"I took good care of you, and you lied to me?" Zhao xianger stares into his eyes. Her pretty face is tight, her lips are tight, her thin clavicle is clear, her eyes are full of anger and hatred, and her luxurious "thousand fold fragrance" seems to fade away.

If ordinary people see her such a complex look, I'm afraid they are too ashamed to speak. They begin to apologize in soft language, but Ning Changjiu says firmly: "don't pretend, didn't you cheat me into the imperial city?"

Zhao xianger bit his lower lip and said, "I... I invited you to dinner!"

Ning long pointed to the broken kingdom of God and said, "I also invite you to visit."

“?” Zhao xianger looked around. She didn't know how to describe the world. It was not so much a world as a barren space. In this space, it seemed that a sun had exploded. On the ruins of the palace buildings, there were countless dust and fire debris. Some of them were as small as a spark, and some were as big as tall buildings. They floated quietly and lifeless.

"What's good to see here?" Zhao xianger is not happy.

Ning Changchang said, "the dinner you invited me to is not on the table yet?"

Zhao xianger frowned and said angrily, "how can you be so careful?"

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "how your highness treats me, of course I will treat him."

Zhao xianger's cheeks were puffy and irritated. She looked around, looking at the lava like debris floating in the air, and asked, "is this... The golden world?"

Ning Changjiu said: "according to the memory of Jinwu, this is the state of Shimu. There are two versions in later generations. One is born for ten days, such as Shimu staring at the earth. The other is the name of the king in the kingdom of Jinwu, Xiang was later killed, and his body was separated into Shimu."

In ancient times thousands of years ago, almost all the ancient gods in power in the world had established their own divine kingdoms, large and small. Those divine kingdoms were divided or merged in the later "battle of the early Yuan Dynasty", and there were still hundreds of scattered ones. They are the oldest kingdoms, based on authority and mythological logic.

At that time, the powers scattered between heaven and earth were still very fragmented, and many of the powers of the kingdom of God overlapped, so there would be wars between those powers of the same origin, and the winner would be complemented.

That war was the battle of the early Yuan Dynasty, which almost broke the pulse of heaven and earth.

Thousands of years later, the world was baptized by countless catastrophes and wars. The most terrible one was the one 3000 years ago. All the historical materials about that time were erased, and hundreds of independent divine kingdoms died out in the catastrophes. Even the existence of one of the ancient gods such as Ming Jun could not be spared. Only a few of the ancient gods in that era survived to this day, even if they survived, Most of them lost their memory.

Shimu kingdom is also one of the deities destroyed 3000 years ago. Only one of the ruins is left, hidden in Jinwu.

In today's world, only the kingdom of the Twelve Gods is recognized by the law of the world. Other small gods hidden among the people, once detected by the Lord, will bring the disaster of destruction.

Recalling the history of jiuyu's inheritance, Zhao xianger shook his head and said, "what if you cheat me here? You are not the leader of this country. At most, you just want to create a fair battlefield. Do you think you can win me by facing the sword head on? "

Between the words, Zhao xianger's soft sleeve is raised, and the silk strips under the sleeve are like tassels dancing with the wind. On cangluan's slender and clear blade, the snow-white light is shining again.

Ning Changjiu put the tea in front of the pupil, wiped the back of the tea with his fingers, and said: "little girl, do you still have illusions? Jinwu is my spirit. Even though I am not the leader of this country, the world favors me. I can show far more power here than you. "

When he was in Linhe City, he saw the broken world of jinwuli in his dream, but he never tried to use it, because the emergence of each site of the kingdom of God would lead to disputes in the world, and his realm was not enough to avoid these. Of course, the most important thing is that he does not have the ability to drag his stronger enemies into this broken country. Now Zhao xianger is also a sneak attack conspiracy in a similar realm.

In a word, under the cover of Zhao xianger's world, he finally has a chance to show the true face of this broken and ownerless country.

Zhao xianger's eyes twinkle, judging the truth of his words. Her gorgeous dress is illuminated by the light of the sword. She points the blade at Ning Changchang slowly.

"I won't lose." Zhao xianger is calm as a statement.

Ning long walked through the ruins with a knife. On his hand holding the knife, the golden pulse beat like the belly of a cicada. He raised his hand and looked at Zhao xianger's eyes: "Your Highness, please teach me."

As he thought about it, it seemed that there was a remnant and invisible wind on the bloody blade in the world. The light of the sword was dull and spontaneous, which covered Ning Changchang's figure. As he raised his sword, the skeleton also made a sound like a crisp thunder.

Zhao xianger also raised his knife.

In the kingdom of God, which has been silent for three thousand years, a splendid decisive battle is about to begin.

The fire scraps in the air tear at the moment of Ning Long's sword. The blade vibrates. The blood light breathes like thunder and electricity. It tears open the gloomy world and cuts hundreds of feet in an instant.

Previously, he used Taoism to attach it to the blade, but now he doesn't need it. The world has plated a layer of light on his blood blade, which is innumerable particles of spark, blending with the color of the blade. After attaching innumerable particles of light, the imitation of this famous sword has blossomed into the edge of the real blood sword.

The moves of the blade didn't change much. In a flash, they collided with each other.

Among them, the exploding knife is like a rapidly expanding field. The red and white sharp lines take them as the center, showing a huge circle, sweeping around and crashing into the remains of the kingdom of God. Those indestructible stone pillars have been silent for thousands of years. Now they are touched by the light wave of the knife, and a layer of weathering on the surface is cut off and blown up like scraps of paper.

The impact sound rubs out a bunch of knife fire, gorgeous explodes.

Rather long white like a ghost invisible shuttle, the power of the knife is as fast as thunder.

Zhao xianger was wearing a expensive and cumbersome skirt. Standing in the same place, his body was turning from time to time. The knife in his hand seemed to cut the rain.

In the gorgeous light of the sword, the snow-white wind is quickly engulfed by the blood, and Zhao xianger's sword is suppressed. She stands in the same place, and every move is accurately captured, even if it's just on the defensive, it's difficult to maintain.

Ning Chang's action is faster and faster. The silent blood blade is like a dark rainstorm, forcing Zhao xianger to retreat.

Ding ran a clear ring, two people blade tip collide, figure finally spring open.

Ning long pointed his feet and cut off the blood light in the air with a knife. His face was quiet. Zhao xianger's figure is constantly shaking, her hand holding the knife is already unstable, and her delicate body rises and falls with breathing.

"You are defeated." Ning long said.

He needs less than ten to beat her completely.

Zhao xianger held the knife, but he didn't have the slightest decadent color. Instead, he laughed faintly: "is that right?"

"What? Do you have a back hand? " Ning Changchang asked.

Zhao xianger pointed to the top.

He looked up at the sky, his face slightly changed.

He then found that the sky was shaking, as if it would crack at any time.

"Remember the maid who brought you here?" Zhao xianger said.

Ning long thought of the woman in the palace dress who walked down the stairs, recalled her action of closing the door, and realized that something was wrong.

Ning long understood: "she has a wisp of your consciousness?"

Zhao xianger didn't hide it. He nodded directly: "although you drag me here, Jinwu is still in my world. When you put out the sword, those candle ladies have already started. You show off your prestige here, but your Jinwu is suffering for you. It won't be long before it can resist. At that time, the Shimu kingdom will collapse."

Ning looked at the sky for a long time and said, "before Jinwu collapses, you will surely lose."

Zhao xianger said, "unless you kill me, the world will survive. As long as I hold on and don't beg for mercy, what can you do with me?"

Ning long rubbed the temple, a headache, thought where this is a decisive victory, clearly and girls unreasonable.

Ning Changchang said, "don't you want to return to Zhao perfectly? Isn't it all right if it's not perfect? "

Zhao xianger said, "then I will hate you all my life."

Ning Changchang was a little confused: "how can you be so shameless?"

Zhao xianger said faintly: "don't you also use my concern for you to drag me here? It's the end of the day. "

Rather long deep breath, way: "really when I dare not move you?"

Zhao xianger is a little flustered. She is also gambling that he can't find a way to solve the world before Jinwu is broken.

"If you waste time with me again, you will not be able to bear it," she reminded

"Don't worry, your highness." Ning Changjiu holds a long knife. He wants to grab Zhao xianger and give her a good spanking. But he knows that it's urgent to crack her world. Otherwise, all he does is to vent.

Ning Changchang's body moves suddenly, and he rushes forward to wave his sword. He hits him with the back of the sword. Zhao xianger raises cangluan to block the blank.

The back of the knife comes with Ning Changchang's full strength. Between the blade's vibration, Zhao xianger's figure is suddenly bounced away and shaken back. Ning Changchang's bloody knife light comes over and covers the gorgeous girl.

Zhao xianger regretted that he had to change into this dress before, which was not good for fighting at all.

She was forced to keep retreating, and her steps became more and more disorderly. The dull sound in the sky was constantly ringing. I don't know whether the world broke first or Zhao xianger was defeated first.


When the light of the knife was wrong, Ning Changjiu hit Zhao xianger's wrist with the handle. At the same time, he reached out and held the handle in her hand directly and accurately. He hit the girl's arms with his elbow and took the opportunity to seize the slender knife.

Zhao xianger lost the blade, step by step back, rather long figure forced to hold her hand, will her into the arms.

Zhao xianger groaned and wanted to struggle. Ning Changyi stretched out her finger and pointed at her seventy-two orifices.

What he uses is the spring mountain finger of daomen. The falling finger is picturesque. The master holds a pen to brush the moss on the spring mountain. It seems to be light and free, but in fact it refers to breaking the wind and being as fast as lightning.

Before Zhao xianger's painful hum could be heard, the thirty-six orifices in front of her were blocked by Chunshan.

Ning Changjiu grabs her, carries her back and presses her on the ground. Zhao xianger is now 19 years old, and her figure is graceful and difficult to describe. The protruding part is high or the plump part is warped, which has stretched into an amazing curve. Now, under the prosperous thousand fold incense skirt, it is so beautiful that it seems to topple the broken kingdom.

Ning Changchang was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help thinking of the last day of Linhe City when they beat Mrs. Bai. The feeling of softness and fragrance still lingered in his nose.

He forced down his mood, spring mountain finger precise fall, will her remaining 36 orifices acupoint also all sealed.

"It's no use." Zhao xianger said calmly that she didn't even struggle, because she was afraid that her struggle would arouse the other party's strange desire.

Zhao xianger's seventy-two orifices were sealed to death, and his spiritual power stagnated.

But it seems that the start of power has nothing to do with spiritual power. The beating outside is more and more urgent. Ning long can imagine that Jin Wu is constantly moving in the hall and then beaten by the waiters.

He tried to calm himself down, thinking about the cultivation of all this.

Besides seventy-two orifices and acupoints, there are also

"Seven orifices?" Ning long murmured, took off Zhao Xiang'er's jade belt, blindfolded her eyes, and blocked her ears with spiritual power.

Zhao xianger guessed what he was going to do and said, "are you in a hurry to go to a doctor? The power of power has nothing to do with the seven orifices. If you do this... Well... "

Ning long cut off a part of his sleeve, group group, hold Zhao xianger soft sandalwood mouth, plug in, and blocked a hole.

Ning long after sealing her seven orifices with spirit power, the beating sound outside the kingdom of God still did not disappear.

He glanced over Zhao xianger's beautiful ridge line and looked down. The girl's tight legs were sitting by him, and it was hard for him to struggle. He could only do his best to twist her waist to fight, although this kind of resistance may have a negative effect.

"There seem to be two orifices here..." Ning raised his hand for a long time, and tentatively pointed it with the spring mountain finger.

Although Zhao xianger couldn't hear and see, he could vaguely guess what Ning Changjiu was going to do, and the resistance became more intense.

Lingxi two fingers, one refers to not Youting, one refers to pressing SHANGUAN.

Zhao xianger's body is constantly trembling, and her voice is murmuring. At the moment, her spiritual power is blocked. She is just an ordinary little girl, and she can't fight back in the face of Ning Changchang's action.

Unfortunately, it still doesn't work.

I'd rather take my fingers back.

He pursed his lips more and more tightly. He didn't want to appreciate the girl's figure. He directly unfolded the picture of divine consciousness, and groped from top to bottom, looking for a way to break the power of the world.

Jinwu's hissing sound has been heard.

It won't be long before the Shimu kingdom will collapse, and what he will face is probably the humiliation that Zhao xianger has paid back tens of times.

"Hold on for a while more..." Ning longjiu takes a deep breath and tries to stabilize his heart.

The golden light has fallen in the sky, and the whole Shimu Kingdom has begun to shake.

The state of Shimu will not be destroyed, but it is hidden in Jinwu. If Jinwu is beaten back to Zifu, the state of Shimu will be forced to close down.


Ning Changchang's eyes suddenly brightened.

He immediately thought of a thing - why he and Zhao xianger fighting for so long, nine feathers never appear!

Before, when fighting against Mrs. Bai, Zhao xianger was still in a state of long life, holding jiuyu to kill three white boned demons. How terrible was the beautiful big bird that could transform birds and swords? Why didn't she use it today?

Ning long mind a coagulation, Huoran understand.

Shimu kingdom is hidden in Jinwu, so the structure of this small world may be closely related to jiuyu!

All the methods of creating a small world similar to the kingdom of God are forbidden in the laws of heaven and earth. Of course, they can't come out in a fair way. Therefore, the kingdom of ten eyes can survive only when it is covered by gold and black, and the foundation of the small world of rosefinch must also be covered by nine feathers!

Ning long wanted to understand these, immediately turned Zhao Xiang'er over.

"Oh... Oh..." Zhao xianger could not say a word, but shook his cheek in protest.

Ning long ignored her fierce appearance.

He poked out a finger and touched the girl's eyebrow.

His divine consciousness melted in.

At the moment, Zhao xianger is like a lamb to be slaughtered. He has no resistance at all. He can only let him do what he wants.

"Dead wench hide really deep..." rather long gently relieved a breath.

His divine sense is like a line. He goes in at a high speed and finds the dark trace of jiuyu in the depth of Zhao xianger's divine sense.

Jiuyu seems to sleep but not sleep, suspended in the sea, curled up like a black sun.

Ning long stretched out the net of divine consciousness and grasped the black sun.

"Oh..." Zhao Xiang'er's head swayed slightly, and his slender waist and legs sprang up like spasms. In his perfect body, the tension of the lines was breathtaking.

Shimu country is on the verge of collapse.

Those waiters are almost crazy. Their actions are not like waving a knife, but more like using the back of a knife as a hammer to smash at the world.

The golden light fell like a flowing fire.

Although Zhao xianger is restrained at the moment, once she returns to her own world, the situation will still turn upside down, and she will become an invincible God again.

Ning long line of knowledge of the sea also toward the nine feather crazy surge.

They're competing for speed.

It's all in a flash.


In the temple, Jinwu is hit by the back of the sword and falls to the ground. Ning has been attacked by xiantianling for a long time, and the pain comes from his chest.

There was a fire in the sky.

It's the rosefinch fire from the temple.

The flames came in and swallowed the sky, eroding the Shimu kingdom in jinwuzhong.

Ning long lit her eyebrows and her fingers kept shaking.

The falling flames engulfed him.

The world collapsed.



For a long time.

The stars are shining in the night sky. They are like the fine sand in the hourglass. They condense into slender lines and fall into Ninglong's body.

It was dark all around.

There are no fragments of Starfire floating, and there are no fires burning all over the sky.

The green brick is slightly cool.

The quiet night of Zhao state, like a huge quilt, covered them.

Ning Changjiu and Zhao xianger both lie on the ground and seem to have passed out.

Zhao xianger was pressed on his arm, breathing weakly.

The night wind blows over the temples.

Ning long finger micro motion.

He was the first to wake up with a splitting headache.

Fortunately, his cultivation was restored to the purple court. After the wind blew several times, the spirit power rushed back to the air sea to let him recover slowly.

Zhao xianger is still sleeping beside her. Her eyes are covered and her mouth is stuffed with buns. Lying on the ground, she seems to have been kidnapped.

Ning long recalled the scene just now.

At the last moment, when the fire fell, he just cut off the connection between jiuyu and the world. The kingdom of Shimu in Jinwu and the kingdom of little god in jiuyu collapsed almost at the same time.

They both fall back to reality.

They were still tied in that round.

It's just

Ning long looked at the girl around him and laughed, feeling his foresight.

Zhao Xiang'er's seventy-two orifices are still blocked. At the moment, he can't fight back.

Ning Changjiu carried the well-dressed "little sheep" on his back.

At the moment, he stood at the gate of the city, looking from left to right, dizzy, and could not tell which side was the Imperial Palace and which side was the city square.

Forget it... Ning closed his eyes for a long time. He just felt that there was a complicated situation in front of him. After three years, he couldn't remember the location of the imperial palace.

You can't sleep on the street... I'd rather stay in an inn for a long time.

He carries Zhao xianger behind his back and looks outside.

Soon, he found that he couldn't even find the inn.

It doesn't matter. If you can't find it, you can't find it. There is a tall and bright building in the middle. It stands out from the crowd. I think it can live in people.

Ning long carried Zhao Xiang'er on his back.

A woman with a large handkerchief leans against the door and stops Ning Changjiu, saying: "you are..."

Ning Changjiu asked, "do you have a room available?"

With that, he reached for Zhao xianger's purse, took a look, confirmed that there was nothing else in it, and then left the fat woman, "I want to stay for one night."

The fat woman took the purse, frowned and said, "this... Where did you rob it? We dare not accept people who have no future. "

Ning Changjiu said: "I took my sister down the mountain. I was attacked by a gangster and passed out. I need to find a place to heal my sister. Seeing that it's brightest here, I came here."

"Villain?" The fat woman didn't believe it: "now your majesty is wise and powerful, and the world is peaceful. Where can there be a villain? Are you insulting your majesty

"Your Majesty..." Ning long supported Zhao Xiang'er's thigh, and his words stopped. He slowed down and said, "we are mountain people."

"Mountain people?" The fat woman frowned and burst into laughter: "where do mountain people come to the city, let alone such a place? Your master has never told you the rules?"

"Such a place?" Ning Changjiu looks around with a little doubt.

In front of the eyes, the lights are bright and the wine is beautiful. In the ears, the silk and bamboo are all in vogue. Ning Changjiu quickly reflects where this is.

Ning long sigh, lazy in search, directly asked: "no empty room?"“ We don't take people of unknown origin here. " Fat women are going to chase customers. Ning Changjiu raised his head, opened his sword eyes, scanned it again, and said: "well, there are two rooms on the third floor..." at the moment when his eyes lit up, the fat woman was so scared that she stepped back and bumped into a chair: "you... You..." the rest of the people didn't react. They heard the movement here and looked at it one after another. They didn't understand what happened. Then everyone was stunned. It's not because the young man showed some tricks, but because the girl on him woke up. Ning Changjiu has removed the blindfold and the cloth in her mouth. She looks up slightly, squints her bleary eyes, and stares at all directions: "where is this She asked half asleep, then hung her head down and fell asleep again on Ning Long's back. The startled glance made the whole building quiet. This is the most popular and best brothel in the city, but when the girl raised her eyes, all the singing and dancing singers were eclipsed. Those who thought they had seen the prosperity of Yanliu never thought that there would be such a beauty in the world... Ning looked at the fat woman for a long time and asked, "is there enough silver?"“ Ah... "The fat woman was stunned and nodded quickly:" enough, my guest, no, immortal... "Ning long has walked up the stairs. When he disappeared at the end of the road, people finally recovered“ This... "All of a sudden, the building exploded and there was a lot of discussion. Those who didn't see the girl's face were even more surprised to hear their comments. They said to themselves, "I've heard that hotels used to bring their own drinks. I've never heard that prostitutes here bring their own. Who are these people? Ning Changjiu and Zhao xianger opened the door easily. The girl was thrown on the bed. She naturally held the quilt, curled up and went to sleep. Nothing happened overnight. Zhao xianger's eyelids trembled. When he woke up, it was already dawn. She wanted to get out of bed, only to find that she couldn't move at all. She suddenly cleared her mind, and then found that she was tied with a red rope. The red rope's technique was delicate and exquisite, and it twisted around her body, which made the exquisite part more eye-catching. Zhao xianger panicked and tried to break free, but her orifices and acupoints were sealed, so she couldn't use her spiritual power. As the noble and sacred female emperor of the state of Zhao, the daughter of rosefinch, she was so shamefully tied to the bed with a rope! The girl felt a little dizzy. She soon understood her original situation, and after brewing some emotions, she raised her head and looked pitifully at the culprit sitting on the chair beside the bed. Ning Changjiu sat on the chair as a winner, shaking the marriage certificate between his fingers, and said with a smile, "how did miss Xiang'er sleep?" Zhao xianger was about to speak when he found a towel in the air. She hesitated for a moment, then called twice and blinked, as if begging for mercy and compromise. Ning long ignored her and said straightforwardly, "I'll ask Miss Xiang'er a few questions later. You just need to nod or shake your head. Of course, you have to think clearly before you make a decision, otherwise you can't avoid suffering from skin and flesh."( Thank you for your reward! Thank you for your support and encouragement

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