There is another cave in tianku peak.

For hundreds of years, with the efforts of generations of practitioners, most of this huge mountain has been hollowed out.

In the mountain, there are countless caves like beehives. At the end of those caves, there are about ten steps. The front part of the steps is made of stone, while the half part after the turning of the steps is mainly made of wooden steps. Following the steps forward, the sight turns to be open, and suddenly you can see a piece of adjoining huge space.

And those spaces are not dark, because every piece of stone brick and rock body is shining, and all the living places are carved close to the mountains. The furnishings are elegant. Sleeping beds, incense tables, burners, Bogu frames and so on are all made into classic shows.

In the center of the peak, there is a huge round wood standing upright in the sight. The huge wood is made of innumerable pieces of wood, and many huge wooden arms are extended to support everything in the peak world.

"This is the winding dragon pillar. From the foot of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, this is the central axis of all the buildings in the mountain, the book Pavilion, the hidden peak and many organ structures. It is said that it was built by the first generation of ancestors who led dozens of overhaul walkers for more than ten years. This winding dragon pillar can't burn fire, and the sword can't be cut off. Even at the peak of the purple court, it's hard to destroy it." Yazhu introduced to them the giant wood with the tip of the iceberg, with a faint pride.

Ning Xiaoling sincerely praised: "it's so powerful."

She looked at the huge wood, which was called the dragon column, and felt that it was more like a big tree. The whole mountain was its scattered branches and leaves.

"Entangle the dragon pillar..." Ning long thought slightly sink, think of some ancient books on the record.

It is said that in ancient times, there were some mountain like pillars in Nanming, Yunguo, guhuang and other places, where ancient dragons lived. Many ancient pillars even had scales left on them. Those scales were collected and could be cast into precious armor. Those armor were extremely rare and were called Cang scale armor.

But I don't know why, since a thousand years ago, there have been very few real dragons in ancient times. Only the descendants of ancient dragons are still active.

Ning Xiaoling sighed and asked: "isn't it good to live outside the mountain? Why do you have to dig out the whole mountain so hard? "

Many of the disciples who came to Yujian Tianzong for the first time had similar problems.

Yazhu thought for a while and asked, "Xiaoling, what do you think is the significance of practice?"

Ning Xiaoling pondered for a while, said: "repair Avenue, seek longevity?"

Yazhu nodded and asked, "if you know that you can't build a road, you can't live forever?"

Looking at the huge, complex and exquisite mountain world, Ning Xiaoling thought, "then do something you like?"

Yazhu said: "most of the practitioners have no chance to see the real road in their life. Long life is the peak... How old is their life? In the past hundred years, we can't mourn because we can't make progress all day long. Instead, we have to do something meaningful, such as changing the world. "

"Change the world?" This word stirred up a small wave in Ning Xiaoling's heart. She suddenly remembered something and asked, "but Master Lu said to me that practitioners should avoid the world."

Yazhu said with a smile, "it's not a conflict. Every year in the month of no God, the monks kill demons for the world. Many of them will go back to protect a family and a city after their long life. There are also a large number of monks participating in many non-governmental anti war organizations."

Ning Xiaoling nodded her head forcefully. Suddenly she turned her head to Ning Changjiu and asked seriously, "elder martial brother, what do you think is the purpose of practicing

Yazhu also looked at him, thinking that the young man seemed to have great ambition in his heart, but those unchangeable congenital conditions doomed him to have only a glimpse of the scenery at the entrance of the avenue.

But she also wondered what the teenager would say?

Ning long hardly thought about anything. He said calmly: "practice is to explain the world."



"Why don't you choose this room? It's on the east side. You can see it the first time when the sun comes out."

"The clouds are too thick here. Even if it's sunny, you can't really see it. It's not good."

"Let's go to this room. The clouds are so thin that we can even see the lake in the distance."

"It's overcast in the mountains. The light is dim all the year round. It's not good."

"And this one? There's plenty of light and aura. Are you ok now, elder martial brother? "

"Well... Now it's winter. The north wind is too cold. It's easy to catch cold after sitting for a long time. It's not good."

"Ah, I'm half a practitioner. How can I catch cold so easily? Besides, elder martial brother, you don't mean to let me choose for myself. How come I'm not satisfied with it? Elder martial brother is always cheating

"Many fathers in the world tell their daughters that in the future, you'd better choose what you like for your husband, but when the truth comes, it must be another thing."

"Well... Elder martial brother, what do I think of you now? You feel like an undercover from the demon sect!"

"I'm just making suggestions. If my younger martial sister really wants to choose, of course I won't stop her."

"Elder martial brother has so many opinions. If you have the ability to move to live with the master, the main hall of the peak is so beautiful, and you have a broad vision, you should be able to satisfy elder martial brother!" Ning Xiaoling replied.

"..." Ning long wanted to talk and stopped, and finally said, "you pick, elder martial brother, you don't talk." In the end, Ning Xiaoling decides on a room facing the north. Ning Changjiu chooses the room next to her. He sat down by the window and adapted to the view. Outside the mountain, the snow had drifted slowly. He looked at the vast sky and clouds in the north, and suddenly he had a sharp feeling in his heart, but he didn't know what it meant. He pondered for a while, but could not get his thoughts. So Ning long has been sitting, that pair of white sleeves stacked on his lap, the window is open, the cool wind from south to north, blowing his eyebrows, long black hair fluttering in the wind. At the age of sixteen, he also liked to sit still and look out of the cliff. Now that the scenery has changed, the six elder martial brothers and sisters should still be the same as usual. It's just that there's a little younger martial brother who's closed. It seems that we have to continue to trouble sixth elder martial brother. He couldn't help laughing at the thought that the silver haired sixth elder martial brother was forced to be busy. After thinking for many days, he couldn't figure out why he went back 12 years ago. However, the 16-year-old himself didn't meet Shifu, but he finally changed his name to Ning Changjiu. Is it true that there is no coincidence in this world? However, the thought that the six elder martial brothers and sisters are still in the same world with him now, and that they will be able to meet each other in the future, makes him feel happy. He never thought that it was really important for him to be successful. It was just a task arranged for him by the master before he closed the door. The 24 years of spring and autumn in that view is the past that he most cherishes. So when Ning Xiaoling asked him today, he gave that answer. Although he called it longevity, what he wanted at the moment was not longevity. He wants to know the root cause of what happened to him, and how the world is operating now. What does the birth and formation of the immortals, the twelve hermits and the spirit swallowing people floating in the ruins indicate? Of course, most importantly, he still wants to know what master is going to do? It's her way to turn back the clock for 12 years... The clouds are like the white curtain dancing wildly in the gale, blowing in front of her eyes one by one. He suddenly took out the withered branch and put it on the table. He looked at the surface of the withered branch, which was as smooth as a mirror as black iron. It originated from his body, but he didn't know what it was. He had tried to destroy it, but no matter what, he couldn't leave any trace on its surface. But he knew that it must have something to do with master“ Is this my sword and my coffin? " He recalled the sentence. This is the last word he heard in his last life, which he should have heard 12 years later The first snow in winter came and went quickly. Before the color of the snow on the top of the mountain was exhausted, the wind and snow gradually dispersed. At night, the stars are shining all over the sky, and the wind driven by the aura flows across the mountains with a bit of bitterness. It makes a long and sad sound in the natural grottoes of tiankufeng. The earth roared. It's like crying in the sky. Whether they are the inner disciples in the peak or the outer disciples at the foot of the mountain, many of them will choose to meditate at this moment to absorb the brightness of the stars, the sun and the moon. When the four seasons change, the heaven and the earth always have the secret of heaven, and if they have a chance to get a glimpse of something, it will be of great benefit. But Ning Changjiu didn't fight against the clock to draw spiritual power to fill the sea of Qi, nor did he meditate to find the ray of Providence. He still sat still. He lacks a knife, which he must have seen in his previous life. He needs to figure out what it is. The knock on the door broke his mind“ Elder martial brother In the night, Ning Xiaoling cat came in with her body and called softly“ Well Ning Changchang was slightly surprised and said: "it's said in the sect rules that the disciples of Fengzhong are not allowed to have private intercourse at night. If other people see it, it's not good to tell Lu Jiajia."“ Elder martial brother, how many bad sentences have you said today? It's not good to say so many bad sentences. " Ning Xiaoling lowered his voice, walked to him silently and sat down“ Good Ning long smiles and nods. In the night, Ning Xiaoling's eyes are more clear and bright“ Elder martial brother, I want to talk to you about one thing, and then I'll leave. "

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