The sword shadow of South state is torn by the night, and the thunder is noisy all the way. Insects are four evils. There is a strong wind blowing straight through the woods and ponds. *

When Ning Changjiu and Siming were on their way, the battle in duanjie city did not stop for a moment.

Shao Xiaoli's consciousness gradually wakes up. She can clearly perceive that there is a virtual shadow embracing her in the sea of knowledge. It is the shadow of the master, kind and gentle

She clenched the moon branch. Instead of repelling her, the moon branch quickly connected with the sea awareness habit, emitting no less light than before.

The star rose unconsciously.

Shao Xiaoli didn't notice much, but in Bai Zang's eyes, the red skirt girl's posture has changed dramatically.

She stands in the air, but it's like stepping on a long winding river. It's like the light clouds cover the moon and the wind returns to snow.

Ye Chan palace extremely weak, she took the initiative to give up the control of the body, only the power of power knead into the moon branch, for Shao Xiaoli to use.

Bai Zang looked at the jade branch and thought, "this is my coffin." he gently shook his head: "it's time to cover the coffin."

She said, holding out her hand.

It's dark around, and the light condenses towards the palm of Bai Zang's hand and turns into a sword. She holds the sword, her figure flickers and rises in the air, seizing the opportunity, and with the power of the whole sky, she cuts down on Shao Xiaoli's head.

Shao Xiaoli can hear her heart beating. Before she can adapt to these forces, she has to rely on her past moves to block it.

Shao Xiaoli cuts it off with a sword. Yuehua is in full bloom in the sky. As a barrier, it covers her.

But under the sword line besieged by baizang, the dusk like moonlight looks pale and powerless. In a flash, it seems that there is a vulture feeding on it. The moonlight is eroded clean. A sword falls in the air without any fancy. It strikes the moon branch. In the white light, Shao Xiaoli falls in a straight line.

Bai Zang looks at the vulnerable Luo God and shakes his head.

The speed of time in the high altitude is relatively faster. Although Bai Zang is sure, he doesn't want to take it as a battlefield. Previously, ye Chan palace was like the moon hanging high. Although she could beat her, she couldn't really cut her down. Now ye Chan palace is broken, and the enemy has changed into this girl. Bai Zang finally has a chance to fight at a more stable low altitude.

Shao Xiaoli obviously understands this.

Now she has some unimaginable power in her body, but the control of power is still unfamiliar.

At the time of falling, baizang's figure had fallen down.

For Shao Xiaoli, the battle between Ning and sin Jun was just lightning and flash in the sky in her eyes. It was a continuous change of weather. But now, God's oppressive feeling faces her heart. She is like a girl with no strength to bind a chicken. In the desolate forest, she meets a hungry tiger.

The roar of the sword from the sky made her heart tingle and her muscle bundle tear.

The falling white light immediately surrounded her. The light seemed to be composed of countless pieces of snow. Every piece of snow was a knife to kill her.

The knife came from all directions, mixed with a shadow that could not be seen by the naked eye.

It's baizang's figure.

If it were a girl two years ago, she would be completely broken down at this moment, and then she would be beheaded by a sword

But now she has already grown up, and the fear of God is an inevitable emotion for ordinary people. When she suppresses this emotion, such as swallowing the ice and chilling her body, she also brings unspeakable soberness. She widens her eyes, grits her teeth and holds the sword, and has no time to search for the white hiding place. She just holds the moon branch, and the whole person rushes forward.

This is the intuition from Yuezhi.

In the vast white light, the moon branch intercepts the shadow of baizang's high-speed movement, and the power of authority touches each other. Before "destiny" is woven into a flower, it is chopped into pieces by baizang.

Shao Xiaoli wields a sword to spread out a piece of silver. It's the virtual shadow of a dream. Her figure escapes into it and wants to delay time.

But baizang's sword line always exists, just like a piano in the sky. The encirclement has already been completed. No matter which side she runs for her life, she will die.

The beautiful dreams that enveloped Shao Xiaoli were not only cut to pieces, but also polluted into nightmares. They looked like bats. Instead, they came back to Shao Xiaoli.

Shao Xiaoli tried his best to recall all the magic he had learned, but how could ordinary swordsmanship defeat baizang's magic? All of her things were easily disassembled. When baizang came like a hurricane, her figure was intercepted and collided again and again, falling towards the bottom of the plane.

Baizang looked down at her. She had been lonely in Baiyin snow palace for thousands of years, but her sword never died. She was an ancient demon killed in the sea of blood cliff swords, and the battle was carved in her bones.

"Yechan palace! When are you going to shrink? "

Baizang's voice was deafening.

Shao Xiaoli is biting her teeth and feeling the pain in her body... She is very strong now, but she is facing the highest demon God in the world. This is not the crime of war. She has countless reasons to exonerate herself, but she can't convince herself.

There was no response from the master in his mind. The figure of the green silk and white dress seemed to be sleeping on the lake of heart, more and more ethereal.

Shao Xiaoli felt a strong uneasiness. She held the sword tightly and did not dare to let go.

In the blurred vision, Bai Zang's tiny figure covered the whole sky in her eyes. When Shao Xiaoli fell, the silver sword ran through the air and hit her body.

Shao Xiaoli bites the tip of her tongue and temporarily cuts off all kindness and weakness, leaving only anger and violence in her mind. Driven by these emotions, she bravely faces Bai Zang's claws and teeth.

Bai Zang shakes his head gently.

If the previous Shao Xiaoli she still had some expectations, then the madman at the moment is completely not afraid.

Although it can be called courage that people burn life and burst out of strength, to her, this kind of burning is just a meaningless sacrifice.

Shao Xiaoli's red dress is like fire. In her mind, the mental method taught by the master flowed past, just like a golden river. In her body, the golden light poured out and turned into Shura's golden body. This Shura's golden body is different from Ning Changchang's ferocious body. The golden body has no face and is wrapped around her like silk. Her lower body is a long river.

She holds the moon branch and cuts to baizang.

Although Bai Zang was disdainful, he could hardly restrain his blood. For many years, there was no life to challenge her like this.

On both sides of Shao Xiaoli's gold body burning fire, dreams and fate follow closely, just like gentle wind.

In the fierce counterattack, Shao Xiaoli really suppressed baizang in a short time.

Their fighting figures are like dotted lines, zigzagging in the sky in various incredible radians, and the air flow generated by the collision is flowing in an absolute and destructive manner. Looking from below, it is like a bunch of crows crossing the sky appearing and disappearing out of thin air.

Shao Xiaoli's face is like frost. The madness in her eyes is hard to suppress. Her Shura gold body is constantly wearing away in the battle and gradually becomes incomplete. The moves she uses are not any of the past moves, but from the distant memory.

Baizang looks at her face.

Shao Xiaoli's face is peerless now, which is different from that little girl three years ago

Luoshen is the embodiment of beauty in the legend of the world, and she is Luoshen itself.

Baizang still underestimated her. The other side's fierce sword skill broke through her defense several times. The moon branch touched her skin and left fine lines on her robe.

The suppression of duanjie City narrows their gap. Shao Xiaoli's desperate counterattack may also hurt Bai Zang.

Bai Zang was cautious. Although her words were rampant, she didn't ask for anything.

She calmly disassembles Shao Xiaoli's swordsmanship, Taoism, and power, and collapses with dust. It looks like a sword that has no way but is unfavourable. She intercepts most of Shao Xiaoli's attacks. They exchange injuries, but baizang seems to be suppressed, but in fact she has the upper hand.

The battle lasted half a year.

The sky collapses and the wind of time turns into a disorderly air flow.

They stopped.

Shao Xiaoli's gold body is half destroyed and her red clothes are soaked in blood. She wants to fight again, but the invisible chain has locked her up and she can't move.

Bai Zang looked at her and said, "you are really good at killing Luo river into a blood river."

Luohe... Shao Xiaoli realized that she was talking about her past.

Shao Xiaoli coughed a few times and spat out a lot of blood foam, unable to reply.

Bai Zang stretched out his hand and covered 23 wounds on his body.

She looked ahead, but did not look at Shao Xiaoli, but saw through her body, looking at the hidden yechan palace.

"Hiding like this is not like you." Bai Zang said, "you are afraid of death because you almost die? Or... "

Baizang took back his eyes and continued: "or, you still have a hidden means to kill Luoshen by using me as a knife, right?"

Shao Xiaoli pursed her red lips.

Bai Zang raised his hand and said, "I don't understand your feelings, but you hate Luoshen, Xihe and all of them, right?"

Shao Xiaoli's red lips were cut and smelled of blood. She vomited blood.

Yechan palace never responded.

Baizang said to himself, "in that case, I'll kill her for you."

Bai Zang held out his hand and said coldly:

"Dust laden."

The sword in his hand expanded, turned into pure light, and smashed toward Shao Xiaoli.


The master sister stands by the mirror lake, embracing the dust and dancing in her green skirt. She looks at the silver emperor by the lake.

Her eyes were still proud, only pale.

"Why did you come? Is the silver God afraid of being beaten? " The elder master twisted the thin handle of the dust and asked coldly.

The silver emperor looked at the figure walking slowly by the lake, and his pace was consistent with her.

He was always staring at the quiet shadow, not half relaxed.

"It's our fault that we underestimated the strength of Nvwa before." The silver emperor looked a little humble.

Master elder sister asked: "Bai Zang has gone to duanjie city now. No one will tell you anything. Are you sure you can stop me?"

"Silver emperor said:" this to a million miles, I only need to stop you for ten days

The elder martial sister's eyes narrowed, her green skirt floated and said, "it seems that you are very confident?"

Baiyin Tianjun gave a primordial smile and said, "for master Nuwa, I may be a younger generation, but there is no baizang year in the world. At the beginning, the empress spent her efforts to mend the sky, but she was just making wedding clothes for others."

"Really..." the elder martial sister answered casually.

Alchemy was the most exhausting thing she had ever done in her life, which almost exhausted her efforts and directly caused her fall in the divine war.

"Yes, you really should thank me. If I hadn't gathered the power of the immortals to make up for the leak and keep the secret Lord out of the sky, how could it have founded the Twelve Kingdoms?" The eldest martial sister recalled that when the wind blows across the lake, there are no ripples. Where she goes, everything is quiet.

The king of silver followed in her footsteps, not a minute later or a breath earlier.

"Thank you, madam indeed." The emperor of heaven made a salute.

At the beginning, the number of those who ascended was not small, but there were not many ancient fairies whose strength was really comparable to that of gods. Nuwa is one of the top ancient immortals.

"At the beginning, the myth of Niang Niang spread all over the world. At the peak of her fame, she was said to be as powerful as the God of Taichu. Although she could not see it, she could imagine her divine appearance." Tianjun continued to talk with her, and they didn't seem to have any intention to do it.

The eldest martial sister held the dust, bowed her head, shook her head, and said: "myths spread all over the world... Oh, there's nothing to boast about. They were made by me, of course they are my believers."

Looking at the legendary ancient immortal, the silver emperor shook his head and said, "it's a pity."

"You're not qualified to do it for me." The elder Master said coldly, "the Twelve Gods can frighten the world and the monks, but to me, they are just the supervisors of the twelve mines. You have created a deception to cultivate the truth. You treat all the immortals as miners, promise a tomb like immortal court, and even the high God himself... It's ridiculous."

The silver emperor's face is as usual, "the black sun is irreversible."

"You are too young to understand a truth," said the elder sister

The silver emperor said, "please give me some advice."

The elder master looked up at the sky and said, "the bigger the life is, the more stupid it is. They are intelligent, but hard to think. All their actions are based on the trend of instinct. They are real gluttonous food, not saviors, and they can't be regarded as beliefs."

The king of silver did not judge the truth of her words, because it would disturb his mind.

Nu Wa once mended the sky. She may be the only one who has been close to that existence.

The silver emperor asked, "what does the empress believe now? Is she immortal

"I respect my teacher." The eldest martial sister said seriously: "as for the idea I believe in... Now I am writing a book. All my thoughts and thoughts are in it. After the book is finished, I will take it to the world for sale. If you are still alive at that time, you can buy one."

The silver emperor frowned slightly. He was also curious about what book it was.

But the next moment, his face immediately returned to absolute indifference.

The green skirt woman stands in the same place and becomes the symbol of stillness.

She held the dust in her hand and threw it at the silver emperor.

The silver emperor retreated a thousand feet.

It's not because of the shock of empress Nuwa's blow, but because a man in red appeared in the distance.

The man in red is the Third Elder martial brother Ji Xuan.

He chased the sword sage these days and went to thousands of miles. By this time, his brow was full of fatigue.

But he still saluted respectfully: "I've met the eldest martial sister."

The elder martial sister nodded gently.

"Have you killed them?" She asked.

"Failed." Ji Xuan said regretfully, "he still escaped into xuanhailou."

The elder martial sister nodded and said, "this is what the master expected. There is no need to blame herself."

Ji Xuan didn't ask. He just looked at the silver emperor.

Baiyin Tianjun stares at Ji Xuan. He doesn't know the real identity of the other party, but he knows that he is the Third Elder martial brother.

At the same time, on the other side, at the second elder martial brother's place where they had been confronted with Baiyin Shenguan, Baize and jiulingyuansheng have also arrived. Each of them set up one side and surrounded Baiyin Shenguan in the center like an iron bucket.

The pursuit of the swordsman is just a part of the plan.

That's what they do.

Their real goal has always been the snow palace.

Master held on to Bai Zang. There was no better chance to cut off her wings.

But the silver emperor did not have any unnecessary panic.

Baizang has been preparing for this moment for a long time, and he can't afford to lose.

It's not very impressive. So is the snow palace.

Before long, your noble silver envoys and gods will come.

On the chessboard of the world, the decisive battle is about to begin.

In Baiyin snow palace, Qiu Yue stands in the deep of the temple, beside the shadow of baizang, holding tianzang's heart like a peach.

She looked at the changing pictures in many water mirrors, her eyes widened, and her pupils were full of crazy intoxication.

"Coming, coming, dying..."

She grinned and danced.



The battle is coming to an end. Shao Xiaoli is locked up after his crazy counterattack. His beautiful figure floats in the sky alone, like seeing the God of dusk.

White dust has been pressed up, wrapped her.

This is the real dust.

Baizang knew that to really kill these ancient immortals, it was not the sword, but the power over the laws of nature.

In the dust, Shao Xiaoli's Spirit fell into a deep sleep, and the long river of history wrapped her up.

Shao Xiaoli's consciousness is like falling into the vast Luo river.

She saw many pictures that she could not remember.

Her eyes went over all kinds of figures and saw a little girl.

The little girl, wearing coarse linen clothes and bone teeth chain, stood behind a large circle of people and looked forward on tiptoe.

She knew that immortals were coming to teach for them today. She was not interested in knowledge, but wanted to see them.

But she was too young and too short to see anything.

She came for three days in a row, but she didn't see the immortal shadow, so she sat on the ground and cried.

During the lecture, although there was discussion, it was mostly quiet, so her cry was particularly noisy.

Fairy was startled, but did not reprimand her, gave her a bowl of porridge.

Recently, the gods are teaching them to cook.

The little girl stopped crying. She held the porridge, opened her mouth and saw the most beautiful person in the world.

"This is Xifan. It's called Xifan because it's made by Xihe." So said the fairy.

"Oh, porridge..." the little girl looked at the floating rice and nodded.

Later she learned that Xihe was his wife.

From then on, the little girl came to class every day.

She didn't understand anything, she just thought her voice was nice.

The first picture is the clearest

Shao Xiaoli looked at the little girl, gradually lost his mind.

She had a sudden sense of weightlessness.

She is falling in the dust laden history, her spirit is gradually disappearing, but her eyes are greedy for those pictures.

She has witnessed the growth of the little girl, her becoming the leader of a tribe, the absurdity of her hunting tussah alone on a boar with a stone axe, and the image of her getting the characters of the early Yuan Dynasty, molting on the banks of the Luo river and flying into the sky

After that, heaven and earth were in turmoil. It was a long time before we met the immortal again.


Shao Xiaoli looked at the figure with the bow on his back and couldn't help shouting.

Next to the boss, there is a woman in white.

They looked back at themselves.

The picture shakes again.

The old rules collapse, the new way of heaven is reshaped, the world is in disaster, little love is nothing under the general trend of heaven and earth... She can distinguish the heavy from the heavy.

She glanced over countless figures and finally returned to the Bank of the Luo river. That's where she used to fly.

At the moment, the Luo river has been dyed into blood, and the bones are floating in it, such as a pile of blocks, so crowded that they even block the flow of the river.

Her hands are folded, leaning on the ancient sword, she looks at the sunset by the river, and her life is fading away.

Shao Xiaoli really became her. They became one and looked at the sunset.

The red sun is very heavy.

The sun is setting, sir.

On the Bank of the blood River, the woman's consciousness became blurred and gradually turned into a standing corpse.


Baizang looks at Luoshen.

She only needs to completely dust the spirit of Luo God, and then destroy it with the power of collapse.

When Luoshen dies, yechan palace will have no place to live.

But Luo's death was slower than she expected.

"Why?" Baizang narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

What can resist power is power. Apart from dreams and destiny, ye Chan palace still holds other means?

It's impossible

The short time did not make her think. Another thing turned into a cloud of doubt again.

She looked in the opposite direction of duanjiecheng and frowned.

What's going on? Why are they so fast?

Even if Jiansheng fails to intercept, it will take them at least seven days to go to Nanzhou abyss. Why did they arrive today and come from that direction?

God is used to omniscient, but duanjie city and unobservable are full of unknowns for her. This kind of unknown often appears, will let her feel irritable. This impatience stems from greed. God is not without desire, but what she often sees can't stimulate the ripple of desire. Baizang doesn't want to wait for the perfect death. She raised her hand and cut Shao Xiaoli with her palm as the blade. It's not a simple hand knife, but a whole broken space. When life and death are at stake, the long lost silver glow reappears. Ye Chan Palace's shadow of nothingness appeared in the air and stopped the knife. She did not speak, just coughing, calm face because of cough and produce insignificant ripples. Finally... Baizang looks cold. She once again launched the power to destroy the projection of yechan palace. Without yechan palace, only the two ants could not stop her from going to the kingdom of headless God. Mutation and regeneration. When her figure moved, a golden arrow came whistling, like a golden flame against the sky. Baizang's figure flickered, trying to avoid the arrow. But the arrow crossed the void and hit her accurately. She snorted and looked at the blood in her mind, puzzled. Although the state of duanjie city is terrifying, how can she be shot by a distant arrow as a God. Then came the second arrow. The last time such a golden flame tore through the sky, it was the thunderbolt gun of sin king. Bai Zang folded his hands and pressed the arrow carefully. The arrow is heavier than she imagined, and her petite body is pressed upside down by the arrow. Ye Chan palace looked back, looked at the distant wilderness, closed her eyes with a smile, and sank back to Shao Xiaoli's body. The shackles of Bai Zang disappeared for a while, and Shao Xiaoli also lost consciousness and fell down from the sky. Ning long and Si Ming finally dare to arrive. Si Ming is spotless, but he would rather stay in the dust for a long time. He drew his bow and arrow, pulled out the body of Shura gold body, and the eyes of Taiyin stretched to the limit. He twisted everything that could be twisted around him. He condensed into a hurricane like arrow and aimed at baizang again. The figure of simang jumps up, stops Shao Xiaoli's falling, bends her knee with one hand, and embraces her shoulder with the other hand, and brings back the red skirt girl soaked with blood. Shao Xiaoli is vaguely aware. She opened her eyes in a daze and called out subconsciously: "boss..." simang snorted coldly: "what are your eyes? Take a closer look at who your sister is Shao Xiaoli was lying in her soft arms. She looked a little calm, but she was too injured and mentally retarded to recognize. She looked at simang's long hair and hesitated: "sister rainbow?" Siming's smile, which was originally prepared for her sister's recognition, solidified on her face“ Dead girl... "She complained. She held Shao Xiaoli and fell to the ground. Then she closed the girl's eyelids gently and said in a soft voice:" have a good rest, and leave the rest to my sister. "..."( Thank you for your reward! Thank you for the reward of xueyujun! Thank you for your support ~)

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