Jiulingtai is towering like a hill, with thousands of stone steps extending up. At the top, there is a bronze statue of a giant bird flying into the sky.

It was the place where Zhao's Royal relatives and relatives were sacrificed, and it was also the holy land for the annual sacrifice to Gaotian.

There are eight huge copper stoves around the lower end of jiulingtai. At this moment, one of them is on fire. The turbulent flame is spitting out heat waves, and the stars are flying among them.

Ningqishui's corpse, even if covered with a piece of white cloth, still can see the blood and flesh rot, white bone sores.

Song glanced at the young girl behind him. The girl frowned. She was in great pain. But the young man who had just dared to speak wild would not have any more ridiculous ideas when he saw the live scene?

But song side carefully observed Ning for a long time, but he couldn't see much emotion on his face.

Oh, pretend to be calm.

The song side just wants to say a few words, see rather long walked past, toward that corpse tiny bow body, be regarded as a line a gift.

Ning Xiaoling nervously looked at him, followed him, closed his eyes, and gave a hypocritical salute to an old man in his heart.

Song side hands overlap in front of the abdomen, robe sleeve drooping.

Nowadays, wars often break out between the state of Zhao and the state of Yao, and it's not a day before death. So when he looks at the two brothers and sisters, he can't feel any compassion. He just wants to see them off soon.

In his mind, Ning long had come to him and said, "let's go."

Song side relaxed tone, thought that this young man eventually gave up, he naturally won't say what sarcastic words, just said: "someone will send you later."

Ning Changjiu shook his head: "Mr. Song, I mean to go to the little general's mansion."

Song's face changed dramatically: "what do you say?"

Ning Changjiu said: "last night was not peaceful. There was a change in the house of the young general. The dead should be the son of General Wang Jinyu."

"Who told you that?" Song asked.

Ning Changjiu said: "deduction and calculation."

Song side did not speak, he looked at the youth in front of the eyes has changed: "a little interesting."

Ning long looks at him quietly.

After a while, song took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "come with me."


The house of the young general was lined up with servants and servants. Several bodyguards stood up with their swords, their brows locked, and they were afraid.

"Since the death of General Wang Yanyu, the young general has placed many Buddhist statues in his home. Today, the young general worships incense as usual. After three bows, his head plops on the ground and never gets up. The maid feels wrong. She goes to see him and smells the smell of blood... His neck is cut open, but his chest is not seriously injured, but there is a lot of blood seeping through it, The blood was in the shape of a strange bird through the clothes


"Yes! This is the fifth person. All the dead people will have this blood mark on their chest, including the Taoists who are invited to practice

"Has this ever happened before?"


"What happened twenty days ago?"

Song side looked at the childish young man, looking a little unhappy, "young man, you follow your master to practice, you may have learned some skills, but you can't be saved by anyone."

As he spoke, song side had already crossed the threshold with him and walked towards the house of the young general. Ning Xiaoling followed them and did not dare to interrupt.

Entering the gate, the smell of blood is pungent, and the thick black plasma is winding like a snake. At the end of the plasma, in front of Zhuang Yan Baoxiang's Golden Buddha statue, a strong young man who has already lost his breath is kneeling. Looking back, the skin on his neck is rotting like hot water.

Ning Xiaoling covered her nose and mouth, and could not help stepping back two steps.

Ning Changjiu walks up to him, squats down, and tears off his chest without changing his face. The strange bird pattern is made up of countless small red dots, which seems to be the trace of thousands of needles.

Ning long looked for a while, looking at the frowned song side, and asked, "Mr. Song, what happened twenty days ago?"

Song's face was also angry: "you Taoists just drive away evil spirits. If you can, you will drive away evil spirits. If you can't, you will let those who can come. How can there be so many problems?"

Ning Changjiu said: "before the ghosts are removed, people will die all the time. If we can find the crux, it will be much easier."

Song side looked at him, wanted to be angry, finally sighed: "go back, in a few days, I think the monks outside the world will arrive at the palace, then everything will be settled."

Ning Changchang asked: "if tomorrow is the song adult?"

Ning Xiaoling was surprised and looked at the elder martial brother in horror. She thought to herself, how dare you speak like this in the palace?

Song side stares at him, ask: "you care about this matter so, after all want to get what?"

Ning didn't answer for a long time. Some of the tense atmosphere was broken by the sound outside the door.

"Your Majesty is here!"

Song's face changed slightly, and other officials accompanied by him went out and knelt down to greet him.

On the luxurious chariot at the door, a man in bright yellow robes came down. Although the man was young, he had some imperial dignity.

He stood at the door, motioned the officials and bodyguards to straighten up, and then looked at the hall from a distance.

The guards around him are bowing and talking to him.

The young emperor listened, with a look of sadness on his face. He generously said a few words, which were about the praise of the father and son's meritorious service and the regret of their strange death.

Then he raised his front and tried to cross the threshold. The officials around him tried to dissuade him. They looked sad one by one. They said that although his Majesty was noble and noble, the state of Zhao is in danger now. We should take good care of the dragon body. How can we try this?

The young emperor stopped in the crowd's dissuasion.

As he spoke, the young emperor vaguely saw the young girls standing in the middle of the hall, with a look of displeasure. However, they were dressed in Taoist robes, but they did not break out. He asked the officials around him with a look of sadness, which seemed relieved, and he rode back to the palace in his chariot.

Ning Xiaoling took back her eyes and said in a low voice: "this kind of hypocrisy... Is also the king of a country?"

Ning long smile, asked: "if you are the emperor, you will come in?"

Ning Xiaoling said in a low voice: "how can a woman be an emperor?"

When the young monarch returned to the palace, the officials dispersed. When song came back, he was more and more displeased to see that the elder martial brothers and sisters were still standing here.

Just now, your majesty came here. If you don't kneel down, your majesty is kind and doesn't blame you. What are you still doing here?

He didn't want to entangle with the young man again. He said to the bodyguard around him, "arrange for Wuzuo to come for the autopsy, and then send someone to send the two Taoist priests out of the city."

Ning long did not seem to hear him speak, still standing in the same place, his eyes have fallen to the depths of the hall.

"Who?" Ning Changchang asked.

Deep in the hall, an old voice came with some surprise.

"I have good eyesight. Where can I learn from you?"

Deep in the dark hall, a wooden crutch with deep wood grain gently taps on the ground. Then, along the crutch, the image is like fine sand condensation. An old man with a bent body slowly appears, but he seems to be separated from the crowd by a piece of fog, unable to see his real face.

Ning long looked at him quietly and didn't answer.

Song was surprised, and then looked upright, as if from the heart of respect and piety: "Lord wizard, how did you get out of the pass?"

The old man, who was called the wizard master, gave a dry smile. "When I was tired of reading, I came out for a walk."

Song side vaguely heard what book he was reading, so he looked more respectful: "congratulations to you, you must be close to the way of heaven."

The old man waved his hand, did not answer, but looked at the body kneeling in front of the statue. The old man slowly raised his hand, and the air around him seemed to stagnate with his action.

Song side seems to eat a reassuring pill, said with a smile: "now the witch Lord adult clearance, so evil and filthy where there is shelter?"

The sleeves of the old man's robe puffed up, and the empty shadow across the mist swayed. Between the ancient gray sleeves, a dry finger like burnt wood slowly emerged from the mist and pointed at the corpse.

When no one speaks, they hold their breath.

Ning long look slightly changed.

Before the old man's fingers touched the corpse, an extremely unpleasant burning smell suddenly came. Then, someone screamed. Suddenly, a nameless fire broke out under the corpse. The fire just spread in an instant and covered all the corpses. The fire seemed to start from hell and was cold everywhere.

With the fireworks, the mysterious sorcerer also withdrew his hand. After the light fog, the Sorcerer's breath sank and his voice seemed to be angry

"Mr. Xueyu?"

With these three words, the fog faded like sand, and the wizard disappeared.

On the cliff to the north of the Imperial City, in the gray forest with withered trunk, stands an ancient towering tower.

The ancient copper casting platform is pulled by several huge iron chains, and buried deep in the dead forest, under the huge disc shaped like an altar, there is an ancient pagoda like spire, which is hard to reach by light. Down the slope of the ancient pagoda, every window is dark, and there is no light.

In the ancient pagoda connected with the altar, a white haired old man sat with his knees crossed. His forehead was narrow, but his jaw was wide and sharp. His skin color was like the dead wood in the forest, and the pupils hidden under his wrinkled eyelids were like the eyes of dead fish in muddy water.

The old man was dressed in a snow-white linen shirt, wrapped around his thin trunk, dark on all sides, only a beam of light fell from the central spire, just on his back.


The old man suddenly opened his eyes and closed the scroll in his hand.

"It's time to make a comeback... It's time to die!"

He rubbed the jagged and broken pages of the book, and he didn't know whether he was happy or sad, and the page was like a fire licking his fingers.

It's a little hot The witch Lord, who was in the seclusion, mysteriously appeared and disappeared, leaving only a burnt wood like body on the ground. They were shocked and then reacted. They were even more frightened when they thought of the word that the sorcerer had said before he disappeared. They began to whisper to each other. Ning Xiaoling asked in a low voice: "what is xueyujun..." Ning Changjiu said: "the legendary goblin is said to be a variant of the red feather Falcon in the mountains after being stained with the blood of the rosefinch God. It is half demon and half god, hiding in the world. It is very powerful, but it rarely appears, and there are few records about it." Ning Xiaoling stare big eyes, although is full of doubt, but did not continue to speak. On one side, song's hands trembled, his eyes turned, his face changed, and he whispered: "Mr. Xueyu? How can... Shouldn't it be her... "Ning Changjiu asked:" who is she? " Song's face was a little crazy, and he didn't pay attention to his questions. The people around him sighed and said, "she is..." but before he continued, there was another voice outside the hall door, which interrupted his next words. A young man in green was kneeling at the door, looking a little frightened: "Your Highness... Your highness is here!" In the misty autumn rain, in front of the hall door of the little general's mansion, the thin umbrellas support the dark red old umbrella surface, quietly in full bloom.

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