Ning Changjiu and Lu Jiajia slowly walk down the mountain road with the Dragon feeders. The huge round Valley is like a duel field, surrounded by ten thousand mountains.

From the top of the cliff, it seems that the dragon is not huge. Close to it, there are many hills in front of the towering facade. Ordinary people's bodies are just the size of their claws. Gulong is dormant on the ground, dozing in the shadow of the red cloud mountain.

The Dragon eaters walk through them, and the dragons look at it as if they respect it.

I'd rather look around.

Several colognes also stare at him curiously, their blink membranes constantly brush through the pupils, and their eyes don't like such a dry environment.

"Are you from the dragon family?" Ning long asked.

The Dragon feeder shook his head and said, "no, but my teacher is a dragon. After he flies away, I will take care of his blood for him."

Ning Changjiu nodded gently: "the elder is really a man of faith."

The Dragon feeder said: "you may like to praise, but I don't like it. You talk too much, and you are far less calm than your Taoist companions."

Ning looked at Lu Jiajia for a long time, but she had no choice but to smile. It's not that she didn't want to talk. It's just that the way she ascended to the legendary three realms has brought her a lot of shock, and she is still pondering over the meaning.

The Dragon eater led them a long way.

It's a long way to go, but the Dragon eaters walk like ordinary people.

Ning Changchang was puzzled that the place where the Dragon eaters wanted to take them was not far away. But if they wanted to walk on foot, they would have to walk for more than an hour.

"I know your doubts." "If I want to cross the world, I will choose to fly with the Royal sword, but the road is too short for me to think about."

Ning Changchang thought that he would not be like a monk, but more like an old scholar.

The Dragon worshipper seems to be able to read through the hearts of the people: "a man of cultivation is a scholar at the end of his cultivation. He who breaks the Dharma with a sword will eventually die. Only truth and the world will live forever."

Ning did not dare to think about it for a long time, but he still sighed that the monks 500 years ago are really different now.

Perhaps this is also the reason why fewer and fewer people can enter the five realms.

They walked slowly forward.

The Dragon eater kept his head down, as if he was pondering something.

Finally, they came to the end.

It's a huge cube with a rock surface, almost the size of a city.

"Your arrival really lights up my new ideas." The Dragon eater stopped and said, "of course, it's also your luck. Maybe today, you will have a chance to see the real scene of the rise of Tao."

The door to the rock opens.

A young man came out of it. He looked at the two people behind the Dragon feeder and was slightly puzzled.

The Dragon keeper took down his sword, handed it to the boy and said, "take care of the old dragons for me in the future."

"Are you going to leave at last?" he said

The Dragon eater nodded.

The young man took the ancient sword and said, "I can't..."

The Dragon eater said, "when I took the sword from my teacher, I was the same age as you. I did it in those years. You should be able to do it as long as you keep this place. If the situation is irreversible, no wonder you try your best. "

The boy took the sword tremblingly and said with tears, "yes, master. But... But when the sage said that... "

"I don't believe his words. I think I'm following the only and correct path for practitioners." It's the way of the Dragon eater.

Young people don't talk much.

The Dragon feeder said to Ning Changjiu and Lu Jia, "come in with me."

They followed the Dragon eaters into the city made of boulders.

The floating stone city is bright.

I'd rather look on both sides.

There is a river like dividing line in the center of Shicheng. On both sides are residents and buildings. There are also many mountains and big trees. But those are not real. Everything is made up of neat small squares.

This stone city is a huge sand table.

"This is my research." "What I study is the principle of symmetry on the other side," said the Dragon eater

Ning Changjiu was stunned.

Symmetry on the other side is the rule in the small world.

Before, in Mrs. Bai's broken Fengdu City, they confronted with Mrs. Bai across the river. What they were limited by was this theorem. Only when the practitioners' realms on both sides of the central axis were similar, could the world be balanced, otherwise the world would be out of balance and collapse.

In the decisive battle of Linhe City, Zhao xianger, Mrs. Bai, Ning Xiaoling and he were all on one side of Linhe City. When the world was about to lose balance, he came to the other side with a small flying array. So the world maintained its own balance and chose him as the container for self-help. The aura instantly poured into his body broke the threshold, and let him step into the mystery at one stroke, resulting in a congenital aura, Tears the night of Linhe City.

The Dragon feeder said, "I didn't expect that you have experienced... It seems that you can have a deeper understanding of this."

Ning Changjiu gently shook his head: "life and death at that time, where did you think of these?"

They are three people standing on the central axis.

The Dragon feeder said to Ning Changjiu, "you go to the left."

Ning long stood on the left.

The world began to slowly collapse to the left.

The Dragon feeder said to Lu Jia, "go to the right."

Lu is standing on the right.

Both sides are beginning to balance again.

They sometimes go to the left and sometimes to the right, but they have little influence on the world.

"Because I am the creator of the world." The Dragon eater gave the first explanation: "the master of the world does not have to abide by this principle."

Ning Changjiu nodded her head gently, and Mrs. Bai was not affected at first. Later, the pillar of mythological logic collapsed, and she lost control of Fengdu, so she was also affected.

He began to explain roughly the principle of symmetry on the other side.

"First of all, it must be an ownerless, closed world."

"The bigger the world, the weaker the influence of symmetry."

"The reason for symmetry is that the small world will be rejected by the big world. Creating the world in the world is equivalent to putting a board on a sharp stone carefully, so its balance is extremely important. It is the realm of the monk that maintains the balance. "

"I have done thousands of calculations. In this rule, the realm of a monk is obviously quantitative."

"If entering the metaphysics is one, then Tongxian is two, Changming is four, Ziting is eight, and liudao is sixteen. This result is different from my initial imagination, because its balance only measures the realm. When you first enter the purple court and the peak of the purple court, they are the same in the eyes of the world. They are all eight. "

"However, if you go from purple court to five, your proportion will directly change from eight to sixteen... This process does not increase slowly, it is discontinuous and jumping. The numbers between eight and sixteen have been omitted. "

"This is also what you ordinary monks say... After entering a new realm, earth shaking changes."

The Dragon eater said what he had learned over the years.

Ning Chang Chang asked, "why can't two monks in purple court overcome one of five realms?"

The Dragon worshipper said: "because the number of monks does not follow the rules set by the master. It has its own way of calculation, which was summed up by a man who was regarded as a master cheated his master and destroyed his ancestors thousands of years ago. "

Ning long nodded gently, he looked at the stone city world, looking at all the small squares, feeling like he came to a new world.

It belongs to the world of legend.

No wonder elder martial brother said that the five principles are the peak of power. It is said that the three realms are not the breakthrough of power and realm, but the improvement of perception of heaven and earth.

"Of course, these are relatively superficial things. This is my real research."

The Dragon feeder stretched out his hand and made a complicated fingerprint.

A stone tablet appeared.

The stone tablet is full of words.

Ning Changjiu found that he knew every one of these words and numbers, but he couldn't even understand them.

Lu was even more confused.

They all had an idea at the moment - what should they do if they want to break through this realm in the future.

Ning Changchang thinks that five such studies written by the fifth elder martial brother are easy to understand, and can't be simply described as fierce. The Dragon worshipper looks at the stone tablet, ponders for a long time, and then writes down a series of numbers at the end of the stone tablet.

After writing, it seems that his long cherished wish has been achieved for many years, and a smile appears on his unshakable face.

"It's beautiful."

Looking at the symbol composed of a string of numbers, the Dragon eater exclaimed.

"It's beautiful. Even if you can't understand it, you should be able to feel its beauty..."

"It's so beautiful that people don't doubt that there's anything wrong with it."

He sighed heartily.

One hundred years of hard work will finally come to an end.

Coincidentally, today is the day of his rise.

"I will take this stele and fly away with this simulated stone city, go to the world before you come, and then become a real person, and fly up again in that world..." the Dragon feeder said: "you can leave with me when you stand at both ends of the stone city."

Ning Changjiu and Lu Qijia did not expect that things would go so smoothly.

Is it time to leave

Ning Changjiu feels a little uneasy.

However, the Dragon eaters are much more powerful than them, and they have no other choice but to believe.

Inspired by the gray robe of the Dragon feeder, his body floated up, passed through the stone wall and came to the top of the stone city.

He flew to the sky with the stone tablet and the whole stone city.

The monks at the top of the five paths soared to the legendary three realms.

Even in this era, it is extremely rare.

The Dragon eater took them up into the air. That is the real high altitude, outside the barrier between the world and the sea. The way of heaven opens in front of the Dragon eater. Tiandao's inspection of Tianbei needs a process. First of all, he should check whether it is repeated with the previous practitioners, and then confirm the integrity and authenticity of the content. The process is not long, but waiting is a torment. Tianbei passed the test. The Dragon eater breathed a long sigh of relief. He is only one step away from great freedom. The sky is open. He stepped into it. His figure has entered the half of Xuhai. The world suddenly fell silent. Always calm and calm, just like the hands and feet of an old scholar's Dragon eater suddenly dance wildly, like a drowning man grasping for straw. The world is land, and the sea is water“ How can it be like this... How can it be like this... "" it's so beautiful... "" impossible... Impossible, why are you also... "" ah ah ah ah! " The scream of the Dragon eater came to the world from the sea of ruins. He forced himself out of the world. His face has been deformed, that is, the meat boiled by boiling water, and the door absorbs him. He knows that the realm has reached the peak, but he has no resistance at all. Ning Changjiu and Lu Jiajia don't know what happened outside. They only saw the cry of the Dragon feeders. Shouting in the cold air appears empty and lonely“ Don't fly! Don't fly! Don't... ah At this moment, the Dragon eater finally remembered the most important words that the sage had said to the demons and human beings. This short four words is the most severe warning. At the end of his life, he kept repeating these four words. The voice of the words was shrill. cease abruptly. Ning Changjiu and Lu Jiajia have heard about it. They feel bad. But it's too late to escape. Don't soar, don't soar... The words of the Dragon eater are still whistling between the heaven and the earth, but the stone city has split from the center in an instant, and the huge power takes it to smash in two different directions, just like a meteor flying across the sky( Thank you for your reward! Thank you for your late night reward

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