The king of fish stood on the ground and looked out of the window at the sky.

Clouds like fire, should only appear in the western sky of the rich evening spread over.

That direction

The king squinted and ran out of the window.

Ning Xiaoling keeps up quickly.

She also looked into the sky.

The fire in the air was a little cloudy. It looked like a smeared and deteriorated rouge.

The earth is shaking, the rocks are rolling down, the wooden hall is shaking, and the fish in youyue lake are jumping.

In other halls, many disciples also ran out and looked at the vision in the sky in horror.

The king of fish sprang up to learn a lesson.

It looks to the distance, the demon pupil is more dignified.

When something big happens, there will be a vision in heaven, and this vision... It has a wide range of knowledge, knows what kind of unknown terror it foreshadows, and it is very frightened, and does not know where the terror under the cover of dusk actually points.

Ning Xiaoling had a strong and uncertain premonition in her heart.

Almost without any hesitation, she opened the brocade bag that Zhu Ding gave her.

At the same time, in the dusk, a sky fire fell straight down. It was like a long gun thrown by a God. It locked Ning Xiaoling at the beginning of the fire.

"Meow Yuwang also noticed that it was not right, and his hair exploded.

Heaven's punishment! It's heaven's punishment!

Heaven's punishment refers to Ning Xiaoling... What on earth did she do against God?

Fish king can't think about it. At the moment, it has no realm and can't help Ning Xiaoling.

The sword of heaven's punishment falls.

Ning Xiaoling's head, the fire met obstacles, toward the explosion in all directions.

The old man with snow-white hair stood in the sky, he stretched out his hand, and the spirit power of the nether world formed a deep defense. The fire of punishment smashes in defense.

The field of defense is also fragmented.

The impact force of the instant explosion pressed the old man back to the ground, and there was a deep pit on the ground with smoke everywhere.

Ning Xiaoling stood in the same place, looking at the back of the old man's robe, shocked.

If Zhu Ding had not given her this brocade bag, she would have been killed in a flash in her own realm

"Thank you very much, martial uncle." Ning Xiaoling was dull for a while, saluting and thanking him.

Zhu Ding, even if he is the top of the purple court realm, after resisting this blow, there are still countless withered white hair broken and falling.

He turned his head and looked embarrassed.

"What's the matter? What else are you hiding? " Zhu Ding looks serious.


After this sudden punishment, the earth movement ended ahead of time, but the vision in the sky did not disperse.

"Feather snake told me a secret about tianzang and Mingjun before he died, but if you tell the secret of the gods, no matter who informs or hears it, you will suffer a lot... Xiaoling, Xiaoling dare not say." Ning Xiaoling shook her head gently.

"What's the secret?" Zhu Ding asked

Ning Xiaoling thought about it and said, "it's the enmity between the gods."

Zhu Ding nodded and said, "this matter should have nothing to do with us. After this robbery, it should be all right. If you have anything to hide, please tell me so as not to make a big mistake."

Ning Xiaoling nodded hard.

She recalled for a while, immediately remembered the words that the king of Medicine said to herself: "by the way, I also saw the king of medicine!"

Zhu Ding is not surprised, because the king of medicine guards a spiritual object, the king of medicine pestle.

Ning Xiaoling said, "the king of Medicine said something to me."


It's not a question, it's a surprise. Zhu Ding said, "the king of medicine has spoken to you."

Ning Xiaoling was stunned. She didn't understand why Zhu Ding's reaction was so big. She said, "yes, the king of Medicine said to me," the emperor is not in the palace. Be careful. "

Zhu Ding said: "do you know... All the Ming generals are dumb. They only speak to the king of the Ming, or people with the characteristics of the king of the Ming."

Ning Xiaoling was also very surprised: "then i... what am I?"

Zhu Ding looked at the little girl and said, "don't you know the secret hidden in you?"

Ning Xiaoling shakes her head.

Zhu Ding didn't ask. He said to himself, "the emperor is not in the palace." he thought about its meaning, but he couldn't find a way.

"Emperor... Is there anyone in the ancient lingzong who is the emperor?" Asked Ning Xiaoling.

"The emperor? It sounds like a woman, but no woman in the ancient lingzong ever claimed to be the emperor. " Zhu Ding sighed: "even if there is, it should be the past of Chen Malan Valley... Let me think about it carefully."

Ningxiaoling dare not disturb, she raised her head, worried to look at the sky.

Soon, the news from outside quickly spread to the ancient lingzong.

The source of the vision was found. It was the eruption of a volcano on the bottom of the sea of no luck, which should have given rise to a tsunami and red light.

At this moment, in the southwest of Middle Earth, many people are looking at the sky.



The sword passes thirteen levels.

After the thirteen passes is a famous Dao mountain.

The black cliffs on both sides are filled with white snow, hanging on the rock wall in a string. The strange stone figures on the side are abrupt sharp knives and axes, which stab the snow all around. Below, between the black and blue stone walls, the long river of rolling snow winds towards the distance, and finally joins the surging Guangsha river.

If you are far away from the center of the dispute, will you still encounter it?

This is the question of Ning Changjiu at that time.

Finally, the question came true at this moment.

When they flew over a continuous group of sword mountains, the sky lit up with orange light.

Dusk comes early.

"Is this... On fire?" Qiu Yue covered her head with her hand and looked up at the sky. Her eyes were full of curiosity.

Ning Changchang's mind at first flashed a kind of power called "dusk", which was recorded in the non observable forbidden book, and its ability was unknown.

Lu also looked to the sky.

The floating clouds in the air seem to be burning, one after another.

They looked in the direction of the light.

"There is..." Lu Jia pointed her foot on the tip of the sword and looked into the distance.

"Luoshulou!" He made a judgment together with Lu.

Then, Ning Changchang's face was awe inspiring. He grabbed Lu's hand and pulled her to his side. Lu ran into his arms and said, "what's the matter..."

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yue covered her eyes and squinted at them.

Ning Changjiu said in a deep voice: "someone."

The dusk in the sky suddenly darkens before the words fall.

The unprecedented sword will rush at a speed several times faster than the sound.

In the silent dusk, the brighter fire takes away all colors by swallowing the sky.

Zhenxian sword is far away from them.

But Lu Jiajia is aware of the meaning of the sword from afar. She wants to assimilate all the meaning of the sword with the spirit of the sword, but she finds that she can't do it at all. The speed of the sword coming from a hundred miles away is so fast that she can't lock it.

The fire of fear explodes into the lake of heart.

In the pupil, fireworks come in a flash.

The field of Zhenxian sword's attack is enough to cover the whole sword mountain. In this instant, it is impossible to escape from the cultivation of purple court.

Dusk comes with death.

Lu can't react. She only sees that the teenagers around her release their hands and stand in front of her.

She opened her mouth slightly, and the sound of her words was swallowed in the light of the sword.

It was a desperate blow.

It's a blow that almost all of the purple court can't escape, leaving them with the end that the spirits are all destroyed.

The sword of Zhenxian fell into the valley after drowning them.

The explosion spread rapidly.

Countless light spots instantly suspended in the air, bright enough to make people blind, pushing a huge amount of smoke and dust into the sky. At the center of the explosion, a bright pillar of fire rushed up, forming a grand mushroom like cloud that was higher than all the surrounding mountains.

The ring-shaped air wave is wrapped in the spark dust and spreads out at a high speed. The invisible air wave is like the most sharp blade. It will touch everything, whether it's Cliff stones, trees, bronze statues or even the dark blue mountain road... After touching the air wave, everything will break up instantly and be pushed outward together by the air wave.

Huge mushroom like clouds are still expanding, the explosion engulfs the sky and the earth, and the surrounding mountains are completely flattened.

The red fire is more dazzling than the dusk,

Villages and towns far away from daoshan felt the vibration of the earth.

From a distance they could see nothing but flames and strong winds.

It's an unexpected precision strike.

Luoshulou and the other three shenlou are second only to Jiange in terms of top strength. The reason why Jiange is so strong is that Jiansheng is too invincible. When it comes to the details, the four shenlou are not inferior.

They are the most powerful force under the kingdom of God. How can mortals escape their attack?

Because of the great importance, Mr. Chu made an exception to start the Zhenxian sword, which will never happen again.

At the edge of the explosion, four swordsmen came from all directions.

After several rounds of wind and waves, they stopped in the positive direction of southeast, northwest of the ruins.

This sudden explosion is over.

Clouds dispersed, smoke and dust in the air, vast shelter.

The trail of spark still flickers in the ruins, like the breath of a cologne.

With swords and robes, the four looked at the center of the ruins calmly, as if they were mourning the dead.

In the middle of the ruins, the precious and beautiful Zhenxian sword has lost its luster and become a scrap metal buried in a deep pit.

There was no one in the middle.

The couple and the little girl should have been dead in the high temperature of the explosion... The swordsman went to the center of the explosion to investigate. Mr. Chu looked at the Haihe plate with the same look. This blow is as like as two peas in expectation. No accidents will happen. The sword of Zhenxian is still so terrifying... Alas, the peak of immortal power and human power makes people sigh every time they see it. I didn't kill the mysterious woman before, just because she had too much power. Unless they also have the power of the mysterious woman, there is absolutely no possibility for them to escape. But how can such things as power be re engraved? Mr. Chu sat in silence for a while. He was about to close the Shanghai river when his hand suddenly froze in the air. The development of things once again beyond his expectation... Haihe plate suddenly appeared a light spot! The light spot was not far from the center of the explosion, very weak, but so dazzling. They... No, he's still alive“ How... How is it possible? " Mr. Chu's face turned white, his lips trembled slightly, and his voice was intermittent. The waiter by the side

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