The young man in Green's face was angular, his face was pale because he had not seen the light for a long time, and his long hair was as boring as the weeds in autumn.

I don't know if it's because he's been looking at the stone wall for a long time. His pupils are iron blue.

He half opened his eyes, but his eyes flashed like a wolf.

He stares at Ning Changchang warily, his voice is still dry and hoarse, but several iron swords around him stand up one after another, with hostility: "who are you? Why are you here? "

Ning looked at him for a long time without any unnecessary action. He said straightforwardly, "you want to use your body as a sword embryo, and use the sword meaning and fire to refine your body and orifices. This method is right in itself, but your body is not strong enough, so it will not be worth the loss."

The young man in green stares at him and asks, "I'm the same age in terms of talent and will. Why do you think I'm wrong?"

Ning Changchang said: "because I have seen people who practice in this way, and she has gone to a very far place, and your body is getting weaker and weaker. If you go on like this, you will die."

The person he talked about is the fourth elder martial sister. She likes short skirts, short hair, sharp eyebrows and eyes. She always carries a weapon box with more than ten different weapons in it. She is like a peacock to open the screen when she is defeated. The most important thing is that she has been cultivating her physique for many years, and has been fighting against numerous demons in close combat. She has already forged herself into a peerless weapon.

She and the fifth elder martial brother were originally a pair of brothers and sisters, but it is said that the fourth elder martial sister paid homage to her teacher faster, so the brothers and sisters became elder martial sisters and younger martial brothers.

The young man in green slowly adjusted his body and tried to stabilize the uneasy heart of the sword. He said, "according to the rules of the clan, you can't disturb people and shut up. Are you looking for death?"

Rather long thought is not you did not close the door, then said: "if you want to continue to fall, then I do not disturb you."

The young man in Green's face was changeable. When he was about to turn and leave, he asked, "do you know who I am?"

Ning long shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The young man in green only regarded him as a liar and said, "in any case, after you go out, don't tell anyone else about my practice! Especially Shifu... "


Ning Changjiu nodded his head gently, which could understand him.

I think he is also a gifted disciple of Fengzhong. He wanted to seek a breakthrough behind closed doors, but he never thought that because he had built a branch road, his realm would not rise but fall, and most importantly, his body would be broken.

Among the disciples of the same age, this is the gap between excellent disciples and real talents.

Used to be a real genius, who can accept mediocrity?

The green clothes youth stares at him, don't understand a way: "your dress, is an outside door disciple?"

Rather long do not like and unfamiliar people nonsense, just nodded: "yes."

The young man in Qingyi is suspicious. According to the rules of the school, how can the outer disciples have the chance to enter the hidden peak? Even the inner disciples are granted the Dharma with the approval of the master, so that they can have the chance to practice in the place with the most abundant aura.

He knew it in his heart, and thought that this man was not a simple disciple. Maybe some elder in the peak had become a monk and returned to the old childhood. Thinking of this, he could not help but pay more respect.

The young man in Green's tone was relaxed and asked, "what's your opinion on my practice?"

Ning long thought for a while, seriously gave his advice: "don't practice."


"Are you kidding me?" The young man in green frowned.

Ning Changchang said, "you should know your body better than I do."

The young man in Green's eyebrows showed a kind of stoicism and ruthlessness, and said, "master, this is how to practice. Why can't I?"

Ning thought for a long time and explained: "Lu Jiajia is a rare sword spirit in the world, so you can not only cultivate the body as a sword, but also cultivate all things as a sword. Even if your talent and will are similar to her, there is a big gap between your physique."

"The sword spirit is the same as the body..." the young man in Tsing Yi looked blankly and said, "then I can't catch up with master's step in my whole life?"

Ning Changjiu said: "everyone has his own way."

The young man in green suddenly responded. He just called his master's name by his own name. Is he really some elder who has returned to his old age? But if you want to repair it like this, at least you'll be a long-lived overhaul traveler

He looked at Ning for a long time with more complicated eyes.

The boy in green asked, "what should I do now? I have no chance to give up the road of cultivation... "

Ning Changchang said: "there are two choices. One is to give up temporarily, delay for a year and a half, and warm and nourish the spirit again. The other is to become a real sword body."

The young man in Qing Yi's eyebrows were shocked, and his voice trembled a little: "the real sword body?"

Ning long nodded: "well, after the formation of Tianjian fetus."

The young man in green asked: "what I'm going to do now is to marry the Queen's sword..."

Ning long interrupted: "your method is wrong, the result is naturally wrong."

The boy in green asked, "what should I do?"

Ning Changchang asked, "do you have the spirit of heaven?"

The young man in green was stunned. He thought that the other party didn't really know that he was... Also, he didn't know that there was someone like him in neifeng. He should be an elder or martial uncle who was also in Yinfeng and just left.

"Yes." He nodded.

The young man in green clothes not only has the spirit of heaven, but also has a very high level of quality. He has a cloud like body and a sheep's horn.

Ning Changjiu frets in his heart, thinking that the experiment is coming?

He said in a sincere tone: "let's make a deal. Do something for me. I'll tell you the formula for the formation of Houtian sword fetus."

The young man in green asked, "do you have a sword fetus?"

Ning Changjiu said, "No."

The young man in green looked distrustful and said, "you don't have it yourself. What can you do to persuade me?"

Ning Changjiu said: "there is a risk in Tianjian fetus after marriage. I don't have to and don't want to take this risk. You are different. You don't have many choices."

The boy in Green's face was uncertain.

"What do you want?" He asked.

Ning Changjiu said: "show me your congenital spirit. I want to... Confirm one thing."


"Congenital spirit?" The boy in Green's face changed slightly and said, "what do you want to see this for?"

Ning Changjiu said: "the book says that congenital spirit has no congenital consciousness. I want to know if it's true."

The young man in green immediately said, "isn't it universally acknowledged? Need additional confirmation? "

Ning Changjiu said, "I only believe what I see."

The young man in Green said, "who are you? How can I trust you... "

He can't see what realm the other party is. From his perspective, the other party seems to be just an ordinary person who doesn't enter the mystery. But judging from his temperament and manner, how can people believe that he is just an ordinary person? What means should he use to cover his own realm, but what is the purpose of doing so?

Ning couldn't make up a convincing identity for a long time, but said, "I have a deep relationship with Lu. Now it's not convenient to say, believe it or not."

The young man in Green said, "how can you prove that you can help me form a post Heaven Sword fetus?"

Ning long thought about it and said, "I can give you the second half first. You can judge for yourself."

The young man in green was staring at him with vigilance, as if the heart of the sword was struggling, and the iron sword beside him also kept trembling.

"Good!" He hesitated for a long time, and finally a syllable burst out of his mouth.

Ning long walked into the space where he was closed. Because the young man in green had been practicing here for a long time, every stalagmite was like a sword, with a faint, tapered sword meaning.

Ning Changjiu saw the swords as if they were nothing. He went directly to the young man in Qingyi and sat down with his knees crossed. With a hook of his finger, an iron sword on the ground flew out and was held in his hand.

He brushed the bluestone board in front of him and began to write with his sword as a pen.

"Your handwriting is good. I've practiced it for many years." Looking at the handwriting on the slate on the ground, the young man in green praised from the bottom of his heart.

Ning long roughly calculated the days when he taught Ning Xiaoling to write, and replied, "thirteen days."

Green clothes youth tiny Leng, feel in front of this person either is a real expert, or is very insincere.

Within a quarter of an hour, the slate was covered with dense handwriting. He stood aside and closed his eyes.

The young man in Green took a look at him. He felt nervous and rubbed his teeth gently. He took a deep breath, looked down and looked at him seriously.

"The body is the embryo, the spirit is the yuan, and the mind is born with the sun and the moon. It is thought that the time of the sun and the moon is on the Sunday, and the heart of the sword is hammered three times..."

The young man in green didn't like it at first, but the more he looked at it, the more frightened he felt. He recalled the process of cultivating sword fetus, and many of the difficulties and problems seemed to have been solved.

"It turns out that the date of forging is not calculated according to the normal hour, but according to the day of the week when the body runs..."

"It turns out that it's not the physical body that bears the hammer forging of the sword body, but the congenital spirit..."

"I need herbal medicine to soak my body, which flavor is it..."

The young man in green clothes thinks that many words fall in his eyes, which is one of the broad and bright thoughts. However, some paragraphs are confused because they are not referred to in the preceding paragraph.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head, wiped his forehead sweat, iron blue pupil is like a piece of raw iron.

He looked at Ning Changchang, and his words showed some respect. He said, "are you the same generation as master?"

Ning long opened his eyes, a little thought, lazy to make up identity, just shook his head.

The young man in Qingyi was surprised. Is his mind a generation higher than master?

However, it seems that the other party does not want to disclose his identity. As a younger generation, he will not ask.

He thought that he was still struggling with the method of cultivating immortals and breaking the long life, while the other side was already exploring the problem of congenital spiritual origin. There was a huge gap between himself and him, and he didn't know whether the martial uncle had entered the legendary purple court.

Ning took a long look at him. No longer hesitated, the young man in green immediately summoned his own spirit. Before the aura gathered like a cloud, it gradually solidified into a snowy body, with two round eyes on the body, and two gray horns on the forehead, just like a young sheep with four legs cut off. Although he was sure that the other side was a big man, he was still nervous when he sent the congenital spirit to the opposite side. Xiantianling is a natural aid to the cultivation of Taoism, which is both prosperous and harmful. Therefore, it can only be used to resist the opponent at a critical moment, and has a surprising effect. Therefore, at ordinary times, the first spirit will not easily call out the body. Many people even choose to hide whether they have the innate spirit or not“ Don't try to use the spirit to operate it, my test needs to be independent. " Ning Changjiu said“ Good The boy in green nodded. Ning long looked at the little goat with aura, then put his hand in front of his eyes and began to do the three tests he expected. He first explored its body with weak aura, looking for physiological characteristics such as flesh and blood, meridians and orifices, and observed whether it would include other substances and body reactions besides aura. Next, Ning Changjiu put his hand in front of his pupil. His fingertip aura condenses and suddenly gives out a bright light to test whether his pupil will contract. After repeated several times, he wrapped xiantianling with a trace of Daoyuan for the final test. The young man in Green's eyebrows trembled and pursed his mouth tightly. It seemed that he was in some pain, but he didn't speak. Ning Changjiu carefully infiltrated into his body with Daoyuan. The internal structure of xiantianling was magnified many times in the sea of knowledge. He carefully searched to find out whether it had the weak current generated by brain activity. A quarter of an hour later, Ning took back his hand and shook his head imperceptibly“ All right Ning long opened his eyes and finally looked at the little sheep. The young man in Green's back was wet with sweat. When he heard Ning Changjiu's words, he was granted amnesty and gave a long sigh of relief. He sincerely stares at Ning Changjiu, takes the congenital spirit back into his body, holds a sword ceremony falsely, and says: "please honor your promise." Ning long grabbed a sword and began to carve. He asked casually, "what's your name?" Qingyi youth quickly respectfully said: "younger generation south, south of the south, inheritance of the south." Ning long nodded, the name... Seems familiar. Then, he asked a question that made Nancheng extremely unintelligible“ Do you know how to get out of here? "“ What? " South bear an earthquake, slowly return to God, don't understand a way: "thorn peak hundreds of caves all connect with the outside hillside, with the cultivation of the elder, can control sword and come out." Ning long asked: "is there any other way?" Nan Cheng knew that tianku peak was surrounded by the mountain protection array. Maybe it was too much publicity to control the sword. Maybe the martial uncle wanted to hide something... Ning long pointed to it and said, "I came down from the book Pavilion." Nancheng was slightly surprised and said, "is there a secret way to this place in shuge?" Ning Changjiu asked, "did your master tell you?" Nan Cheng shook his head and said, "no, we all came here to shut up." Ning Changjiu asked, "how many people are closed here?" Nan Cheng shook his head again: "I don't know, but this hidden peak is very big. Among them, there are at least ten people who are closed." Ning long nodded, this figure is not far from what he expected. Ning Changjiu asked, "how did they get out?" Nan Cheng said with a wry smile: "of course, it's also out of the sword... But..." but what? "“ It is said that there is a road with the outer peak under the dragon column, but before I closed the door, my master told me many times that I should not enter the lower peak in any case...... (thank you for your reward and support ~) (special thanks to luxper_ And butterfly hurt Beihai two big men reward the alliance leader!!! It's the first time I've received two alliance leaders! When I got up in the morning and saw the number of monthly tickets, I thought I had read it wrong, and my mind is still a little unrealistic and dizzy... Today, I tried my best to code as much as I could

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