At the beginning of September, the sword sage came out of the sea by Kunpeng and flew away by the wind. Simang crushed the wooden plate of the message. The killers came in droves, and countless iron knives and steel swords pierced the Kuroshio of Beiming.

In the whole September, several terrible battles have broken out on the boundless sea of Beiming.

To the north, the temperature is colder, and the sky is darker. People can still see the stars and the moon in the sky, so the night sky here shows a quiet beauty.

The raft under simang's feet has already disintegrated. At this moment, the light boat has been replaced by a black sword, which cuts through the black tide. Her light and beautiful posture is like a flower held up in the tide.

There is no day in the world.

In front of us is the dark sea water and the night sky. In addition, there are icebergs floating on the sea. These icebergs are rooted in the sea water, and their spires are as big as blue whales. The sea is covered with thick and heavy ice, cutting back and forth like a cold wind.

The words of glass can't describe this ice sea world accurately. The loneliness it shows is solemn and mysterious. Looking around, the snow-white iceberg always reminds people of the frozen bodies of sea animals.

Simang came to this desolate world.

Her mood was dyed by the scenery around her. Her hair turned into pure white. When she put it down quietly, it was like a river of ice and snow flowing through the beautiful mountains and gullies.

In the distance, the roar of the lion rings, which is the voice of the nine spirits.

This roar means that he has searched for the sword Saint again.

In a month, they have fought with Jiansheng for three times. Jiansheng's serious injury has not been cured. After Chengkun appeared, they did not let him swagger away. These three battles are not bloody enough, and they are not even as powerful as those outside Guyun city.

Ke Wenzhou didn't choose to face the enemy directly either. He rode Kun to fight and retreat, and ran all the way to the north.

Had it not been for the protection of this nameless big Kun, Ke Wenzhou might have been beheaded.

At the moment, they chase all the way, although they have the upper hand, they have the feeling of being led by the nose.

Now, it seems that they are going to pursue to the end of the world

When the lion roared, simang's figure suddenly moved and appeared on the top of an iceberg thousands of miles away.

After stepping over several icebergs in a row, Siming finally caught the killing idea of wandering in the air.

The black sword flew into my hand.

Opposite her, Ji Xuan and Bai Ze also heard of it.

In the middle of them, there used to be a secret ice cave. Now the upper part of the ice cave has been pierced and collapsed. Below it is a large ice sea, but the sea level is lower.

Jiulingyuansheng is standing on a broken ice stone. His blue mane and ghost face are moving. His towering body is high and his strong muscles are taut. The iron umbrella rotates slowly with the twist of his hand.

In the middle, Ke Wenzhou sat on the top of Ju Kun's head. His body was slightly thin, and there were countless stems of white hair in his hair.

He held the sword in vain and looked at the people standing in all directions calmly.

"After four months of chasing for thousands of miles, at last, you have worked hard." Ke asked Zhou.

Baize said curiously, "are you prepared for any means here?"

Ke Wenzhou shook his head and said, "No

No one believed him, but no one could feel anything unusual.

The swordsman without a sword is just an old man with many vicissitudes.

Looking at the old friend, jiulingyuansheng said in a low voice: "I thought you would drag it until the eclipse... You are hiding well. Why do you have to ride Kun to the sea? The heart of your sword is already dirty. Where did you come from? Ke asked Zhou, "are you crazy?"

Ke Wenzhou looked at the umbrella in his hand and said: "it's just a dead end... The holy weapon of your demon clan is really enviable. In the past five hundred years, I have never found a sword that really suits me, otherwise I would not be killed by you."

"You are only a pseudo saint. How can you hold the holy instrument?" On the iceberg, simang's cold words rang out.

Ke Wenzhou looked at her and asked, "if I am a pseudo saint, who is the saint in your heart?"

Simang stood lightly on the ice peak and didn't answer. She grabbed the handle of the sword, and the dark sword reflected ten thousand points of light.

The sword glared, and Ke Wenzhou took back his sight.

He looked around.

"Shenguan, Xuanze Old God, Qingbai two lion demon saints..." Ke asked the boat: "the last sword in this life, can be compared with you, even if the body is dead, it's a proper death."

His words sound natural, but no one believes them. Because no matter five hundred years or up to now, Ke Wenzhou is a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Don't talk to him to test the truth." Ji Xuan holds a thin sword, red as a ghost, he said lightly, the sword waving, long painting has been around the body and dance.

Ke asked the boat to look at the starry sky on the broken dome. He patted Gu Kun's back. If Gu Kun felt it, he would dive to the bottom of the water with a cry.

The swordsman's hand pressed on the surface of the water, and the water kept falling. The cold water condensed between his palms, and the muscles of his arms burst up, as if to pull a huge sword out of the water.

Of course, the four could not have watched him draw his sword.

The first one to rush up is jiulingyuansheng.

He had feud with Ke Wenzhou for many years, and now the chance to kill him was right in front of him. How could he hide his anger, and finally it broke out completely.

The iron umbrella is like thousands of high-speed rotating swords, falling towards the location of the sword saint.

In the roar of the lion, Baise's action is also very fast. Compared with jiulingyuansheng's strong, his action is flowing.

The two lions attack each other with horns.

It seems that a huge stone fell on the surface of the water, the sea sank in an instant, the thick ice and broken leaves around were torn off, Ji Xuan's sword also came at the same time, and everything fell into the picture where the light of the sword shone.

Siming didn't have any hesitation. She was already impatient to pursue and kill. Black sword didn't drink blood for a long time, and it trembled with her heart.

In the environment of ice and snow, she can't help but think of the battle she had with Ning in the snow gorge for a long time. If there was no fate for her, she might be guarding the way of heaven in the Spring Festival, which is no different from the swordsman.

But now, I have a family

Siming smiles faintly. In his smile, the black sword is wrapped in the power of time and goes straight away without any fancy. Time and space are bending in the sword. In an instant, the black sword is about to reach the heart of the swordsman.

The joint efforts of the four can be regarded as destroying heaven and earth.

These chains besieged the ice sea, finally unable to stretch, collapsed under the tear of the spirit power, and roared into the sea water, causing thousands of waves.

On the iceberg under the water, the crack did not stop spreading.

At the moment, the body of the sword saint was also smashed into the water, and countless sword lights flooded in.

Siming and Jixuan didn't move. They both had a God's throne. They had a stronger sense of heaven and earth. They all hovered in the air to lock the breath of the sword saint. Baize and jiulingyuansheng were lions. They showed the ferocity of the ancient demons. They broke into the water like bloody teeth. They suddenly closed and ran over the old man in the middle.

Ke Wenzhou tried to use the ice sea as a sword, but the process was abruptly interrupted.

The sword is just frozen.

His withered hair was waving in the sea. When the two lions came, he made the action of waving a sword. He didn't have a real sword in his hand, but when he waved it, the whole sea hit them.

But simang's sword ignored the sea water, which was as cohesive as a wall. It penetrated everything and stabbed the sword saint.

The withered fingers of the swordsman were in front of his heart, and his fingertips pressed the sword. His fingers rotted like wood.

At the same time, Ji Xuan's sword also came.

The heavy sea turned into a thin one in the light of his sword, and the picture came. If he was involved in it, he would be defeated.

The two swords oppressed him, and the sea penetrated through. The two lion's paws smashed his body protecting sword and almost broke his bones.

Ke Wenzhou was seriously injured. Even if he had the flying realm of ancient immortals, such a great God as Pangu Nuwa, he would never be able to stop the four people from fighting together.

What's more, Ji Xuan is also here.

Before he died, he was Xuanze. He was in charge of the sea. He breathed the sadness and anger of the sea. When he raised his hand, his sword vibrated rapidly, and Ke Wenzhou's sea sword collapsed.

Ke Wenzhou snorted miserably. He lost his sword again, and two blood holes appeared in his shoulders under the attack of two lions.

Siming's black sword pierced his finger and sank into his chest. If there is spirit in the tip of the sword, you can hear the heartbeat nearby.

Ke Wenzhou closed his eyes, and his spiritual power surged wildly, which almost drained the whole sea of Qi in an instant.

He dashed out of the sea with empty hands, as if to burn out the last strength of his life and start a battle between ghosts and gods.

In the sea of Beiming in the eternal night, the rampant spirit power is like the cry of the ancient sea monster. In the cry, the sea breaks and the ice collapses, and the world seems to be cut open, breathing the blue light, revealing the chaotic and murderous inner world.

The earth shaking battle spread widely.

In the snowy country in the north, the frequency of the waves from the distance is much higher. Many big ships are pushed against the shore. People wear woolen jackets wrapped around their noses, look at the strange weather and sea, and guess what happened.

The fourth elder martial sister, with short hair and round cheeks, is standing on the sharp cone of ice flow in the snow country. She is biting the blade in her mouth, dragging the iron whip in her left hand, and holding the long gun in her right hand. Under the ice cone are the bodies of the demons.

She clenched the handle of the gun and pulled it out of a big demon's chest.

It seems that she has a soul in her heart. After pulling out the gun, she turns her head and looks at the Black Sea near the magic cave.

The gale never stops tonight.

When the distant sea breeze blows, it is salty and astringent.

The fourth elder martial sister narrowed her eyes, looked at the sea and noticed something.

In the huge cave, the voice of the devil's roar is still ringing.

It disturbed her thinking.

"Shut up The fourth elder martial sister gave a drink.

She is holding a knife, so this drink, the knife fell off, she took advantage of a kick handle, the knife into the dark, scream, another demon was nailed to death in the depths of the cave.

The fourth elder martial sister is sure that they have caught Jiansheng.

It's going better than she thought.

I just don't know if there will be any change.

When the evil cave was flattened and the evil debts accumulated in her previous life were burned, she could finally get out of the way and help the master.

The girl thinks so, the long gun in the hand followed to burn.

She jumped up from the tip of the ice and fell into the depths of the cave with the burning gun and sword. She danced her long gun, or swept, or pricked. The light of the sword penetrated the secluded and dark of the cave. Her delicate body rolled through the uneven edge of the ice like a fire wheel and went straight into the depths.

The ghosts in the dark scream hoarsely. They seem to see heaven and earth, and their anger and fear also gather together.

This is the grave of Gonggong.

More than 3000 years ago, Gonggong was polluted. She chased Gonggong so far, holding a golden arrow given to her by Yi. Holding the golden arrow, she threw it like holding an iron gun. The golden arrow killed Gonggong and nailed it deep into the earth.

This almost bottomless Magic Cave was built by the golden arrow.

It's a pity that she was too impatient to wash away the anger of Gonggong, so that the pollution came out of the den and spread after 3000 years.

Fortunately, they are also a gang of mobs, which is more annoying.

The fourth elder martial sister, holding 18 kinds of weapons, almost pushed it flat.

In these months, she has been in and out of the cave seven times, killing the demons to death.

Another day and night.

The fourth elder martial sister once again nailed a water demon to death in the depths of the cave.

The water devil is evaporating rapidly when she grabs it.

Similar water demons are big demons, but she can't count how many she killed.

But this is the last end.

"Who are you..."

Water devil was boiled, it issued a soul like scream, issued a final question.

The fourth elder martial sister said her name calmly: "Sili."

Si Li.

Leave for fire.

Water devil understood what, staring at her, opened his mouth, as if to issue a curse.

Si Li, the fourth elder martial sister, doesn't believe in curse.

But she did not give each other a chance to speak, directly tore her mouth, pulled out a knife from the waist side, stabbed it into the body, and crushed the demon Dan.

She looked at the water devil evaporated clean place, look leisurely, micro memory.

Eighteen kinds of weapons leave the weapon box at the same time. Behind the girl, the iron peacock shakes open the screen.

The iron front stirred in the grotto.

Her face has never changed much. Her round face is lovely, even a little dull.

She stepped on the ground, lifted herself up, crossed the grottoes and returned to the ice on the ground. Then she kicked her long gun near the northern underworld and put it into the grottoes.

The girl raised her hand. In her palm, the pure flame burned.

"Goodbye, water god."

The girl's voice was clear, and she said her last goodbye to someone who had already died.

In fact, she didn't pay much attention to the elimination of the public curse or the pursuit of the swordsman. She knew that the real killing was never far away.

"The fire of God is the fire of Zhu Rong, the fire of sacrificing palm to remove misfortune. Now, I accept the intention of the Moon Palace and am ordered to subdue the devil. The day is bright and the earth is virtuous. The holy fire has become the light of the world

Si Li said so. Under the prosperous night sky, she raised her hand. The ferocious body image of 3500 years ago is a totem, which is combined with the little girl with cold face now!

The tongue of fire licks into the den.

Si Li's mind is still calm in the blazing and pure flame.

But she suddenly realized something was wrong.

She raised her head and looked up into the sky, her pupils shrinking.

It's the last day of September.

You can still see stars all over the sky.

On this day, there are many people who look at the sky with surprised eyes.


Further north of the northern underworld, the four month chase will end on the last day of the spring scale moon.

The sky at midnight is beautiful.

All the icebergs on the ice sea have been cut off. Looking at the world, only the sea water is floating.

After a bloody battle for several days, they returned to the initial encirclement.

Like a sword saint and ghost, he stood on the sea. His hair was very messy, and his face was covered with blood. From there, blood flowed down and filled every old gully on his skin.

His body was covered with blood, and his right arm with sleeve was cut off directly.

In his left hand, the swordsman holds the sword made of sea water, but he looks indifferent.

"This battle is not wonderful. If I write the history of sword, I will never write it down." Ke Wenzhou has some regrets.

Jiulingyuansheng can understand the meaning of his words.

In this battle, except for Jiansheng, almost all of them strive for stability. After several days of continuous fighting, there is no shocking sword that can upset the world. They are like hunting wild animals. They drag Jiansheng's heyday to the past, and then work together to cut off his right arm, so that the battle comes to an end.

This is not really wonderful, but the outcome of this battle is destined to be of extraordinary significance to the whole world.

Siming didn't take it lightly when he looked at the really hopeless sword saint. Her black sword rose and fell with the sea breeze, and she was ready to launch the last strike.

After killing him, you can go back to land

I don't know if Ning has lost himself for a long time and everything is going well. Oh, it's not going well.

The swordsman's arm sank into the sea.

The four men who were hunting him didn't answer him. They were all preparing for the last strike, and the preparation process was only three to five minutes.

Jiuling Yuansheng's devouring, Baize's ancient magic, Jixuan's painting, the time of simang

These powers and abilities unfold at the same time, and each is like a tombstone.

Ke Wenzhou looked at them, but he didn't realize that he was going to die.

No one knows what else he can do.

Ke Wenzhou raised his wounded left arm, stretched out his index finger, pointed to the sky, and laughed: "I still have a sword. I'll send it later."

The voice just dropped.

Everyone realized there was something wrong.

Their divinity glanced at the stars.

In the starry sky, the place that should belong to the moon is dark.

What's going on?

Many questions echoed in their hearts.

But now, no matter how shocking the vision is, they must first kill the swordsman.

The law of the peak is bombed on the swordsman, who releases his last intention to resist.

Even if he broke his arm, even if he was about to die of serious injury, his sword was still strong.

It's just this kind of toughness. It's just stubborn resistance.

In the fierce murderous atmosphere, the sword intention of the pavilion was destroyed and turned into ashes.

The sword pierced the body of the sword sage.

The swordsman did not die immediately.

His old pupil didn't look at them, but at their back and said, "look... This is the last sword - this is the punishment of heaven!"

The destructive intention of killing surged from the sky.

Under the sea, Kunpeng's huge body emerged, swallowed the remains of Jiansheng, and then quickly dived into the sea floor.

Although Kun is the five peaks, they are not really powerful. If they do it, they can stop it all.

But no one did it.

They all spread out with great speed.

Try your best to destroy your body and evacuate towards Beiming.

Simang sacrificed his sundial.

She stopped time and skimmed over the water, too fast to see a shadow.

Just now, when they were going to make a final attack on Jiansheng, she felt the real destructive atmosphere appeared behind her.

It's more powerful than any sword.

After 700 years, Siming felt the fear of destroying heaven and earth again

It happened.

The moon is still dark.

The fire fell from the sky and hit the water.

The sound of the explosion was overwhelming, and the light lit up the whole sea.

On September 30, 1999, the bright moon swallowed up the light, and a meteorite fell from the sky and fell on the sea of the northern underworld, which caused the sea fury.



"It's Fuxing that falls down."

On the book, the handwriting was written.

"Since fufu has died, the Dark Lord simply gave up fufu star. The Dark Lord has almost terrible control over the stars. In July, when it passes by Fuxing, it uses divine power to pull it. Fuxing deviates from its original position and begins to fly towards its parent star. "

"Close to the moon, there was the first explosion of Kyushu."

"The Dark Lord wanted to cover the moon, but Fuxing was much smaller than the moon and couldn't block all the sun's brilliance. So Fuxing exploded half of it, and the half turned into the dust of the earth, which blocked the center of the moon and the sun."

"The eclipse happened ahead of time, and the moon illuminated chiukuo lost its power."

"The rest of Fuxing rushes into the world according to the original track and smashes toward the sea of the North underworld."

"The sword sage is chosen by the secret Lord, so the secret Lord will never let him be killed."

"The battle was interrupted by external forces. Kunpeng swallowed the sword saint and dived into the deep sea to avoid the explosion. The other four scattered and their lives were uncertain."

"All this happened unexpectedly." The ink on the pen is slightly dry, and it looks very small. The girl is sitting on the stone, wearing a very unsuitable dark blue cage white yarn skirt. Although she is young, her appearance is illusory and beautiful. After her black hair, there is a fuzzy moon hanging, which shines brightly. She is Ye Chan palace. She was forced to leave and came to the world. She recorded what happened tonight, with a touch of sadness between her peaceful and picturesque eyes. She put the pen away, closed the page and put it in the void beside her. Ye Chan Palace used his right hand to do this. Because her left hand still holds a slender bone chain. That's ray's death row. There is a white cat tied on the bone chain. The white cat is very beautiful, with the tiger pattern of beaver flower, and a crooked Wang character written on the forehead. The white cat was staring at her. The girl took out a lock of colorful hair and put it to the tip of white cat's nose. White cat sniffed reluctantly“ Do you smell it? Go and get her and keep her safe. " Yechan palace gave orders to the white civet cat.

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