This is a simple wooden house with four columns embedded in the wall. The windows are square and the lattice is not carved. It's just a simple word "Tian". The light pen shines straight in. The cupboard is half open, and there are several folded blue and white clothes inside. The bed he sleeps on is placed in the corner, and there is no bedstead or curtain to block it.

This is what he saw every day when he woke up in his previous life.

It seems that the time of the two lives has not changed, and his consciousness recovers in a muddle. In the first trance after waking up, he even has an illusion: he is always a small Taoist, and the ups and downs he has experienced before are all dreams.

But this thought gave him a greater sense of illusion - he always felt that he was missing something, pursuing something, worrying about something.

This short absence of mind after he and Si Ming eye contact, slowly dissipated.

The feeling of emptiness in his heart disappeared. He quietly looked at simang, and the memory before his coma came to his mind, bringing a slight tingling feeling.

Siming also looked back at him.

Neither of them spoke, and neither of them seemed to want to break the silence.

Simang's eyes trembled slightly. She subconsciously raised her hand and pulled a lock of silver thread hanging on her cheek behind her ears. She slightly lowered her head and said goodbye. The firelight of the medicine stove reflected on her side face and reflected the soft and beautiful color of the curve from Qiong Bi Dan's lips to her chin jade neck.

Ning long looked at her side cheek, looking at her straight silver hair.

Siming's dark robe is just like the old one. It's only tied with a jade white belt, which makes his waist as slim as a bundle, and makes the curve between the dress and skirt more beautiful.

Ning Chang miraculously saw "tenderness" in her, which should not be her temperament.

His lips moved and he wanted to speak, but Siming opened his mouth first, and his voice was still cold: "you lie down now, don't move. Your bones are broken to pieces, and your internal organs are all misplaced. If you break the wound again, I don't have the master's skill to help you sew it up again."

Ning long lie on his back in bed, weak smile, four limbs pain and paralysis is still tearing.

"When did you wake up?" Ning Changchang asked.

Siming said in a low voice: "I woke up two days earlier than you. I didn't suffer too much trauma, but the sundial was broken. It hurt me at all."

Ning Changjiu asked, "master, have you repaired it for you?"

Siming pursed his lips and remained silent for a long time. Then he said, "I didn't fix it... She gave me the other half of the sundial."

"So." Ning Changchang had expected that, and said, "let's go to thank you later."

Simang bit his lip and said to himself in doubt, "why did she give me such a precious thing... Is it worth her doing this?"

Ning Changjiu said with a smile, "didn't you say that my master must be a man with poor vision and lack of heart, so it's not strange to save you."

Si Ming ice Mou suddenly coagulates, cold way: "still not all blame you! You already know that, don't you? Deliberately did not tell me, just wait for me to see her, and then see my joke

Ning Changjiu said with a smile, "how can I have so many bad eyes?"

Simang snorted coldly and said, "you are on purpose! Just want to make me lose face... "

Ning Changjiu asked: "how did the God official lose face?"

Simang's delicate body was slightly shocked, his eyes dodged, and he said faintly: "I let you down, but I didn't lose face. When I woke up, I saw her back across the white gauze, and I recognized her at a glance. I'm neither humble nor overbearing, and I have strong character."

Rather long smile play taste: "is it? The divine officer is really powerful. "

Si Ming took a deep breath and said, "aren't you seriously injured? What's the matter, it's still a little bit! "

Ning long smile, long voice like a sigh: "I thought, I can never talk to you, now we are still alive, of course, to cherish every inch of time ah."

Siming's slender body trembled slightly. She turned her back, gently picked up the fan and fanned the fire. The frost in her eyes dissipated quickly and covered with water vapor.

"Simang said:" in fact... I have seen it

"Well?" Ning Changjiu asked, "what do you see?"

Simang said: "you carry me on your back, climb up Kunlun, come here, I... Have seen."

Ning Changjiu asked with a smile, "did the master show you that?"

Siming shook his head gently and said, "it's a woman with a green skirt. She's in a good state."

"Elder martial sister..." Ning Changjiu nodded and said, "my elder martial sister is very powerful. She wrote the word" Jing "that you appreciate very much."

Siming praised: "elder martial sister really has extraordinary bearing."

"Elder martial sister showed you these." Ning Changchang said with a casual smile: "ah, it's just a little thing to climb on the moon all night. It's nothing."

Siming leaned against the back of the chair and said, "you don't have to belittle yourself. In fact, it's very powerful."

Ning long looked at her beautiful shoulder and asked tentatively, "what about after you read it? Do you have any ideas? "

Si Ming immediately said, "don't think about it. I didn't cry!"

"..." Ning Changchang said: "the Lord is as strong as ever."

Simang snorted: "don't think I can't hear you sarcasm... I didn't do it just to save you?"

Ning Changjiu said: "the great kindness of snow porcelain is of course unforgettable."

Siming laughed quietly. She fanned the wind and said, "unexpectedly, the master has been watching us all the time."

Ning Changchang said: "yes, in the dream at that time, everything turned out to be true. I still remember many words you said."

If there is electric current running through the body, simang is one of the stiff. She tightened the handle of the fan and said in a low voice: "when people dream, words are like words of drunkenness, but they can't be true. You forget them."

Ning Changjiu said: "but as the saying goes, only after drinking can you tell the truth."

Simang said, "you can't tell the truth after drinking."

Ning Long Yi a, ask: "that dare to ask what to do after drinking?"

Simang and his thoughts touched, and the immortal dimple was slightly red. He thought that he was still as hateful as ever

Simang said: "it's good that this dream is true. When I go back to the ancient lingzong, I'll take revenge on my marriage. Hum, I'm spoiled by my master. When I become the eldest martial sister, I always scare people with a ruler. I dare to punish me in front of Zhao xianger to see if I can teach her a lesson when I go back."

Ning long carefully reminds a way: "you can still have the slave pattern that marry on the body."

Simang said faintly: "what are you afraid of? In my dream, she bullied us three for three years. Do you want to help her? You're on my side. You can't get married in the purple court. You won't even have the chance to control the slave pattern. "

Ning Changchang doesn't know where to get married, but according to Siming's words, with his own experience and intuition, he thinks that getting married should have entered the five ways

Ning long asked, "what are you cooking?"

Simang said: "cooking medicine is a rare treasure in ancient times, which is of great benefit to your injury."

Ning Changjiu asked, "Why are there so many sawdust over there?"

Siming took a look and explained: "the master said that your injury is difficult to heal, and you can't walk on the ground in recent days, but I'm afraid you are idle and bored, so I want to make a wheelchair for you."

Ning Changchang said: "it's not boring to have you with me."

Simang's eyelashes trembled, but his words were still cold: "if you want to say that again, I'll make the wheel of the chair square!"

"It's so fierce when I wake up." Ning Changjiu couldn't help laughing. He said, "when you were injured, you were cute. You didn't move on my back, but you were docile. When you fainted, you told me that you secretly cut a fruit in front of the mirror and saw it..."

"Shut up Si Ming immediately turned back and chided, "are you still saying that? Don't you tell the master that the disciple is stubborn and will show his mind when he wakes up? You've been awake for such a long time. What's your intention except to quarrel with me? "

Ning long smile disappeared, he micro Zheng: "master, this also said with you?"

Siming raised his lips and said, "of course, oh, by the way, I heard all the words you said to me when you climbed Kunlun. I couldn't answer you at that time. Now... I can tell you one by one."

Ning Changchang's head was buzzing for a moment. He thought of those words wandering between life and death. The more he thought about it, the more ashamed he felt. He looked at the moving smile of Siming's lips, and felt more ashamed. He said, "don't be too arrogant!"

Siming's eyes were bent up, still better than the new moon. The smile between his lips was pure and charming, and he said, "what's arrogant? Aren't you waiting for Mr. Ning to show his mind? You say, "I'm listening."

Ning long frowned and stared at her silently.

Si Ming's jade legs suddenly bent tight, fell from his chair and knelt down. He folded his shoulders and trembled.

Ning Changchang sighed and said, "even if I can't move all over and only have my mind, you are not my opponent."

Before her voice fell, she saw Siming raise her head slightly, her eyes and eyebrows spread, and the pain on her face changed into a smile. She put up her graceful figure, bare and tender feet, and walked slowly to Ningchang, and said with a smile, "do you want to continue?"

Ning Changchang was surprised and continued to read, but saw that Siming had no response.

Simang explained: "master, while you are in a coma, I have already taken your essence and blood for me. How about that? What else can master Ning do? "

Ning Changsheng lay on the bed with no love and said, "no more means, at your disposal."

Siming was in a good mood and won the victory. She picked up the soup and carefully scooped it up. She came to the bedside and said, "it's time to drink the medicine for a long time."

Ning long looked at her gentle smile, but there was a thrilling feeling. He looked at Siming handed the spoon over, slowly raised his head, wanted to pick it up, but saw Siming stretched out a jade finger, pressed his head back, she said: "you close your eyes, I feed you."

Ning long asked: "why should I close my eyes when I drink medicine?"

Simang said, "don't talk nonsense!"

Ning long scared to close his eyes.

A moment later, his lips were touched by a soft, cool and slippery thing, just like Magnolia petals on his lips when he was sleeping in the afternoon. Then, his lips were seized by the petals. The pink and crisp petals bloomed slowly. Something came in. It was cool and fragrant. There was something like a live fish mixed in it. It also came in together. His tongue tip was touched and mixed with the tiny fish.

Medicine along the throat into the infiltration, slowly flowing through the viscera, to the body brought warmth.

When Ning Changjiu slowly opened his eyes again, he saw Siming sitting on one side, hanging his head and chest, mixing the medicine juice. The slightly wet jade lips gently blew away the white fog on the surface of the medicine juice.

She looked as usual, only with tears in her eyes.

Ning Changjiu can't help laughing. He wants to touch simang's hair, but he can't lift his hand.

Neither of them spoke, and they knew it by heart.

After he finished drinking the medicine, simang went to pick up the stove and the dregs, and his back was busy.

I'd rather enjoy the peace of the moment for a long time.

On the lattice of the window, the light turned from white to yellow.

Simang patiently said, "when it's night, you'll sleep again. You're so weak. If you have any discomfort, please tell me."

Ning long asked: "what about you?"

Simang said faintly, "you saved me. I'll take care of you."

With that, Siming slowly lifted his quilt, curled up and bit by bit came in.

Ning long looked at her near face, still feel some unreal.

Siming explained: "I don't trust you when I'm far away, so I condescend to sleep with you for two days. You don't want to be indiscreet. Well... Even if you have, you can't do anything now."

Siming provocative smile, looking at his beautiful face, very happy.

Ning Changjiu also laughed, they are very close, Ning Changjiu can count the slender curly eyelashes clearly, he said: "I also want to drink medicine."

Si Ming Wei Zheng said, "I've already poured the medicine. It's so bitter. Are you addicted to it?"

"It's not bitter at all." Ning long said, the body frets, lightly pecks up.

Simang was shocked, and her cheek turned slightly and dodged from left to right. Her beautiful jade cheek was touched lightly by the other side. Her body trembled and she didn't dodge any more. Her beautiful lips soon fell. Simang closed her eyes and relaxed her mind. She could not help but recall the scene that elder martial sister qingskirt had made her see. At the moment, her tenderness became hot, her mood twitched, and her two lines of tears could not help any more, He slipped and fell into the pillow.

"Don't open your eyes." Si Ming said vaguely.

Ning long smell speech, eyes quietly narrowed up a line, but see her stubborn face, is full of tears.

It was a long night.

None of them fell asleep.

Ning was dragged down by his injuries for a long time and could do nothing, so he had to lie quietly, cuddle with Siming, watch the moonlight coming through the window and whisper.

"You said that after we became husband and wife, you would tell me a secret. I've been waiting for a long time." Ning long said suddenly.

Simang was stunned and said: "at that time, I lied to you, mainly coveting your gold."

Ning Changchang said: "yes, you were so fierce at that time. You wanted to kill me all day long to get the birds."

Si Ming pointed to their present appearance and said, "so, I've been rewarded, haven't I?"

Ning long asked: "what do you want to tell me?"

"It's nothing." Simang said: "I watched you die once in a lifetime."

"Me?" Ning has known the life experience of himself and Xiang'er for a long time

Simang said: "there is no one."

"Such ah..." rather long should a, some sad.

Siming said softly, "you are not empty now. We will be with you."

Ning Changchang is still not adapted to her gentle appearance and says, "I will always be with you."

Si Ming snorted coldly: "you still have the face to say? How many girls have you seduced along the way? Is there a bottom line? "

Ning long hesitated and said: "great love is infinite..."

In the room, Ning long screamed.

Ning has never been asleep for a long time. In the morning, Si Ming squints her eyes. After sleeping for a while, she gently leans on her shoulder and touches herself as if nothing, for fear that he will disappear suddenly.

When Siming woke up, she immediately collapsed and continued to work on the wheelchair.

Sawdust was flying outside the door.

Siming pushed the wooden wheelchair in. Ning long was held in her arms and slowly put it into the wheelchair.

"Where do you want to see the scenery? I'll take you Siming stood behind him, pushing his wheelchair and said seriously.

Ning long supported the handle of the chair and said with a smile, "what can I see?"

Si Ming e Mei once coagulates, way: "rather long, this chair I made for three days, you don't know good or bad!"

Ning Changjiu explained with a smile: "you stand behind me. I can't see the best scenery. Where can the rest of the flowers enter my eyes?"

When simang heard the speech, he couldn't help but smile, but his voice was still cold. "If you talk glibly again, I'll push you up the steps, then let go and let you slide down!"

Ning Changjiu immediately begged for mercy.

The view is cold and silent.

The Third Elder martial brother Ji Xuan has returned to the painting building. The fourth elder martial sister continues to kill demons and demons. The sixth elder martial brother is still traveling in the world. The fifth elder martial brother writes the Tianbei in the pavilion. The first elder martial sister and the second elder martial brother do not come out to watch the excitement. It seems that they are the only two left in the whole view.

Siming pushed Ning Changjiu forward slowly.

"It's as like as two peas in a dream." Si Ming looked around with emotion.

Ning Changchang said: "yes, we were reading all the time in our dream, and we had no time to have a good look. It's a pity."

Simang said in a soft voice, "what's the pity? Isn't it true that both the bride and xianger are here? We'll get together again. "

Ning long nodded and said, "it's not too late to be young."

Simang pushed him all the way to the laissez faire. They looked at the fish in the water and thought about it.

Simang suddenly asked, "who is more beautiful, Zhao xianger and I?"

Rather long immediately back, straight back, sit upright.

Siming said with a smile, "I just asked casually, but it doesn't matter if you say it."

Ning Changjiu, based on the principle of talking to people and ghosts, said: "of course, you are more beautiful. There is no one like you in the world."

"So..." simang nodded gently, took out a stone from his arms, shook it in front of him, and said, "this is Liuyin stone. I'll take it out from time to time in the future and listen to it with my third elder martial sister."

Ning Long Qi and blood up, way: "snow porcelain! I have nothing to do with you, you... "

With that, he raised his hand, trying to grab the stone.

With a gentle smile, Siming Yubi said, "you should behave well these days. If I'm happy, I'll give it to you. Do you know? "

Ning long imagined in his mind that Xiang'er heard the expression of this sentence and nodded his head.

Siming pushed him with a smile and came to guanwai.

Ning long looked at the rolling world of wheat waves and the lush trees on both sides of the ridge, and said with emotion: "I really want to stay here all my life."

Siming also said: "many ancient trees, immortals, grasses, birds and animals here have been extinct for thousands of years. They originally lived in the north and south of the world, and the living conditions were very bad. They could never see each other again in this paradise."

Ning Changjiu said, "maybe this place is also a kingdom of God."

Siming also said with emotion: "if it is true, there is a heaven outside."

Ning Changjiu asked, "have you seen the master?"

"Not really." Simang said regretfully, "I only saw her shadow through the white gauze."

Ning long did not ask, he knew that his every word will be heard by the master.

Siming carefully pushed him down the steps.

Ning felt the wind from the wheat field for a long time and said, "it's good to be alive."

Siming said in a soft voice, "yes, I thought I would never see you again."

Ning long light smile up, ask: "so... What is your mood at that time?"

Si Ming saw that he had made an inch more and said faintly: "I feel relieved!"


Ning Changchang is quite helpless. He always thinks that after such a life and death, simang's temperament may have changed greatly. But now he finds out that she is always so inconsistent, and maybe what he likes is the same as her

They walked up the narrow path.

By the side of the road, they saw the five trees again.

"They grow so fast." Ning long said.

In the dream, they just planted a seed.

Siming looked at the fourth tree, which was buried by himself at that time, and the growth was the most unpleasant.

Simang quickly used the spiritual power to water.

She watered her own, married, young and long-standing trees, but missed Zhao xianger's, as if she was the biggest rival.

After watering, Siming was in a good mood, as if he had seen his saplings grow into towering trees.

"I'll take you to a place." With that, Siming quickly pushed up the wheelchair and made a breathtaking turn around the corner, which made Ning hold the handrail tightly for a long time.

Siming pushed and covered his eyes with one hand. When she reached her destination, she let go.

Ning opened his eyes for a long time. Under his feet was a cliff. In front of him, the sea of clouds and pines were undulating. The sky was very wide. There were no other mountains on the other side of the sea of clouds. At a glance, it was like seeing the vast ocean. In the steaming clouds between the waves, it was like hiding the immortal's Dongfu castle.

This is a scene that Ning has been familiar with for a long time.

"Master told me that this should be your favorite place to come." Siming put his wooden chair in both hands and watched with him.

Ning long light smile, way: "yes, here is very beautiful, here wind, cloud, flowers, snow, are very beautiful."

Simang asked: "now it's summer. Where's Xueer from?"

Ning long turned his head and looked at her quietly. Siming's puzzled eyes became clear, and her fairy dimple and snow neck were covered with light pink. Her name is snow porcelain, silver like snow, eyes also contain eternal snow“ Don't call me that in the future The jade lips bite red. Ning long asked: "why not?" Simang snorted coldly: "don't think that you can be rampant in front of me after entering the five ways. Now my heart has been removed, and my strength is not small. You are not my opponent." Ning long good strange way: "your heart evil besides?" Simang said proudly, "that's nature. The master is my demon. When I saw her the day before yesterday, I was relieved and my mind was clear. From then on, there is nothing I can fear in the world." When Ning Changjiu was doubting, he heard the voice of yechan palace, blowing clouds and rolling snow. It was as gentle as the rain in spring“ Snow China. " She called softly. As soon as simang's body trembled, he immediately turned around, blessed himself respectfully in the direction of Taoist temple, and said, "disciple xueci, I'd like to meet your master." Ye Chan Gong said coldly, "take your elder martial brother back to Guanzhong. I have something to ask him."“ Yes, master. " Simang is very respectful. Ning long understood immediately. He still has a story to tell his master. That's the story "evil" asked him to convey( Thank you for the great support of the book friends 1234567890 and Wang xuanzi

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