Lightning and thunder, heavy rain.

The already dark sky seems to have been broken down by rain. The raindrops are beating on the sword. The color of steel flashes in the torrential rain. The killing intention is like an evil tiger lying dormant for a long time, suddenly showing its ferocious face. Beyond the darkness, it stabs the sword like fangs at the enemy's neck.

Ning long sword hanging, staring at the golden winged Mirs, the sea like a ring of air waves, rapid expansion, covering the field of combat.

The wings of the golden winged Mirs vibrate instantaneously.

Ning long did not see how he moved, he disappeared in the field of vision in an instant, and then, the cold light flashed in front of him.

Ning long holds the Yulei surrounded by the spirit of the nether world and smashes it at the golden feather sword light.

Metal excited sound, the heat wave from the explosion rose to the face, instantly evaporated the rain, according to the two eyebrows a red.

Outside the heavy rain, the first sound of the iron sword sounded like a drum when the two armies faced each other. The battle was on the verge of attack. After that, thousands of arrows swept like rain, and the gold and iron horses opposed each other, and a pengpeng sword burst into flames. In the meantime, the white rainbow twined with the golden light, and the surrounding rain was completely illuminated and then evaporated, turning into a lot of white gas, and enveloping the two figures in smoke.

There are few mountains around, mostly vast plains. After they hit a high place, the roaring wind was especially loud, just like the waves of the sea wave after wave, lifting their figure to a higher place.

Golden winged Dapeng's body was destroyed, his strength was almost half reduced, and his bones were completely broken. Dali Buddha map and Yanghuang cangyu sword were even destroyed in the previous battle, which should have been a dying wound, but the demon clan's unimaginable strong physique and his five hundred years of willpower supported him.

Ten thousand demon Jue's last piece of puzzle is in front of him, how can he give up?

Although Ning Changjiu was also seriously injured, the skin injury was well recovered in the power of time. Only when he broke the five ways, he was strongly interrupted, leaving a short-term hard injury to his body.

Although their own realms are quite different, they can change with each other. The fatal injury of golden winged Mirs gives them the possibility of a desperate battle.

In the cave, Siming was lying on the stone wall sick. Listening to the thunder and the sound of swords from outside, she could not calm down.

She looked at the white clothes on her body, which could not give much warmth in the cold. The heavy rain washed the white clothes very clean, and the clothes had no smell of blood. Maybe it was because she had passed through a large area of dense forest, and the skirt still had some fragrance of vegetation.

Her eyes drooped weakly, looking at the broken white clothes, trying to gather the spiritual power in her body, but her injury was more serious than she imagined.

In the final attack with jiulingyuansheng, many joints between her four limbs were broken by his lion roar, and her recovery was slow. The most important thing was that her sundial was drained of its divine power and lost its light. It was like a stone statue, and the sea of Qi was almost pierced. It was like a bamboo basket, and could not retain any aura.

At the moment, as long as she works her spiritual power, her chest seems to have been poured with hot iron, and the twisted pain stimulates her to sweat.

She kept panting, and her self doubt was like countless knives cutting her spirit... She was like a broken porcelain. She wanted to put her hand together, but the porcelain cut her skin and made her hands full of blood.

She hated the feeling. She didn't care if she lost to sin Jun at the beginning, but jiulingyuansheng was just the body of the flesh. No matter how strong his demon power was, how could he arrogate to the real God?

The fragrance of white clothes lingered on the tip of her nose, making her calm. She adjusted the balance between spirit and body, and tried to heal the injury and recover her strength.

She stood up and slowly climbed to the place close to the cave and looked at the sky.

The cold rain beat on the face.

Her clear, ice free eyes look at the dark sky. In the flashing thunder, the sword fire is spreading in the impact. She can't help but think of the fireworks in clothes Street, which can't be extinguished no matter how heavy the rainstorm is.

The battle over the storm was in full swing.

The scale of the battle was far less than that of the initial battle between Siming and Jinyi Dapeng, but the degree of danger was more dangerous.

Yu Lei's simple sword infuses the spirit power and emits a bloody light. Holding this slender sword, he swings it at the flashing golden light. He almost forgets those sword moves, and only pinches the ink rain of Tianyu sword Sutra in a turning basin style and integrates it into the sword.

Holding the sword like a red iron bar, he swivels and sweeps at the golden winged Mirs. The sword moves fit in with the storm, and a roar like a lion's roar erupts. He presses towards the golden winged Mirs endlessly, as if the wind and rain are all over the sky, and the sword will never stop.

The figure of the golden winged Mirs is shrouded in the light of the sword. He flutters his wings several times and wants to get away. All of them are entangled like maggots of Ningchang's tarsal bones. The cold front of Yulei is a little dull, but it cuts the rain like a blade in his hand. Between the two people's confrontation, the flesh and blood of the golden winged Mirs are cut and splashed with blood.


Suddenly, there was a clear sound.

Ning's long and continuous sword shadow was shattered by the heavy rain.

In the vast mist, the golden light suddenly emerged, blocking Yu Lei's stabbing sword to his chest.

Ruyi wutie staff!

This wand didn't return to its original shape. It had been hidden in the void by the golden winged Mirs and was waiting for the opportunity. But Ning's long-term offensive was too fierce. He had to take it out ahead of time and decide with him to die.

Finally, he forced the stick out. Ning Changjiu was relieved. He was so nervous that he could prevent the stick from appearing suddenly and beat him unprepared.

Now he can make his sword more freely.

The two figures entangled and collided again.

The sacred vessel is worthy of being sacred.

As soon as it shows up, the golden winged Mirs, who were at a disadvantage in the battle, instantly turn the situation around. Ruyi wutie divine stick has natural restraint on Yu Lei. Yu Lei's dark air of cutting skin and eating bone is easily swept by the divine stick, and the golden winged Mirs sweep with the stick. With one stroke, Ning is forced to retreat for a long time.

The golden winged Mirs half face under the red crow mask is washed by the rain, it seems crazy and violent.


After pushing Ning back for a long time, the golden winged Mirs take advantage of the gap between his moves and smash down the mountain. The lightning in the sky lights up at the right time, which is more powerful.

Ning was too busy to deal with it for a long time. He was hit by a stick and hit the mountain wall. The mountain wall cracked in an instant, and his body went straight into the deep.

The golden winged Mirs fluttered their wings and came to the cave with their sticks.

He looked at the dark cave, but there was also a golden light in it.

That is the divine body of Shura. Shura was born after many times of reincarnation after many hardships. The depth of its spirit and spiritual will are far more than people can match. Instead of fighting for a long time, it is more courageous. He flew out of it with his divine body burning, and smashed into the golden winged Mirs like a meteor. Yu Lei hidden in his arms stabbed out at the same time.

This is a sword that is indomitable but full of flaws. It points directly at the chest of golden winged Mirs. Mirs hesitates in changing lives and defending, and finally chooses the horizontal bar to block.

When the sword and the stick collided, Shura's golden body grew three heads and six arms, and kept hitting the golden winged Mirs' body.

The golden winged Mirs can't coagulate the celestial phenomena and the earth, so they have to fight with their strong physique. His body keeps regressing, and his wings are struggling to resist the force of Ning long.

When the power of the sword reached the extreme, the golden winged Mirs held the stick, pushed his sword away, and then swung the stick to his head.

It was supposed to be a trade-off between attack and defense.

But Ning didn't stop him for a long time. Instead, he held the sword in both hands and aimed it at his heart. He turned back and cut it again.

This is the intention to fight till death. Ning Long's golden pupil is red with disharmony. He has never felt his body and the sword in his hand so clearly. Among the four limbs and bones, the orifices and acupoints of his body emit a whirlpool roar. He feels that his spirit and the sword in his hand have merged into one. He can't even tell whether the sword is leading him or he is leading the sword.

Similarly, the Tianyu sword Sutra is also very clear. It's the most decisive sword. It doesn't need any defense. It just needs a sword to pierce the opponent's heart.

The sword stabs at the heart of the golden winged Mirs, clean and smooth.

Golden winged Mirs

He was also deterred by the sudden killing intention, but he also aroused his blood. He didn't want to defend any more. He continued to hold the stick and smashed it on the head.

The gold body of Shura didn't catch the stick. Ning long turned around with his dangerous intuition and avoided the head of the stick, but the stick was still firmly tied on his shoulder.

The left shoulder bone is broken. Ning has been biting the trembling teeth for a long time, and he has also stabbed the sword into the chest of Jinyi Dapeng.

The blade cuts through the tough skin, penetrates into the dense muscles, and penetrates the heart all the way.

The golden winged Mirs screamed bitterly. His talons had returned to guard and seized the edge of the sword. The red light of Yu Lei sword burst out. The talons seemed to hold a handful of fire, which burned the palm of the hand. The burning feeling was like a dagger cutting the palm and biting people with pain. But instead of letting go, he held it more tightly.

In one hand, he held the stick to crush Ningchang's broken bones, and in the other hand, he held the blade to prevent the blade from penetrating.

Ning Chang's left hand could hardly hold the sword. His body was trembling and panting. From time to time, there was a sense of killing between them. They collided and burst out again, making people's teeth ache.

"You are the reincarnation of the ancient god, the spirit of Jinwu..." Jinyi Dapeng looked at him and gave a sharp smile: "you are the remaining evils, how can you kill them?"

Ning long said nothing. He was absorbed in trying to push the sword into each other's body.

He bent his back, the rain kept hitting his back, the blood in his body was constantly washed down, the body seemed to be constantly shriveled down.

The golden winged Mirs' claws are full of blood, and the edge of Yu Lei's sword has touched the bone, but he is not painless, and his face is full of madness. He raised the stick again, to rather long head chop, this time, the other party escape no escape!

Ning long Huo Ran looks up.

Jinwu shines through the rainy night.

Golden winged Mirs aware of the deadly danger, he wants to withdraw the stick and go, but the body is locked by the sword, unable to pull away.

Jinwu skimmed over the two people and turned them into a line. He absorbed them together and disappeared in the rainy night.

When the golden winged Mirs came back, he was already in a country full of broken sparks, with countless broken things like fragments of magma floating in the sky.

Golden winged Mirs know that this is a place like the broken kingdom of God, and here, it seems that there was a sun burst in the air.

This is Ning Long's kingdom of God. Although he did not get the power in it, he was favored by the kingdom of God, and his power could crush each other.

"You have more secrets than I expected." The golden winged Mirs opened their bloody beaks and sneered.

Ning long pushed the sword further, his pupil was as sharp as a sword, "this is your graveyard."

He endured the pain in order to lock the other party and bring it into this place precisely. This is one of the things that he pressed on the bottom of the box. He must seek a hit.

Ning Changjiu's left shoulder still couldn't work. His hand holding the sword turned directly into his palm, patted on the handle of the sword, and wanted to smash it into the heart of the golden winged Mirs.

Although golden winged Mirs has fallen into an absolute disadvantage, he is not in the slightest panic.

He raised the iron wand.

Ning Changjiu's face changed slightly. What did he guess. He immediately infused all his strength and pressed it on the sword. With a click, a finger of golden winged Mirs was cut off, but his stick also fell towards the world.

At the moment, he has no power to break a world. But this stick will do.

This is its innate ability!

At the beginning, the sage held it, traversing the north and south of heaven and earth, and I don't know how many ancient gods' worlds were broken, not to mention this broken country.

When the magic wand fell, it seemed that there was a big wall of water standing up, setting off huge waves.

Suddenly, the torrential rain poured down again and drenched them instantly.

Jinwu is conquered by the divine staff and turns into a golden light, which flows back to Ning Changchang's body. But how can jinwinged Mirs let him do what he wants? He reaches out his hand that has been cut off, and the power to devour it starts to take Jinwu into his body.

Ning Changchang was shocked that his proud spirit failed to defeat Wanyao Jue, and he lost control of Jinwu at this moment.

If Wanyao Jue is successful, golden winged Mirs will reach a brand-new level in an instant, and everything will be irreversible at that time.

At this moment, a silver light, like a whip of light, flashed past the corner of his eye. When he looked again, the arrow of light had penetrated the palm of the golden winged Mirs.

Jinwu turns into streamer and escapes back to Ninglong's body.

Outside the cave, Siming raised her hand and crossed her fingers. After she confirmed that she had hit the golden winged Mirs, her arm fell down powerlessly.

In the scream of the golden winged Mirs, Ning Changjiu is blessed to his heart. He holds the sword in his right hand and gives the sword to the heart of the golden winged Mirs in the way of heaven's command.


Blood storm, demon blood encounter water into fire, smoke rising.

At the time of life and death, the golden winged Mirs, who had been courageous all his life, chose to retreat. But it was the right decision, or his heart would have been cut open.

Injury plus injury, golden winged Mirs are on the verge of collapse, and the power will crush him at any time.

His severed palm covers his heart and runs his last strength towards Ning Changjiu.

Ningchang was fearless, and the remaining Shura's body was embedded with flesh and blood, and it also ran into the golden winged Mirs.

With a bang, the figure of the golden winged Mirs was directly knocked out and fell to the ground at high speed.

Ning Changjiu's thin clothes were soaked with blood, and his lower muscle bundles were torn and bloody. He had no power to fight any more, but he knew that this was the best chance to kill the golden winged Mirs... He roared and supported himself with willpower and other nihilistic things. He chased the golden winged Mirs in the direction of falling.

In the dense forest, the rain is less.

It was filled with thick fog when rain evaporated.

The golden winged Mirs disappeared.

I'd rather look around for a long time. In the wet moss group, in the wet mud, a stream flows to the distance. There were traces of blood between the stream and the surrounding mud.

The golden winged Mirs fled along the stream

Ning didn't hesitate for a long time. Along the bloody trace he felt, he immediately caught up with his sword. But at this time, behind him, the cry of demon soldiers came.

It turned out that before the golden winged Mirs came here, they had expected to put down the fire bomb signal. Now the fight is coming to an end, but the demon soldiers who received the signal almost came.


At the moment, the seriously injured simang is still in the cave.

He took a deep breath, immediately bent over, climbed up the cliff like a cloud, and went back to the cave. Without saying a word, he grabbed simang's arm and pulled her up.

"Why not Siming asked weakly.

Ning Changjiu said, "someone is coming."

In the rear, the torches spread in the rain.

Siming gritted his teeth and said, "go after them. I can deal with them... Cough."

"Cut the crap." Ning long bent down and let her lean on his back.

Siming pursed his lips and pasted them up feebly. His blood colored arms were hanging on his neck. The slender jade hands hanging down to his chest were as cold as ice. Their back and chest were close to each other. She leaned against Ningchang's neck and said nothing.

Ning Changjiu took a deep breath. When the torch came near, his body moved suddenly. He carried the woman on his back and jumped between the cliffs. He dodged the pursuers for a while and fled into the vast forest.

Ning long standing at the Bank of the river hesitated for a while, still felt that he could not give up the great opportunity. He carried the command behind his back, and when he got away from the demon soldiers, he ran after the seriously injured golden winged Mirs.

Siming's head was buried in his neck socket. The jade body on his body was weak and boneless. If he was just running, this weight would not be a burden at all.

Rather long feel her lingering in his neck breathing, that breathing is cold, spit out as if not gas, but frost.

"What's the matter with you?" Ning long asked anxiously.

With ice in his lips and teeth, Siming breathed like frost and comforted softly: "it's ok... If the sundial is not broken, I can't die."

Having said that, only she knew clearly that more and more cracks had appeared on her sundial.

She didn't know why, but she guessed one thing: she was the life born of the kingdom of God... Her body is out of place in this world. For example, she is spotless, and there is not a piece of soil that can stick to her except the rain. This is wonderful in itself, but it also means that she is not a person in this world at all.

She has been away from the kingdom of God for a long time and is in a new world. The rules of the new world never really accept her.

In the past, she was very strong, and this weak rule can't do anything to her. But once she gets rid of her strength, what she didn't pay attention to in the past will suddenly become deadly swords and swords, which try to disintegrate themselves and make her the nourishment of the world

She had to go back to her kingdom to recover. But... It's impossible.

She buried these in the bottom of her heart and didn't talk to Ning for a long time.

Ning Changchang said, "go into Jinwu. It's warmer there."

"No way!" Si Ming said decidedly.

The world does not accept her. In the kingdom of Jinwu, her antiphagy will only be more serious.

She did not say the real reason, but whispered: "my strength is slowly recovering, just like just now, if I don't help you, Jinwu will be robbed... I'll stay outside to take care of you... Better."

With these long words, Siming's chest heaved violently. She leaned on Ning Changchang's shoulder and felt his cold body with temperature, which was the only warmth she could feel at the moment.

Ning long pursued along the winding stream.

Ahead, the smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger.

His spirit is highly tense, and he has made plans for the golden winged Mirs to sneak attack in the fog or bushes.

But he was also gradually distracted... Because he felt that the body behind him seemed to be a little bit cold, and the breath gently sprayed on his neck was becoming weaker and weaker.

"Si Ming!" Ning long a surprised, immediately drank a.

"Well." Siming responded with the tip of his nose.

Ning Changjiu asked, "what's the matter with you? You tell me the truth

Siming said in a low voice, "it's OK. It's just... Cold."

Ning long mood drama shock, he immediately said: "do not chase the golden winged Mirs, I first for you to heal."

"Chase." Siming frowned lightly, and after sending out a syllable, he gasped for a moment and said with difficulty: "we must... Kill it."

Ning Chang spoke very fast and said: "don't worry, my sixth elder martial brother is very powerful. Let's find a place to hide. When he is defeated, jiulingyuansheng will come to find us. I'll... I'll cough for you first. "

With that, the injury in his body broke out and vomited blood.

Siming opened his eyes slightly and looked at the shoulder she relied on - it was the left shoulder. She found out at the moment that the bones of her shoulder were broken, and she had just pillow all the way. How painful he should be

Ning stepped on the wet and muddy ground for a long time, and his feet sank slightly.

He wanted to put Siming down, but Siming said: "I'm ok... You... Hurry up..."

No matter what she said, her body was still getting cold irreversibly. She found that she had gradually lost control of her body. She didn't know the pain or the tiredness... She also knew that if she went on like this, she would die.

"Rather long!" Siming's voice was slightly hoarse.

"What?" Ning Changchang asked.

Siming ice's lips trembled and said in a trembling voice: "nuwen... Stimulate nuwen... Quick!"

Although Ning Chang was confused, he did it according to his words and connected the slave lines with his mind.

Behind him, the groan of simang rang out gently, as fine as gossamer. She didn't feel ashamed, but got the general joy of life... Nuwen is something that connects the spirit. With its stimulation, her perception of the body gradually came back, and the cold dispelled. It was as if she had found a campfire in the ice and snow and greedily absorbed the warmth.

But the sundial didn't stop breaking“ After... Cough... Go on! " Simang's voice was light and urgent: "no, don't... Stop."“ Good Ning long also felt that she perked up, quickly distracted to stimulate nuwen, let her body a little bit warmer. This was the punishment of the master and slave, but now it became her last life-saving torch. Siming felt the electric current constantly moving in her body. She was addicted to it, and her body was trembling. If she couldn't use her arm, she would take the initiative to touch the one left by Lu Jiajia. The night is getting dark and the visibility is getting lower and lower. The sound of demon soldiers' pursuit has long been left behind. Ning Chang's chapped lips kept moving and talking to her for fear that she would leave quietly. Siming simply responded that he was OK. The blood between the streams becomes more and more intense. Ning long listened to the whispers of the woman in her ears and the gradually warming breath. Her figure is bouncing among the rocks and bumping out of the fog. After the fog, it was a high and dangerous peak. Ning has not been here for a long time and has never seen it before. He looks up and the dangerous peak rises into the sky. The bloodstain has not been cut off, Ning long found that the blood is also mixed with internal organs of debris - Golden winged Mirs also to the point of the end of the crossbow. Ning searched for blood for a long time and found a secret stone step. He turned his head and looked at Siming with concern and said, "are you ok?"“ Good Si Ming answered“ Si Ming Ning Changchang's words were suddenly severe, and his pupils flashed with water: "don't forget your identity! I won't let you die, you can't die! You tell me the truth, what are you doing now... "Siman Shu Er smiles, her smile is weak, she did not answer directly, but the words interrupted:" we all have no umbrella... I want... Cough, watch it die. " Ning long silent for a while, he bit his teeth, enduring the pain of his left shoulder, said: "no, I'll cure you first! You're in good health. Let's kill together. "“ No way Simang objected: "it's too late... Do you want me to die?" Ning long a shock, startled way: "what do you say?" Simang laughed miserably, and finally said truthfully: "the sundial is going to break... No one can save me, I'd rather... Rather long, that morning, the mirror... I... Cough..." the words were interrupted by the cough. She coughed up a mouthful of blood, which was made of ice crystals. Ning Changjiu trembled and said, "don't say it! Hold on... I can save you Siming closed her eyes and covered her eyelashes with frost. She continued: "kill... Golden winged Mirs... This is my last wish." Ning long mind completely confused. He wanted to say something, but it stuck in his throat. If what Siming said is true, he really can't think of any way to save her. He looked around crazily, raised his head suddenly, and looked at the big peak that he couldn't see. It's a blessing to the soul“ Kunlun Ning Changjiu said to himself, "yes! Kunlun Master is above Kunlun! There is nothing she can't do in the whole world! Fate sent him here, that is to climb mountain! Only then did he want to tell Siming about it. But a bucket of cold water poured down, and he saw the striking scarlet letter on the peak: Tianzhu. This is Tianzhu peak, not Kunlun. Ning is so numb for a long time that he has no time to think about it. He has to go up the mountain no matter he is going to kill the golden winged Mirs or go to Kunlun... He can only go up the mountain! There was a sharp pain in my left shoulder. On the way before, Siming knew that he had hurt his left shoulder and deliberately raised his neck. Now she had no more strength, so she had to gently stick to it“ "Hold on..." Ning long felt like a knife. He whispered. He stepped on the stone steps, leaped and ran towards the mountain. Lightning and thunder, heavy rain.

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