Ning Xiaoling turned over a can of new tea, but instead of using the fine porcelain, she made three big bowls.

Looking at the green color floating in the water, Ning Xiaoling said with a smile, "my master used to be stingy. As he was used to plain food, he had been in the palace for several days, and suddenly remembered that this fine tea had not been tasted yet."

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "younger martial sister still has such elegance?"

Ning Xiaoling also laughs: "which has, is the diagram is rare."

Lu Jia glanced at the water stains splashed on the table and frowned. She looked at the girl who was cooling the big bowl with a fan. She apologized and said, "I can't stay any longer. Sooner or later, the old fox will come. I'm not responsible for you if I stay a moment longer."

Ning Xiaoling said: "sister Lu's injury should not be well?"

Lu Qijia pulled her skirt, covered the white bandage that had not been removed, and said: "it should be no problem to protect myself. Now that I know that Zhao xianger is sitting in the palace, I can rest assured to go back. As long as I take out the blue and white sedan chair, if I want to avoid the war, the old fox will not hurt me."

While she was talking, she had already mentioned the long sword that had lost its aura, and gave a sword salute to the two young girls who were kind to her.

"Miss Lu, wait."


Ning Changjiu suddenly got up, took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, handed it to him, and said, "this is the prescription for today. It's the method in the old books. You may as well take it. It may be useful in the future."

Yujian Tianzong has better medicine... Lu Jiajia wanted to refuse, but she hesitated a little and took it down. She said, "thank you. Keep this mask. You can take it with you. If I die here, you can take this mask to Yujian Tianzong, and someone will receive you."

Ning long looked at the broken pure white mask, thinking.

The elder martial brothers and sisters didn't say any more words of retention.

Lu Jiajia began to use her spiritual power to control Jianyuan in the sea of Qi, so that she could maintain a stable strength in the long life.

As soon as she opened the door, the shadow of a man standing by the knife came in with the rain of broken leaves.

The man's calm face was smiling, but there was a fire in his eyes.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. How is Lu Xianzi

"It's you?" Lu Jia's pupil contracted suddenly.

Seeing that pair of eyes, she immediately recognized that it was an old fox with a pair of skins.

Faster than you think!

Like a frightened hedgehog, Lu Jiajia retreats half a step back to meet the enemy. His whole body explodes with sword Qi, and hundreds of swords come out of their scabbard at the same time.

"Elder martial brother!"

There was a girl's cry in the room.

The old fox looked at the dimly lit room and said with a smile, "is there anyone else? I don't know if it's from Zhao. "

Lu took a deep breath and yelled, "protect your younger martial sister, don't worry about this side!"

As she spoke, she forced herself to bear the pain. Her slender and tight legs suddenly made a force, and she rushed towards the old fox with an arrow step.

At the same time, the old fox broke the scabbard.


It's a long and slender sword. The blade is pure black, the blade is silver white, and the dark pattern of plum blossom on Tan is like that. The forging is exquisite.

When the blade came out of the scabbard, the meaning of the sword fell like a waterfall, chopping up the drizzle and the light of the sword, but it didn't affect every brick, every plant and every tree. It was controlled to the top.

This is the Dao idea that the man with the sword had accumulated for decades before he died. But when the old fox suddenly appeared, he was killed before he could pull out his sword. The Dao idea that he had accumulated for decades now became someone else's wedding dress.

In this courtyard, the sword light and the knife light, like two silver white flames, spread like a prairie fire and collided after a flash of brightness.

When she was three Zhang away from the old fox, she jumped up, her white clothes were like wings, and her sword collapsed.

The meaning of the knife is like wind and the light of the knife is like fog. The pain of skin cutting makes her body very tight, and some wounds that are hard to be healed also collapse. However, the woman doesn't feel the pain, and the sword cut in the air doesn't stagnate at all.

There was a big bang.

The courtyard wall under the old fox's body is directly split in two, the gate is broken, the sword is not stopped, and the crack is still spreading towards the street.

The old fox's body was hidden and appeared at the end of the sword Qi crack. In a short breath, he wielded dozens of knives to chop the sword Qi like a tarsal maggot.

Lu Jiajia raised her breath again. On the edge of the sword, the sword was unsteady. A white rainbow ran through the long street, and her figure followed the sword.

The old fox's eyes flashed a different color. He didn't expect that she was so badly hurt and recovered so quickly. At the moment, she was just one of the three ghosts. She was just a strength in the long life, not much better than her.

The swords collided again and again. In the sound of Qingyue's attack, the air around them was also broken and exploded like firecrackers.

The white rainbow runs through the air.

The river goes into the river.

The ink rain turned the basin.

In the first half of the Tianyu sword Sutra, Lu Qijia used the three most powerful swords in succession, and the three swords pursued each other for almost a moment.

The old fox sealed his sword from left to right. When he was in shape, he retreated at a certain time, but his opponent seemed to be aggressive. His sword didn't mean to panic either. His chopping and blocking were very simple, but he could always block the snake like sword Qi most directly. Then he found the weakest point of his opponent's sword intention and cut it off.

Cut Baihong in the middle and cut the river.

The rainbow was cut into innumerable fireflies, and the river broke into innumerable streams.

The look of Lu's wife is the same. When the sword's breath is gone, it can be coagulated again, but it can never be broken.

A sword to thunder.

The sword Qi is like an iron bead. It rains heavily all over the sky. It's going to break everything it touches.

The old fox suddenly threw his sword and stuck his finger to the joint of the handle and tan. He found a wonderful balance and turned the long sword like a rolling windmill or a shining shield.

The sound of sword collision, the sound of iron bead breaking, the sound of sword gas exploding thunder, the sound of blue brick breaking... The heaven and the earth are singing. When the figures meet for a moment, these noisy sounds are splashed out with white light.

The sound of iron breaking suddenly sounded.

A sharp awn shot from the middle of the two people, Ding to the ground, just like a half blade.

Although the sword was also tempered, it was only a common product after all. In the stormy attack of Lu Jiajia's long sword, it was finally unbearable and suddenly cracked.

It was also at that moment that all the spirit in the sword spurted out, which forced Lu Jiajia to withdraw temporarily and avoid the edge.

The old fox's body is also bleeding, but he is not the real host, and the pain can't even convey to his perception.

He calmly looked at the woman in front of him, who was now obviously exhausted, with a smile.

Lu married a sword in white. She was tall and straight, and her eyes and eyebrows were fierce. It was as if she had been a cold and heartless sword all her life.

But no matter how elegant she is, her old wounds are not healed and new ones are added. After all, the damage to her body is great.

"Good swordsmanship." The old fox brushed the sleeve to break up the sword meaning of the last point invading the body and couldn't help praising it.

Lu said coldly, "dare you take another sword?"

Several Zhang away the old fox negative hand and stand, "why dare not?"

Lu Qijia's eyes narrowed and her body slightly turned. She gathered the aura of Qi sea with the method of sword breathing. The sword yuan in the aura was like boiling water, which attached to the sword along the five fingers and lit up the fluorescent spot.

The old fox's breath changed slightly, because he felt that every drop of rain around him had a light sword Qi.

The sword and the spirit are the same!

But he still didn't interrupt.

She is adjusting her breath, and he is gaining momentum.

An autumn thunder rings.

It's the real thunder, just like the drum when the two armies fight each other. When the drum sounds, the swords and swords meet.

Fox shadow is like fire, sword shadow is like thread.

The two collide.

Because they didn't touch, but staggered in the slightest, the old fox figure suddenly stopped, and the snow-white sword shadow is straight to the position of the palace.

Lu Jiajia never thought of entanglement with him. The three violent swords and the arrogance before gave each other the illusion that he would never die.

But from the beginning, she had only one goal, which was to enter the palace.

Just as she was determined that as long as she went through with all her strength, the old fox would be hard to catch up with her, she suddenly found that there was a fire attached to her sleeve.

She suddenly changed color, a sword cut sleeve, that moment, the flame soared, the sleeve instantly burned, showing the figure of the old fox.

"Good response." The old fox said softly.

Lu's heart was still palpitating. If she had been a little late, she would have been seriously injured.

"You've already guessed?" The woman asked in a cold voice.

The old fox sneered: "little girl, you are too young after all."

Lu Jia suddenly found that the knife he was wearing around his waist was missing.

This idea just started, she was cold behind, followed by pain, heartbreaking pain.

The scabbard, which I don't know when I untied, hit her in the back. The unhealed wound split, the bandage was broken, and the back was stained with blood.

When the back of the knife hit, the old fox started at the same time.

With one hand like a hawk's claw, he hit his belly, with the other hand free, grasped the handle of the knife, drew out the broken knife, and cut it directly according to her neck.

Lu's body was cold and sweaty with pain, and her hands and feet were hard to coordinate for a moment, but those swords had already been engraved into the bone marrow, and the burst of survival in her body forced her to fight back.

Dozens of green silk fell, and the knife ran dangerously across her cheek. Lu Qijia's other hand was blocked by the scabbard across her shoulder, and she was still kneeling on one knee by the powerful force of the knife.

The old fox stepped out, elbowed sideways, and at the same time, the blade rubbed the scabbard, and the blade continued to cut off. In a hurry, Lu Qijia cut out a sword Qi, gave up the scabbard directly, took the elbow stroke with her palm, and slid back with her body. Old fox a knife cut empty, but still don't give up, palm a clap knife handle, will that broken knife throw, straight take throat. And his figure did not stop, five fingers extended, three fingers for hook, like a pair of claws, the figure disappeared from the original place, flying claw strike, like a monster pounce on food, the speed is not inferior to the throwing knife. There was a touch of despair in Lu's mind. Just in the short fight, she found that the other side could always grasp the gap between her sword and breath to make a fatal attack. It seemed that each of her auras was clear to the other side. Even if we can learn from each other, we can't be so familiar with each other. How did the old fox do it in such a short time? Is this the vision that has reached the top of the five ways? Despairing thoughts drop into the water like ink. The broken sword hit the body of the sword. In the figure of the old fox, she stood in a dilemma and retreated step by step. With a slap, the old fox hit her wrist in a boxing, and the woman snorted. Her right hand had no intuition in a short time, and she couldn't make any reaction. A fist hit her abdomen again. She just felt the muscles of her abdomen contracted instantly, and her viscera were more like a river. The pain made her body move involuntarily, and it was difficult to make an effective counterattack. After a blow on her forehead, all her jade crown and silver hairpins fell to the ground, her wet hair was scattered, and her lips were stained red with blood. She couldn't hold the sword any more. She leaned back in the next punch and the sword came out. Old fox broke her last line of defense and twisted her neck. Her eyes were in a trance, and her consciousness was in a trance. She felt that her feet were off the ground, her spiritual power was exhausted in the sea of Qi, and she could not pull out any more. The pain from her neck almost choked her. I thought I had practiced Taoism for 20 years, and the heart of the sword was already clear, but when death really came, the great fear was still like the ghost under the lake. She suddenly remembered that when she was a child, her parents quarreled, and the pots and pans were banging on the ground. She covered her ears and curled up under the table. She wanted to help her mother, but she didn't dare to go out, because once her drunken father nearly killed her, and her cowardice and fear pressed her to death. Her sympathy and guilt for her mother's pain were like cutting her heart. If she was a boy, maybe it would not be like this... She always covered her ears and closed her eyes in that powerless thought. She always remembered the pain. It was dark all around, and the candle in the room didn't look like a real fire. She was so hungry that she almost fainted. The noise was still ringing in her ears, which could not be stopped. At that time, she always prayed, if there is an immortal in the world, can the immortal come to persuade her parents, and then give her a bowl of hot porridge, at least through the night. Later, an old man came to the village. He said he would accept himself as a disciple. At that time, she was overjoyed, secretly pulled down some sleeves, covered the scars and bruises on her forearm, and tried to open her eyes as wide as possible, showing her innocent and lovely appearance, for fear that the old man would change his mind. In fact, looking back now, when I was small and thin, how could I be a little cute? It began to rain heavily again, as if to see myself off. After many years, the feeling of powerlessness surged up again, and the breath of death was imminent. At the moment, she was the immortal in other people's eyes and the patron saint of cutting demons and demons. Who could help herself? There won't be... The air in her lungs is gradually exhausted, her consciousness begins to break, and a huge sense of sleepiness strikes. Her eyelashes are trembling in the rain and are about to close. And all this should not have happened for a long time. Just now, her mouth cracked and her sword came out. Now, she didn't hear the sound of the sword landing. Old fox didn't hear either. Not because time was too short, but because the sword didn't land at all. Before the sharp sword was about to touch the ground, there seemed to be invisible silk thread wrapped around it. It was only when a well-defined and immature hand grasped it that the old fox suddenly felt surprised. A sword came from behind as fast as lightning. The sound of bone fracture rang out, and the body of the man with Sabre turned to the side, but he didn't have time to escape. The sound of firewood. In front of Lu's eyes, the man holding his neck suddenly flew up. In the corner of her eyes, she saw only a simple green shirt passing by( It's a little later.)( I wish readers good health, may the dead rest in peace, and the living be strong. I wish you all work hard togethe

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