Sin King sits on the ground, and the crow feathers in his black robe are still like ashes. His long pointed fingers are his pens, and complex charms are being painted at his fingertips.

Ning Changjiu also sits down in front of him. He looks at the symbol painted by sin Jun.

It's a circle. In the center of the circle are two twining, embryonic human beings with fangs and lizard like tails.

"What is this?" Ning Changchang asked.

Sin King replied: "this is the origin of human sin."

Ning long thought for a while, and said: "in a certain creation myth, the ancestor of human beings violated the Supreme God, so after that, human beings from birth to death are a process of atonement. People will surely die because they are guilty, but they can never redeem their sins, so death is an inevitable result. "

Sin Jun stopped his hand and said, "do you believe that?"

Ning long shook his head and said, "I think it's ridiculous."

Sin Jun said, "I once believed it."

Ning Changjiu said, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

Black robe shrouded in the fog churning, crow feathers keep withering, those feathers into a real crow, they fly to the top of the temple, shouting, the temple, emerged a dark image.

That's what happened before sin became a God.

In the picture is a dark forest. Deep in the forest, there is a simple tower made of stones. On the tower, the full moon casts white light.

This forest is called corpse forest. It is located in a great rift valley. The corpses and remains produced by the war between the demons and gods in the world will be thrown into this rift valley, and the animals in the corpse forest will feed on these rotten flesh and blood.

Although there are miasma and pestilence all over the place, there are also lives born from the damp and dirty crevice.

They are snakes, insects, centipedes, and rats scurrying everywhere.

Many of these humble lives at the bottom gave birth to wisdom. Some of them climbed out of the Great Rift Valley and went to the chaotic world. Most of them lived in the rift valley and ate on the corpses left on the wall.

Tonight is the night of full moon, all the life in the corpse forest gather towards the stone tower in the center.

On the stone tower stands a crow.

The crow was very big and looked more like a vulture. Its hair fell off a lot, and its flesh and blood were rotting and festering. Crow mung bean like eyes staring at the corpse forest, it looked at the gathering of the cold creatures, nodded.

Today is the night of the full moon. According to the custom, crows will hold ceremonies here.

"You were born with a heavy burden of sin."

Crow to himself with a crown made of black copper, began to talk about once a month.

"You are the life born in the forest of corpses. You feed on decaying corpses, which nourish you, and the corpses are full of sin. As I have said to you before, death is connected with sin. Those who bear sin will die, and the pure body will live forever."

"If you feed on the corpses of sin, you will also be contaminated with their sin, and you will not be able to escape forever."

Under the stone tower, there was a commotion.

A little mouse walked out and asked, "Lord Wu, where did the evil of these corpses come from?"

Crows scream, "they are born with sin!"


"Yes, in ancient times, the ancestors of all spirits violated the Supreme God Emperor. They committed crimes, so their descendants also want to atone for them from generation to generation. Those who have redeemed their sins will be called saints. They will be immortal and become perfect beings like God Emperor, while those who can't atone will be erased by death."

The sharp voice of the crow spreads all over the corpse forest. No one dares to speak, as if they are repenting for their inherent sins.

But the little mouse asked, "the newborn spirits are so pure. Are they also guilty? If not, according to you, they will directly become immortal saints

Crow staring at the little mouse, it was angry, but in full view of the public, it also suppressed the anger in the heart, patiently explained.

The crow said: "sin is a river handed down from the ancestor to the present. Children are the flesh cut off from their mother. Of course, they inherit their mother's corrupt body. How can a filthy life give birth to a pure spirit? What the young spirits have is nothing but hypocritical innocence and kindness. When they have power, they will show their innate evil! What's more, a lot of young souls died after they were born. According to the will of the God Emperor, innocent lives are immortal, and young spirits will die, which just shows that they are carrying sin

The little mouse was stared at by the crow and was scared to shrink back. It could not refute the crow's words. It felt that the filthy life could not produce a pure spirit, just as it had imagined the appearance of the God Emperor, but its humble life could not imagine the existence of a perfect God Emperor.

Crow looked around, found no one to refute it, it is very satisfied, began to continue preaching.

In the crow's mouth, the spirit of the living beings is immortal, and the body is the punishment given by the God Emperor to the ancestors of all spirits, and it is the thing carrying the sin. The spirit controls the cumbersome body to walk in the world, and the whole life after that is the process of atonement.

The God Emperor sympathizes with all living beings, and when he punishes them with death, he also creates a path of atonement - practice.

Practice can prolong life and delay the arrival of death, so it can be considered as the only way to atone. Crows have wings. They have gone to the outside world and know that monks like to live in high mountains. They also do this to keep away from the dirty world and keep their bodies clean.

Someone asked carefully: "but we have carried so many evils, and we can't wash them away in our life. What should we do?"

The crow is quite satisfied with the problem.

At last, it began to express its core idea: "the God Emperor has given all souls the ability to practice Taoism and make them atone, but what are the creatures outside doing? They're killing each other! Killing is the biggest sin. The living beings have violated the will of the God Emperor. They do not know how to repent, and they continue to commit heinous crimes. The God Emperor does not like such a world. "

The crow took off the Black Bronze crown and said, "last night, I dreamed of the God Emperor. I can't tell you its perfection. God gave me two things, one is the crown of black copper, and the other is the pure bottle

The crow told them that the black copper crown is the embodiment of sin. When the sin is redeemed, it will become the texture of gold, and the pure bottle can hold all pure souls. It will become holy, and then take them to the kingdom of eternal life. What they need to do is to believe in it.

In the next period of time, every full moon night, the crow will fly with a head, it tells them, this is the head of the tribal leader outside, is the head of the crime.

It puts the crown of black copper on the head of the head of the criminal. You can clearly see that the crown of black copper sponge draws black blood from the head.

After a long time, every time they bring back a head, crows will tell how powerful the owner of the head is. However, they commit crimes because of killing. They are appointed by heaven, so they kill them easily.

The life of the corpse forest has never seen the outside world, and they are far less powerful than crows. Therefore, over time, their curiosity about the world and their worship of power make them deeply believe in the words of crows, and a very small number of people who do not believe in them are burned to death by crows in public.

Crows also sell their feathers. It is said that if they eat their feathers, they can redeem part of their sins. In exchange for feathers, it was the magic weapons such as Neidan and Feijian found in the corpse.

A few years later, the stone tower was covered with skulls. All living beings believe in crows as their holy Son. Crows devour their power of belief and become more and more powerful.

Even the swaying mouse, after years of baptism, has a deep faith in crows. It believes that the crow God is a saint who can lead them to immortality.

Another full moon night.

At this time, the crow is bigger than the stone tower.

Tonight, it took back a head, that is a human head, crow told them, this is the king of mankind, has been killed by it, outside all the evil head has been killed, tonight, it will become holy, lead everyone to the kingdom of God.

The life in the corpse forest enthusiastically surrounded it, and gave out the mountain like cheers.

And the ritual of purification is very simple, that is, burning. The fire will burn away their sinful bodies, leaving only the pure and eternal soul.

Over the years, crows have been describing with them the happiness of returning to the kingdom of heaven after the burning of their bodies, and describing the beauty of the kingdom of God. Therefore, we have been full of expectations for burning such things, and we don't think there is anything wrong with it. They are grateful to crows for giving them wisdom to lead them out of this never-ending rift valley.

The fire started to burn, and the little mouse crowded in the crowd. When he saw the fire burning, he suddenly felt a little sober. But this soberness was soon drowned by the fanatical and neat slogans and cheers of all the living creatures around him.

It can't make any sound, it can only cheer with them.

The flame starts to burn from the edge, the life of the arthropod crackles in the flame, the soul peels out from the body, flies into the bottle of the crow, and turns into liquid.

The crow stared at the bottle and prayed to the king, with the same frenzy.

The fire spread towards the center, many creatures have been in a coma in the past, the mouse mana is still good, barely support.

Just when this grand baptism is about to be completed and the life in the corpse forest is about to be purified by God in the Scripture.

Sudden change!

On the cliff beside the corpse forest, a monster jumped down.

That is a blue gray wolf, it has something in its mouth, is running.

It's on the run!

The gray wolf ignored the sacred ceremony and ran here.

The crow looked at it in horror. In the name of God, it began to denounce its sin.

But the wolf ignored it, it jumped, directly stepped on the Holy Son who was supported by all souls, trampled on his body, and then kept running forward.

The crow was trampled to death.

This is the unforgettable scene of the little mouse.

He deeply remembered the appearance of the big blue gray wolf. He had never seen such a powerful creature before, and the great son was killed by him like this

The little mouse got a lump in his throat, and then several shadows fell from the high cliff.

They ran wildly, trampled out the fire and killed countless lives.

The powerful life like giant wolf is being chased by other life!

They trample through here.

These powerful beings are just passing by in pursuit and escape, and they don't care what they are doing or whether they live or die.

This is an unexpected disaster.

Powerful life came and went in a hurry, leaving corpses everywhere.

The little mouse miraculously survived. It looked around and smelled of scorching. Its hands were also covered with the plasma of its companion who was trampled to death. It retched for a long time before it got up and walked forward.

The crow that was trampled on was not dead yet.

It supported itself on its wings, crawling through the muddy plasma, a little bit closer to the clean bottle.

Most of the soul liquid in the net bottle has been knocked over, and now it is only a little shallow.

When he saw the little mouse coming, he said with difficulty, "bring it... To me... Drink it!"

"Yes, son." The little mouse obediently picked up the bottle and came to its mouth.

Crow saw a glimmer of dawn, it is difficult to stretch out the beak to drink water, but its mouth is stuck in the bottle, no matter how can not touch the bottom of the soul liquid.

The crow's eyes are red, anxious and angry.

The little mouse sat down cross legged and said, "Holy Son, is this like the story you told us before about crows drinking water?"

The crow opened his mouth wide and asked hoarsely, "you... What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I'll help you." The little mouse was still modest. It took the pebble from the ground and threw it into the bottle.

The crow sticks out its beak again, but it can only touch the hard stone. The water is hidden in the crevice of the stone, and it still can't drink.

Looking at the debris on the ground, the little mouse said slowly: "the stories are all deceiving. My Lord, ignorance is the cause of the crime..."

The crow couldn't bear it. It wanted to kill it with its mouth, but the mouse deftly avoided it.

The little mouse drank the water of soul in the bottle, and then put the crown on his head.

It looked at the crow, word by word issued the first trial of his life: "you are guilty."


"The black copper crown and the pure bottle are precious magic weapons. One can draw the power of faith, just like the golden body of the mountain god and the water god. The other can refine the soul and refine them into pure and powerful spiritual power. Unfortunately, this crow is only one step away from Wudao."

Sin Jun raised his hand, and the pictures faded away.

Ning long and others also took back their eyes.

He looked at sin Jun and said, "at that time, you didn't believe in the original sin. What are you trying now?"

Sin Jun said: "after that, I suddenly got powerful power, ate the crow, climbed out of the cliff, and entered the war of the world. For a long time, I despised the original sin and believed that man can conquer nature. Now, I believe that man has original sin. "

Ning long asked: "why?"

Sin Jun said: "because people need to survive, survival is the most powerful desire of living beings, and the rest of the desires are based on survival. Existence is the source of sin! In order to survive better, creatures will certainly squeeze the survival of other creatures. Since the birth of life, killing and disputes have never stopped - this is the best proof. "

Ning long seriously thought for a while, and said, "this is something that can't be changed, so intelligent creatures have established morality and rules."

Sin Jun shook his head and said: "it's no use. Life can't suppress the desire for survival. Even in a specific order, there is still mutual oppression. The winner will become the oppressor, and the loser will become the oppressed. If the winner has the power, he will have the power to interpret the rules. From then on, rules can only be used to rule the losers, but can't restrain the winners. Is that still meaningful? "

When sin king said this, he sighed and said, "this is something that can't be changed in the Kingdom established by living beings. People can't suppress their own desires, so they are doomed to corruption."

Ning Changjiu asked, "in that case, how do you think you can change all this?"

Sin Jun said: "let the absolutely good and just people maintain order."

Ning Changjiu shook his head and said, "as you said just now, it's impossible."

Sin Jun said, "it was impossible before, but it is possible now."

Ning watched him quietly for a long time.

Sin Jun stretched out his dry and long finger and pointed to the top, "the absolute good and just person is the God Emperor. In the past, the God Emperor was illusory, but now... It is above the sky!"


"Do you want the Dark Lord to dominate the world?" Ning Changchang asked.

"Yes Sin Jun said: "at that time, crows described a world in which people were born with sin. Once people do evil and expose their sin, they will be convicted by God, or be punished, or die. Everything is done in absolute justice... This is my ideal world."

Ning didn't speak for a long time. He looked at the dark robe of sin king and the falling crow feather and said, "you are just a fantasy."

Sin Jun asked, "why?"

Ning Changjiu said: "the Dark Lord is not your ideal God at all. What he wants is to take away the evil. In this process, he will destroy all living beings."

Sin Jun also kept silent for a long time. He said, "but the Dark Lord created the stars and the kingdom of God. It has the power and method to maintain order. You can transform it and make it a qualified God."

Ning long shook his head and said, "I can't do it."

Sin Jun firmly said, "if you can't do it, no one can do it."

Ning Changjiu said calmly, "it's too risky to be worth it."

"Isn't it worth it?" Sin Jun said: "to build an ideal world, the good will never die, and the evil will perish. Isn't such an ideal worth taking risks?"

Ning Changchang said: "that's the paradise in your eyes, but it's also the hell in my eyes, not to mention..."

Ning looked at sin Jun for a long time and said, "you just said that the desire to survive is the sin of human beings, and I can't get rid of it. In order to survive, I can't take any risk of nothingness. What's more, it's not the world I want at all. "

Sin Jun looked at the charm he was drawing on the ground and said, "that creature will always be ugly."

Ning Changchang said: "this is the price of survival... Besides, in my eyes, most of them are beautiful."

On one side, Lu Jiajia didn't understand what they were saying, but she also felt that the negotiation seemed to have broken down.

Sin King unfolded his mythological form.

The body of terror stabbed out from the black cloak. The body, which was the same as sin, was craggy and exposed. The bones and wings were expanded, and the wing membrane was exposed. The entangled lightning condensed between the palms and turned into a bright lightning gun.

Rather long eyes always calm.

He looked at the mythical form of sin king and opened his hand.

Liu Xiwan turned into a snow-white sword and flew in an instant.

As in the case of duanjie City, the battle started in the kingdom of God.

Crisscross thunder and lightning across the sky, entangled elements into a whirlpool, the sound of thunderstorms.

Swords and spears are ringing in the sky. The hurricane they fight produces is like an invincible sword, which directly splits the kingdom of God from the middle!

This is a massive battle, but there will still be no suspense.

The fighting lasted a day and a night.

At the beginning, Ning long was cut to pieces, but now, his sword is accurately pierced into the body of sin Jun's myth.

At the moment when sin Jun was defeated completely, Siming and Lu Jiajia flew out at the same time, and crossed a flexible curve in the air, cutting off sin Jun's wings left and right!

Sin falls into the kingdom of God where the earth is cracked.

Ning long fell in front of him.

Sin Jun slowly climbed up from the ground and went to his grave.

His throne has disappeared, leaving only a black crucifixion.

He went to the crucifixion, opened his hand and closed his eyes.

Ning didn't stop him for a long time.

The fire started to burn. He was like dry wood. It started at one point.

This is a 3700 year old fire, which did not take his life in the canon. Now, he will return to the fire after all.

In the knowledge of sin king, the spirit is not pure, the body is not evil, and the flame has no ability to purify everything. He thinks that existence itself is doomed to sin, and he is doomed to die. Rather than be killed for a long time, he should destroy his own existence.

Death is the way to eliminate everything, whether you are evil or good.

The flames were blazing.

Sin King opened his eyes and said, "I have judged the original sin of mankind. They will kill for generations and will never stop."

Ning Changjiu said: "without your judgment, the killing and oppression will not stop. This is inevitable, and I can't change it."

Sin Jun is like a child who succeeded in a prank, showing a proud smile: "so my trial will last forever."

Ning long looked at sin Jun's twisted face in the fire and didn't answer.

The king of sin seems not satisfied.

He stares at Ning Changjiu and says, "I also issue a death sentence to you. You will be killed by things beyond heaven!"

Rather long eyes incomparably calm: "I know." Sin Jun wrinkled his face and said, "do you really know what I'm talking about?" Ning long nodded: "I know."“ But I will not die. I will come back as I leave. " Ning long turned around. The fire completely engulfed sin Jun, the smoke rushed away, and the temple collapsed. The kingdom of sin was annihilated( Thank you for the book friend 59218459 and the hero xuejingling! Thank you for your support

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