Ning Xiaoling's petite body sits in the huge throne, like the princess of the nether world.

Ning Changjiu helped her to straighten her dress. Her skirt was neatly spread on her slender thighs. The dust and blood on her dress were extracted with spiritual power and gently brushed down to disperse in the dark.

The girl held the knife tightly, but her eyebrows were quiet and motionless. It was like a delicate porcelain doll, which was manipulated by others.

In the silent hall, Ning long quietly looked at her and showed a smile.

He never thought that they would meet in such a place, in such a way.

The source of the sea of darkness that once contained all spirits has been cut off, and it becomes a dead sea. It is as silent and desolate as a real cemetery, and there is no worshiper.

Ning long looked at her, eyes down, fell on the blood red sword.

"Tea?" Ning long recognized it at first sight.

In the world of rosefinch in the state of Zhao, Zhao xianger once forged imitations of divine tea, which is still fresh in his memory.

Ning looked at this ancient Dao for a long time. The blade is thin, the blade surface is like water, the blood color light is light, the curve of the blade is very light, and the tip has been broken. If it is intact, it should be as graceful as a girl's hair.

Although this sword has gone through the divine wars of the past dynasties, the sharpest part of the blade has obvious damage and curling edge, but it is still very beautiful. It can be imagined that its wearer may be a poet in the world.

His hand touched the edge.

Before entering here, Siming said to him that what he saw was not the real underworld, but a remnant of the dark sea. The real underworld was hidden in the depths of the spirit, and the only way to trigger it was "death".

Ning long pinched the edge of the tea with his fingers and extracted a little blood light from it.

The blood is near the neck.

The meaning of death unfolds.

It's better to stop in time.


The vision suddenly changed.

He was still in the hell hall, with blood and the twisted ghost of feather snakes on the ground. The smell of blood flowed along the floor tiles until the abyss suddenly appeared behind the hall.

The temple of the underworld leans toward the abyss.

An irresistible force pushed him down the slope.



Thunder exploded in the sky, the rain poured down, they collided in the air broken, in mid air splashed into a misty fog.

Ning long raised his head and looked at the different scenes around him.

He held out his hand and the raindrops beat on his fingertips. It felt cold and wet.

"Is this purgatory?" Ning looked around for a long time.

This is a barren mountain. Almost all the barren mountains around have been broken. The black peaks have turned into huge broken rocks. These rocks are piled up, like cities that have been burned repeatedly by the fire.

There's still fire left in those crevices.

This is not a real world fire, but a legendary ghost fire. The flame of the ghost fire does not extinguish in the heavy rain, it burns very slowly, like a sleeping ghost, clearly so quiet, but people dare not close.

I'd like to move forward in the world of water and fire.

"Hello, saint." A skull like old man came forward to talk.

Ning looked at him for a long time.

The old man didn't appear out of thin air. He was standing on the side of the road like a burnt old tree, and he didn't recognize him at first sight.

"Hello." Ning Long's words are a little strange.

The skull like old man asked, "are you here to save us?"

Ning Changjiu shook his head and said, "sorry, I'm just looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?" Skull head old man happy way: "then you are to save us."

Ning Changjiu asked, "why do you say that?"

The old man said, "is the person you are looking for a little girl in a white skirt?"

Ning long nodded and said, "yes."

"She's in the palace at the end of the road," the old man said. "As long as you keep going, you can see it."

Ning long asked: "is it that simple?"

"Yes, young man." Skull head old man seems to be smiling, but his face looks like skull head, so the smile also appears gloomy.

Ning long way thanks, he asked curiously: "how can I save you?"

The old man said, "open this sky, we can go out and return to the real sea of stars, instead of sinking here forever."

Ning Changjiu asked, "do you know where you are?"

The old man nodded and said, "of course, I know that this is a sinful and unreasonable world. I only found out this five hundred years ago. At that time, I devoted myself to the study of the sea of thorns. I summed up 76 rules about the sea of thorns, and I was preparing to gradually classify and unify them. A ghost who came in from the outside told me... "

Skull old man seems to think of sad things, can't bear to say.

Ning long good strange way: "tell you what?"

The old man pointed to the stones and said, "she told me that water and fire are incompatible in the outside world."

Ning long looked at the stone fire which could not be put out by the rainstorm. After a long silence, he asked, "are you not from the outside world?"

The old man said, "I'm an aborigine here. I'm a living creature created by the underworld. Unlike those foreign souls, I'm born with a lot of knowledge."

Ning Changjiu immediately thought of Siming.

Simang is the result of the cultivation of fetal spirit in her old kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is like a small world with its own ability to conceive life. It is said that the kingdom of the underworld was formed after the death of the king of the underworld. Even if it is so broken, it still has the power to conceive the living beings.

Looking back on the past, the old man said: "I have studied the sea of thorns for a hundred years, and then I know that it is just the absurd imagination of the confused consciousness of Lord Ming after his death. Its end is chaos rather than hope, and there is no significance in studying it... Just like this road, every hundred steps will have a copper lamp, from here to the end, without exception. But this does not represent the truth of the world. There are no lamp posts in other parts of the world... "

"I took it as truth and believed it for a hundred years." Skull old man recalled that period of high spirited years, issued a heavy lament.

Ning Changjiu said: "no matter how broken it is, it's a world after all. After returning to Linghai, there will be nothing left."

The old man said, "the meaning of life lies in finding meaning, and the meaning of death lies in returning to reality."

Ning Changjiu said, "you are like a scholar."

The old man said, "because Lord Ming is a poet."

"Is Mr. Ming still alive?" Ning Changchang asked.

The old man said: "yes... No, in a word, you will see her soon. Along the way, you can see many stone tablets, on which are the poems of Lord Ming."


The rain kept falling, and occasionally thunder sounded in the sky, but no light was seen.

I'd rather look around.

Around the rocks, out of a black flower after another.

The old man stopped, leaned down, bit a dark flower and swallowed it.

"What are you doing?" Ning Changchang asked.

The old man said, "it's the flower of darkness. It's a life support thing. Today is very lucky. You have to look for it for a long time in the past... You should be a lucky man."

"Is it delicious?" Ning long asked casually.

The old man said, "I can't taste it."

Ning long look around, as the old man said, every 100 steps will appear a lamppost, this lamppost is very strange, no matter how big step you take, it will always appear at 100 steps.

Ning Changjiu said: "this is purgatory?"

The old man nodded: "isn't it terrible here?"

Ning long looked at the desolation washed by rain. It was like a graveyard shrouded in smoke. At most, it could only remind people of the haunting of IMPs. It was hard to imagine what great terror was hidden. In the distance, there was smoke, like boiling water, bubbling to the chaotic sky.

Ning Changjiu asked, "where is the horror?"

"The old man sighed:" terrible in despair... You will know later

The old man walked on with Ning long.

"You've been waiting for me here?" Ning Changchang asked.

"Yes, the Holy One." The old man said: "the great existence in the underworld makes me wait for you. I will take you to the underworld palace to prevent you from being lost here."

be lost?

Ning is a little confused.

It seems that the old man plays the role of a guide, but the road is straight. No matter how you look at it, it seems that people who are blind will not get lost.

Along the way, Ning long saw many souls.

They roam the world, most of them have no legs, but a mass of smoke like things, with a sharp bottom. They're floating low.

"This is purgatory." The old man pointed to the distance and said, "these people call themselves destroyers. They built a city out of stone. The whole city was full of guns. The city would shoot out those round spheres and shoot them into the air. Each of these spheres has been polished for decades, so every time you throw one, it's decades of hard work. "

Ning Changjiu asked, "what is their purpose? War? "

The old man said, "war is a thing of the past hundreds of years. Many of the ghosts who entered here at that time died in the war. "

Ning Changjiu asked, "what are they doing? Breaking the sky? "

"Yes." "They want to blow a hole in the sky... But it's impossible," the old man said

Ning long nodded in agreement.

This is the sea of spirit, and thinking is endless.

They move on.

Ning long saw a huge machine of copper pillar, which was similar to Zhang Heng's armillary sphere.

The old man said, "this is Xianzong. Their patriarch is a witch. They are different from the ambitious disillusionment. They want to use the artificial stars to call for the coming of the gods. "

Ning thought for a long time and knew that the underworld was under the pressure of the whole ancient lingzong. The practices and rituals inside could not even reach the underworld hall outside, let alone outside.

The armillary sphere rotates in the rain. It does not rotate naturally, but several wild ghosts are dragging it. The body of the wild ghosts is wrapped with chains, and the posture is like a donkey pulling a mill. Those chains have been deeply strangled into their bones. From time to time, wild ghosts can't support them. They fall in the air and turn into a pool of bones. Soon a new ghost was pushed up with a chain to take over its original position.

Their efforts were in vain.

Ning Changjiu shakes his head and walks forward in silence.

The old man pointed to the neat array in front of him and said, "this is the sect of regicide. As the name suggests, they want to kill the king of hell."

"Kill King Ming?" Ning Changjiu asked: "isn't the king of the underworld the master here?"

The old man said: "they think that the king of hell has kept the courtyard leading to the outside world, so they want to kill him and take his place. All these years, they have been training their troops. When the number of them reaches 300000, they will send troops to the hell hall. "

Ning long way: "so in the eyes of the king of the dark under the training?"

The old man nodded and said, "the king doesn't care about this."

Ning Changjiu said: "this is also the world. What's the difference in living here? Why do you have to go out? "

The old man said, "because the end is near. If you don't go out, everyone will die. There is a stone tablet outside the hell hall, which records the year of the end of the day... So the war has long stopped, and everyone is looking for a way to escape. "

Ning long nodded thoughtfully.

He didn't have the heart to listen to this, because the closer he was to the hell hall, the more confused his heart was.

They walked through many stone tablets, which are said to record the long poems of Ming Jun.

Ning Changchang said, "do you know the characters on the stone tablet?"

The old man said, "today's young people can't read, but we still know each other."

Ning Changchang said, "what kind of story did these stone tablets tell?"

The old man replied, "it's about the great Hades coming to the world, what he saw and heard for hundreds of years, and the final destruction of..."

Ning Changjiu asked: "how did the king of hell perish in the end?"

The old man replied, "the sky is covered, and the monarch is cut off from the rest of the gods. They lose their power, and there is a gap between them. Then, an existence called "Dark Lord" by the king of the underworld came... Well, here we are

The old man didn't say any more. He stopped and laid his thin body on the magnificent palace in front of him.

"My Lord, Holy One, I have come to guide you." The old man is devout.

A gust of wind came from the hall, and the old man disappeared.

Before the old man disappeared, he suddenly showed a strange smile, he whispered: "Holy One, you look back, do you think that the world here is essentially the same as that outside you?"

I'd rather look back.

The sky was darkened with smoke and smoke.

The doomsday is approaching. Under the dark dome, people are struggling in vain with hope.

Is it the same as the outside world?

Ning Changjiu is wavering in the beauty outside.

He looked at the stone tablet in front of the hall. The number on the stone tablet was 300.

Three hundred days.

The wind twists and turns, like a hand, pushing Ning long forward.

Ning long crossed the stone steps and entered the palace.

The temple of the underworld in the outside world can't be compared with this one. If this temple of the underworld is an iceberg, then the previous one is just the debris of the tip of the iceberg.

Ning long walked into the hall.

He ignored the colorful paintings of the surrounding glass and walked towards the depth of the hall.

In the depth, what he saw was beyond his expectation again.

He thought it was a story about a elder martial brother saving his younger martial sister, but when he got to the bottom of the story, he saw the girl in a white dress sitting on the throne, looking at herself with a smile. Beside her, the waiter with snake bones bowed his head humbly.

The pillar of God behind the throne is wrapped with the bone of feather snake.

After the huge body of the plumed snake, a bunch of wing bones are as thin as the blade of the divine tea.

"Elder martial brother." Ning Xiaoling watched him with a smile and tears in her eyes.


"Elder martial brother, I knew you would come." Ning Xiaoling said: "I'm afraid you'll get lost, so I make the only road so straight. If it's a hundred miles away, I list them as forbidden areas. So... You can find me. "

"The God here has been killed by me. Now I am the new God here, so elder martial brother... Don't be afraid." Ning Xiaoling said with a smile.

Rather long quietly looking at her, there is no touch on the face of the color: "don't pretend."

Ning Xiaoling was stunned and said, "what's the matter with you, elder martial brother?"

Ning long asked: "are you the king of hell or the white fox?"

Ning Xiaoling watched him for a while and asked, "how do you know?"

It's better to know the good intentions of simang. If he had not carefully perceived Ning Xiaoling's breath in advance, he might have been cheated this time.

"Elder martial brother can't miss younger martial sister." Ning long said.

The girl on the throne stood up. She suddenly changed her appearance and said, "Oh, the mouth is so sweet. No wonder this silly girl is so fooled by you. Her last obsession never dies."

The last obsession?

Ning Changjiu's fists between the sleeves are clenched instantly.

The girl said with a smile, "don't worry, she's not dead. As long as you promise me to do things for me, she can live well. "

Ning Changjiu asked, "what do you want me to do?"

The girl said, "kill a traitor for me, kill her, and I'll give your younger martial sister back to you."

"What traitor?" Ning continued to ask.

"Huanghe Longque... Well, she should be called Zhuque now." The girl replied.

Ning pondered for a long time, and said: "at the beginning, the Dragon sparrow of Huanghe River was the enemy of tianzang. If you were related to Mingjun, then you and the Dragon sparrow should also be the immortal enemy?"

"You know a lot..." the girl said, "but you don't have to tell me my origin. You just need to tell me, can you kill me? "

"No Ning Changjiu shakes his head.

This doesn't have much to do with Xiang'er. No matter what he thinks, it doesn't prevent him from being the opponent of Zhuque God.

As expected, the girl said, "it's a little less difficult. Will you take me away from here?"

Ning Changjiu asked, "what should I do?"

The girl said with a smile: "it's very simple. The darkness is a sea. If you want to cross the sea, you just need to be a raft. Your younger martial sister is the best raft. When you take her away, give me a ride. When you go out, I'll give your younger martial sister back to you. "

Ning Changjiu said, "do you want to be a parasite?"

The girl said angrily, "don't compare the gods with that despicable life."

"But you do the same thing."

"Well, well, don't say that." The girl said, "in a word, would you like to?"

Ning Changjiu said, "I want to see my younger martial sister first."

The girl let out a cry and said, "at that time, your younger martial sister was fighting with a group of big snakes. She was dying. If she had no power over me, she would not be accepted by the underworld. She would have turned into a wild ghost and been asked to pull the armillary sphere by the wizard of Xianzong. So I'm her savior. "

Rather long frown way: "you... Is Ming Jun?"

The girl turned and asked angrily, "why do you look at me like this? Don't I? "

Ning long silence for a moment: "isn't Ming Jun tianzang's husband?"

The girl said: "the gods can only guarantee that they will not die, but they can't guarantee their gender."

"Are you really a poet?" Ning long asked again.

The girl angrily turned her head: "do you like exposing people so much?"

Ning Changjiu said, "this is not a weakness."

The girl stood with her hands down. Although she was petite, her posture was very powerful. She said coldly, "it's not worth mentioning. It's just to deceive tianzang that stupid woman."

Said, the girl with Ning long toward the back of the hall.

On the way, she couldn't help asking coldly, "have you read the poems?"

Ning Changchang said: "the stone tablets on the road are all, of course I have seen them."

"How is it written?" the girl asked casually

"..." Ning Changchang thought, Lord Ming, do you want me to praise you?

"It's... Poetic." It's better to be duplicative for a long time.

The girl sneered: "what to wear? You can't read at all

"Ning had nothing to say for a long time.

"But it doesn't matter. One day you will learn the netherworld script, and then you will feel the beauty of it." Said the girl.

Ning long can't help but ask: "are you really the king of the underworld?"

"Are you defying my authority?" Asked the girl.

Ning Changchang didn't know what to say. He just felt that all the depression of his feelings had been cleared by the image of Ming Jun.

People in the underworld have such a monarch. No wonder they will experience such a miserable life.

The girl said: "to be exact, I am not the king of the underworld in your mouth. You can call me... King of the underworld II."

"Hello, Miss II." It's quite polite.

He knew that no matter how harmless the little girl was, what she held in her hand was the power to destroy the city and the country. Deep in the hall, the girl stopped. She pushed open the door of the hall. Behind the door is... A stone mountain“ This is the cage. " For fear that Ning would not know her for a long time, the girl took the initiative to introduce: "your younger martial sister is locked in a certain cage. You need to find her yourself." Ning long pretended to be difficult. He said it was difficult and walked towards the cage“ Wait The girl stopped him“ What's the matter? " Ning Changchang asked. The girl said, "you have to pay something to get a chance to open the stone prison." Ning Changchang is no stranger to this. In the streets of Zhao state, he saw a few lines of goods with different values on the stalls, and then spent money to buy copper rings. Ning long asked: "what do you need me to pay?" Without hesitation, the girl said, "fairy roll." This answer is expected by Ning Changchang. This is all the things of Ming Jun. Ning has paid for a long time“ It's hard to find your younger martial sister. Um... Do you need to buy ten copies at a time? " Asked the girl“ No need Ning long refused. The girl took the fairy roll with a smile... First she took the most important one, and then slowly exploited him until he had only a pair of bones left. Hum, I don't believe that he can choose one time... I'd rather walk down the stone steps quietly for a long time. He stood behind the temple of the underworld and looked at one stone gate after another. They are like shrines for the soul, waiting to be opened. His mind found the familiar perception. The wind blowing back and forth in the hell hall raised his white clothes. He came to a stone gate and gently held out his hand. The girl who claimed to be King Ming II had a sharp eye“ Wait The girl wanted to stop him. Ning long but has pushed the door in. There was a white light like the moon in the door. A sleepy, ignorant soul was carried into his arms. The curled up soul had been palpitating, but now after he was in his arms, it was quiet, like falling into a deep sleep. It's Ning Xiaoling“ How is it possible? " The girl was puzzled. She said that with some regret. He is the second monarch of the underworld and should be an omniscient God. This kind of question seems very weak. Ning long held Ning Xiaoling's soul and said, "thank you, Miss II, for letting us meet again." The girl pursed her lips tightly. She struggled and said, "no, come again. You must have used an ignominious method!" Ning long looked at her quietly. Shura's Dharma body outlines the light of swallowing up the darkness behind him. The girl stared at the Shura Dharma body and was afraid. In the world of Luoshu, Ning long has proved that Shura, whose spiritual power is condensed, is almost invincible and powerful in the spiritual world. What's more, he can also see that the self styled Ming King II is not in good condition. This is also one of the omens of the end. Ning long walked forward with Shura Dharma. The girl held out her hand and said, "wait a minute!"“ What else can I do for you Ning Changchang asked. The girl said: "with your younger martial sister, there is also a cat! I think your younger martial sister cherishes this cat very much. " Ning long thought of the cat's paw on the note, nodded thoughtfully. The girl grabbed the cat from another stone gate“ If you want to redeem the cat, take the golden giant behind you Said the girl. Ning looks at the cat for a long time. The cat looks at Ning long. So... It's you?! It's you?! There's nothing to say about each other“ Fish... "Ning long hesitated to call its name. Fish king heart lit up a glimmer of hope: "fish I want?" Ning long looked at King Ming II, shook his head and said: "I don't want to."... "( Thank you for your reward! Thank you for your support ~)

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