Moon shadow mottled forest, rather long standing in the petals withered tree, eyes through the branches of the bifurcation, looking at the sky of the moon.

In the wild South, strange roars are often heard.

All the life here has been polluted by the southern wilderness, and it grows strangely. Even the brocade like flowers on the mountain haze are just the withered leaves of the yellow and purple Carposina.

Rather, it is because of the power that Ning Changxu is in, and the pollution of Nanhuang will not erode him at all.

What surprised him was that Lu's marriage was clearly in the purple court, but he was also in the southern wilderness for two years, safe and sound.

Like those poets, he looked at the moon with doubts in his heart and wanted to get answers.

And then the moon really gave him the answer.

The sound of singing in the woods stopped suddenly.

The rustle of the leaves is abated with the sound of the wind.

Not only that, the clouds in the sky, the moon in the shade, and the white clothes and green silk in the distance are all still at the same time.

This scene came too suddenly, Ning long only felt that the knot was full of ice dregs, unable to move.


Ning Chang's mind, suddenly came up with these two words, but temporarily can not think of the source of these two words.

Then there was a voice behind him.

It was clearly a sound, but it was still so quiet, as if the clouds and shadows condensed in four rooms.

"Younger martial brother."

In the quiet voice, Ning long felt that his body could move freely again.

He turned around in this frozen world and saw the woman walking slowly in the forest.

The woman was dressed in a pale blue Taoist robe. The robe was painted with white lotus flowers. She silently stepped on the withered leaves. Her skin was like jade, her hair was like ink, and the dust falling from her arms was like a bunch of soft moonlight.

There was a quiet word all over her.

She walked through the still world without any sense of disobedience.

The door of memory was knocked open again.

"Teacher..." Ning long wanted to blurt out, but the big word just came out, and he immediately realized that it was not good.

How vast the world is. Since the eldest martial sister has found herself, it means that the master has also found herself.

He shouldn't have made such a rash statement of identity.

"Teacher... Who sent you?" Rather long-term desire to say and stop, a look like facing the enemy.

"My younger martial brother is so cute." The elder martial sister gave a cool smile.

"Who is your younger martial brother?" Ning long felt that he was very tough. In his last life, he never dared to talk to the elder martial sister like this.

The elder martial sister didn't think much of it and said with a smile, "younger martial brother, I really want to know what happened ten years later."

"Ten years later?" Ning long pretended not to understand.

The master said, "you should know that the time of silence is limited."

The woman in Danqing Taoist robe twists the dust in her arms and says, "if you really want to talk, I can't accompany you for a while."

Ning long looks at the big elder martial sister's smiling face and sighs in his heart. He knows that he can't hide from the master.

He restrained his expression and said, "didn't master tell you?"

The elder sister said, "master, she may not know. She told me that the return of time is a matter of last resort. In the whole world, maybe you are the only one who is most sober. "

Ning Changchang was shocked. He asked, "is it not her arrangement for many things in the imperial city of the state of Zhao?"

The elder martial sister said with a smile, "if fate crosses the boundary, it sounds like fate."

Ning Changjiu knew that the eldest martial sister would not cheat himself, but he was still puzzled: "since I woke up at the age of 16, all my experiences have been... Coincidence?"

The elder martial sister nodded gently: "if the master didn't hide it from me, it's a coincidence."

Ning Changchang was cold in his heart. In the past, he dared to take many risks. In a sense, he believed that if master was the person behind everything, she would not let herself die before she was 28 years old... Now, I think, those actions of living to death are actually dancing on the blade.

Rather than think about it for a long time, he asked the question he was most concerned about: "what is the reason that elder martial sister is coming to me now?"

The elder martial sister raised her sleeve. The sleeve of Zhanqing slipped and showed her slender and white hands. Her index finger and middle finger bent gently and said with a smile, "I'll give you a chestnut."

Ning long can understand, he said: "I've got xiantianling, there's no need to be enlightened."

The elder martial sister said with a smile: "the younger martial brother is really gifted, but it's not enough."

Say, the sleeve of her another hand also hangs down, put out a finger, point to rather long eyebrow.

This finger is like the killing sword of Tianyu sword Sutra. It's so light that people can't feel any breath. When she found it, she was already in the middle of her brow.

Master sister's eyebrow flashed a little red mole.

"Sin king?" The eldest martial sister felt a certain breath in his sea of Qi and gave a gentle Yi.

I couldn't hear her for a long time.

There was no sound in his ear.

The silent world is like an eggshell about to be broken, in which lies a giant beast that can break the tide.

A moment later, the elder martial sister took back her finger and gave him a chestnut.

Rather long eat pain to call a body, cover the forehead, the forehead is a red imprint.

This chestnut, to his pain is not even inferior to the original sin Jun with thunder and lightning gun shot through the heart.

But pain comes and goes quickly.

Ning long-term observation of the sea, found that the past those indigestible feelings, actually completely melt, become the nourishment of the sea, even the sin king that part of the sea, also in the collapse, fall into the depths.

The world is still in silence.

So the storm in the sea of knowledge is particularly fierce.

It was a long time before he let go of his hand covering his brain.

"Thank you, elder martial sister..." Ning was relieved for a long time.

The elder Master said, "I have erased the black feather mark left by sin in your body. Sin Jun, as well as many other lords, are enemies to us. I don't think you have faced one of them so early... But it's also very good. It's worthy of being a disciple of Guanzhong. "

Ning long frowned and said, "Lord? The enemy? "

The elder martial sister didn't continue to explain. She pressed her sleeve with one hand and gently probed into the night wind with the other hand, as if she had taken a leaf.

But between her fingers was not a leaf, but a fire.

The light of the fire lit up the elder martial sister's eyes and eyebrows.

Ning Changjiu looks at the quiet eyebrows of the elder martial sister and thinks that this is the first time we have met. Do you want to leave a good impression on the younger martial brother? But I have experienced the first life. Elder martial sister, where are you a quiet beauty? You are a bloody Shura

Of course, like other senior brothers and sisters in the temple, he only dared to keep these words in his heart.

The master sister held the fire, and her fingers trembled. The fire dissipated and turned into a letter.

Ning long recognized it at first sight.

"Is this... A letter of marriage?"

"Well, your marriage letter with Zhao xianger." The elder sister said, "there are two copies of this marriage certificate. One is in Zhao xianger's and the other is with you."

"But sixteen is long past." Ning Changjiu said.

The elder sister said: "the marriage certificate is still there, and the engagement is... Oh, in fact, now it seems that there is no difference whether there is this marriage certificate or not, but we Taoist temple should be more righteous when we get married for the first time, isn't it?"

"Thank you, elder martial sister." Ning long took the letter of marriage, fireworks on the fingers, but do not feel hot.

The as like as two peas in Zhao Xianger's marriage.

Ning long looked at this letter of marriage, feeling in the heart.

The elder martial sister looked through the woods and looked at the snow-white shadow beside the cliff in the distance.

"Is that my brother's daughter-in-law?" The elder martial sister asked clearly.

"Well... Yes, but not Zhao xianger."

"Oh, do you need elder martial sister to ask for another marriage letter for you?"

Without waiting for Ning to answer for a long time, the elder master went to her.

Ning long hurried to keep up.

The elder martial sister came to Lu's side.

At the moment, Lu's marriage is like a frozen beauty. Her eyes are still open, her eyes are full of moonlight, her shoulders are covered with stars, and her body is graceful and graceful wrapped in white clothes.

"It's very beautiful. It's not like a layman, but it's similar to master." Looking at Lu Jiajia, the eldest martial sister said, "her sword body is not good enough. Don't delay in refining and forging the sword. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the fourth martial sister later."

This is a very high evaluation.

Ning long heard the word "refining body forging sword" for a long time. He clapped in his heart and raised his head, just to the quiet eyes of the elder martial sister.

He soon realized that he was wrong. This kind of behavior in the world of practice is called refining body and forging sword, but he gave it a special meaning

Ning Changjiu said, "thank you for reminding me. I won't slack off."

Master elder sister way: "she on the body sinful gentleman's feather."

Ning long a surprised, hurriedly looked at her.

The elder master reaches out her hand and goes through Lu's black hair. She takes out a piece of black feather from her long dark hair. She puts the black feather into her sleeve, and then extracts a wisp of red thread from Ning Changjiu's marriage letter and buries it in Lu's hair.

"Before she was not polluted in the southern wilderness, she was sheltered by black feather. This rosefinch feather silk has the same effect." Looking at the beautiful woman sitting on the edge of the cliff, the elder martial sister suddenly turned around with a smile and said, "Zhang Jiu, if you think about it, no matter how beautiful or brilliant the woman in the world is, she may not be able to keep up with you. No matter what kind of choice you make, what you have to go in the future is the way to heaven. It's rugged and hard. Don't you need to tell me? "

Ning Chang was silent for a long time. He raised his head and looked at the elder martial sister's eyes calmly. He said solemnly, "my name is Ning Chang."

The elder martial sister gave a faint hum.

Ning Changjiu continued: "in this life, I am willing to live my own way instead of following master's arrangement. If I have ten years left in my life, I will accompany her for ten years. If there is one day left, I will accompany her to watch the last sunrise and sunset. "

The elder martial sister stopped, looked back and asked with a smile, "why don't you say a hundred years?"

Ning long lips, he knows, his life is only ten years.

"Because you're afraid." The eldest martial sister gave her answer: "you know you can't give her a hundred years, just as the master tried everything to give the world an immortal... I never think that the love in the world is small, so I believe that when you want to give her an immortal, you will look back."

I'd rather stay in the same place for a long time, as if I had settled with heaven and earth.

The elder martial sister's words hit his heart.

He likes to marry Lu. Of course, he is not reconciled to the fact that he has only loved Lu for ten years.

"The divine king!"

When the elder martial sister is about to leave, Ning Changjiu stops her.

Ning is not sure if it's her real name or her name.

But this is what he knows, the name of the eldest martial sister.

Elder martial sister stopped and said, "what's the matter?"

"Why did master kill me?" Ning long asked.

The elder martial sister was silent. After a moment, she asked softly, "is this the end of the last life?"

Ning long did not answer.

"I don't know. If you want to know the reason, I'm afraid you have to ask the master in person. "

Ning Changchang asked: "if I want to go back, how can I go back?"

Master elder sister way: "master does not allow me to come to meet you, and the whole world, know not considerable Road, only one person."



"Evil?" Ning long puzzled: "where is he?"

The elder martial sister said, "he is in the most chaotic place in China. He can even answer you something that even the elder martial sister doesn't know."

"That's all. It's not that the elder martial sister doesn't want to give you too much advice, but that the master doesn't want to interfere with you too much before the next plan is made. Next, you can do whatever you want, and no one will disturb you."

The eldest martial sister's words are quiet from beginning to end, even need to listen carefully.

The voice is fading.

Cloud over the moon, light and shadow on the white changes.

The wind is blowing through the trees like rain.

The world after "Silence" begins to flow again.

The light in Lu's eyes gradually became vivid.

Ning long suddenly hugged her from behind.

"What are you doing?" Lu Jiajia exclaimed in a low voice.

Ning Changchang was clearly pacing in the woods. Why did he suddenly come behind him

What kind of evil magic?

Her soft body was hugged.

Ning long thought of the previous dialogue with the eldest martial sister, he said with emotion: "married, I suddenly some understanding, those last dynasty's dim monarch."

"Well?" Lu's struggling body stopped slightly. She hummed suspiciously and said, "what's wrong with it?"

Knowing that a dynasty has accumulated disadvantages for several generations, the National Treasury is in deficit, and the people are in dire need of livelihood, the Manchu Dynasty is full of treacherous and sycophantic officials, and there is no one to use. The dangers of internal and external troubles are numerous.

The young emperor wanted to make great efforts to turn the tide around and become famous in history, but a white fairy like a lotus came to the palace. Anyway, it is estimated that the Dynasty will be destroyed in ten years at most. Even if I try my best, I may not be able to save it. Even if I save it, the princess in white and I are old, and we will live up to our good time, There seems to be nothing wrong with exchanging the name of all ages after death for the ten years of publicity and immortality. After death, who cares about the flood

Ning long involuntarily imagined himself as the last monarch.

In his arms, he was holding the most beautiful and favorite princess in white among the three thousand beauties in the harem.

He thought this way and joked: "you are my concubine. I'll read your sign tonight. Please serve me, or I'll be in the cold."

Lu Jia pressed her restless hands and said, "what's wrong with you today?"

"Sick? Are you a doctor or a doctor

"If you really get sick, I'll give you a sword for acupuncture."

"Acupuncture? Who gives acupuncture to whom? "

"Your... Is really like acupuncture."


After a while of fighting, they both lay on the ground.

Ning long looked at her some fierce show dimple immortal face, and his heart became softer and softer. He thought that if he recited the name of Wanshi dujun, would the princess not be the witch who brought disaster to the country and the people? How could he let her recite this kind of name?



Ning Changjiu suddenly said, "I will surely give you back a piece of the world!"

"..." Lu has an impulse to beat people.

I've been waiting for two years, waiting for a fool to come back?

"If I give you any more nonsense, I will deceive my master and destroy my ancestors." Lu Jia threatened.

Ning long also laughed: "are you sure?"

Lu Jia glared at him and thought that it was nearly half a month. When did you win the sword match with me? How dare you talk so hard? If I don't indulge you, how can you bully yourself?

Ning Changjiu feels everything flowing in her body after the big elder martial sister's chestnut.

The coarseness of Daoism and swordsmanship in the past has been smoothed out one after another, and the fracture of Shura's physique has been sewn up completely. Although it is far less than the peak, it is not a drag. All the wonderful experiences far beyond the realm in duanjie city have also turned into real feelings.

Previously, when the moonlight was flowing again, he naturally stepped into the third floor of the purple court.

Lu and he looked at each other, only that he would take the initiative to admit defeat.

Ning Changchang said with a smile, "if you lose later, don't cry when you forge the sword."

Lu said with a sneer, "master, I really don't know more and more about heaven and earth."

Ning Changchang said, "why don't you make a bet?"

"Bet on what?"

"If I win, you'll have to listen to me for the next three years

"Three years?" Of course, Lu Jia won't agree. She knows that Ning Changjiu has many tricks and can't be prevented.

"Well... A month!"

"Seven days." After she opened her mouth, Lu had some regrets.

"Good!" Sure enough, Ning long agreed immediately.

Ning long won't give her the chance to ask "what if you lose", he immediately stretched out his finger and said: "let's go."

Lu Jia calmly stretched out her fingers.

The sword is like a sword.

The two pushed forward slowly and moved closer to each other.

Looking at Ning Changjiu's fingers, Lu Jiajia said contemptuously, "I thought you had any novel means. How could you still be such a weak and useless Kung Fu?"

Ning long used different Taoist methods to represent the sword, and stood in front of him one by one to fight against the sword meaning of landing and marrying.

He looked at Lu Jiajia's smiling face, did not speak, and looked especially attentive.

Before long, Lu's look became dignified.

She is still using a sword to break the way.

Jianzong's swords are like thousands of sharp knives. They form a gallows layer upon layer. They will be pushed all the way to smash Ningchang's gaudy Daofa.

But today, after breaking dozens of different ways, the sword seems to encounter a mountain blocking the way.

Jian Yi bumps into the mountain.

Failed to cut.

Ning long dull hum.

His mountain is also a sword mountain. Among them, there are swordsmanship in Shura records, Dao sword in the view of previous life, sword of heavenly edict, immortal sword and virtual sword. They should have been mutually exclusive, but after the chestnut of the eldest martial sister, they have changed from a stone with sharp feet to fine sand.

The shield made up of jagged rocks is full of holes, which is hard to block the flood, while the sand table made of sand is hard to drain.

But Ning long underestimated Lu's marriage.

The sword is too sharp and fierce, like an arrow through the sun, spinning at high speed to break the peak.

Ning Changchang's sword will be consumed rapidly. He condenses all his strength to the point of Lu Jiajia's attack.

Lu is a spear, he is a shield.

Is the spear broken first or the shield broken first?

Both of them were pale.

The spark between the fingers rose and died, and the bright light exploded between their eyebrows and eyes, like makeup.

For a while.

The dancing green silk of Lu's marriage is calm, and the long-time shaking sleeves are turned into rags.

It was as if someone had burned a fire of incense between their fingers. After the sword is smashed, the sword will disappear like smoke.

Lu's sword has been worn out, but her fingers are still as thin as cicada wings.

"I lost." Lu took back her fingers, some unwilling, but also some angry: "even to me, do you have to hide your strength on weekdays?"

Compared with today, the sword spirit that Ning used to use for a long time can't be compared at all.

Ning Changjiu said with a smile, "now is not the time for you to blame me."

Lu Jiajia knows that he's talking about gambling... Why do you have so many traps?

She recalled her previous disdain and contempt, and felt that she was somewhat like a careless evil character

Take it as a punishment for your carelessness.

They went into the thatched cottage, and Lu Jiajia skillfully took off his sword and lay on his knees.

Then there are the old stories of forging sword, stealing bell, pounding medicine, Jingwei reclamation.

Finally, Ning Changjiu told her a fable of "self contradiction".

Only this time, their roles changed and Ning became a spear for a long time. In this fable, the powerful spear soon poked the shield into holes, throwing away his armor, just as Lu Qijia had done before.

Every time after the story is told, Lu's marriage is always the most unlike that of the female Sword Fairy. At the moment, he looks like a resentful little daughter-in-law. Originally, Ning would have coaxed him with soft words for a long time, but today he just opened his mouth, and he and Lu's wife looked awe inspiring at the same time. Who's coming again? When she opened the door, she was neatly dressed and her temperament returned to coldness. Lu Jia's eyes moved down and saw Le Rou standing at the door. Le Rou looks at her nervously. Lu's face softened a lot, and she worried: "Le Rou? What are you doing here so late? Don't you know it's dangerous here? " "I have a gift for master," she said seriously "What gift?" Lu asked Yue Judo: "can I go in and talk?" Lu gave up her body. Le Rou enters the door, sniffs with her small nose, and always feels strange. She sat on the chair, untied the small package on her back, looked at Lu Jiajia, and said, "master, you also sit." Lu didn't sit down and asked, "Le Rou, have you come to persuade me to go back to the peak?" With a gentle hum, Le Rou untied a graceful sword from the package, took it in her hands, handed it to Lu Jiajia, and said, "this is the sword I bought specially for my master. It is engraved with the names of all the people in the whole peak. Of course, except for uncle Lu, his words are so ugly..." Lu Jiajia grafted the sword which is only one palm long. Looking at the carved name on it, her face suddenly changed. It's been two years. Lu put down her sword and said with a smile, "since Le Rou thinks so much about master, why didn't she come to see her in the past?" Yuerou lowered her head and said cautiously: "because master has been thinking about younger martial brother, I'm afraid I'll disturb her thinking about younger martial brother when I'm here. Master will be sad..." Lu Jiajia was in a state of mind. Looking at the little girl sitting in the cottage, she felt a lot of guilt. She walked up to le Rou's body, touched her hair and said, "OK, master, I will go back to the grand ceremony tomorrow... I really haven't been back to see you for a long time." Le Rou was stunned at first, and then her eyes became very bright. Rather long time pinches the hidden breath technique to hide in the window, listens to the room woman and the young girl's conversation sound, the corner of the mouth gently raises. That little girl is just a childlike sentence, how can she be so soft hearted... What a fool. However, it was Lu's marriage that he wanted to wait for thousands of years. He looked at the moon in the sky and listened to their words“ What if Shifu can't wait for his younger martial brother? Isn't Shifu going to be sad all the time? " Le Rou asked anxiously. Lu was silent and didn't know whether to tell the truth. Ning long straightened his clothes, went around the window, opened the door and went in( Thank you for your reward! Thank you for your support and encouragement

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