At the end of November, the mountains and rivers in the northwest of the world collapsed, and the cold wind was bleak.

The turbid aura is still gushing out between the cracks of the earth veins, colliding with the water of the fractured Luohe River, setting off a raging wave.

The picture of shenhualou has already been cut off. Lu Jiajia, Siming and Xiaoli are instantly brought into Jinwu and left together.

Baizang bit the chain and tried to jump out of the mountain and river landscape of the broken boundary. He staggered out and his hair exploded because he was angry.

Ning has been standing with yechan palace for a long time. Yuanjun unfolds his mythical form. But this mythical form is quickly eroded in the dark power of Jiansheng. As a projection, he can't stop anything.

Ning long held the old sword with many scars and said seriously, "I will try my best to take care of the sword Pavilion for you."

Ke Wenzhou nodded gently.

His left hand held high, carrying the power of the Dark Lord, this pair of young body, dark red blood line swimming, shocking.

Liu junzhuo kneels in the Luo river. Her clothes are soaked with water. She looks at the cast iron figure in the void with tears streaming down her face. She also has a premonition that master is going to die, but the barrier of the Dark Lord's power separates everything. They can do nothing.

Ke Wenzhou also looked at Liu junzhuo and said, "the world in the future is yours. As a teacher, I will try my best to seek a greater freedom for you."

After that, Ke Wenzhou closed his eyes.

Yuanjun sighed: "you hide so deep."

Ke asked the boat, "when dealing with extraordinary people, we should use extraordinary means."

Yuanjun said: "do you want to destroy the Dark Lord by the power of the Dark Lord? You, Yi and yi'e are all great fools, but no matter how beautiful the dream is, it's still just a dream. "

Ke asked the boat: "it's better than waiting for the dark day to come, driving away tigers and swallowing wolves, just like you."

Ke Wenzhou raised his empty right sleeve and pointed to Yuanjun.

The body of Yuanjun's projection kept disintegrating and gradually disappearing.

"If you can succeed, I wish you well." Yuanjun has no resentment and pain. He stares at Ke Wenzhou and says, "if you can't, I'll wait for you in hell."

The shadow of Yuanjun disappears. Higher up, the battle horse of gold and bronze comes, and the crack of Tianji's golden mask has been repaired. However, this ancient god of war is staring at Ke Wenzhou, who holds a sword to the sky, and does not dare to approach.

Ke Wenzhou didn't look at him.

Apart from the ghosts above the kingdom of God, none of these demons under the sky can enter his eyes.

After instilling a great deal of power into the Dark Lord above the kingdom of God, he seems to realize that it's not right. The light column of heaven is gradually shrinking and dim.

But it doesn't matter.

Ke Wenzhou slowly opened his eyes and felt the power of his dream.

In his eyes, the mountains become extremely soft, as if they can be melted away by sight, and the vast sea becomes extremely thin, as if it can be blown clean by breath.

He felt the real power of God. He is a sword, a sharp human sword that can sculpt mountains and rivers!

Five hundred years passed in my mind as if I had just awakened from a dream.

Ke Wenzhou extends his hand to the void below.

The earth trembled, as if something was going to break through the dark abyss and was uprooted by him.

Ahead, there are many things floating over.

Although Liu junzhuo's tearful eyes were blurred, he recognized them all at once - they were the mourners of the real dragon!

It turned out that they didn't want to give up. They came with themselves to give the real dragon a funeral.

At this moment, the tomb of the dragon was dug up by Ke Wenzhou himself. The corpse of the Dragon King was pulled out by the power of the Dark Lord and flew into the sky again. Fourteen mourners with ancient robes and jade wat surrounded it. The technique of Yan puppet was launched to lock the corpse of the Dragon and hang it in the sky.

Ke Wenzhou looked into the distance.

The rest of the disciples of the sword Pavilion came one after another.

After Liu junzhuo, Zhou Zhenyue was the first to arrive.

She looked at the mess of the earth, looked at the young man with broken arms in the air, felt the breath of the master, but could not imagine what had happened here.

She wanted to ask questions, but Ke had no time to explain too much.

"Are you ready to harden your body and wait for the zenith of heaven?" Ke asked the boat.

Zhou Zhenyue felt that something was coming up. It was a vague thing called mission. She was not sure whether she had the courage and strength to take on this mission.

When Zhou Zhenyue hesitated, Liu junzhuo, kneeling in the Luo river, got up slowly. Standing on the surging surface of the river, she hoarsely yelled, "disciple... Ready!"

"Good!" Ke Wenzhou nodded and waved his sleeve. His lifelong cultivation poured out and gave it to all his disciples.

This is his last promise to his disciples.

He doesn't need any cultivation any more. The power of the Dark Lord is the highest realm and the biggest poison. Now he is born of it and will die of it.

"The living are miserable, the dead happy, five hundred years of suffering, I will be free, you... Keep the world."


Ke Wenzhou breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt extremely relaxed.

The power of the Dark Lord surged in his body, and burst out a shocking power. His figure soared up in the air, flying towards the sky with the body of the candle dragon as big as the river!

He went in the direction of Middle Earth.

Many years ago, he had left a prophecy in the city of 81: the four elephants will cause disaster, worship the golden dragon, and live.

Now, it's time to finish the prophecy.

Ke Wenzhou controls the sword in the sky, and the stars are like a hand to pick.

But he can't go to the sea of stars yet.

Five hundred years ago, when he was unconscious, his biggest regret was that he could not see his master again.

It was hard for him to remember the saint's face. There was only one lonely figure standing on the top of the mountain.

He finally understood that loneliness.

Many, many years ago, the sage set up two steles.

A tablet tells the fate of mankind, and a tablet tells their fate.

They are "those who come are guests" and "those with swords die".

Later, these two lines were engraved on the Wanyao city.

In Wanyao City, the demon king once said that the rule of death with sword was written for the sword Pavilion.

Now Ke Wenzhou finally remembered that it was written to him.

At the beginning, the people who climbed to the top of Kunlun Mountain were all "swordsmen". Most of them were dead. Now it's their turn.

Ke Wenzhou shed tears, but he was never so happy.

He is just like a young man who has just entered the world. He is young and frivolous. He is full of spirit and willful power. Where he passes, the void collapses into black ribbons, which can't be bridged for a long time.

The direction he ran to was eighty-one city.

It's the same night that jiulingyuansheng and Baize, who have been preparing for a long time, want to rescue the saint at all costs.

The little monkey looks at the male city in front of him, imagines the people sleeping in it, who don't know the disaster is coming, and can't help crying.

It hopes that it is just an ordinary monkey, selling arts to survive, and getting enough food and clothing, rather than a magic wand that is about to destroy the happiness of all people.

What kind of villain is the devil who destroys the happiness of all the people... Such a devil can only be regarded as a villain

The little monkey bit his teeth and even thought of suicide. But when he thought of the monsters who were trapped in the Banshee city and suppressed at the bottom of the imperial cities of various countries, he was heartbroken. He wanted to destroy everything and save the same kind from hell.

Jiuling Yuansheng is carrying an iron umbrella, and his body is heavy in the evening.

A roc stood on his shoulder.

Dapeng's wings have faded their gold and look like an ugly crow.

"Why don't you eat me?" Asked the golden winged Mirs.

"Your power is to devour, not to destroy." Jiulingyuansheng said, "I don't want to eat anything."

"Do you have the confidence to gouge them?" The golden winged Mirs asked again.

Jiulingyuansheng didn't answer. He had made plans for self destruction.

The little monkey stood at the back, dragging its hard woven wooden dragon, and said in a low voice, "light it on fire and get it over the city tower. People may escape when they see it... We can save one, right?"

Bai Ze sighed and said, "it can't be saved. The power of destroying the city is far away. It can't be escaped by people's legs."

The little monkey bit his teeth and said in an astringent voice, "what should I do?"

No one cares about it.

Jiulingyuansheng took a deep breath. Next to his head, eight pieces of lion's faces were revealed.

His kind old man's face gradually turned into a majestic lion's face.

In a trance, he suddenly remembered the mother and son he saw outside the temple. They were smiling when they prayed for peace

Jiulingyuansheng shakes his head and removes the last thought. Its body soared, turned into a mountain, and in a twinkling of an eye it was higher than the city.

Is ready to start, nine spirit Yuan Sheng and white Ze but frown, looking to the distance.

In the distant sky, there comes the incessant thunder, which is a salute to the birth of gods and a drum to celebrate the resurrection of demons. They have to distinguish in the future. They just feel their heart pounding and their blood flowing all over their body unconsciously.

I don't know where the golden flame came from. In a flash, it covered the sky of 81 city.

In the golden light, there is a dragon shadow that is bigger than the eighty-one city.

People in the city were awakened by the thunder. They looked out of the window as bright as day. They didn't know what was going on. They covered their ears, dressed in clothes and shoes, and walked out of the street one after another. They were staring at the sky from afar between tension and tremor. They were too trembling to move under this terrible scene.

Outside the city, the faces of nine lions were also golden.

Standing on its shoulder, the golden winged Mirs look at the sky, equally puzzled.

The little monkey opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a long time. Then he yelled, "the legend has come true. Is it true! Gold worship dragon can live... Gold worship dragon can live! Jinlong, Jinlong is really born

Jiulingyuansheng frowned and said, "what is that? Why is there such a big dragon in the world? Is that... Candlelight

The golden winged Mirs were shocked: "isn't Zhuyin dead long ago? Is it dormant and feign death, and now it's revived? "

"No!" Bai Ze interrupted: "candle Yin has long been dead. It's his bones. Someone is manipulating it's bones!"

"Who is doing this?" Jiuling Yuansheng is more confused.

As if to answer his doubts, under the sky of thunder and fireworks, a figure in black fell gently.

The figure looked like a teenager with a broken arm and a sword, and his body was covered with black and red blood.

"Yes, martial uncle." The boy saluted.

Jiulingyuansheng stares at the young man. He can feel the power in the other person's body, and he can easily tear himself in half.

Martial uncle? Why call me martial uncle? Who is he?

Unlike Jiuling Yuansheng, Jinyi Dapeng recognized him at a glance.

In a sense, he is the real teacher of Ke Wenzhou.

"I don't know what happened, but you seem to have found your true self. Congratulations." Golden wing Mirs road.

Ke Wenzhou also said: "martial uncle takes me to travel all over the world, to cross the eight wasteland and four poles, to kill ancient gods, to kill demons, to draw a sword to heaven... Ke Wenzhou will never forget."

"Ke Wenzhou?" Jiulingyuansheng's pupil suddenly changed. He stared at the young man with broken arm and said in a cold voice: "what's the matter with this?"

Ke Wenzhou didn't make a redundant explanation. He just looked at Jiuling Yuansheng and asked, "uncle, can you still eat?"


The chaos in the city spread like wildfire.

People went out of the door with their families and knelt down under the golden dragon, praying for peace.

But they didn't know that if anything was going to fall like a meteor and cut through the 81 cities, they would all die in an instant, and all their kneeling, praying and pleading were useless.

Outside the city of 81, jiulingyuansheng looked at the people kneeling on the ground and said nothing.

This late night, everyone in the city was attracted by the Golden Dragon and gathered on the street.

Ke Wenzhou came and went in a hurry, but Jiuling Yuansheng understood his last words.

Can you have a meal

Many pictures buried in the depth of memory come out of the water

"What the sage gives you is an iron umbrella. It should be that he hopes you can protect this ten thousand demon city."

"No! The sage also said, "lions are born to eat people!"

"But he gave you an umbrella."

"Yes... Why did he give me an umbrella?"

Memory goes back to earlier

He was born in a big family of monsters. His father had nine sons. He was the youngest of them. When he was born, his father was almost old.

He always remembered his father's birthday banquet, lying on the floor, like the sunset.

It was supposed to be a day of killing chickens, slaughtering sheep, drinking and celebrating, but during the birthday banquet, his elder brother and second brother suddenly rebelled.

Before he knew what had happened, he was chained up and put in a cage with his other brothers.

Later, I don't know which elder brother won the power. His powerful elder brothers were abandoned one after another and put in prison. The youngest one was sold to other families. On the way to another family, he met Zhenhai Linggui, who was only a golden turtle at that time.

At that time, the temple it stayed in couldn't make ends meet, so the host decided to sell it to pay off the debt.

At that time, the green lion was full of fear and revenge. He told the tortoise he was locked up with. The tortoise was very slow and said he didn't understand. But if you want to be free, I can help you.

The tortoise bit off the tongue of the bell between his neck to let him escape.

It's a year from now to eat your eight brothers.

At that time, he had got the ten thousand demon formula by chance.

He disguised himself as a little boy and served them wine and vegetables at the birthday party of the second year. When the elder brother and the second brother were drunk, he sneaked into the secret road and cut their throats easily.

Then it went to the dungeon... The lions thought it was to save people. They were overjoyed, and then they were all eaten by the young brother.

The eight brothers were engulfed by Wanyao Jue and became his eight faces. That was the beginning of his becoming a demon king.

"The sage gave you an iron umbrella to protect the city..."

"Lions are born to eat people..."

These two words echoed in Jiuling Yuansheng's mind.

They don't conflict.

A long time ago, golden winged Dapeng told him in the demon temple that if he wanted to cultivate the true formula of ten thousand demons, he would take the body as the Buddha Kingdom and swallow all the remaining demons into his Buddha Kingdom, so as to protect them and let them live a safe life.

However, after the first World War of Wanyao City, the body of Jinyi Dapeng was destroyed, and his ambition could no longer be fulfilled.

"If you worship Jinlong, you can live... So it is." Bai Ze sighed and looked at Jiuling Yuansheng and said, "now you are the only one who can save them."

Jiulingyuansheng shook his head and said: "this vast hundreds of thousands of people, my power of swallowing is far from being able to do, i... can't do it."

"No! You can Golden winged Mirs sharply roared: "just eat me!"

"Don't you always want to eat me? Why do you have to hesitate when something comes to you? Are you thinking of the past and being soft hearted? Or, you don't want to be fraternal where the saints are? If so, it's just fake benevolence. The real benevolence is in front of you

"The body is the kingdom of Buddha and protects all people. That's what I've asked for in my life, but I haven't done it. You can do it easily

"I envy you very much..." the golden winged Mirs stare at its eyes, one word at a time way: "me, eat - drop - it!"

Jiulingyuansheng also stares at it, the lion's eyes are red.

When he was in Wanyao City, he wanted to eat it, but he failed because of Ning Changjiu's trouble with Siming... Later, his mood changed, and he just wanted to finish his dream of bumping into the city, and he no longer wanted to devour power completely.

He had not drunk or eaten for a hundred years, and he did not know the taste of flesh and blood.

The nine heads of jiulingyuansheng are in a trance.

The golden winged Mirs abruptly broke his mouth.

Dapeng stands between the lion's teeth, and its bright red tongue is the red carpet leading to hell.

He looked at the monkey standing on the ground with tears on his face and said, "don't cry, don't cry! You are dinghaishen needle, you are Ruyi golden cudgel! One day, you will chisel through the sky. Do you understand? "

The little monkey looked at Mirs' nearly twisted demon face, looked at the dragon in the sky, looked at the lion on the ground, straightened his waist, wiped away the tears on his cheek, and cried out: "understand! I get it! "

"That's good."

Golden winged Mirs happy smile, it looked at the front of the bloody mouth, released the support of the upper and lower jaw claws.

The lion's sharp teeth fell like a knife.

The flesh and blood were torn up in a flash, and the sound of bone cracking exploded in my ears.

In an instant, the blood splashed, the feathers fell, and the spirit with power flowed into the body of jiulingyuansheng like blood.

The power of Taotie is complete.

In the sky, Ke Wenzhou looked at the last scene, trembled all over and shed tears.

The golden dragon is still dancing, the people of 81 city are still kneeling down, but outside the city wall, the roar of the lion is ringing.

Jiulingyuansheng's body soared.

That's law, heaven and earth!

It unfolds its body in the sky and earth.

Nine big mouths open at the same time.

Before people in 81 city could understand what happened, they were sucked up by a tornado and threw into the lion's mouth.

Hundreds of thousands of people eat into the gluttonous country!

Jiulingyuansheng lies on the ground and opens his umbrella.

He raised his head and his mane was flying in the wind. He yelled at the Golden Dragon in the sky and the young man with a broken arm and a sword: "Ke Wenzhou! What are you waiting for? "

Ke Wenzhou heard his roar.


What are you waiting for?

Ke Wenzhou stands on the top of the Golden Dragon and at the end of the sea of clouds. He reaches out to touch the sea of ruins and overlooks the four poles.

He can't tell whether he or the world is small.

The power of the Dark Lord began to bite him, which was the pain of ten thousand insects.

But he didn't care.

There's nothing to wait for.

"Five hundred years of sword fight, that's it. Teacher, I've come to see you..."

He raised his left arm, and between his five open fingers, the huge sword was formed in a twinkling of an eye.

The sword is engraved with countless names.

They were all his brothers and sisters.

Their faces and voices have long been blurred, and all they have left are the names engraved in their consciousness.

He held the sword and held it high. People and the sword smashed the iron and steel city together.

Baize takes the monkey by the hand and stands outside the city.

They saw the white light rising in the center of the city. It was a rapidly expanding hemisphere. The edge of the hemisphere spread rapidly with the momentum of destruction and decay. The unstoppable air waves overturned everything. Under this power, the iron and steel city was like a piece of paper.

Little monkey can't see anything.

White light and high temperature engulfed the 81 City, engulfed the figure of jiulingyuansheng, also engulfed it.

The shockwave of destroying the sky and the earth is still walking upstream of the wasteland outside the city 81. The forest and mountain peaks are all flattened in an instant, and even the birds above the white clouds have no bones.

If heaven and earth are the melting pot!

Little monkey can't feel anything. He stood in the light of destruction that engulfed everything, but it was like a magic weapon into the furnace. Vaguely, it heard the sound of the sword cutting the chain, heard the tremor from the earth, in front of its eyes, many already dusty pictures one by one. It's broken through a wall of tsunami. It used to come and go freely in volcanic magma. It has smashed countless heads, smashed thousands of demons. It smashed the Dragon Palace, hit the mountain temple, and broke the sky! It weighs 13500 Jin! It... No! That's me... "I'm the Ruyi golden cudgel!" The little monkey whispered, and the words seemed to squeeze out of the blood. It felt the call and flew over. In the sea tide like white light, what life has broken the chain and stood up from the earth! In the waves of destruction, jiulingyuansheng, who is in the shape of a skeleton, is closely closed to the lion's mouth and staring at the front empty, but his pupils are shining with golden light. It finally saw the scene... Phoenix wings purple gold crown outlined in the light of the fire, wings pierced the dust covered clouds, lotus silk step cloud shoes also no chain winding! The figure of the great bank slowly opens, and the gold armour of the lock vibrates in the strong wind, just like the legend's real picture of the great sun Buddha kingdom! He took the flying black iron staff. The golden fire shines on the world, and there is no color in the bright starry sky. Still shrouded in the dust, this unyielding figure slowly opened his burning eyes. He is a saint. He is the saint of all demons. His power is, Qi Tian( Thanks to the helmsman of ZXs! Thank you xuejingling for your reward! Thank you for your great support!)

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