The flower arrangement in front of the window is fragrant.

Ning Xiaoling curls up and sleeps. Her long fox hair sweeps her face lightly. Lu Jiajia's slightly bent arm half embraces the soft fox. The night is warm.

Lu had a strange dream.

She dreamed that she had eaten a elixir, and then her body lost weight. She floated up with the wind, and the moon was no longer a distant shadow from far and near.

Lu Jia touched the moon in her dream.

She couldn't tell what it was like.

What she saw was not the illusory beauty of Qionglouyuyu in the fairy tale, but a desolate, cemetery like existence. Looking around, her eyes were full of rough surface, oblique long rock and distinct impact pits, giving people a sense of suffocating silence.

This feeling is only for a moment.

In a twinkling of an eye, Lu Jiajia was in a sea of moonlight. She subconsciously named it Yuehai.

At the moment, Lu Jiajia in her dream has no clear consciousness. She walks in the moonlight with her feeling. Guanghua ripples in her knees. After a long time, she looks up in the sea of moon and sees a vague shadow.

It was also a shadow of white clothes and ink hair. Her white color was like a cloud passing through the starry sky, and her black color was like a pupil condensed in the cloud.

She didn't know who she was, but she had a feeling of intimacy.

She approached her slowly.

Lu Jiajia looks up. She can't see each other's facial features clearly, but she can feel a kind of beauty. That kind of beauty is different from the beauty of Siming. If Siming's beauty is exquisite and impeccable, then the beauty of the woman in front of her is poor and dim, peeping into the depth and mystery of the universe.

"Really like..." yechan palace suddenly opened her mouth, her voice is clear and soft, it sounds very young.

Lu Jia asked subconsciously, "like what?"

Ye Chan Palace said: "there is a sword fetus hidden in your body. It was one of the 81 immortal swords that were exiled in the world when the ten eyes Kingdom collapsed."

She knew that this was the origin of the unity of sword and spirit.

Ye Chan Palace said, "do you know who forged the 81 sword?"

Lu Jia shook her head gently: "I don't know."

Ye Chan palace tells a story that has never been recorded in the legend: "eighty one swords are all immortal swords. The Zhenxian sword of luoshulou is an imitation of the eighty one sword. At that time, a great monk gathered the refined iron of Kyushu, took the sun as the melting pot, the stars and the moon as the charcoal, and the goddess cut the blood of her palm and made eighty one immortal sword, which was kept by her best friend, My best friend's name is Xiang... "

"At that time, there were two suns in the sky. The real sun was bright, while the sun held by Xiang was more like a star. The star hung high above the sea of ruins and surrounded the whole world. The 81 immortal swords were controlled by a spiritual realm of understanding the sea. The builders of this area of sea awareness are the "Xiang" and the five "Zuohua" great friars. The five friars are located in the nether pool of Nanzhou, Zhongtu, Beiguo, Xiguo and Donghai. Although their bodies are dead, their sea awareness extends infinitely and covers the whole land. "

Lu Jiajia listens to the myth crazily... Envelops the whole world with the sea of knowledge, and then connects a consciousness far away from the sea of ruins... How is this possible? What kind of mental strength is needed

Ye Chan palace continued to tell her this story: "this big net of understanding the sea has been built. It can control the information of the whole world, and at the same time, it can control 81 immortal swords, so that they can descend from the sky like divine punishment, and fall to any place, even to the thatched cottage in a certain village."

Lu Jia felt even more incredible.

It takes so much effort to build a false sun, and then to control 81 immortal swords with the spiritual giant net that envelops the whole world... This is something that myths and legends dare not describe. Who is the person who does all this? Who is he trying to kill?

"Later... Later?" Lu didn't think about the cause of the dream, but just followed her intuition and asked questions.

Ye Chan palace way: "later phase betrayed him."

Lu's wife was slightly surprised. She always felt that she had heard the words "Shimu kingdom" and "Xiang", but she couldn't remember them.

Ye Chan palace gently looks at Lu's face. Moonlight is like her hand caressing a woman's cheek, with the tenderness that makes her dream come true.

She went on to tell the story: "the sun was eroded by the darkness and went crazy. The power in the sun was divided up by nine three legged gold and black, and turned into nine suns, which were arranged around the real day, just like the scale on the sundial."

"These nine suns don't emit light and heat, eh... They are not so much suns as abysses hanging in the sky. They whirl and greedily absorb the aura of the earth. The whole world seems to have experienced a huge drought, disaster in chixian County, disaster in mountains and seas. When we have no choice but to use the last refined iron, In the northernmost and southernmost parts of the Middle Earth, sacred pillars were set up, and they were connected to each other to form strings. "

"It's a huge bow that runs through the middle of the earth."

"He spent a great deal of strength shooting eight golden crowns. The last queen of golden crowns stepped down from the throne, took off her crown and bowed her head to be a minister, so that she could not die. However, the swords on the other eight days were scattered in all the countries of heaven and earth and could not be found. They were either lost in the wilderness, or were carried by the soul and reincarnated together. The reincarnated person can have the same body of sword spirit and resonate with the iron of the world. "

Lu Jia looked up and listened to the legend quietly in the moon sea.

This is the complete story of the sword and spirit.

Is this the origin of the sword fetus in the body? If the story told by the person in front of her is true, she is a sword spirit in a sense, but this kind of sword spirit is not the vassal of the sword, but the master of the sword.

"Master... Who is it?" Lu Jia looked at her and asked softly.

Ye Chan Gong nodded, praised her politeness and said, "you can call me the Lord."

"Guanzhu?" Lu looked at her and asked, "are you a Taoist?"

Ye Chan palace way: "Avenue green, the world's fellow travelers, can be called Taoist."

Lu Jiajia asked, "what did the elder lead me to dream and come here for?"

Ye Chan palace straightforward way: "give you a chance?"

Lu Jiawei was stunned and asked, "chance?"

The huge white dress and jade belt of yechan Palace are dancing in the wind. A round of full moon slowly rises behind her and occupies the whole world. Her flying dress and moonlight are dragging each other, as if to be integrated.

In the moon, ye Chan palace stretched out her finger and gently touched Lu's eyebrow.

"What are you doing Lu Jia had no resistance and could not resist.

Her intuition told her that this illusory elder had no malice, and she was wrapped in a cocoon, as if to grow a gorgeous wing.

Ye Chan palace way: "this is your sword heart."

"The heart of the sword?" Lu's marriage was a little stunned.

Ye Chan Palace said: "this is not the same as your common understanding of the heart of the sword. At the moment, your heart of the sword is still empty. When you complete it, you will enter a new realm."

Lu Jia was puzzled, "how to cultivate the heart of the sword?"

Ye Chan Palace said: "every night after today, I will call you to me

In a dreamland, in a dreamland, you will meet someone you miss subconsciously. At that time, I will tell you what you need to do through the heart of the sword, and you can follow it. "

It sounds... It seems very simple.

Lu's spirit is still a little hazy. Her sight is overwhelmed by the huge moon. She can't think much, but she nods unconsciously.

It was not until she left the dream that she suddenly remembered that the elder did not answer her previous question - who was she like?


After Lu left, another woman appeared in the moon sea.

The silver haired and black robed simang came here again after passing through the moon sea.

Is it the devil again? She looks at the shadow of the green silk and white dress and holds the sword at her waist.

After several days of practicing sword, Sima Ming reached a higher level of kendo. He was not afraid.

The black robe flashed with silver, and the moon rose behind it. Without saying a word, simang rushed to the back with his sword.

All of her recent insights are in the sword.

With the light of Siming sword, under the axis of the sword, a snow-white crack has been opened in the moon sea. The amazing snow-white arc is full of light, and it cuts straight to yechan palace. Yechan palace has no waves, but just points to Siming with its jade finger.

Before the sword came to yechan palace, her fingers had already hit Siming's eyebrow.

The sword light dissipated, and Siming fell to the ground, kneeling on her skirt.

Still so... Simang thought reluctantly, but she was not discouraged, because she knew that she was far away from the peak, and the other side was not invincible. The day of killing the demons must be the time for her to ascend the throne!

Siming lowered his head and looked at her face in the moon sea.

At the center of the eyebrow, the place that was pointed out before, is in full bloom, like a small flower.

"This is... What?" Siming felt familiar.

Ye Chan palace light way: "slave pattern."

Simang was shocked and drew back his hand like an electric shock. How could the other party plant this for itself?

Simang suddenly understood that nuwen was also a great demon of his own, which symbolized Ning Changjiu!

The mysterious woman 700 years ago and Ning Changjiu now are the two biggest demons of their own! Only when she overcomes it, can she really understand the heart of the sword.

Yechan palace sighs silently, she can clearly see the thinking of Siming.

Alas, among these people, Lu's marriage is the most suitable one.



The sky of ten thousand demon city has disappeared the sound of thunder and lightning, but the rain has never stopped.

In a small cave on the edge of Qijue cliff, the monkey demon slowly opened his eyes in the misty rain.

It's like being struck by thunder, being cut to pieces, being burned by fire.

It's full of pain.

Twitching for a long time, the monkey demon slowly raised his body. He held his head and his head was heavy as lead.

"This is..." the little monkey demon looked around and finally found a sense of familiarity.

It confirmed that it was a cave in its own home.

Why am I here?

The little monkey demon looked around and found that his side was full of wild fruits. After the wild fruits, the two young monkeys blinked their big eyes and were staring at themselves.

Seeing that they were all right, the little monkey demon was relieved. He looked at the fruits and asked, "how did I get back? Um... Xiaoru, Xiaoyi, are you picking these? "

The two young monkeys could not speak and chirped like sparrows.

"Annoying." Little monkey demon habitually said a word.

He grabbed the wild fruit and said, "didn't I tell you? Don't go out of the cave before you grow up. There are vicious monsters outside. If you are not careful, you will be eaten. "

Two young monkeys squeaked twice, very clever.

The little monkey demon sighed, touched their heads, grabbed a wild fruit and put it into his mouth. He bit it, and the juice in the wild fruit spurted out and splashed all over his mouth. The acid made his teeth tremble and his tears would fall.

"Bah, bah..." the monkey demon wrinkled his face and wanted to spit out the fruit, but he was seeing the innocent eyes of two young monkeys.

The little monkey was silent for a moment, and said, "the fruit you picked is delicious. Hey, hey, when the little guy is growing up, I will not use it."

Then he took another bite and chewed it.

Juice acid into the empty stomach, the whole stomach like a tight leather bag, cramped up.

Two young monkeys looked at its smiling face and clapped their hands happily.

The little monkey demon looked at them and also showed a smile.

Looking at the rain outside the cave, he still didn't understand how he came back to the cave from the night of heavy rain. How could his two little monkeys have such great ability?

Did the guest send him back? Or

Little monkey demon looked at his arm and showed a look of surprise again... Arm, undamaged!


In the past, the little monkey demon often had the dream of a big demon king. It would imagine that it was just an ascetic monk in the world. For a great mission, it felt the sufferings of the world. In this way, it can attribute the suffering to fate and take it as pleasure.

But it knows that these are all false. It's a magic wand chased by people in ragged Taoist robes. It's a clown who performs the fire ring jumping trick in front of thousands of people. It's an orphan monkey. It's a hapless ghost, but it's not a big demon. Even if it is, it owes countless debts thousands of years ago, and it can't repay those debts for generations.

Little monkey demon interrupted his thoughts.

The baby monkey has been lulled to sleep by it.

It looked at these sour, no mature fruit, sighed.

I still have to go out and find food myself

The little monkey demon covered the depth of the cave with stones, covered it with thatch, picked a broken bamboo hat and went to the rain.

In spring, most fruit trees don't even bloom, let alone mature. Thanks to its rich experience, it can tell which can be eaten and which can't.

In the rain, monkey demon dangling cane, all the way to sway, unexpectedly came to the seven Jue cliff.

When he arrived at Qijue cliff, he remembered that he had failed to complete the task assigned by the fog demon king... Not only did he not complete it, he also betrayed

Monkey demon heart a Lin, it stepped on the rocks of Qijue cliff, foot like needle felt.

It quietly turned its head, ready to leave, but there was a conversation in its ear.

"Bai Lu's birthday is dead. He was killed by the two strangers." Said the fog demon king.

"I have known for a long time. Now, there are few people in Wanyao city who don't know, right? The two foreigners killed the demon king in our city, but instead they occupied the top of the mountain and called them overlord. Oh, it's ridiculous

This voice is very sharp, monkey demon suddenly distinguish out - this is a hundred face fox!

A few days ago, he played a wild monkey jumping in the fire circle. After the event, the hundred faced fox can still remember.

It's a narrow road

The monkey demon once again laments his misfortune.

It held out its hand, covered its nose and mouth, and made no sound.

The fog demon king said: "such a big event, after all, is the above meaning, white deer is my superior, your friend..."

"Bah!" The hundred faced fox interrupted: "what friend? Why did the White Deer treat me as a friend? I want it to die

Fog demon king way: "it died, how do you do?"

The fox was silent. He has a bad temper and has made many enemies in the ten thousand demon city. In the past, if he had not been near the white deer, his mean mouth and the Demon power in the purple court would have been torn apart.

"Or... Let's run together." The hundred faced fox raised his eyes, stared at it, and said: "we don't know if we have a place to stand in the future. Anyway, the city will collapse sooner or later, and we won't escape at this time..."

The fog demon king pressed his hand and interrupted, "I still have a mission."

"Mission?" The hundred faced fox didn't understand and said, "what are you saying? Although you used to be windy and beautiful, what are you dreaming about now? Your days of being king and dominating are long gone! "

The fog demon king played with the pieces in his hand and said, "Shizu told me before he died that in addition to the four sacred implements of Tianzhu peak, there is still one hidden in the city of ten thousand demons. If you get this, you can directly seal it as semi holy!"

The hundred faced fox shook his head and said, "do you still have illusions about saints?"

The fog demon king said: "white deer will die when they die. Today's wealth and honor will be ashes tomorrow. When the ten thousand demon city collapses and the kingdom of God forces to encircle and suppress, we will really have nothing... The ends of the earth can't be hidden."

The hundred faced fox sneered: "where can we find the divine things? What's more, you don't even know what it is! "

Fog demon king way: "actually these years, I got some clues."

Hundred fox eyes a bright, quickly asked: "what?"

Monkey demon also raised his ears to listen carefully. At this time, a wet and greasy thing suddenly wrapped around his body. Monkey demon was shocked and looked at it. It turned out to be a red Python!

The monkey demon could not help screaming.

The hundred faced fox was startled by the scream, but the fog demon king looked as usual. He said faintly: "let me see who it is, who dares to eavesdrop for so long."

It found out that someone was eavesdropping.

The red Python entangles the monkey demon in an instant, and does not give it any room to struggle.

"It's you." The fog demon king has come to the monkey demon.

Monkey demon's mouth was strangled by boa constrictor and couldn't make any sound.

Hearing this, Baimian fox was surprised: "it's you, a wild thing, who made you lose face before. I wanted to spare your life. You're good. You're not good at acting. You're hardworking when you die!"

The monkey demon cried, and he widened his eyes, knowing that he would die today.

The fog demon king looked at it and said, "don't talk nonsense with it. Kill it directly."

Hundred face fox sneers: "kill directly, is it cheap?"

Fog demon king way: "don't waste time, kill it, with me to the cave, I show you something."

Hundred face fox slightly reluctantly answered a voice, it licked to lick claw, to monkey demon's throat cut down.

Nothing more.

The fog demon king felt the strange quietness behind him and turned around.

The Python's body cracked and cut off on the ground. In front of it, the fox fell to the ground and lost its vitality.

The fog demon king recovered from the shock and said with a smile: "well, old fox, don't pretend. Who doesn't know that you have a hundred faces in your life? Although you are so lifelike, what's the significance of pretending to be childish with me?"

There is still no movement.

The little monkey demon fell into the snake's blood, looking at the body of the hundred faced Fox and his hand covered with thick blood. Fear filled his heart. He hugged his head and said in a trembling voice, "I didn't kill him... I didn't kill him..."

The fog demon king squinted.

"And pretend to me?" He was a little annoyed and clapped at the monkey demon's tianlinggai.

The seven Jue cliff is shining with gold.

The monkey is shivering in the rain.

The fog demon king's claws can't be photographed.

In its body, the fog is difficult to condense, and all the fog is dispersed, and the rain raindrops of the bamboo hat fall to the ground, which is empty.

In the rain, the little monkey demon heard the last words of the fog demon king.

"Shizu... You didn't cheat me."



Outside the city of ten thousand demons.

Under the night sky, the vast river is like ice and silver. A woman walks on the river, and the river doesn't make any waves.

She was wearing a dress.

It's more a sword than a skirt.

She was wearing a thin white dress. Outside her girlish dress, a silver sword was spinning, like a long dragon or a jade belt between her elbows. They danced around her body, not touching her skin, but wrapping it tightly.

At the moment, she is walking on the river, but there is no shadow of her and sword under the river.

This is one of the solutions of selfless state.

Her long black hair was curled up, and the hairpin was also a sword. The sword passed through her hair, but it didn't cut off half of it.

Not only that, the bracelet on her wrist is a sword, and the ring between her fingers is also a sword.

She is the eldest martial sister of Jiange.

He is the second person in China.

She went to Wanyao city on the order of her master. At the right time, she killed a man.

She used to travel thousands of miles a day.

But on the Silver Lake, she stopped.

Master told her that someone would come to stop her. The man who stands in the way will be the real heaven and man.

She's been waiting.

She has been practicing the sword for decades, and sometimes she lives all night. It seems that she can cut the sky and open the earth and swallow the rainbow for 30000 Li with one stroke.

But even so, her steps are still cautious. Because she knew how terrible her opponent would be.

On the Silver Lake, she saw a figure.

It was the figure of a woman.

Green skirt dancing on the lake, the wind does not move, the water is not happy, the quiet world turned into a dead silence.

Looking at the green dress, the woman thought of the story that the master had told her and pursed her lips.

If the others are OK, but this one... She's not sure. But only in this way can the sword in her heart be sharpened into an unparalleled God blade in the world. Looking back, she wore a bun, a lotus crown, and a brush in her arms. No, elder martial sister, Shenyu“ I've seen you before. " The eldest disciple of the sword Pavilion stared at her and said seriously, "I didn't expect that you would come here in person." The elder martial sister said with a smile, "do you know me?"“ Master told me your identity. " The eldest disciple of the sword Pavilion took the initiative to unload all the swords, saluted her respectfully, and said: "I have seen Lord Nuwa."( Thanks to the helmsman who is praised by the book friend weisbruck! Thank you for your support and encouragement! Momeda!)

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