Cut off boundary City, inner city.

Fat blood feather King squats on the God pillar of the God of light. He gathers his feathers and stares at the shadow in front of him, shivering like a quail with eggs.

Xueyujun, who used to patrol the territory in the city every day, has become a God who dare not move.

Today's duanjie city is particularly desolate.

On the square below, there are two shadows, one is Shao Xiaoli's, the other is delicate white, which looks like silver in the light, and snow in the dark. Her shadow is very light, and looks like egg white on the ground.

Although xueyujun's Taoism is not high, the friars in zitingjing can turn their hands to kill him, but it does not prevent him from being a bird who has seen the world.

This white girl's body exudes the breath of heartbreaking. It was only seen in the black robed man two years ago.

This duanjie city is indeed a highly dangerous place. It's said that the old-age care will be better... I don't know if this little girl can deal with it. Anyway, after two years of self-cultivation, I basically lost my fighting capacity

When Xueyu Jun died, the figure below moved.

Today, Shao Xiaoli changed her gorgeous red dress and dressed in plain clothes. She wore a wooden hairpin with her black hair. She looked a bit simple in a jingchai cloth skirt. She stood beside baizang and said euphemistically, "the prophecy is true. Are you the God who wants to save us from water and fire?"

Baizang looks at her.

"What prophecy." The tone of Bai Zang's voice was flat. She felt a little puzzled.

Shao Xiaoli immediately made up a random way: "there has always been a legend in duanjie city. According to the legend, we are the adherents of sin. We are exiled here by the goddess until atonement is completed. The holy and white goddess will come back and lead us away. We have been waiting for you all these years."

Bai Zang listens quietly. Her beautiful face is covered with a tiger mask. With her petite body, she looks like a little girl on a festival.

She was too lazy to study the truth of the legend. She gave a silent hum and walked forward.

Shao Xiaoli's breathing is slow. Her intuition tells her that this God, like sin Jun, is not a good person. She thinks, if the boss is here, what will he do?

She hesitated for a moment, guessed her meaning, and followed her gently.

"This is the inner city."

"This is the urban area of the royal family. Along this street, it's the outer city. We have lived here for countless years, but we still can't find a way out. We... Are not favored by the gods."

"Dear God, the outer city is a filthy place. You don't need to step on it."

Shao Xiaoli followed all the way, introducing carefully.

Bai Zang looks at the gate. She reaches out her hand and picks up a piece of feather in mid air -- the feather of sin Jun.

At the gate of the city, sin Jun once fought with others.

Shao Xiaoli is slightly surprised. She lowers her head and hides her emotion under the fine hair in front of her forehead.

White hide a move to read, heavy door then opened.

Baizang went to the outer city.

"Who are you?" Baizang asked the first question.

Sure enough, no matter who is in duanjie City, she does not have the ability of omniscient and omnipotent.

Shao Xiaoli was relieved. She opened her eyes and said, "I'm the king here. I'm the illegitimate daughter of the last king. Two years ago, there was a big chaos here, and I was pushed to the throne. In order to protect myself, I took the initiative to overhead myself, so I'm just a symbol of duanjie city and have no real power."

Baizang didn't make any statement, just said: "you are very good."

Shao Xiaoli was surprised.

Bai Zang's tone is very flat, without ups and downs and feelings, so she can't tell whether this sentence is a declarative sentence or a interrogative sentence.

She pretended that it was a question, and immediately explained: "no, my cultivation is mediocre, I don't do anything about production, I'm ignorant, and I'm deeply hated by the people. My only advantage is appearance, and I don't have any threat."

Bai Zang didn't respond. She took a step and crossed the outer city directly.

Shao Xiaoli wanted to catch up with him, but when he thought that he should be mediocre in cultivation, he pretended to be flustered, picked up his skirt and ran over.

When she caught up with baizang, baizang was standing on the top of the city, overlooking the wheat field.

Bai Zang asked, "what's your name?"

Shao Xiaoli slightly surprised, calm way: "Shao Xiaoli, li of the dawn."

Bai Zang said, "you should be Luo."

"What?" Shao Xiaoli Leng for a while, puzzled way: "also please God adult solution puzzle."

Baizang didn't answer. She took a step on the wall.

A thousand miles at a time.

The limit of law is threatened, and the world is making a loud noise.

"Only under the purple court." Baizang tried several times to confirm the height of the world.

Her figure kept flashing in the world of duanjie City, crossing the barren mountains, swamps and glaciers, and went farther and farther.

She touched the air and felt the change of time and velocity, so she didn't go deep.

Baizang has roughly confirmed the principle and structure of the world, and does not need to waste more time on meaningless exploration.

In fact, the whole world of duanjie city didn't mean much to her.

What she wants to go to is the divine world of headless God, to obtain the remaining power of the other side.

Shao Xiaoli didn't act rashly after baizang disappeared in the city. She watched the direction of baizang's disappearance. A moment later, she flew down the city and went to the palace to check the mechanism of the pool. Then she hid all the swords and swords in the palace to prove that she was harmless to human beings and animals. Then she asked Xueyu Jun to tell the royal family to prepare for the battle.

Then she immediately ran back to the city.

When Bai Zang came back, Shao Xiaoli was standing, and the dew got her simple clothes wet.

Shao Xiaoli saw Bai Zang and pretended to be relieved. He immediately blessed himself and said with a smile: "Dear God, I thought you abandoned us. I've been waiting for you for a day and a night... A thousand years will pass. I hope the Lord can guide us to the light."

Bai Zang didn't answer. She looked at Shao Xiaoli's still beautiful face when she was dressed in plain clothes. She said inexplicably, "his requirements for women are only appearance."

Shao Xiaoli did not understand, baizang disappeared in the same place again.

In front of Xingling hall, baizang's figure appeared.

She looked at the wall with the strange pattern and held out her hand again.

On the wall, the light curtain shakes and ripples in circles, as if resisting.

At the beginning, sin Jun could not enter here.

But it can't trap baizang.

Because her power is "dusty.".

She a little move read, in front of the seal was her dust.

It's like using one curse to invalidate another.

She came to the star spirit temple.

On both sides of the silver water, candle quietly burning, with cold, cool breath.

Baizang crossed the narrow road to the end of Xingling hall.

As if half a moon's broken sundial was still there, the sundial needle faded its luster and looked old.

Baizang looked at the cracks on the sundial and shook his head.

She had some regrets about not being able to get the right to time.

But it doesn't matter.

Just one day and one night, she knew everything about duanjie City, so she lost interest in it.

She's ready to go to heaven.

Before she ascended to heaven, she decided to kill the girl who called herself Shao Xiaoli, not because of her beauty, but because two gods are not allowed in a country.

She has confirmed the identity of each other and the origin of these royal families.

In the palace of the king, a girl with red clothes and long hair was writing a letter. The moment she saw baizang, she knew that there was a disaster. She didn't expect her bad lie to deceive her. She didn't know what to do, so she wrote a suicide note to the eldest.

Without warning, baizang appeared in the palace.

God is moody, and baizang comes faster than she thought.

Shao Xiaoli immediately lowered her head and bowed to Bai Zang. Then she looked nervously at all parts of the palace, but she didn't look at the pool in the middle, where the jade branch was hidden.

Baizang took off his mask.

"Look at me." Baizang said.

Shao Xiaoli lowered his head and watched Bai Zang's hand with the mask fall. His heart suddenly stretched to the extreme.

She knew what it meant - to see the gods was blasphemy and would be executed immediately.

Shao Xiaoli stepped back two steps, lowered his eyes, and said: "although I am not a good monarch, I will not be guilty to death. If I draw up an edict to punish myself, I will be sent to prison to rectify the law."

"Look at me." Bai Zang repeated that this sentence was more like an order. After that, Shao Xiaoli's neck was stiff and mechanical.

Shao Xiaoli wants to close his eyes, but he can't do it.

She is the highest cultivator of duanjie City, but even if there is a limit of heaven and earth, she is still suppressed by Bai Zang.

Shao Xiaoli opened her eyes and raised her head slowly. At the moment of death, she was still tactful, but she pressed her lips tightly. She didn't beg for mercy, didn't pretend to be a fool, and didn't look at the pool more.

Her only happiness was that she had changed into a red dress before, which would make her look better when she died.

Shao Xiaoli raised his head.

She saw an indescribably beautiful face, which was shrouded in the radiance of divinity.

But not only did she not die, but she caught a glimpse of strange pain on Bai Zang's face.

Shao Xiaoli doesn't understand what happened. She subconsciously lowers her head and sees a jade branch sticking out of baizang's abdomen.

Yuzhi... Immortal master?!

Shao Xiaoli stepped back a few steps and finally saw what had happened.

Behind Bai Zang stood a young girl. She was slender and petite, with soft green silk, white clothes and beautiful face, which eclipsed Bai Zang.

How can you be here

She knew that she would come, but she was always watching Kunlun, wondering how the other party had come secretly without telling her.

Bai Zang looked at the jade branch and could only guess a little.

She also confirmed that the other side is weaker than she thought. If she is at the peak, this sword may break her up directly.

Behind him, the voice of yechan palace sounded, equally indifferent.

"This is my sword and my coffin. Since you are here, do you want to accompany me to sleep?"

White dust covered his injury.

She drew herself out of the sword, turned around, and looked coldly at the little fairy shadow.

Shao Xiaoli felt that the scene before her was a bit weird. If she was just a passer-by, she might feel that it was a conflict between two little girls.

But this is the summit of the world.

Bai Zang looked at her and asked, "are you a projection, too?"

Ye Chan Palace said: "just like you."

Bai Zang said, "I didn't expect that you would save her."

Ye Chan palace asked: "why?"

Bai Zang said: "in those days, she regarded you as a great enemy. I have never forgotten. You will not forget."

"It's his fault, not hers." Ye Chan Palace said: "what's more, as far as I'm concerned, there are no relatives, only old friends."

"Yes, after all, you even saved Xihe." Bai Zang said coldly, "it's just that you can't even kill me. When the Dark Lord really comes, you just hit the stone with your eggs."

Ye Chan palace way: "the corpse under your foot, once with you general arrogance."

Bai Zang looked at her and said, "I'm so small, but you shouldn't be so small. How can you stop me?"

Ye Chan palace didn't answer. Although she attacked Bai Zang secretly and hurt him a lot, she may not be enough now, but she is not alone in the city.

She called softly, "Shao Xiaoli."

One side of the girl in red pupil light a coagulation, immediately way: "in!"

Ye Chan palace asked: "can you hold a sword?"

Shao Xiaoli's mind is suddenly clear. In the past innumerable nights, the master taught her mental formula and washed it in her heart like water. Many memories that should not belong to her come in droves. For a moment, she can't tell who she is.

She opened her heart, only relying on intuition, blurted out: "willing to hold the sword for the master!"

The jade branch, like a sword, turns into a flowing shadow, bypasses Bai Zang and falls into Shao Xiaoli's hands.

Shao Xiaoli's clear pupils are as pale as the moon.


Three thousand worlds.

Suddenly cracks appear in the beautiful glass space.

Shi Yu, a blonde, kneels down in the clouds and is playing the celestial phenomena. He suddenly notices that there are fine lines on the porcelain like clouds.

"What's the matter..." Shi Yu whispered.

She immediately got up and flew to Zhao xianger's bedroom.

When she came to the door of the dormitory, she found that Xueyuan was standing there, looking ugly.

"What's the matter?" Shi Yu asked.

Xueyuan said, "Zhao xianger is gone."

"Gone?" Shi Yu was shocked and asked, "how long has it been?"

"It must have been some time." Snow kite road.

Shi Yu doubts: "she... What did she do? The maid is gone now. If she doesn't come back, the three thousand worlds will be unsustainable... "

"You come with me."

Snow kite said, took her to the long case, pointed to the case on the water mirror.

In the water mirror, it is an unknown city. In the city, the bright sword arc shines through the night, cutting the long street to pieces and flying debris. In the grand sword light, a young man in white is struggling to support.


All the plans of Jiansheng are just right.

Although the external body is far less powerful than the noumenon, it is enough to kill Ning Chang, who is still in the initial stage of the five paths.

When people assassinate, they usually stress that the weak win the strong, but he doesn't think so. He only wants to kill safely, and the purpose of assassinating is to be more secure.

When Jiansheng's first sword fell, the alley was torn to pieces like a piece of paper, and the hard stone brick ground could be splashed with powder in one step.

If Ning Changchang was caught off guard by the sword, he would have been killed.

Fortunately, he expected the sword.

But the gap between them is too big.

In the golden flame of the sky, Ning long jumped up high, and his figure was intercepted by the sword saint.

Jiansheng's sword just appeared in the weakest part of Ningchang's sword meaning.

The sword master holds the sword, cuts the golden flame like tofu, cuts into it smoothly, and bumps into the colorful sword. His arm is full of strength, which suddenly lifts Ning Changchang's figure away.

The sword master took the sword back to the scabbard. The sound of the first sword stopped suddenly. He held the scabbard tightly and drew the sword again.

Ning Changjiu's horizontal sword was cut into two pieces immediately, which had been kept warm all his life by the white robed Taoist.

The sword spirit didn't dissipate, and Ning Long's body flew backward and broke several wooden buildings.

Ning Changjiu's white robe was full of blood and sawdust. His throat stirred, he swallowed a mouthful of blood, and he got up with difficulty. He felt as if his viscera were being held in one hand and stirred.

He has a lot to do with his injury. But when the colorful sword was broken, the white robed Taoist priest, who thought he was going to survive, screamed in a corner of the city. His heart and soul were tied to the sword. Now the sword was broken and the man died, and he died in a sudden disaster.

The master of swords needs a third sword.

In his plan, no matter what means Ning Changjiu has, the third sword is the sword of death.

The sword is heavy and slow.

Heaven and earth, if there is an induction, makes a dull sound, like the mourning of a death knell.

At this moment, outside the city, Ke Wenzhou's ancient robe is broken and scarred. There is blood between his clothes and on his forehead. Almost no part of his body is complete, especially a wound in his lower abdomen. It is very deep, and even some wriggling intestines can be seen.

But his face was still old-fashioned and serious, as if he was doing a sacred thing, ignoring all suffering.

The four men's encirclement and killing continued all the time, and the net had been laid. If Ke Wenzhou always maintained at this level, every sword that followed would probably cut off his head.

But the death knell in the city came from afar.

The first one to react is Siming.

She looked at the Lonely Cloud City, and saw the sword Qi above the lonely city, which was as solid as the essence.

Siming's pupil contracted suddenly.

"Outside the body?" Jiulingyuansheng and Baize react at the same time.

When they exclaimed, a sundial had appeared in the night sky.

Since the sundial broke and nearly died in her previous battle with Mirs and Yuansheng, she made up her mind not to use it unless it was really a matter of life and death.

But without thinking about it, simang sacrificed the sundial and condensed the time. Her figure was flying in the river of time created by her. She rushed to Guyun city as fast as she could.

But she didn't have time.

The swordsman has calculated the time for the commander to rush for help.

As soon as the sundial was lit, the sword of the sword sage had fallen down.

There is no doubt in the world that this is more decisive.

In order to repair the sword, Ke Wenzhou cut off seven emotions and six desires, some of the miscellaneous sea of knowledge, and even many useless bones.

He is really born for the sword. The sword is for killing, and his killing intention is full of heaven and earth.

The whole Lonely Cloud City is shrouded. Where can Ning long escape?

Ning long gave up to resist, he dragged his seriously injured body to get up, showing the golden black, wrapped himself, turned into a ray of golden light, ran into all the dark places in the city that could be hidden.

But murder is like his shadow, no matter he fled to the ends of the earth, are closely followed.

The ancient sword falls, the sword cloud in the sky is broken, and the high city walls and buildings in the city seem to be wiped by a knife and cut neatly. I don't know whether the sword Qi turns into the sky or the sky turns into the sword Qi. When it is pressed down, the whole people in the city will be killed.

Guyun city is not only a monk, but also many innocent people who have lived here for generations.

I'd rather not hide for a long time.

Vaguely, he felt that this scene had appeared many times in his life.

Heaven and earth are swords and swords to cut him into bones.

And in every life he could think of, he went up to the world with his broken sword and body.

For thousands of years, he has never been afraid to escape.

The fear of death was extinguished by him again, and the golden black took off in the night. He would rather watch the sword light all over the sky for a long time, burning the two volumes of Daogu pure Yang and Taiyin. The Golden Shadow of Shura shrouded his arms and wrapped his white shadow. From a distance, he looked like a great devil.

Ning didn't know what evil he had done for a long time. Since he became a monk, he was taken in by all kinds of demons and wanted to kill him one by one.

I hope I can reincarnate

In the distance, simang knows it's too late. TANKOU is open and can't say anything. All she can do is chill. Many thoughts light up and vanish in her sea of knowledge. She suddenly realizes that she would rather look at her death for a long time.

How desperate

When Ning Long's Golden Shadow appeared in the sky, the sword idea that originally shrouded the city turned into a point and fell down with great precision.


Simang lost his voice and yelled. Every bone and hair was trembling. She couldn't imagine how Ning would survive for a long time... So all her imagination was shattered, the most important thing disappeared, and everything was meaningless.

Only regret and hatred remained in Siming's heart.

She regretted why she was always so stubborn. She had to die every time to remind her of the depth of her love... She regretted so much that her bone marrow ached. And the rest of the hate, all vent on the sword saint, she vowed to kill him, the ends of the earth also want to kill him! In the city of solitary cloud, the pit where the sword Qi falls is deep. Jiansheng looks at the pit and frowns. This is supposed to be the sword of death. But he was not sure if his sword had hit. There is no time for him to think about it, because his real body is going to be irresistible. Ke Wenzhou closed his eyes, his body slowly dissipated, and his whole state was integrated into his real body far away from the city. In an instant, his real body surpassed all others and reached the level of ancient immortal. Even though he is in a perfect state at the moment, he is seriously injured and has no chance of winning against the three peerless masters. He doesn't plan to fight again. Simang leaves. His original defense is much weaker. He tries his best to cut a way out and escape to the vast world. The three will not let him go and chase him. Simang knocked down the city wall, and Huahong came to the place of the huge pit. She looked at the bottomless pit and saw that the sea was spreading down the pit wall. She could not find any vitality. Is this... All the forms and spirits are gone? Endless pain and bitterness came up. Siming had a lot to say, but no one would listen to her any more. Tears streamed down her cold cheek like broken lines. For a moment, she was staring at the pit with tears streaming down her face. Tears are still flowing as if no one else, but suddenly a red shadow floats over the head of Siming. Who is it? Siming raised his head alertly, and a red umbrella fell into his eyes. The girl's voice sounded behind her“ Fourth younger martial sister, who are you crying for? " How familiar is the voice. Simang looked back slowly and saw a beautiful face, beautiful and quiet, with a smile in his eyes. Zhao xianger... And beside the girl, there is a young man with two sleeves drooping blood. The young man looks at himself, smiles and tears( Thank you, great Xia! Thank you for your support ~)

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