After the sword came out, it pulled up the very long sword awn and shot straight ahead. In a moment, it collided with the boundary. At the point of collision, the boundary was like a broken eggshell with cracks.

The sharpness of the sword was beyond the imagination of the old fox. In the blink of an eye, the border he carefully arranged was broken, and the sword turned into streamer and flew out.

What the fox thought as like as two peas, and all the flames in the sky were used for him. Every ray of light came out of the sky, and he was able to hide many of the same fox shadows.

Zhao xianger looks cold. She hovers in the air, and her wings vibrate lightly behind her. She doesn't even control the flying sword, but just follows its own path.

However, the sword seems to have a pair of golden eyes. Three thousand fox shadows are everywhere, but they can't block the eyes. The maggot of the tarsal bone of the sword is chasing the old fox's real body.

And the old fox kept flashing, avoiding the puncture of the sword, and coming around in the direction of Zhao xianger.

He must kill Zhao xianger as soon as possible, or he will be overtaken by this sword sooner or later.

Zhao xianger looked at his oncoming figure. There was no fear in his eyes, only a sense of war.

In mid air, the two figures fight each other again. The old fox makes a fist with one hand and makes a palm print with the other. Thunder blows up in the sky. An ice river falls from the sky and twines around Zhao xianger like a piece of silk.

Zhao xianger's wings fluttered at a high speed, like the wings of a dragonfly, so fast that he could hardly see the shadow.

She suddenly raised her figure, cut it up with one hand, and directly cut off the glacier. She looked at the old fox under her body. Suddenly, her body whirled like a top, like a high-speed flying blade, and opposed the old fox.

The sword has come.

Before and after the attack, the spirit of the old fox exploded again, turned into dots, want to escape.

Zhao xianger accurately grasped the sword in mid air and swept it. On the edge of the sword, an arc-shaped silver sword cut out in an instant, cutting the broken spirit even more fragmentary.

The old fox's scream sounded in the air, he had to condense his body as soon as possible, otherwise he would be killed directly.

Zhao xianger aimed at the center where the spirits gathered and threw the sword again.

When the old fox figure reappeared, the sword was already in front of him.

At that moment he looked very calm.

I don't know if it's a coincidence that there is a thunder in the sky. The old fox raises his hands high and makes a gesture like supporting the sky. The thunder behind the clouds has gathered in his palm and condensed into a lightning ball.

He has extreme control over ice and fire. Now he puts his hand into thunder clouds and grabs thunder and fire all over the sky.

His Dharma prime minister's body is like a drink of rain, which suddenly expands several times. His flame is like a God in the clouds.

As soon as Zhao Xiang'er's face changed, she didn't hesitate to withdraw.

The sword pierced the old fox's chest, but the old fox laughed: "it's late."

Zhao xianger found that every rain around him had turned into a lock. It was the lock of heaven and earth.

And the old fox's arms had already started, and the rolling thunder ball was thrown down.

The girl's body fell rapidly, and the thunder ball fell faster.

At the moment, Lao Hu is absorbed in dealing with the flying sword. He is sure that even if the girl can escape back to the palace, the thunder will destroy the imperial palace. At that time, Zhao Xiang'er will have nowhere to hide.

Change and rebirth!

When Zhao Xiang was a child, her figure suddenly disappeared.

The old fox immediately remembered the scene when the Phoenix appeared - it came from the world under the water.

At the moment, Zhao xianger and Huofeng are one, and naturally have its ability.

Every piece of rain is a world.

She escaped into the rain.

Can Rao be so what? The thunder can still destroy the Imperial Palace array!

But the old fox miscalculated again. At that critical moment, the Imperial Palace array suddenly disappeared, and the thunder directly hit the square of the imperial city.

There was a huge crash, and the palace was as bright as day.

The ground was smashed into a deep pit, and the wall collapsed like a plow.

The thunder almost destroyed half the palace.

The old fox is not happy at all, because in his body, the ancient scroll which bears the fate of the city has been fiercely reversed. The pain in his heart is like the current flowing all over his body, which makes him unable to move.

Who closed the Imperial Palace at the critical moment? Make oneself fail to destroy half palace, cause backfire?

"Lu Jia?" Old fox thought flashed... It's really a disaster not to kill her.

But when did she and Zhao xianger collude?

Old fox has no time to think.

Because he can no longer fight against the flying sword.

In a certain rain, Zhao xianger's incarnation Huofeng breaks through the gap between the two worlds and flies out again.

She raised her right hand, eyes suddenly become dark, as if a bottomless abyss.

"I gave you that umbrella. You dare to eat it." Zhao xianger gave a sneer, and suddenly held her hand, leaving only two fingers at the same time. She suddenly waved her finger, and the flying sword came down from the sky with the force of thunder.

This flying sword is the sword in the umbrella.

The umbrella is the scabbard of this sword. They are connected and rely on each other. Now the red umbrella is swallowed by the old fox, but it has not been refined. The deep-rooted relationship between them can not be erased!

So no matter how old fox escaped, that sword can always catch up with him!

The sword, like a divine punishment, instantly penetrated the old fox's body and fell down like a scabbard, sticking to his huge spirit of Dharma, leaving a very long trail of snow-white smoke in the air.

The Palace Square, which was about to be razed to ruins, once again sounded like thunder.

The sword tied the body of the old fox firmly into the ground, the spirit of the old fox was stabbed in the gate of life, can not rely on scattered gathering to escape!

Zhao xianger took a deep breath.

It's finally over

She forced down her injury, shook the wings of the fire and flew into the palace.

She wants to start the killing array of the imperial palace again, completely trap the old fox here, and then crush it at one stroke.

Her figure flew into the deep palace, and the door closed.

The old fox's spirit body kept struggling and twisting at the bottom of the pit in the square in front of the hall, but the sword had closed into its umbrella and nailed him firmly to the ground. All the struggling was in vain. At the moment, just waiting for the killing array to open, he would be gone.

There were no lights in the dark palace.

The girl's figure fell before the throne.

The luxurious throne in the dark is no different from the ordinary seat.

She precisely inserted the rosefinch fire pestle into the groove at the top of the back of the throne chair and slowly turned it.

"It's over..." the girl's voice was hoarse.



Lu saw the whole process of the war.

In the middle of the sky, after their soul stirring reversal, the sword that broke the sky fell from the sky and nailed the old fox to death in front of the hall. Rao Shi was also shocked by Zhao xianger's thunder method.

She couldn't imagine that a little girl under sixteen had done all this.

She immediately grabbed a sword formula and came to the center of the palace. She set many sword locks around it to prevent Zhao xianger from escaping before he opened the killing array.

But I do not know why, clearly victory is coming, she looked at the constant struggle of the old fox, but always worried.

She thought for a moment, and pointed across the eyes, her eyes immediately become a white, such as contains a grand light.

That's Jian mu.

She looked at it with her sword eyes, and then her heart trembled.

In the mirror like eyes of the sword, she saw two wisps of spirits being crossed by the sword, nailed to the ground, struggling.

That old fox swallowed three keys, should be three spirits just right, still have a go where?


In the underground palace, where no one can see, in the dark stove, the remaining three strands of the ghost of the old fox suddenly opened his eyes. He didn't have the slightest fear of being cut off, but he couldn't help laughing.

"It's over." He also said.


Before the emperor's palace, the old fox who was nailed into the center of the earth by the sword stopped struggling. It was quietly waiting for a moment to come.

That moment was not the opening of the killing array, but

At the back of the palace hall, in the old well which was not fortified, a fire suddenly appeared!

That's the spirit of another old fox.

It turned out that only two spirits were fighting Zhao xianger, and this one sneaked into the undead forest at some unknown time and sneaked to the rear of the palace through the ancient well in front of the wizard Lord's palace.

On Qifeng lake, over the palace, in front of the National Palace, on the long street... In all previous battles, Lao Hu deliberately hid his strength, so that in this battle, he pretended to simulate the power of three spirits with two spirits, so that the fact that he concealed a wisp of spirits could not be found!

He already knew the connection between the umbrella and the sword, so he didn't plan to kill Zhao xianger head-on from the beginning to the end!

After the spirit appeared, the back door of the palace burst.

He had already locked Zhao xianger's position according to the spiritual power of the rosefinch fire pestle. The spirit was like an iron arrow shot out, and all the obstacles were instantly torn off. He attacked the throne in the most direct and simple direction!

The trend is irreversible.


The throne broke apart, and the falling rosefinch fire pestle was held by one hand. The rosefinch fire pestle kept struggling and gave out a sad sound.

He swallowed the rosefinch with a pestle.

There is a strong wind in the underground palace. Please remember the first domain name of this book: . Shuqu Pavilion_ Biquge mobile reading website:

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