The shadow of Changhong sword is high on the cloud, which can't be seen in the world.

Ning Changjiu, who lived in the open air as he did when Tathagata came, was very excited about this long-distance flight.

Ning Chang's bird's-eye view of the sword shows that the wilderness, forests and cities pass by one by one. In the rolling mountains, the local customs of the world are moving and changing. Three days later, a series of familiar towns fall into sight.

This town is long-term and has been in the future. It just glanced back and forth between luoshulou and gulingzong.

After a moment's hesitation, he broke his sword and flew back to the town.

The rainbow in the sky became thin, and he quietly landed on a broken bridge outside the town, without stirring up a piece of dust.

Ning long looked at the town shrouded in the night. The walls of this town are as high and thick as those seen in the past. Watchtowers and watchtowers are all in demand. It seems that the local people are fierce and the villagers are good at fighting monsters with hoes.

Ning long seriously watched for a while, did not find anything unusual.

The noon sun fell behind, and the water under the bridge was sparkling.

Ning Changjiu raises his feet and falls down. He shrinks to the gate of the town. He takes out a letter with the seal of the ancient lingzong emblem and hands it to the guards of the town. The guards have never seen such a high-level pattern of fire, but they only resist demons and demons. They rarely block the Terran.

Ning, dressed in a blue shirt, walked into the town for a long time.

Lime walls can be seen everywhere in the town, and the ground is full of rubble. The strong salty smell comes from the animal meat hanging at the door of the town. It's quite different from the original liantian town. Liantian town is full of poetry, but here it highlights the barbarism.

Qingshan boy walking through the town attracted many people's attention. On the roof, a little monkey who was helping the old farmer repair his house also cast a curious look.

Ning Changjiu didn't care, just walked forward with intuition.

Gradually, the shadow around the sparse.

After the town, Ning long saw a slowly flowing river. The river was covered with floating duckweed and algae. The water was covered with broken gold. In the swaying water grass, the incomplete shadow of the Buddha Hall was outlined.

Ning long looked up and saw the ancient Buddhist hall.

This Buddhist hall is a two-story building. The wooden doors and piles are regular and rectangular, and the wooden structure around it is really slim and exquisite. They have been washed for a long time, and the paint has faded away. They look like old Eucalyptus trunks.

Ning long quietly looked for a while, there is no demon breath, there is no expert breath, recitation voice quietly spread out, no sorrow no joy.

Ning long cross the bridge and walk into the Buddhist hall, just like an ordinary pilgrim.

Entering the Buddhist hall, he stopped. He couldn't help looking into the corner - it was an old man with disheveled hair and dirty clothes.

Ning long looked at him and knew at first glance that he was crazy.

The old man raised his head, but his eyes were not as bright as a madman.

The monk of the temple just came out from inside. Ning long asked about the old man.

The monk told him that this was an old man from the West. He was leaning on a rotten wooden stick. When he got here, his feet were worn to pieces. No one is willing to take him in. Our temple keeps him in the spirit of compassion.

Ning Changjiu asked, "from the west? How far to the west? "

The monk thought about it and said, "someone has come to him. It is said that it is his son who has come to take him back."

Ning Changjiu asked, "won't he go?"

"Well." The monk replied, "he said that he didn't know his son. He wanted to stay here and refused to go back. So his son gave a pension to the temple and left alone."

"Where is his son from?" Ning long asked.

The monk replied, "it seems that it's near huanzong."

Ning long nodded gently and said, "thank you for your help."

The monk asked, "do you know him?"

Ning Changchang said: "I don't know. I came here to burn incense. Suddenly I saw this old man. I was just curious."

"Seeking fate..." the monk nodded, looked at his empty hand, and said: "there are incense for sale at the door. Don't burn it with incense from other places. Buddha doesn't recognize it. It's not smart to burn it."

Ning long nodded with a smile.

He bought a few bundles of incense for Xiang'er, and burned them both at his wedding and at his younger age. He worshipped God, but did not kneel down. When the monk saw that he was generous, he came to sell the new incense. Ning Changjiu, with a smile, declined and walked out of the temple to the old man.

He looked at the old man, and the old man looked at him.

Ning long confirmed that he had not met him, but somehow, he always had a strange sense of familiarity.

"Am I right?" The old man looked at him and suddenly opened his mouth.

Ning long puzzled, but he thought, along with his answer, said: "you are right."

The old man's madness seems to be stimulated: "if I am right, then the world is false! The world is wrong

Rather long frown, do not understand the mystery, thought: "if you are wrong?"

The light in the old man's pupil suddenly dimmed down. He was stunned for a long time. His voice was hoarse and said, "if I'm wrong, where is this? Why am I here? "

The old man looked up at the sky and looked at the sun with no fear of light in his pupils.

Ning Changjiu felt vaguely that what was hidden in his words, and asked, "where are you from?"

The old man was silly for a long time, recognized for a long time, raised his hand, pointed to the north, said: "I come from there."

Ning Changjiu gently shook his head, pointed to another direction, said: "your son said, you are from the West."

The old man's words were extremely firm. He pointed to the north and said, "I come from there."

Ning Changjiu asked, "what are you doing here?"

The old man said, "I forgot something very important. I want to... Get it back."

"Where did you lose something?" Ning Changchang asked.

"In the dark!" The old man was determined, his face full of pride from the heart: "there are secrets in the dark that only I know!"

Ning Changjiu asked, "what is it, I can help you find it together."

The old man chuckled and burst into tears, saying, "I can't remember. I think I can get it back, but... There's no time."

He looked up at the sky.

Ning Changjiu suddenly felt a breath from the old man. It was a mysterious breath, like a dandelion flying into the sky, or a white cloud falling into the deep sea.

This mysterious and moving atmosphere is far above the purple court

Five peaks?!

I'd rather be in a state of mind for a long time.

But... No matter how you look at it, he is just an ordinary old man. He doesn't have any spiritual power. He looks like he is only 70 or 80 years old.

But what's going on here?

The old man didn't seem to notice anything unusual himself.

He looked at the sky and said to himself madly: "if I'm wrong... If I'm right, if I'm right, if I'm wrong... If I..."

Ning stood by his side for a long time and didn't speak.

At a certain moment, the old man seemed to wake up from a dream, his eyes suddenly brightened: "I'm right! I must be right


a bolt from the blue.

There was a rainstorm in the bright sky before. The monks came in from the door and complained about the moody weather. They took a look at Ning Changchang and asked, "benefactor, don't stand outside in the rain. The light of Buddha can't shine outside. It's easy to get cold when it rains. Er... Benefactor?"

Ning, dressed in a blue shirt, stands in the same place for a long time.

His shoulders were wet with rain.

The monk came and was about to speak, but he was stunned.

In front of the boy, the old man lay on the ground, motionless.

"He's dead." I'd rather say it for a long time.

The monk recovered from his dismay and said, "well, death may be a relief for him. I haven't learned Zen for a long time, and I can't recite any wonderful ideas. When the time comes, I'll ask my master to come over and recite a complete Scripture, so that I can have a better afterlife for him."

Ning looked at him for a long time. After confirming that he was right several times, he calmly said, "he died three months ago."

The monk was stunned. Spring rain whip on his back, cold suddenly aroused goose bumps all over his body, he quickly raised his hand to read Amitabha, trembling voice: "Buddhism is important, benefactor, don't scare people."

Rather standing in the rain for a long time without speaking.

The monk felt more and more wrong and thought that the madness was not contagious... He immediately bent back and ran back to the temple.

I'd rather look at the old man for a long time.

He just failed to stop the old man's death.

Because he was already dead... But if he was already dead, who lived in him in the past three months? Who is the lunatic who just talked to himself?

Ning long hand touched his heart.

The meaning of the spirit has disappeared.

The rain came and went quickly.

When the monk came out of the temple again, the figure of the benefactor in green had disappeared, leaving the old man lying on the ground cold and lonely.

The monk raised his head. A rainbow hung over the temple.


Ning Changjiu had already left. He searched the old man's body with the secret skill of soul searching, but he didn't find any useful information.

He is an ordinary man, an ordinary man who died three months ago.

He believed that his meeting with the old man was no accident.

He even felt that where he had been, had seen or heard of him.

But he couldn't think of anything.

It's better to go back for a long time. The distance of the ancient lingzong is not far away.



Ancient lingzong.

The trees of the mountain haze have spit out new pistils. The setting sun reflects the mountain haze, and everything is quiet in it, like a warm red screen.

Simang stands on the cable bridge leading to Jiuyou hall. The cliff is silent under her. The woman's dark skirt supports the warm sun. Without her usual smile, she is quiet and introverted, as if she had pulled herself out of the world, faded away from the world, and put back the flag of the kingdom of God as her skirt.

Lu Jiajia walks out of the Jiuyou hall, and Ning Xiaoling is bouncing behind her.

Lu passed the suspension bridge across the dangerous peak and asked in a soft voice, "sister is leaving?"

Take care of your head.

Lu said: "you are the master of the ancient lingzong. How can the master leave without permission?"

Simang said, "I have my own place to go after all."

"The kingdom of God?" Lu asked

Simang said: "I'm not sure, but I always feel that there is an unknown mission waiting for me in some corner of the world."

This kind of words is very misty, Lu Jiajia hears such as falling cloud fog, she slightly gambles the way: "you are afraid of the husband to come back?"

Simang gave a faint smile and said, "what? It's my sister who can't bear to be whipped. I want my sister to stay and share your worries. "

Lu Qijia is always helpless for her many words.

Simang said, "it's the last day. Please walk with me."

Lu's wife keeps up.

Ning Xiaoling jumped to Siming's shoulder and wrapped it around her neck.

Siming rubbed Ning Xiaoling's head and said, "after my sister leaves, no one will bully you."

Ning Xiaoling was aggrieved and said, "why does my sister want to go? Is Xiaoling's tail hard to pinch?"

Siming touched her ear and said, "don't be a fox in Xiaoling."

Lu Jiajia walked gently beside her and said, "really, don't you wait for a long time? Don't worry. I'll just say that my sister has treated me very well in recent months. "

"Well? Don't I treat you well? " Siming asked.

"Of course... Very good," Lu said

Si Ming said: "I hope my sister will be five sword immortals when I see you next time."

"Well, I won't slack off." Lu's mouth is like this, but her heart is lost.

Two people a fox line over the suspension bridge, looking around the ten peaks, and across the vast night, together to look at the sunset.

At dusk, we still need to look up.

The whole world is small.

Lu's white clothes were like snow, her green silk hung over her waist and buttocks, her black skirt was like night, her silver hair flowed down her shoulders and jade back, and swayed to her ankles. On their cheeks, the light gradually darkened, and the night wrapped up their incomparable cheeks, leaving only one eye still reflecting the starlight.

"In luoshulou, it's one of the happiest things for me to know that you are not the person in the book, but the real existence." Si Ming said suddenly.

"Me too." Lu Jia blinked and asked sincerely, "what's the happiest thing else?"

Siming said: "sin Jun left duanjie city for the first time when he passed away. When he saw the sky full of stars and water, and on New Year's Eve, when we went to see the fireworks together..."

The ice eyes of simang's indifference showed his unshirkable emotion, like the jadeite condensed between glaciers. She stood still, facing the mountains of the night, Shu Er gently smile: "of course, the fly in the ointment is that these things have Ning long on the side, otherwise it is really worthy of memory."

Lu Jiajia looked at her pale lips and thought that if her husband supported her, she would dare to scold her.

Lu Jia asked, "after you leave, what will the master of the ancient lingzong do?"

Simang said: "isn't there a descendant of the Ming emperor under the underworld? No matter how bad it is, there is Xiaoling. You just let Xiaoling put on airs and listen to the government behind the curtain."

Lu Jia frowned and said, "how do you listen to me like an old witch?"

Ning Xiaoling echoed: "Xiaoling also feels like an old monster!"

Siming said with a smile, "you two fox spirits, big and small, are waiting for the villain Ning to come back to subdue the demons and get rid of the demons."

Lu Jia thought, it's a pity that the devil is going to run away.

She looked at the darkening sky and knew that she would never come back for a while.

There's no feast that doesn't come to an end, but when you suddenly find it, when you look back, you just feel that time is short.

"Go back." Simang suddenly turned around and walked towards the direction of Jiuyou hall.

"What do you want to do back?" Lu said

Simang said: "naturally, I solved the slave pattern for me. What's the matter? Is it difficult for sister Cheng to really let you break the five roads and one snow before shame? "

Lu Jia struggled: "asymmetry is not good-looking."

Simang said coldly, "would you like my sister to give you two symmetrical tattoos?"

Lu Jia had no choice but to follow.

In the room, after a ceremony, Lu and Siming untied the fire pattern on the inside of his left leg.

Simang covered his skirt and walked on the red and tender feet for a cool night.

Ning Xiaoling is lying on the windowsill, wagging her tail and gazing eagerly.

Siming walked out of the room and stepped on the pear petals.

Lu Jiajia also came out, and she suddenly asked: "sister xueci... Do you like her husband?"

This sentence fell to Ning Xiaoling's ears, and Ning Xiaoling almost fell from the windowsill.

She sat dry, pretending to hear nothing.

But simang didn't have a look of fluctuation. She walked slowly forward with silver hair, like the wind sweeping through the courtyard.

"I'm a God, but I don't love people." Siming said this with a serious look.

She walked towards the door.

Ning Xiaoling jumped up, handed his tail, said: "sister, don't go."

Smilingly, Siming picked up her back neck and put her on the ground.

Ning Xiaoling looked at her eagerly.

Siming walked out of the door.


Sword Pavilion.

Liu Xiwan was sitting in the hanging cave, wearing a light blue pleated skirt. His snow feet were shaking in the nothingness of the water, and his eyes were watching the sunset.

Liu junzhuo walked up behind her and asked, "Wan'er, shall we go together?"

Liu Xiwan said, "no, I'm alone in the pavilion. I'll just fix my sword quietly."

Liu junzhuo sighed: "whether you go or not, you should always remember that you are now a disciple of the sword Pavilion, not anyone's sword. You are your own master. Do you understand?"

Liu Xiwan nodded gently: "I understand the truth."

"Can't you? Or is it that you don't know where to start? " Liu junzhuo asked with a smile.

Liu Xiwan said firmly: "although I was cheated by my elder martial sister to choose a woman, my Taoist heart is always firm. I just regard him as the enemy of my life."

Liu junzhuo didn't ask, saying, "this is the best way."

Liu Xiwan asked, "how does elder martial sister plan to win back the sword?"

Liu junzhuo said, "if he's reasonable, I'm willing to point out his swordsmanship in exchange. If he doesn't want to, he'll have to gamble again."

Liu Xiwan frowned, not confident and said, "you bet? The gambler is eager to gamble, but it's easy to put himself in. "

Liu junzhuo said, "don't worry, elder martial sister has a sense of propriety this time."

Liu Xiwan nodded and said, "well, Zhang Jiu is very crafty. Elder martial sister, be careful!"

Liu junzhuo nodded calmly and looked at the water.

Liu Xiwan asked, "by the way, elder martial sister, what are our enemies? Who in the world is worthy to be the enemy of the sword pavilion? "

Liu junzhuo said, "I haven't seen them either. I'm not sure if they exist."

"Not necessarily?" Liu Xiwan is even more cloudy and foggy.

Liu junzhuo said: "well, there are 14 people in our sword Pavilion. If the war is going to break out, then every two people in the sword Pavilion will be responsible for controlling one of them... That's why the disciples of the sword pavilion have selected a total of 14 people."

"What?" Liu Xiwan was shocked: "the eldest martial sister is the second in the world, and the elder sister is the seventh in the world. Which sect's eldest disciple needs you to join hands to control?"

Liu junzhuo chuckled and sighed: "we... May not be enough, but it doesn't matter."

After a pause, she revealed some secrets: "when the Oracle comes, we will all be endowed with real divinity. You, as well as all the disciples in the sword Pavilion, just need to cultivate to the peak of the purple court as soon as possible, and then slowly wait for that day to come."

Liu Xiwan lowered her head. She didn't know what the enemy she was talking about or who she was going to contain in the future.



Baiyin snow palace.

On the throne poured with pure silver, a young girl sat in it, like amber in the color of snow.

Her whole body is pure white, with the dignity and beauty that all spirits must look up to.

She seems to have been sleeping for countless years, with a quiet face and no emotion.

Today, however, the supreme existence of Baiyin snow palace slowly opened its eyes.

Her eyes are also pure white color, like a thin layer of jade, followed by the melted silver.

She rose from the throne and leaped down from her slender body.

The silver dress that covered her body disintegrated in an instant, and the cloth flew and pieced together, which turned into a cut and close fitting divine robe in an instant, making her extremely dignified.

Baizang walked out of the snow palace, and the divine officials and heavenly kings standing under the Milky Way waited for a long time and bowed themselves.

"Under the Milky way, there is no escape for everything." The divine official said in a low voice: "everything is as God said. The final position has been determined. At the beginning, the king of sin was there and returned without success."

Bai Zang said: "if it's not the sin of the king, I don't know when to hide it."

They are talking about the city of duanjie. The existence of the city of duanjie is an insult and contempt to the omniscient and omnipotent God“ The strongest and last power that can be obtained in the world is hidden in the city of duanjie. When does the Lord intend to leave? " The emperor asked respectfully. Bai Zang said: "when Kunlun comes out, the state of the moon will appear. At that time, I will project on the world and personally uncover the secret of concealing heaven." Lu Jia looks at the courtyard outside the door. The pear flowers in the courtyard are snowing. Simang has disappeared. Ning Xiaoling also watched quietly. All of a sudden, her ears jumped and stood up. Then, her claws immediately covered her stomach, and her body fell from the balcony, rolling all over the floor in pain, whimpering. Surprised, Lu ran to Ning Xiaoling's side, injected aura and said anxiously, "Xiaoling, what's the matter with you?"“ Right... Handle... Ah. " Ning Xiaoling shuddered all over and looked extremely painful, as if there were air rushing in her body, tearing her body: "the power of power... I can't control it... Ah!" Listening to the girl's scream, Lu Jiajia is very anxious. She uses her spiritual power to protect Ning Xiaoling's body. However, Ning Xiaoling rolls all over the ground in pain, and her spiritual power seems to be of no help at all“ Ah... Master Wu... "Ning Xiaoling's nine tails trembled and rolled in the courtyard. In the scream, a familiar figure reappeared in the courtyard where there was no shadow“ What's the matter? " Siming came from the night, and the corner of his eyebrow also wrote anxiety. She didn't go far. She stopped at the corner of the eaves in the distance and looked into the distance for a while. Then she saw Ning Xiaoling rolling all over the ground in pain. She didn't think much and came back immediately. Ning Xiaoling covered his belly and said: "sister Siming... Pain... Wuwu." Simang's hand was over her. She knew the sea and did not notice anything unusual. Siming was suspicious“ Xiaoling, what's the matter with you? " Asked Siming. Ning Xiaoling's voice broke his beard and said, "sister, I promised you... I promised, when elder martial brother comes back... I will remind you, you see, I didn't break my promise." The color of pain on Ning Xiaoling's face was replaced by cunning. She winked at Siming. With a look of shock, Siming raised his hand and said angrily, "well, you dead fox spirit, you dare to cheat my sister. I don't pinch your tail today!" Lu married Wei Leng, but he didn't respond. Outside the door, a familiar voice rang: "who will bully my younger martial sister?"

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