The world is vast.

The stone Buddha, full of cracks of saints, stretches across the sky. It is ancient and solemn. The black Python climbs up the stone Buddha at high speed. Its body is as long as a river, but it still can't be compared with the stone Buddha of the sage. At this moment, the scene is more like a slender Wisteria climbing up the body of the stone Buddha carved from the mountain.

The black Python is the God's spring scale.

Spring scales with steel black light scales open and close, she rubbed the cracked stone Buddha, swam close to the top of the stone Buddha.

The top of the stone Buddha of the saint still emits golden light, which is the manifestation of the power of long life. He is like a man holding a bright light, blocking the darkness above.

The stone Buddha has opened a bright barrier outside, but his body has lost a little light and is full of lifeless stone gray.

Quan scale's body was sitting in the dark, straightened up and looked forward. In front of him, the gap of the atmosphere that the sage opened at first has been closed again by the Dark Lord, and there is no gap. Spring scale felt angry, it issued a silent roar to the darkness ahead.

Then, the stone Buddha on her body plate, each piece of scales are closed in an instant, if it is not the void, there should be a deafening crash. She wrapped around the stone Buddha and tightened her body a little, as if to strangle him to death.


After many years, spring scale once again really overlooks the world.

She came from the underground, and formed her initial life form from a special and thick aura. She swallowed aura for many years, and her body became more and more compact and precise, producing instinct and the most superficial wisdom. Then, she climbed into the stratum and lived with a group of lava python. After a thousand years, she also evolved into a snake and began to move toward the ground.

At that time, Ming Jun, one of the six gods of Taichu, built two Ming temples. One was the ancient kingdom of the nether world, hidden in the reincarnation sea above the void, while the other was the underworld, hidden in the earth, to confuse the public with the real underworld.

Spring scale bumped into the underworld by mistake, sucked up the marrow of the whole yellow spring, and formed an irreconcilable feud with King Ming, so it was forced to be driven into the divine war.

Spring scale can't remember how many people she killed. She only knows that her scales are full of blood.

"Has it come to this?"

Looking up, she could see the boundless existence beyond the stone Buddha. She knew that it was the Dark Lord and the existence they regarded as the real God. This is the first time that spring scale is so close to it.

According to the snake's instinct, Quan scale's body shrunk subconsciously.

The reason why she left the kingdom of God was not her wish, but because her kingdom was destroyed in an instant. She knew it was because her stars had been destroyed.

The only one who can destroy her stars is the Dark Lord.

But I don't know why the destroyed star didn't hit the world. It didn't know where it went.

After leaving the kingdom of God, she immediately used her omniscient ability to know what had happened over the years. She was extremely shocked. When she fell asleep last time, she never thought that waking up again was the scene that the kingdom of God was withered and almost killed.

When she looked down at the earth, she felt a great fear. She knew that the Dark Lord had abandoned her. At the moment, the world had been grinding swords for more than seven years, and they were waiting for the final battle. If she went to the world at the moment, they would not accept surrender at all. Instead, they would directly use her as a sharpening stone to test their swords.

Spring scale in a short time of thinking, made a quick decision, immediately flew into the sky, entangled the saint's stone Buddha.

Nowadays, the stone Buddha of saints is full of cracks. Even if they want to kill themselves, they must be afraid of the devil.

Next, she has two options.

One is to wait for the world to defeat the Dark Lord. She takes advantage of the chaos and escapes from the unrestrained sky. From then on, she finds the next star suitable for living in Taixu.

The other is to speed up the crushing of the stone Buddha, so that the Dark Lord can penetrate the world more quickly. She can feel that after seven years of gathering strength, the Dark Lord has become a very tight bow. As long as the stone Buddha collapses, the power of the Dark Lord will be unimaginable. The air layer that it has been unable to penetrate may be broken in an instant, and the myth of the coming of the dark sun will be opened.

The Dark Lord has been in power for 4000 years. It's time to come

No matter which choice you choose, you have a chance to survive.

I just don't know when that damned boy will wake up... After so many years, why is he still haunted?

At this time, it's the end of January in the eighth year, and it's snowy. It's less than four months since the appointed time.


In addition to the closely related underworld, the three thousand world is also the first group to sense it.

When the spring scale kingdom was broken, baizang was sleeping under the scarf. Soon, her ears stood up and she suddenly woke up from her dream. As she ran out of the hall, baizang found that Zhao xianger was standing outside the hall, looking into the distance with her umbrella and sword.

Bai Zang looks at Zhao Xiang'er, who is one step faster than her. There is always some nameless annoyance in her heart. She hisses at Zhao Xiang'er's back.

Zhao xianger didn't pay much attention to her. He just looked at the front and asked, "what happened?"

The bondage on Bai Zang's body is released, and Bai Zang becomes a human. The snow girl with silver hair kneels behind her and raises her head slightly.

Zhao Xiang'er looked back at her with black and white eyes.

Bai Zang felt a cold, and she said reluctantly, "it should be a certain divine kingdom that exploded. Now at this juncture, it's not surprising that the secret master has some actions."

Zhao xianger asked, "which one is it?"

Bai Zang said, "which one can it be? Either spring scale or hoof mountain. "

Zhao Xiang'er gave a hum and drew a water mirror in front of him, with his eyes flying in between.

Bai Zang said faintly: "no matter which God is in this world, it has nothing to do with you. What you should care about most is rosefinch. Now ye Chan palace is not here. If the kingdom of rosefinch suddenly opens, you may not be able to cope with it. "

Zhao xianger said, "don't worry about it."

"Don't be too proud." Bai Zang was a little angry and said, "if I didn't despise the enemy, how could I lose you?"

Zhao xianger said coldly, "how many times have you talked about these years? Haven't you been beaten enough? "

Bai Zang's thin shoulder trembles slightly, bares his little tiger teeth and stares at Zhao Xiang'er.

"Well, do you like to hear it or not?" Baizang doesn't want to talk to her anymore.

Zhao xianger's eyes stop on the water mirror. The water mirror shines on the virtual world. Outside the virtual world, there is a dark snake.

So I hid there

Zhao xianger confirmed the position of the spring scale and folded the water mirror.

She turned around, bent her legs, looked at Bai Zang, narrowed her eyes and asked, "what did you just call me?"

"I..." white Tibet stares at her, the facial expression slowly softened down: "mmm... Lord, master."

Zhao xianger smiles and nods.

Baizang said goodbye and became a tiger again.

Zhao Xiang'er rubbed the little tiger's ear and pinched the long tail in his hand. "Go to a place for the master."

Bai Zang gave a whimper.

Zhao xianger whispered a few words and held Bai Zang in her arms. Bai Zang's body is a young tiger, much bigger than the ordinary cat. Now Zhao xianger holds her body, but the girl's body is more beautiful.

Zhao xianger took her to the edge of the three thousand world and threw the little white tiger out.

Bai Zang's soft foot pad stepped on the snow, and his figure disappeared as soon as he ran to the south.

The place baizang wants to go is Baicheng in the state of Zhao.

When Ning came to the 3000 world for a long time, he told her that the rosefinch arranged a broken immortal to wait for her in the void and convey the rosefinch's words to her.

But she couldn't leave the three thousand world, and didn't want to waste the power of the world's movement here, because she was not sure whether the so-called rosefinch's words interfered with her.

But today, with the appearance of chaos, there is a kind of omen in her heart.

In the end, Zhao xianger decided to listen to what rosefinch wanted to say to himself.


The spring scale Kingdom exploded, and the huge illusion slowly disintegrated in the air and smashed into the world.

The monks in the world suddenly wake up. According to the usual practice, the monks of different sects gather quickly. On the Middle Earth, the light of ten thousand swords is still like a bright light.

As the head of wanzongkui, Jiange was also shocked for the first time. Lu Jiajia, Siming, Shao Xiaoli and others almost went out of the pass at the same time and gathered on the snow covered Jianping.

They stood up against the sword, looked around the world, and quickly identified the source of the turmoil - the kingdom of spring scales.

But they couldn't find the whereabouts of the scales for a while.

"Why did the kingdom of spring scale collapse today? Who broke the kingdom of God? Or... "Lu was puzzled.

"The spring scale star is broken." Si Ming said firmly.

She has been an official in the kingdom of God for thousands of years, so naturally she knows the Kingdom better than them.

"The spring scale star is broken?" Lu's wife soon understood that it should be the spring scale star crushed by the Dark Lord himself. She immediately asked, "is a meteorite coming?"

Siming looked up at the sky, and his ice eyes swept the world.

She shook her head and said, "no sign."

"Strange, how can the spring scale star break at this time?" Shao Xiaoli muttered to himself.

"At this time?" Siming asked, "when is it now?"

After a long time in seclusion, their concept of time is relatively vague. They only know that the long wait will soon come to an end.

Shao Xiaoli once felt that the calendar was destined for him, so he insisted on buying the calendar every year and tearing it every day.

"Today is January 31." Shao Xiaoli said.

"January 31... What's the matter?" Lu doesn't quite understand.

Shao Xiaoli broke off his fingers, finally confirmed it, and said: "in principle, this year the spring scale kingdom will open, it should be January, but why should it be on the last day..."

Siming quickly understood her meaning: "the Dark Lord chooses the last day of a month to open the kingdom of God, usually to open it together with the next month's kingdom of God, forming a chaotic world of two gods, but after the spring scale is Tianji, who was killed eight years ago..."

Not only Tianji died, its stars were destroyed together.

Shao Xiaoli rubbed his cheek and frowned, always feeling that he was missing something.

Looking back over the past seven years, there has been no movement from the Dark Lord outside the sky, and the development of the whole world has been extremely smooth.

In the Dark Lord's hand, there are still four divine kingdoms. Those four divine kingdoms are his last four chessmen. They will be used with great care. Why did the Dark Lord choose to settle down today?

Or... What is the secret Lord doing these years? It should be preparing as well... What has it prepared?

Shao Xiaoli is thinking hard.

Time passed midnight unconsciously.

All of a sudden, the earth under my feet began to tremble again.

Siming and Lu's wife bowed their heads and looked down.

"This is the earthquake?" Lu's wife is vaguely aware of something bad.

"No!" Simang said: "another kingdom of God has been opened!"

"Another kingdom of God..." Shao Xiaoli's eyes brightened and said immediately: "I understand. It's the stars that are misplaced! The power of the Dark Lord is the stars. In the past seven years, it has unconsciously changed the position of the stars! "

A word awakens the dreamer.

Lu and Siming looked at each other and soon understood what Shao Xiaoli meant.

Simang thought for a moment, and said: "if the Dark Lord wants to adjust the position of the other stars, it's not difficult to do so with his power, but... What's the point of doing so? Just to open the kingdom of spring scale and hoof mountain at the same time? Today's world can not be disturbed by the two lords of the kingdom of God. "

"Dark Lord... Is this the end of the road?" Siming asked himself in a low voice.

Lu didn't agree with her, and she felt a little uneasy.

Shao Xiaoli also thinks that things will not be so simple, but the earth is crazy, and her brain is buzzing with pain.

They made a simple eye contact, and their top priority was to stop the destruction of hoof mountain to the world at once.

Si Ming stepped on the void and came to the high place. The black robe was covered with silver tattoos.

The goddess looked down at the heaven and earth, and simang quickly confirmed the location of the hoof mountain.

"In the snow country!" She said.

Without any hesitation, the three gorgeous women turned into rainbow light and flew to the north.


Outside, turbulence has been stirred up in circles.

In immortality, time is as usual.

For some time in the past, ye Chan palace rode a deer and ran through the forest and the sea of flowers. She always liked to stick her soft body to the deer, hold the deer's neck in her hands, and gently lean on him. As if in a dream, she would let the deer take her anywhere.

But it didn't last long.

Because deer are getting smaller and smaller.

Soon, the small golden deer can no longer carry her, and the deer can only rub intimately in her arms to express their regret.

Yechan palace still combs the deer's hair with her hands every day, and the deer kneels beside her in the form of a lamb and milk, letting her gently touch her body.

The deer became smaller, and finally became the same as the cat. Yechan palace could easily hold him in her arms.

The deer is sleeping in the arms of yechan palace.

Ye Chan palace looked at the deer and said, "you can go out soon."

As if the deer could not understand her words, she continued to sleep in her arms.

Ye Chan palace whispered to herself, saying the plan that had been made eight years ago.

"Although Uranus and its parent planet both revolve around the sun, their speed is different..." yechan Palace said gently: "in fact, as early as last year, the power of life has already restored your body. However, Leigu star is the prison of Leigu. I need to wait until the kingdom of God is opened before I can send you out. This February, Uranus should be able to pass over reggae

As long as the thunderbolt is lit, they can leave the kingdom of God.

Even if the Dark Lord becomes angry and destroys the thunder prison star and the thunder prison Kingdom, they can still leave.

As long as there is no accident in Baize, it should be only this month for them to leave the kingdom of God.

Unfortunately, now Ning can not understand her words for a long time.

I didn't expect that eight years would be in the blink of an eye

She recalled every little bit of these years. As she thought, their time together was surprisingly calm. Even after another 10000 years, I'm afraid there will be no waves.

But she also loved it.

Ye Chan palace looks at the lovely deer in her arms and gently rubs the body of the deer. The deer chirps, which is very lovely.

Yechan palace folded a flower from her side and sent it to Xiaolu's lips. Xiaolu subconsciously ate the flower.

This is the last flower the deer ate.

After a satisfied smile, his already short life line was cut short again.

The deer suddenly woke up and bumped into her arms. The girl gently covered her chest, drooped her head and pursed her lips, and pointed at him with her fingers, as if complaining about his restlessness.

The life line breaks, the fawn is no longer small, he has become a butterfly.

Butterfly around her, as if looking for a familiar breath, ye Chan palace calmly looked at him, stretched out his hand, butterfly stopped on the exquisite joints on the back of her hand, opening and closing the golden wings.

Ye Chan palace gently holds the butterfly and lingers with the butterfly in the sea of flowers.

The butterfly sometimes stops on her hand, sometimes flies into her sleeve, and more often, it stops on her hair and turns into a real golden bow. Therefore, against the background of the bow, she also quietly fades away the temperament of years precipitation. She is pure and delicate, like a real fairy of cardamom.

In the twinkling of an eye, it's another half month.

Ye Chan palace with butterflies into the hall, came to the white yarn.

Although there is nothing special about the wandaobaisha room in yechan palace, it is also a very private place for her. Previously, Ning long wanted to intrude, but she threw it away.

Ning long did not expect that he came here for the first time in such a state.

Ye Chan palace stepped on the pool water and came to the center.

Between the sleeves of YUESHA, her fingers move gently, counting the time.

Time... It's time.

Ye Chan palace raised her head and waited for a while.

According to the plan, at this moment, baezawa on Uranus led the demons to light up reggae.


The world is still.

Once again, the plan went astray.

Yechan palace thin eyebrow gradually frown up, she looked at the dome of the temple, guess what.


Half a month has passed since the spring scales and stars broke and the hoof mountain kingdom opened.

In half a month, countless swords went to the north to kill the hoof mountain.

Eight years ago, the Lord of God was above them and needed to exist in awe. Eight years later, they were qualified to face the Lord of God.

If the other gods were surrounded by the top monks in the world, they would have been killed.

But this one is hoof mountain, which has almost absolute defense.

And hoof mountain does not live up to its name, it is really a mountain, is a continuous huge mountain!

In the face of the world's sword, it did not have any resistance, just like a tortoise shrunk up and let the sword Qi wash on its body.

Although it is known as the absolute defensive power, the power of the world has an upper limit after all. Under the siege of the monks, the surface of hoof mountain has been lifted and peeled off by the sword Qi, and the process is faster and faster. It only depends on its huge body.

But no matter how huge the mine is, it will be destroyed one day. The destruction of hoof mountain is predictable.

Zhao xianger stands in the three thousand world, looking at what is happening all over the world.

Today, she is not in a good mood.

Because baizang has been gone for half a month, and still has no reply.

Even if you drive a donkey, I'm afraid you'll finish the task now. Kuibatsang is still the former God.

Ah, is this white cat skin itching again

Zhao xianger is already thinking about how to punish her.

Finally, on this day, baizang sent back the news.

On the White City, in the void, the white Tibet with snow hair and silver skirt is hanging around the scarf. She draws a water mirror in front of her body to connect with Zhao xianger's water mirror.

"Why did it take so long?" Zhao xianger immediately launched a case against him.

Bai Zang was also very angry. She clenched her fist, held the water mirror, turned to one side and said, "Zhao Xiang'er! You can say it! Didn't you tell me there was a man in the white city? Is this the person you mean? "


Zhao xianger looked at a pile of broken white paper-like fuzzy things in the water mirror and was silent for a moment. Her eyes turned and she said coldly, "baizang, do you dare to talk to me like this?"

Bai Zang was bullied by Zhao Xiang'er for several years. Although he was awed by Zhao Xiang'er's dignity, he was also angry at the moment, "hum, I will not accept your life! But now you ask me to talk to me, or I'll turn off my water mirror and turn the paper immortal into paste! "

"You..." Zhao Xiang'er's chest is undulating, her ink hair moves without wind. She stares at the water mirror coldly, her thin lips biting slightly.

She vowed silently in her heart that after baizang was cheated back, she would use the remaining hair cream to paint her as a colorful cat.

"Well, just now my tone is wrong. Don't be so emotional, xiaobaizang." Zhao xianger smiles.

Bai Zang looked at this smile and thought that this bad woman, who is 100 times worse than Si Ming, must be having a bad idea again!

Zhao xianger said softly, "move the water mirror to the immortal." Bai Zang murmured, "this immortal is really weak. He was torn apart by the turbulence of heaven and earth. It took me many days to put him together." The water mirror moves in front of the fairy pieces. Zhao xianger appeared in the water mirror“ I'm the one who told you to wait. " Zhao xianger looked at the immortal across the air and said, "now you can tell me what the rosefinch said." The fragments of the immortal began to flow, as if waking up. Immortal confirmed Zhao xianger's identity, slightly wooden voice really opened his mouth“ Lord rosefinch asked me to tell his highness two things“ 1、 World power can create the world, and it is also the key to all worlds. "“ 2、 Three thousand worlds is relative space. " The fairy no longer talks“ Is that all? " Zhao xianger asked softly. She did not understand the first sentence for the time being, but she understood the meaning of the second sentence as early as eight years ago. Three thousand worlds is her inherent power, which contains the supreme power of space. Baizang was not very satisfied with the immortal's two sentences. "I've put so much effort into putting you together. Is that all you have to say? Say two more words The immortal ignored Bai Zang, and his voice was still dull: "Lady rosefinch, my mission has been completed. Now, can I fly up?" Listening to her words, Bai Zang thought that the immortal was just a puppet, but he never forgot to fly up until he died. What a pity. Baizang turned around and tried to put away the water mirror, but his hand stopped suddenly“ What's the matter? " Asked Zhao xianger“ Xiang... You... Behind you... "Bai Zang's pupil suddenly shrinks to a point“ Well Zhao xianger is still puzzled. She is about to turn back. Just at this moment, a voice that makes people feel cold and bone marrow resounds behind Zhao xianger's neck: "OK."

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