanings and moves. That's what they learned. Their swords were all blended between the two fingers that touched each other. Crackle. Like a candle. Ning took back his finger in pain for a long time, and the light smoke curled around his finger. Lu's jade like fingers are still with a halo of the moon like sword, like a glowworm on her fingernails“ You... You deceive your master and destroy your ancestors, and you are rebellious! Recklessness... Should be punished! Get on the wall Ning Changchang's appearance of rage and depravity is like the villain who was taught by the chivalrous woman in the drama. Where would Lu Jiajia listen to his reprimand? She just said with a smile, "master, you have to practice well. Even your apprentice can't beat you. You really can't go to the imperial city to see the female devil." When he was poked to the pain again, Ning Changchang was more angry. He rushed to Lu Jiajia, and some scoundrels forced her back to her house. He said, "there's no punishment. Shall I tell you some more fables?"“ I'm not a little girl again. Who wants to hear your story? You can tell it to your younger martial sister later I'm not a beast. " Lu Jiajia is lying on the grass bed. Although she has eaten marrow and taste, she doesn't want Ning to be too presumptuous in front of her for a long time, so they have another fight on the bed. When Lu Qijia was soft hearted and wanted to give up resistance, they looked at each other at the same time“ Someone's coming Lu's clothes were arranged and her face was cold. She went to the door and looked at the people on the road. It was Xue xunxue“ What's the matter with master Xue Feng? " Lu asked. Xue xunxue said: "I don't want to disturb you, but the grand meeting of the patriarch is a grand event of the four peaks after all. You are the real leader of tianku peak, so I'll let you know."“ "Well..." Lu's head was lighter and asked, "when?" Xue xunxue said: "half a month later, although I know you will not stay here, we all hope you can come." Lu Jia nodded with a smile: "thank you for your kindness." They exchanged greetings again, and Xue xunxue left with his sword. When she left, Xue xunxue murmured that although Lu's marriage was still a plain crane in white and her feathers were immortal, her beauty and appearance seemed to provoke some other breath, that is, her pace was slightly different from that of the past, but it seemed... Impossible! That's Lu's wedding... Xue xunxue soon gave up his idea and went back to the peak with his sword. When Lu returned to the thatched cottage, he was overwhelmed on his bed. It's another sleepless night without further discussion( Well, I can write a book in the future, which is called "superfluous narration." (thanks to the master Feng Yunwu, the alliance leader Maggie zuige, and the helmsman who has a bug!! And the master wood Master of reward!! And master Mo CHENFENG and the great Xia of reward! Thank you for your great reward and support. There were so many rewards yesterday. I think you should be very happy to see them

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