"The graveyard where brother and sister live is very old. They can't find any bones in it. There are only some scattered ghost fires left. Those ghost fires are the seeds they guard. They need to sow them again before the ghost fire or their own death... This is the meaning of their existence."

"In the long years that followed, their wisdom was seriously worn away, and most of their seeds were extinguished, and they could no longer sprout. The extinction is irresistible... "

"Fortunately, they found the soil for the resurgence of the ghost fire before its demise. As an omnipotent brother, he was not in a normal spirit. He was afraid that he would go crazy and hurt the ghost fire. So he asked his sister, who was an omniscient, to leave with the residual ghost fire and go to the soil to sow seeds. Many of those ghost fires still had the code names of gods. However, what the little sister didn't realize was that when she left, there was a dark figure disguised as her shadow, following her

TA TA ta

They stepped up the stairs, and their voices sounded in the sky.

The young man in black hesitated and looked at the poem beside him.

Although the little girl in Pink Jade carving didn't quite understand the story, when she heard that a little girl similar to herself was walking in the field with a ghost behind her, she felt a sense of fear.

"Scared?" The boy in black asked with a smile.

The poem clenched its fist and said, "it's just a story. What's so terrible?"

She bit her fingertips, thought for a while, and then asked, "by the way, why does the seed have such an ugly name as Guihuo? Isn't ghost fire something in the cemetery... How can such things take root and sprout? If they sprout, what will grow out of them? "

The boy in black laughed and said, "the seed is the kernel of the fruit. The pear seed must be the pear, and the papaya seed must be the papaya. Since the seed is called ghost fire, it means that it is the ghost... Or the devil's seed."

"Ghost? The devil The poem can't restrain the look of surprise.

The boy in black nodded and said, "yes, these ghosts once lived in a village on an island. One day, a fire came down from the sky and swept the village. Instead of saving the village, these ghosts emptied all the resources of the village, built an ark for sailing across the sea, went to the vast sea and never came back, Let the village that nurtured them for countless years and generations be destroyed and become a large desolate ruins cemetery. Before the ghosts left, they pinched out the brothers and sisters with the rocks and soil of the village and gave them seeds to guard the ruins. If the ruins come back to life one day, they will spread the seeds. "

"They go too far!" Poetry drum face, indignation.

"Do you think they're going too far?" Asked the boy in black.

The poem first nodded, then tilted her head and thought, "it's not right. Although it's too much for them to give up the village, it's not life. It's like we use a sword. If it's worn out for a long time, we'll throw it away and replace it with a new one. "

The boy in black asked, "what if the village is conscious?"

The poem was stunned, and her head couldn't turn for a moment.

The boy in black crossed the sword Hall of the competition and looked inside. This sword hall has witnessed the competition of numerous talented Chinese and native youths. Every sword mark on the wall and floor tile has written a unique story.

He has watched such a story for many years, and it has become a part of his life. If one day it disappears, I'm afraid it will be a little reluctant, right?

The wind is blowing around the sky.

The boy in black went up to the command building and continued to tell the story to the girl beside him

"Many, many years later, the village, which was almost hollowed out, showed no sign of recovery. Instead, it was torn to pieces by the sea and pushed to an unknown place. After many years, my brother found that an island around the village seemed to be rejuvenated. After discussing with my sister, my sister crossed the sea to sow seeds. The ghost behind my sister is the spirit of resentment that slowly condenses from the village. "

"Resentment spirit..." the poem listened silently, shuddered and asked, "is this the price of abandoning the village?"

"Yes." The boy in Black said: "the evil spirits in the village hate those ghosts. They swear that they will never let the evil people come back to life. So he followed his sister quietly, trying to destroy everything. "

The boy in black seems to be in memory: "my sister crossed the sea and came to that vibrant village. The village is full of dragons. Because dragons devour a special aura, they are so powerful that they are called ancient gods by later people... In fact, there were such dragons in that ruins village, but there was no aura at that time, So dragons are just a kind of life, and can't be called ancient gods. "

The poem asked curiously, "isn't that sister known as" omniscient "? Didn't she know there was a ghost following her

The boy in black explained: "when she was created, she was really omniscient, but she could not know anything beyond her knowledge. For example, before she went to the island, she did not know what the island looked like, but once she arrived at the island, her omniscient ability would be activated, and she would quickly know everything about the island. But my sister doesn't know the existence of ghosts, and ghosts are not the things that small islands and villages would put in front of her... Because I don't know, I don't know. "

The poem heard dizzy, reluctantly nodded, let brother continue to say.

The boy in Black said: "in the process of sowing seeds, my sister was opposed by the old village head of Xiaodao. The old village head wanted to kill her sister, but found that he was not her rival. The village head was very frightened. He was afraid of her revenge, so he took the initiative to escape from the village to seek the help of other village heads, and promised the village's most precious resources as reward."

"In fact, my sister doesn't want to hurt the old village head. She just wants to discuss with him how to live in peace. But she didn't know how to express her kindness. When the old village head left, she also realized that she would be retaliated. In order to protect her seeds, she took out some of the brightest ghost fires and made them powerful gods with the sun and the moon as the source. The second ghost fires stayed in the village as immortals to protect the world. These Immortals awakened one after another later. "

"Then... What about the spirit of complaint?" Asked the poem curiously.

"Resentment spirit is not as powerful as this brother and sister, so he has been watching the change, waiting for the opportunity to attack his sister." The boy in Black said: "when my sister sowed all the seeds, it was the weakest time. At that moment, the spirit of resentment stunned my sister, took away her omniscient power, buried her in the depths of the earth, and set up many seals. Everything is going well... "

"The spirit of resentment gained strength and began to grow. He wanted to destroy the seeds that had not yet sprouted, but he soon realized that his brother, who was several times stronger in power, was still alive and still had some ghost fire... Only by killing his brother, could he complete the final revenge on the ghosts who abandoned the village. How to kill the powerful brother? He began to think about it

The poem was enchanted.

They came to the top of the list.

"As for what happened later..." the boy in Black opened the door and said, "let's go in and talk slowly."

She looks at the unlit room and remembers her brother's words. She feels a little scared. She looks up at his smile and feels relieved,

The poem went in.


In the wasteland outside tianbang, the ice and snow have melted, and the earth has shown its yellow nature.

A line of fire came and stopped on the cold earth.

Rosefinch's figure stopped. She looked at the visitor and said with a faint smile, "can't my daughter rest assured of her mother? Do you want to come and have a look? "

Zhao xianger holding umbrella sword, stopped in front of the rosefinch.

She looked at the group of buildings behind the rosefinch and the sky list standing high. Her eyes were cold: "what are you doing? Why are you here? "

Today, rosefinch's eyebrows are very quiet.

She looked at the rosefinch, as if thinking about where to start a long history.

On the other side, Yuanjun appeared quietly.

Zhao Xiang'er's eyes sank and his hand was tighter.

"To kill her?" Yuan Jun asked faintly.

"How dare you?" Rosefinch's words are cold.

Yuan Jun sneered and said, "this is not your star."

The rosefinch said faintly: "for thousands of years, the gods of the stars have two shackles, one is the darkness in the sky, the other is the bondage of the stars themselves to us. The darkness in the sky is about to be erased, and the bondage of the stars can not stop my three thousand world power. I'm free, so it's possible for me to make any choice next. I advise you not to annoy me. "

Yuanjun put the overall situation first and didn't refute half a word. He turned away and disappeared in the group building of tianbang.

Zhao xianger looked at the rosefinch, at the disappearing Yuanjun, and at the tianbang behind them. At this moment, she was spiritually clear, and suddenly understood something.


Her heart tightened, looking at the sky, such as to see the real devil.

"Xiang'er, you've always been very smart. I didn't want to hide it from you even now." Rosefinch noticed her look and sighed: "but even if you guess the truth, it doesn't help. Now you can't change anything."

In the previous space-time explosion, the whole west was destroyed.

Without Zhao xianger of the kingdom of God, his strength will be greatly reduced, and he will not be able to participate in the real peak battle between Ning Changjiu and ye Chan palace.

Zhao xianger looked at her in a dazed way. After a long silence, he pointed to tianbang. His voice trembled with anger: "he... He is..."

"As you think." Rosefinch smile, look smoked drunk: "but rest assured, I will protect xianger, after all... You are our daughter."

"You lunatic!" Zhao xianger said coldly.

"Yes, I'm crazy." The rosefinch said: "but if you don't go crazy, how can you survive? For the gods, the commonness of spirit is a kind of extravagance.... "

Zhao xianger looked at the woman with a smile. Her silver teeth clenched, her body leaped up and flew away into the sky.

She wants to fly out of the sky, tell them what she thinks, and stop the battle outside the sky!

Rosefinch helplessly smile, followed, speed quickly over Zhao xianger, cut her down.

"Don't struggle in vain."

Rosefinch said with a soft smile: "that battle will be over soon... This is a ridiculous and sad decisive battle. It is ridiculous that both sides are fighting for the continuation of human civilization, and the sad thing is that no matter who wins, it is a devastating blow to human civilization. This is destined to be a tragedy, the biggest tragedy in history. "


Taixu, the peak of the duel is near the end.

In the ruins of the meteorite group, the weak Ye Chan's palace moon is stained with blood, and her body is wrapped in hot smoke. Ning long holds her petite and soft body in her arms, and flies in the dust cloud turning into powder, trying to avoid the pursuit of the doll.

The doll with long hair in the light waterfall is a real killing weapon. It seems that killing these young girls has been engraved in its belief.

Of course, these ordinary dust can not stop his eyes.

He easily locked their escape location and pursued the past like a ghost.

"Protect the fire of human civilization..."

While the puppet flying chasing, while reading this sentence, like a paranoid believer reciting devout faith.

Forced by his figure, he chopped the whole dust cloud in half with one sword. The sword went down through the cloud and locked his back for a long time.

The puppet seems to have learned the power of Taiyin!

This blow, rather long-term avoid can't avoid, he holds Ye Chan palace, forced later back for shield, block this sword light.

The sword light split his back and almost cut off his spine. His arms holding Ye Chan palace tightly tightened. Ye Chan palace could feel his pain from his arms. She couldn't get rid of the arms. She could only try her best to convey the power of life and heal the injury for him.

Ning Changchang's back is very stiff and painful, and the blood is spilled down, and it becomes a clear-cut blood bead in the universe.

Above, the huge dust is easily cut by the puppet, and the sword light and the moonlight blend together. They complement each other and burst out with endless power. At the same time, dozens of powers are launched almost at the same time, taking the death row and judgment as the core, piercing through the void, presenting a posture of killing, and stabbing to Ning Long's back.


Yechan Palace's voice is as low as a groan. She reaches out her hand and wants to start unlimited power and jump to another brand-new world line. But her hand is tied tightly and can't move.

The power and the opportunity to kill will strangle the flesh and blood on Ning Changchang's back in an instant.

This is a hundred times more bloody pain than turning over the fingernails in an instant. Ning's long-term scream almost burst out from between the teeth.

In Zifu, the land of Jinwu is shaking, and it's hard for lujiajia and Siming to support them. They fall from the throne and kneel on the ground, their shoulders contracting and shaking, just like a poor woman who has been in the snow all day.

Even if they have gathered their strength together, even if they have been supported by the monks of all mankind, they are still so powerless in the face of such peak strength.

This almost omnipotent figure butcher will fall straight from the sky, holding the silver sword, and his figure is approaching with great speed.

"Its power comes from the stars..."

The eyebrows of yechan palace trembled lightly, and the soft words between the cold lips rang out in the lake of Ninglong's heart: "if you close all the stars, you may defeat them."

Close all the stars

Ning long upper and lower teeth clenched, almost grinding together.

Since learning that the power source of the doll is the stars, Ning Long's mind, the first time flashed a similar idea.

But how can stars be sealed?

There are only two ways to close the stars. One is to destroy all the stars and directly cut off the channel of power from the source. The other is to create an isolated world similar to the kingdom of God, introduce the doll into it, lock it in the kingdom of God and punish it with the laws of the kingdom of God.

But these two are not what they can do now


The sword edge of the puppet flying in the air has reached the neck, and the sudden chill makes all the hairs on the neck stand up. When the sword edge cuts, ye Chan palace drives the moon branch to block with her mind.

With a Ding, the blade bounced away again.

Cang Lei, the judge, is still in hot pursuit, piercing Ning's back for a long time.

Ning long reluctantly turned around, protecting the master, turning back to cut the thunder.

The sword light and thunder light complement each other.

The sharp light curtain explodes again in the void, flying wildly, and blooming with spectacular colors.

More and more blood is flying in the void.

Ning's embrace has been relaxed for a long time.

Ye Chan palace can hear his sudden pulsation, but his heart beat is getting weaker and weaker.

When death came, the lonely universe was so quiet, and bits of the past flew in their minds. Yechan palace suddenly regretted that she had not done more in those eight years.

If it all ends here, they will be sorry

"I want to..." yechan palace suddenly said: "I want to see the moon again."

This sentence rings in Ning Long's ear.

He had just cut off canglei and was flying down with yechan palace. The moon covered by chaos was not far behind them.

Ye Chan palace rubs a mass of moonlight into Ning Long's arms, and then pushes him away.

Rather long a Leng, he can really feel that his arms, is the complete power of life.

Master gave him the power of life!

The power of life infiltrates into his body and heals his wounds with miraculous speed. Ning long saw the sadness in the master's eyes, which was full of the beauty of death. Just a glance made his heart like a knife.

"What are you going to do?" Ning Changchang's injury slightly healed, and his body moved. He rushed to the master and wanted to take her back.

But also at this moment, the figure of the puppet Chase also arrived.

It fell between them like a dark river, separating them.

Ye Chan palace open arms, face Ning long, fall toward the black moon, lips outlined a relief smile.

It's like dying

How can Kening watch her die?

The power of life restored his flesh and blood, and his aura was surging in his body. He held the silver sword, and his eyes were about to split. He waved the light of the sword, which broke the world, and cut at the black figure in front of him.

But the doll ignored him.

After a short judgment, the puppet stabs Ye Chan palace with the blade.

It chose to kill Ye Chan Palace first.

The figure of the doll comes in a flash.

His blade easily pierced the belly of yechan palace and pierced out from behind.

Ning Changchang watched this scene, and his breathing stopped. The next beat of his heart seemed to tear his whole body apart... Even if they had already realized that they were defeated and died, this moment really came. When the puppets crushed them with a force far beyond their imagination, and then sent the blade into yechan Palace, Ning Changchang was almost desperate, but it was also the moment, Every drop of his blood was ignited, and he was more angry than ever!

In the lake of pure white heart, Liu Xiwan, who is nearly unconscious, wakes up vaguely. She feels the call, and then reaches out her hand to merge with Ning Changjiu again, cutting out the sword that is more on the top of the world!

The sword lit up the doll's back neck, and the light pressed down its long hair.

But the doll's expression is still cold to the freezing point.

"Death row, garrison."

He opened his mouth lightly and stopped the sword with these two powers.

On the other side, its sword edge has pierced the body of yechan palace, and another kind of power is attached to the sword edge quickly, which will explode the body of yechan Palace at one stroke.

"Disaster." It's giving the word again.

The sword that pierced into yechan palace exploded.

Also at this moment, ye Chan palace suddenly looked up, eyes clear, the sadness disappeared without a trace, instead, is carved into the bone marrow of perseverance and determination!

Her eyes go over the doll's shoulder and stare at Ning Changjiu. Between her thin lips, the cold words suddenly ring out in Ning Changjiu's heart lake

"One sword... Only one sword! Kill it

For the first time since Ning long met her, her voice was so hasty and decisive.

The sword of the puppet pierces her body, and the power of disaster is released. It explodes in her body, but the body of yechan palace is safe and sound.

Where's the missing explosion?

Soon, the doll got the answer.

The moon is exploding!

At that moment, yechan palace grafted the "disaster" exploded in her body onto the moon.

This is the peak blow of the puppet. The endless energy explodes inside the moon prisoner, tearing it apart in high-speed expansion, and the chaotic body attached to the moon prisoner's surface is also lifted away with the explosion of the moon prisoner, and under the effect of the shock wave, it comes back to Ye Chan Palace and the puppet.

At the same time, the power of the dream, when the doll does not respond, invades its sea of knowledge.

It has been proved in the previous "pollution" that the mental ability of a doll is relatively fragile. Although it is not fatal, it is definitely a way to delay its action.

Ye Chan palace deliberately let it assassinate itself, in order to take the opportunity to detonate the moon prisoner, cover the starry sky with chaos, and cut off its source of power.

When Ning long ago used the earth as a bow and shot himself out, he was in the core of the chaotic body and pierced it with a sword! This also proves that the Dark Lord who has isolated the starry sky in chaos is fragile.

But it is so powerful, why use chaos to weaken itself?

It's time to think about the answer.

The prisoner of the moon has exploded, and they have no way out. This sword, whether successful or not, will be his last. When the light of the sword flashes, life and death will be decided in a flash!

Chaos body, silver sword straight down!

At the same time, Jinwu flew out, the door of red sun opened, and the figures of Siming and Lu Jiajia flew out, one left and one right, cutting out enough light to cut off the gods with a clever arc.

The women in the two roles have been supporting the temple for a long time. Their palms are full of blood, but their swords are not half slow.

This is the killing skill they practiced many times!

The sword light almost hit the doll's body at the same time.

Once again, a daze flashed on the doll's cold cheek.

"Protect... Mankind... The fire of civilization... Never die out..."

Intermittent words came out of his mouth.

The three sword Qi flow together. Each sword light is an ice blade inserted into the joint and a bone chopping knife used to crush the arm and leg. Their power pours out and lights up the chaotic body. Without the support of stars, the doll becomes fragile and the surface is torn to pieces.

After the sword light, the strong wind and waves suddenly raised, which opened the chaotic body which was closed for a short time.

"Don't let it shine on the stars!" Ye Chan Palace's soft voice is hoarse.

They don't know if this strike has killed this masterpiece of the previous civilization, but it has only one chance. If it can see the stars again, the effort of this sword will be in vain.

Rather than think too much for a long time, Ning directly launched the kingdom of Jinwu, bringing the broken doll into the world with the red sun.

The light flashed away and the gold flew back.

The surface of the chaotic body is still shaking. The fragments of the moon prisoners are shooting around. The light of the sword gradually dissipates. Ye Chan palace covers her abdomen. Her porcelain white cheeks and eyelids are half drooping. Siming and Lu Jiajia hold a broken tiger's mouth. The sharp pain makes their lips and teeth tremble.

In the pure white heart lake, Liu Xiwan bit his lips and knelt on the lake, his body moving like water.

Ning Changjiu's sword hand slowly dropped, and his broken white clothes fluttered in the air.

The universe is silent.

They seem to have defeated the invincible enemy, but for some reason, no one is happy. On the contrary, everyone is at a loss, as if all this is meaningless

"Have you killed them?" Lu looked at him and asked softly.

Siming also looked at him, blood red lips delicate.

I'd rather close my eyes for a long time to see the kingdom of Jinwu from the perspective of Taiyin.

The doll is lying in the kingdom of God, his body is broken, and the delicate light behind his head has disappeared. It closed its eyes and didn't know life or death.

Even if it doesn't die, maybe it can be locked in the kingdom of Jinwu forever

"We... Seem to have won." I'd rather say it for a long time.

He could not feel the joy of exterminating the enemy. Why? Is it because the doll kept whispering that "the fire of human civilization will not be extinguished"?

incorrect! I will never change my choice for the sorrow and happiness of the enemy

It's better to have a headache for a long time.

The four seemed to have been spared their strength and had no communication.

Ye Chan palace covered her blood and fainted abdomen, and said gently, "OK, that's it. We've accomplished our mission, and now... It's time to close all the world lines. "

"All the world lines?" Simang was surprised and vaguely felt that it had something to do with unlimited power.

"Well, the world line." Ye Chan palace nodded and said, "this is also the reason for the long rebirth of this life."

Ye Chan palace stretched out her hand.

Previously, she combined infinity with time, space and light, and the power is in her hands now.


Ye Chan palace whispers.

Power unfolds.

Then, an incredible picture slowly spread out in front of their eyes.

They are no longer in the void, but in a strange space, surrounded by many colorful lines. And they're in one of those lines right now.

"These pillars of light are different world lines." Ye Chan palace stood beside them and explained: "at the end of the previous life, I should have known that the plan would be defeated. So after obtaining the time and space, I went back to the Taoist temple. When you are about to ascend, I stabbed you in the chest with a sword, took out the light in your body with the moon branch, and fused it into infinity, and then..."

Ye Chan palace looked at the pillars of light and said: "then, with unlimited power, I divide the original single world line into infinite many... These world lines represent infinite possibilities. In most of the world lines, you will normally worship me and be accepted as a disciple by me. But the infinite charm also lies in this, there are always some world lines, you will not be able to enter my door because of all kinds of accidents, but in different parts of the world, doing different things, for example, in this life, when you were 16 years old, you were still a disciple of an old Taoist. "

"But doing so may also cause the disorder of time and space, because as long as one of these seemingly parallel lines deviates slightly, it will cause a lot of collisions. At that time, the world lines will devour each other, and the consequences will be unimaginable. So, after we get the only "positive solution", we have to draw back the world line to prevent accidents. "

Ye Chan palace, holding infinity in her hand, whispered:

"It all starts with me, and it will end with me. Next, I will bring all the world lines together again. The history we write at this moment will also be the only history."

I'd rather look up for a long time. He found that other world lines, long or short, stagnated at a certain moment. They are the only ones who keep going. They are the only world line that has defeated the Dark Lord. The world line keeps moving forward, and finally surpasses all the lines, and those lines that are surpassed slowly gather towards them. All the tragedies that have happened in the rest of the world will be obliterated at this moment. No one can tamper with history any more. They and all mankind will have a bright future. At the moment, many people in the world are still looking up at the explosion of the moon in horror, unable to determine the war situation“ I didn't expect that they did In the sky list, the boy in black walked out slowly and said: "I can feel that the unlimited power has been opened, and the closure of the world line is irreversible. After so many years... We have finally succeeded." Yuanjun stood by his side, listening to his words, and finally gave a long sigh of relief“ The gods live forever. " Yuanjun closed his eyes and made a blessing ceremony“ The gods live forever. " The boy in black also had a faint smile“ What are you waiting for? " Yuan Jun looked at the boy in black and asked“ Well The boy in black looked at him. Yuanjun and he looked at each other, looking at the vicissitudes of life. He said solemnly and respectfully, "go to the throne of a new world, Lord of darkness."( Thank you for your reward! Thank you for your support ~)

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