Torrential rain poured into the woods, and the rocks of Picchu peak were washed away by the rain and silvered in the thunder.

Huge ginseng fruit trees stand in the rain. The only fruit on the branches is shaking. The wind and rain sweep through the gaps of the trees and emit bursts of wailing, just like the cry of ginseng fruit.

The little monkey is running wildly in the rainstorm forest, the blood is surging in the body, and the heart is beating violently, like the drum beating in the ear.

Rain whipped its body, each record seems to have tens of millions of weight, the dark woods, it looked up at the empty fall of raindrops, the heart filled with infinite fear.

The little monkey demon kept panting. He held his head and knelt down beside a huge tree. His voice was suppressed and he began to cry.

The guests didn't come.

He looked at his bloody leg when he was running in the forest, and his eyes widened. He couldn't help recalling two days ago.

That day, he wanted to be the guide of the white guest, but the guest didn't agree. After he and the goblins dispersed, he was lucky and took a delivery job. But when he passed through qijuefeng, the fog demon king, who was always easy to talk and infatuated with chess, stopped him.

The fog demon king gave him a task to track down the young people who had left here before. He asked the king what he wanted to do, but the king didn't answer. The monkey demon was more puzzled and asked why he chose himself. Fog demon king said, because you are ordinary enough, you will not be suspicious.

Monkey demon because of the fog demon king's obstruction, delivery late, not only can't make money, even want to flip, it is awed by the demon king's prestige, had to agree to come down.

So these days, after work, it also inquires about the whereabouts of the guests.

But... Picchu.

The fog demon king was once under the hand of Bailu Zhenjun in biqiu mountain... He thought of the infamous ginseng fruit tree, and his stomach began to twitch.

Although it has been very bad luck, but it knows that it actually has extraordinary spiritual.

Its eyes are very bright. When it sees something, it even feels like a fire. It can see a lot of things that ordinary people can't see... It has never told anyone else about this.

He had been hiding on the mountain before, watching the guest walk through the ginseng fruit tree, and saw that he was entangled with the demon tree. After the rainstorm, he became more and more uneasy, and saw many scattered illusory bones on the mountain road where the guest walked.

Many people who come to Wanyao city for the first time may think that the monster life here is not bad... But the real Wanyao city is far more cruel than what they see.

It has been five hundred years since the death of the sage. The rules that were established in those years have already been shaken. In these years, those inferior kings have cast countless debts.

Monkey demon hiding in the depths of the forest, all wet by the rainstorm, shivering.

White Deer... White Deer really king should not care about my life or death?

The monkey demon's legs softened. Thinking about the two little monkeys in the cave, he got up and walked down the mountain.

Kuang Dang, it just passed a big tree, the sharp mouthed monkey's face was illuminated again.

Lightning struck the huge wood beside it with precision.

It raises its head and looks like fire in its pupils.

Before losing consciousness, the little monkey demon's pupil reflected a picture it had never seen before.

It was a fire so fierce that it could swallow up the rainstorm in an instant. In the fire, huge dragon corpses stood majestically, bramble like bones breathed the flames, just like a white chain. The gods and Buddhas could not see their faces clearly, but only formed countless silhouettes of body armor and iron armor. Its feet were covered with corpses, which seemed to be still in the wind of wailing, howling and flame flying, Are not willing to, the soul of the gods!

It stooped, like a small white bone, also like a Buddha higher than the sky.

Ahead, a black sun rises from the horizon, but the lightning is as thin as a blooming petal.

Lightning struck the tree, and the flame devoured its monkey hair. The little monkey lost consciousness and fell to the ground in scorched black.

The rain swallowed it up.



Jiuling Yuansheng looks out at the heavy rain outside the window. There are eight ghost fires hanging out of his middle head. Those ghost fires form a lion's mask. Each face has a different joy and anger.

This is its nine sides.

It looked at the rain, can not help but think of a turtle.

More than 500 years ago, the rainstorm was a hundred times bigger than that of tonight. At that time, his best friend was responsible for suppressing the mountain torrent. Since then, there has been no news. I think that although the tortoise is old, it should be dead.

Jiulingyuansheng took back his thoughts.

It turned around and stepped on the floor tiles of many animal bones. Its armor was like a knife, and its body was strong and muscular, which contained enough strength to make the wind and cloud pale.

In the dark of the map, the temple in the peak hidden in the city of ten thousand demons, jiulingyuansheng listens to the noisy rain outside and walks to the depths of the towering Hall of the demons.

Deep in the hall, a demon king with golden plumes is also watching the rain.

Its body is covered with a armor made of feathers. Each feather is the life feather of the finch it killed. The armor made of these feathers is not common. If it is worn on its body, ordinary magic soldiers in the world can't cut off a piece of hair at all.

It's the golden winged Mirs, the only remaining demon saint in Wanyao city - huntian great saint.

But it's not as strong as it is.

Jiulingyuansheng looks at the dark golden feather flowing from the golden winged Mirs. Its folded wings are like two archaic Epee swords.

"You don't practice Wanyao Jue like this. I advise you to die." Jiuling Yuansheng looked at its back and said faintly.

The golden winged Mirs drew back their eyes from the rainstorm. It was wearing a mask, which was red and looked sharp, like the mask of a crow.

After the mask, the voice of the golden winged Mirs sounded faintly: "I thought we were in the same way."

Jiulingyuansheng raised the lion's face, and its voice was heavy: "you have swallowed gods, immortals, and your kindred, but even if you can swallow the whole heaven and earth, what? The six gods of Taichu have proved that all the things in the world can't overturn the sky. "

The golden winged Mirs looked at it, and there was a strange smile under the mask: "break the sky? Ha ha ha... I didn't expect you to live two thousand years and still have such a dream! "

Jiulingyuansheng was silent.

The golden winged Mirs coldly said: "what the sage can't break is the real solid, and we can't shake it even if we hit it to pieces. I admire you very much. After such an era, you haven't been engulfed by despair, but you also know that it's useless to be brave."

"But without courage and blood, you will live a miserable life." Jiulingyuansheng said: "most of the demons in Wanyao city can spend their lives a little bit safely, but we can't. We still have a long time to go. Our lives are destined to see the rise of the black sun with our own eyes. That's the real despair."

When the dark sun rises, the Dark Lord will come to the world. At that time, the aura will disintegrate, the life will die, everything will be deconstructed, and the bones will be ashes

That's the end that the sage predicted five hundred years ago.

"I'm looking forward to that day," said the golden winged Mirs

Jiulingyuansheng looked at it and shook his head gently: "five hundred years ago, you once rebelled against the demon clan. The sage's benevolence spared you from death. Now... Do you want to regenerate the anti bone?"

The golden winged Mirs pointed out with a straight smile: "after the disappearance of the Peacock King Ming, what's the remembrance of everything in the world for me? I respect the sage, but I also look forward to his death! Without the protection of immortality, I might be able to find some fun in the end between heaven and earth. "

On the side of jiulingyuansheng's mane, the dark blue ghost fire turned into faces.

The golden winged Mirs felt the intention of killing. After its crow like mask, a smile appeared: "nine lions, I know your realm is stronger than mine, you could have been stronger... Unfortunately, you have nine songs, but you have never drunk or eaten for a hundred years. We are demons, not ascetics. If you go on like this, your nine songs will betray you sooner or later, and there is no need for others to do it, You will disintegrate by yourself. Who can save you when I see it, and who can you save! "

Jiulingyuansheng is indifferent to its question, and says in a low voice, "so you can't pull out the holy weapon."

Golden winged Mirs look gloomy.

At the beginning, before the saint's body was broken, he cut the blood, flesh and bones into cold iron, made four immortal soldiers, gave them to four immortal demons, and then made the wall of ten thousand demons with the rest of the blood and bones.

The holy instrument it gets is a huge bow like petrification.

After all these years, its Demon power has reached the peak it can reach, but it still can't pull out the divine bow. It regards it as a shame.

The golden winged Mirs sneered and asked, "you can pull out the sacred weapon, but who can you chop at?"

Jiulingyuansheng said: "the iron umbrella is used to cover the rain, not to kill people."

The lightning flashed out, the thunder came from a distant place and vibrated back and forth in the hall. The wind shook the bone carving doll hanging in the window.

"Where's your deer? Back? " Nine spirit Yuan Sheng suddenly asks a way.

The golden winged Mirs said coldly, "it's a debt owed by the white deer. It has nothing to do with me. Now the debt collector comes to the door, and he wants to seek refuge with me. I'm too lazy to get involved, so I give him two magic weapons."

Jiulingyuansheng said: "what the white deer did has already crossed the bottom line of Wanyao city."

The golden winged Mirs said: "where is the bottom line of Wanyao city? I didn't see anyone stop that woman when she brought her sword into the city. "

Jiulingyuansheng shook his head and said, "the sword is not allowed to enter the city. It's only suitable for outsiders. She is the eldest disciple in heaven. They have contributed a lot to the stability of Wanyao city. You don't have to cover it up."

"What do I need to hide?" said the golden winged Mirs

Jiulingyuansheng said: "don't pretend, isn't it you that white deer obeys? If it's not for your advice, how can it get into the five ways with its talent, and how can it dare to monopolize ginseng fruit trees with its way? No matter what the outcome is, you will be punished for watering that bloodthirsty evil tree with the bones of your kindred. "

Under the crow mask, the killing intention of the golden winged Mirs is revealed through the mask.

The ghost fire head on the side of jiulingyuan's head went out. He walked slowly into the deep hall and said: "I'm very curious that you will get the so-called holy fruit in the future. After you swallow it, how much power can you have and whether you can pull out your unique holy weapon."


Bang Dang!

The thunder is still ringing.

In the stormy night, Ning long put away the paper and looked at the dark clouds in the night sky.

Ning Changchang said, "what does that mean?"

Simang said, "don't you understand?"

Ning Changchang's face is gloomy. He can guess some general information.

"I'll go and see that monkey. That monkey is so unlucky to send letters in the rain. Don't die." Ning sighed for a long time.

Simang answered faintly. Her eyes were always looking at the sky, looking for someone to step through the clouds.

I'd rather walk into the forest for a long time.

There was a small fire in the forest. The fire was moving in the rainstorm, and it was not extinguished in a short time.

Ning Long's figure flies through the forest. When his sword eyes open, he clearly sees the traces of monkey demon's way.

After wearing back and forth, Ning long stopped under a big tree cut by thunder.

He leaned down, picked up a leaf and sniffed.

He looked up at the front of the rain, showing a puzzled look.

The smell of monkey demon was broken here.

But who is it?

Even if you are struck by thunder and fire, your flesh and bones will turn into ashes, you should always leave traces. How can they disappear without a trace?

Ning long lingered in the woods for a while, and did not find any trace. He gently turned around and returned to Siming's side.

In the heavy rain, the White Deer in the forest has long disappeared. A large number of stone tea flowers are in full bloom on the hillside. They are blooming in the face of the rainstorm.

"Where are you going now?" Simang asked softly.

Ning Changchang said: "if the power of Ming Jun is really here, we can't go."

Simang said: "then you're going to live up to the little monkey demon's kindness?"

Ning long thought of the monkey who had lost his sight in the forest and whose life and death were uncertain. He sighed and said, "what do you think we should do now?"

Simang said, "go up the mountain."

Ning long frowned: "why?"

Siming said: "previously, we were not sure about the position of white deer, but now we are sure. In other words, we have to change our tune with it. Now we pretend that nothing happened, go back and wait, and then prepare for the assassination. That's the most appropriate move."

Ning looked at Siming for a long time and said, "you... Seem to be getting smarter."

Simang always felt that he was insulting himself and said coldly, "I think you are a fool in your dream!"

Ning Changjiu suddenly realized that he really had a dream to do!

They stood on the hillside for a while, and the figure came to the top of the mountain in a few twinkles, leaving behind the waves of the stone tea flower.

Ning Changjiu and Siming walked into the residence as usual.

The boy and girl stood at the door, smiling sweetly at them. They each hold umbrellas, carved with powder and jade, which are lovely.

"The guest is back at last." The boy opened the door for them.

The girl handed the umbrella to Ning Changjiu and said, "it's raining today, but I haven't prepared rain raindrops for the guests. Don't blame the guests. Don't tell the birthday grandfather about it."

Ning long no umbrella, just said: "well, rest assured."

The girl smiles.

The boy asked, "where did the guest go when he came back so late?"

Ning long replied: "go to the nearby demon temple and look forward to the legacy of the demon saint."

Hearing this, the girl tilted her head and said, "those are the real big men of the demon clan."

Ning long asked: "is there only four demon saints?"

The boy said, "of course not. Grandpa Jinpeng is still alive. He is one of the most powerful demon kings in Wanyao city."

The girl glared at him and said, "there's nothing to hide."

But the boy had a proud look and disdained to say, "what can't be said?"

When the door opened, they welcomed Ning Changjiu and Siming into the room.

They walked through the dark room, and the candles lit up one by one.

Looking at Ning Changjiu, the girl said with a sweet smile, "if you have any special orders, just call me."

Siming took a look at it.

The girl's soul was white with fright.

You... Aren't you daolv? I'm just kidding. As for?

The girl apologized and stepped back. Simang said coldly: "a little flower spirit who can't become a climate dares to be like this. It seems that they have a lot to rely on."

The two returned to the house.

Ning long scan a week, said: "no passive."

Siming nodded and said, "there is no mystery in this house. Maybe the White Deer demon doesn't want to scare the snake."

Ning opened the window for a long time, and the cold rain was blowing into the window.

Siming sat down at the table, folded his legs, cooked tea and sat quietly, saying, "let's talk about tomorrow's plan."

Ning long sat down beside her and nodded gently.


In the trial of rosefinch God, Zhao xianger inserts his sword into the white bone in front of him. The white bone has horns, and the flesh and blood condensed by the fire loses its vitality.

Zhao xianger grabs the skeleton of the finch and twists the sword in his hand. In the crackling sound, the sword cuts the skeleton and cuts it into two parts.

The head fell to the ground and rolled twice.

After his death, Bai Gu was killed by the fire in his body, and instantly burned to ashes, dripping from Zhao Xiang'er's snow-white fingers.

The air congealed walls were broken, and the road ahead, which was originally foggy, showed its rudiment.

Zhao xianger was relieved.

As usual, she sat down in the middle of the battlefield, recovered her energy, and went to meet the next finch.

Today's finch is much more powerful than yesterday's, but it takes less power to kill it.

Does it have anything to do with that absurd dream?

Zhao xianger is more and more convinced that this dream is also a part of the rosefinch trial.

But in the dream, there seems to be no danger except the face that people love and hate... What is it to test me?

Zhao xianger has a feeling that after she goes to sleep today, she will continue her dream of last night.

This morning, she was glad that she woke up in time after losing the bet last night, but... Is she going to face it again?

Zhao xianger bit his lip and was reluctant.

Why did she become his younger martial sister! Hum... A sinister villain knows how to cheat people with sweet words!

Zhao xianger thought that she saw some pictures in the mirror in the three thousand world, and she was very angry.

If you fall into a dream tonight, you should beat him in the dream anyway!

Thinking about this, Zhao xianger, leaning on his sword, set up several sword runes on his side in case of unexpected events. Then he slowly fell asleep and gradually fell asleep.

Sure enough, the dream continues.

Zhao xianger found that she was sitting in the same place, and the book was still in front of her body. She looked up, but did not see Ning Changchang's face.

Huh? Is it difficult for the dreamer to feel his anger and run ahead of time?

Zhao xianger was very confused. She stood up and searched the Taoist temple, but failed to catch him.

"Well! I can't even dream about it! "

She sat down on the stone bench, bulging her fierce face, staring at the front, waiting for Ning long to appear, but after waiting for a long time, she did not see each other.

Forget it

Zhao Xiang'er rubbed his cheek to get rid of his anger. He thought that it was not easy to have some lucid dreams, and the time in the dream could not be wasted!

She spread out the Scriptures in front of her and read them casually.

Slowly, her casual eyes became serious. Then, she sat down slowly, looking at the contents of the book, with light in her eyes.

"Well... How could that be?" Zhao xianger said to himself, "is this the foundation and source of Taoism? What did I learn in the past? Castle in the air

This seemingly not thick book, but contains endless mystery, Zhao xianger first glimpse, suddenly lost his mind.

Zhao xianger turned two pages for a long time.

She drew back her eyes and closed them gently. What she saw and felt was refined and sublimated in the sea of knowledge, and became an unprecedented feeling.

Zhao xianger suddenly realized that this must be something prepared by his mother!

In this world, apart from the existence of mother, who can write such a chapter as looking directly at the origin of heaven and earth and the primitive way?

Zhao xianger was awed. She looked back at the deep hall behind the winding lotus pond and wondered: could this master be a movie about his mother? All this is also in my mother's plan!

Thinking of these, Zhao xianger read the book more seriously for a while.

Well, the mystery of the road in the book is endless, which makes people reverie. Last night I went to fight with Ning for a long time. I didn't turn the book over. It's a waste of time. In the future, we must devote ourselves to the Tao. We can't do that.

Ignore him! Unless he asked me to read with him.


Ning long talked with simingchang until midnight and made dozens of assumptions.

Siming stretched his body lazily and said: "a single white deer can't make a big climate. Just don't let those old people in Wanyao city get involved."

Ning Changchang said, "what if they are mixed?"

Simang said: "if one demon will fight, two demons will retreat, three demons... I can only throw you over as a cover and walk away."

Ning Changjiu said with a smile: "the God official is so cruel."

Simang said faintly: "who makes you so weak? Anyway, I can always get out of my body. Just take care of yourself. " Ning was used to being ridiculed for a long time. He said with a smile, "it's still a long time. I'll go to sleep first." Si Ming frowned and said, "Why are you so sleepy recently? What are you dreaming about? " Ning Changjiu said, "what's the dream? I just want to conserve my energy to cope with the fierce battle that may come tomorrow. " Si Ming's words were quiet, "right?" Rather long calm nod, he is not anxious not slow to spread the quilt, slowly lying well, fast asleep. He went back to the dream“ Younger martial sister Xiang'er Ning Changjiu called softly. In front of him, there was no answer but the wind. Are you late? Or... I'd rather not understand. He should be the master of his dream. He is eager to see Xiang'er, but how can Xiang'er disappear? He walked around the temple, but still couldn't find it. Ning Changjiu was in a low mood. He sat down beside the stone bench, looked at the pages of the book that the breeze was flying, picked it up and looked at it carelessly. Then, his face became serious, and his relaxed sitting posture was slowly straightened. Ning long thought that he had read countless poems and books, but he didn't think that there was such a wonderful book in the world. He was intoxicated with it, enjoying the mysteries of heaven and earth, and the tenet of Taoism. After a long time, he slowly recovered. Ning long knew that his dream could never have such a thing. It must have something to do with the master! Is... Rather long looked at the closed door, as if thinking. Alas, when the Scriptures were placed in front of me last night, I was just fighting with Xiang'er instead of turning them over. What a waste of time! It should be noted that people have a clear idea of life, the road is infinite, and the great beauty in the book is ahead. How can we bear to turn a blind eye to it! In the future, I will study hard with Xiang'er( Thank you for being a great Xia! Thank you for your support ~)

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