By that pair of green eyes staring at the moment, Ning Xiaoling heart fear to the extreme, her hands and feet will not listen to their own command.

Although it is not close to the body, Ning Xiaoling can already imagine the cold and sharp claws, like a knife to cut his flesh and blood, tearing his body.

When it really jumped up, her mind only had the tragic situation of the corpses all over the ground last night. She could vaguely smell the smell of blood in the air. When death was approaching, she suddenly felt that the moment was so real.

The day has not yet broken, the night is still not over.


Tonight, Ning has tried to kill many mountain demons for a long time. Those mountain demons are really weak in his eyes, but they are evil things in the beginning of the mysterious world. What's more, at this moment, they are still in the magic land, so it's much easier to kill them.

But when the last mountain demon pounced on Ning Xiaoling, he cut several swords with his finger, but one sword could not fall on the mountain demon.

Ning long understood that this is Ning Xiaoling's real demons.

It was the biggest fear she had ever seen.

In this night, the death of her relatives, the disappointment of her brother, and the suspicion of the world are all magnified countless times at the moment when death comes. Her eyes are also dark, as if it were an abyss of doom.

That's the real stagnant water. It can't make any waves.

If it happened in the real past, some Taoist would come at this moment to kill the demon with peach wood sword at the critical moment and save Ning Xiaoling. A few years later, he would sell the little girl to another old Taoist of the same trade, Ning Jishui, at a high price.

But now it's a heart disaster, the only one who can save her is herself.

Only when she kills the mountain demon herself can she break out of the country.

If the practitioners break into the purple court normally, they will wake up and realize that they are going through the psychological disaster. Then they will rise up and draw their sword to overcome the biggest fear in their hearts.

But the real Ning Xiaoling has just begun to practice. Her realm is just given by the demon, and the demon is now in a corner, waiting for Ning Xiaoling's consciousness to be defeated by the demons and then replaced.

A young girl who has just embarked on the road of cultivation can't even break the maze barrier. She is just a mole ant who is being slaughtered. How can she break the situation?

At the moment, rather long no longer any hesitation, step out, stopped in front of her.

Dressed in white, his face was cold and his hair was dancing.

He was tall and straight, and pointed to the sword. Behind him, a faint and complicated halo appeared, like a round array composed of snowflakes and small swords.

He pointed to the mountain demon with sharp mouth and monkey gills. The figure of the mountain demon seemed to be stuck in the air, and it was difficult to move forward.

Ning can't kill her for a long time, but can resist for a while.

But the passage of time has never stopped, he can stop for a while, how to stop the future that will happen?

Ning has come to her for a long time.

The girl couldn't see it, but she seemed to feel something and couldn't help leaning back.

Ning long stretched out a section of fingers like jade, just like that night, extremely stable place in her eyebrow.

"Ning Xiaoling!" Ning Changjiu suddenly yelled.

The girl seemed to hear the cry of thunder from the silent place, and her eyes were wide open, looking straight ahead.

"I'm not surnamed Ning..." she drifted by, thinking that she was really Xiaoling, but Ning was not her surname, was he the wrong person

Ning Long's voice seemed to penetrate the soul again: "kill it!"

"Kill..." Ning Xiaoling was stunned, her body could not help shivering: "how can I kill it..."

Ning Long's voice became softer and tried to calm her down: "raise your finger, think about it carefully, think about all the things that happened in the past, think about it carefully, what's the most powerful move you've ever seen, use it, kill it..."

I've seen... The most powerful move

Ning Xiaoling's dark eyes gradually restored some whiteness. She looked blankly at the front, and the mountain demon was still approaching herself.

Vaguely, she seems to think of many things, those should not be her memory.

In my memory, a Taoist killed the mountain demon and followed him for a few years. Then the Taoist told me that there was a man with better Taoism who wanted to take him as an apprentice, so he changed his master to practice, and his surname was Ning.

Next to the Taoist priest Ning, there was a young man who looked pretty but was very dull. He called his younger martial sister in a straight line, and he reluctantly answered.

She recalled those, and gradually remembered what had happened in the imperial city.

The magic of the heart

This term suddenly burst into her sea of knowledge, she suddenly opened her eyes, the veil fog in front of her eyes seemed to disappear, a pair of smart eyes became black and white again.

She saw the young man in white who was near Chi Chi's eyebrow.

"Elder martial brother..." Ning Xiaoling called tentatively.

Ning long indifferent way: "don't talk nonsense, hand, kill it."

"Yes, elder martial brother!"

Ning Xiaoling's face was shocked. She took a deep breath, moved her mind, and then waved a sword between her fingers.

It was a sword cut by the Taoist priest with the lacquer golden peach wood sword in those years. It was the same sword that killed the mountain demon to the ground in those years.

With a movement of thought, she cut out the sword as it was. The spirit of the sword was several times stronger than that of the old Taoist.

But as soon as the peach wood sword touched the mountain demon, it disappeared into its body. The body of the mountain demon swallowed the peach wood sword and became a bit bigger, and its expression became more ferocious.

"How could it be like this..." Ning Xiaoling looked alarmed.

Ning Changjiu said, "keep thinking."

Ning Xiaoling subconsciously nods her head. She tries to calm down. Her fingers vibrate. Bai Mang's sharp shadow appears continuously. She cuts sword after sword.

Although she didn't really learn any skills at that time, she went with her master many times to subdue demons and remove demons. She also saw many sharp swords cutting demons. These swords were printed in her sea of knowledge one by one. After years of polishing, they turned into countless sharp lines, each of which seemed to have enough edge to cut gold and jade.

She narrowed her eyes and used her finger as a pen. She danced in the air, like painting in the void.

Every time a sword fell, those lines in her heart seemed to fade away, a little dim.

Those sword Qi cut the mountain demon's body, like a knife cutting leather, and cut its body to pieces.

The mountain demon's pupils turned scarlet.

However, its body has become more and more huge. Under the sharpening of sword after sword, it has changed from the size of a thin wild monkey to the shape of a giant ape.

Ning Xiaoling is more and more scared, the figure is closer and closer, such as the black cloud, which is intertwined with lightning and thunder.

She suddenly realized that if she was defeated in this heart evil robbery, it would not be as simple as falling. The demon seed hidden in the dark would really kill herself and turn herself into its puppet.

That's the real life, complete and doomed.

But with her present means, even if Youning could open her eyes for a long time, she still could not kill the demons.

And the fear in the heart and the evil robbery in the heart, make this originally not powerful mountain demon spray out unstoppable momentum.

Ning Changjiu didn't take back his hand. He stared at Ning Xiaoling's eyes and said seriously: "remember carefully... Are all the swords in your memory finished? What's the most important thing in your heart? "

Ning Xiaoling covered his head with one hand and looked miserable. "I... I really can't remember..."

Her lips almost pursed into a line, and her face had no color of blood. The mountain demon had already passed Ning Changchang's head, and the heavy hand slowly patted down on her.

Ning long closed his eyes and didn't speak.

He wants to break the sword for Ning Xiaoling, but it's a pity that he's not the protagonist of heart evil.

Ning Xiaoling rubbed his temples painfully, trying to find something from all his memories.

Claw wind has fallen, Ning Xiaoling can't help but send out a short scream, only feel that the scalp is about to explode, bone chilling, such as chisel down, nail all her joints.

At a certain moment, she suddenly raised her head and widened her eyes, which reflected the face of the mountain demon.

And in that shadow, suddenly there is a light like a rainbow hanging empty.

"I see..." Ning Xiaoling murmured. She raised her hand and rowed gently.

Ning long tight fingers left her forehead, young long to relax.

It was a sword light that gushed out like a spring, across the room, and everything touched melted in the color of snow.

It was the sword that Lu married to Xueyu Jun at the gate of the imperial palace.

At that time, the sword lit up the sky of the imperial city and made every raindrop shine like a silver needle. It also lit up the girl's eyes at that time, adding a touch of bright vision to her empty heart.


"Elder martial brother, can I be as powerful as this in the future?"


"Don't cheat me, elder martial brother."


"Well, what if one day I accidentally choose the wrong way?"


"Elder martial brother..." Ning Xiaoling's lips trembled, too excited to speak.

Thousands of miles of rainbow through the air.

It's a sword she couldn't have imagined before.

Because she couldn't imagine it, she couldn't draw it until death. The great fear ignited the girl's heart. She finally summoned up the courage to look at the brightest sword light she had ever seen in her life.

The only difference is that there are now seven colors of this light.

"What a beautiful rainbow." Ning long exclaimed.

Over their heads, a rainbow bridged by. I don't know where it led to. The mountain demon melted into the color like a sunny day after rain.

Ning Xiaoling laughs happily. She wipes the sweat on her forehead. It's just in the magic dreamland. How can she get the real sweat“ Thank you, elder martial brother. " At the moment, the girl was still seven or eight years old. She was serious and respectful. Ning long rubbed her hair with a smile and accepted it calmly“ Thank you for marrying my sister Ning Xiaoling put her hands together and said quietly. Ning long looked to the door, said: "don't take it lightly, the old fox is still hidden in this city."“ Ah Ning Xiaoling gave a light cry and immediately raised her spirits: "Hmm! I'll be on my guard. " Ning looked at the brighter sky for a long time, and realized clearly in her heart that when the rising sun came out and swept the whole city, the evil robbery would melt. At that time, Ning Xiaoling also thought of it. She was afraid and said: "if it can't escape all the time, I can't get it after it goes out!" Ning Changchang nodded gently. The realm of the demon was too high, and Ning Xiaoling could hardly take the initiative of the body. In this heart evil robbery, the meaning of the realm was just to let the robber keep a better soberness and a stronger mind. Even Ning Xiaoling, with his help, also cut the sword. So at the moment that demon is deliberately hiding from her, just wait for the end of the heart evil robbery, and then decide“ Elder martial brother, what should I do? " Ning Xiaoling is nervous. Ning long patted her shoulder, indifferent way: "don't be afraid, next all to me." And he went out of the house. In the sky of this world, a little girl is still floating. Her figure is slender but graceful, just like the soft dream woven by the poet from the clouds. Her childish eyebrows are light and painted. In her eyes like ice, there are thousands of stars shining. The Milky Way ribbon twines around her elbow. Her flawless skin is the purest white with a light luster like rouge. She is only about twelve or thirteen years old, but the eyes overlooking the city seem to have seen the changes of spring and autumn for hundreds of years. If she grows up in the future, I don't know how disastrous it will be. She looked at Ning Chang, who came out of the room, and wondered what he was going to do. Then, the girl's eyes were slightly bright, rippling with luster“ It's kind of interesting. "..."( Thank you for the reward from my friend, clannad. I owe you a chapter first. 0/1)

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