The wind was cold and the snow was heavy, and a dead stone hung high in the sky. At the moment, only a sword star on the top of the sky was shining a steady light, which was the one Ning Xiaoling had lit before.

The girl was holding a sword and her cloth shoes were half trapped in the snow. She watched Ning long walk past her and squeezed her fist nervously.

Lu Jiajia looked at the ancient Pu sword armor standing in the light field, and said: "young, this light field has a limited time, so we must not delay it too long."

Ning Xiaoling looked at the elder martial brother and said, "I know, master."

Lu Jia sighed, and her eyes fell on Ning long.

The boy in white has long hair and walks forward on the snow. He takes a look at the nearest stone to Ning Xiaoling Jianxing. He estimates the distance in his heart. Then he unties the wooden box, squats down and begins to take out the firewood one by one.

Ning Xiaoling muttered in her heart: "what are you doing, elder martial brother?"

Lu Jiajia watched as he put the largest pieces of wood around the bottom, and then piled them into an orderly pile according to the size order. In order to better burn, the middle of the pile was overhead.

Ning long after finishing these, he turned around and looked at Lu Jiajia, and said, "master, can I borrow the hairpin?"

Lu Jia frowned: "what do you say?"

Ning long seriously repeated: "please borrow my hairpin."

"What do you want to do with hairpin?" she asked? Could it be that... "

Lu Jiajia always wears a spotless sword dress, with a black Jin around his waist, a jade crown and a silver hairpin around his hair, and a famous ancient sword. His graceful and cool posture is the image of Dai Fengzhu in his disciples' mind.

Few people know that her hairpin is also one of her flying swords.

The hairpin is made of silver mixed with other metals. It is flexible and hard. If the sword is not on the side of the body, the silver hairpin can also be used as a flying sword, but it is too small to control precisely. Because of the weight, the damage is also insufficient, so it can only be used in secret.

Lu Jiajia said: "the silver hairpin is smaller and lighter than the ordinary sword. Even people with poor spiritual power have the ability to control it to the sword star. But even so, the sword fire ignited by the size of the silver hairpin is absolutely not enough to ignite the sword star. If you want to make such a trick, you'd better avoid it."

Ning long stubborn way: "not so, please master borrow hairpin."

"Don't you claim to be well prepared?" Lu asked

Ning long looks at her silently, as if to say that this is one of my preparations

Lu Qijia snorted coldly, thinking that if you really dare to fail, then don't think about a good year this year!


Lu Jia hesitated for a moment, but she still held out her hand.

The sleeve robe slipped down, revealing her white wrist. She put her hand on the cloud like long hair, pressed the jade crown with one hand, and gently pulled out the silver hairpin with the other hand. The hairpin slipped between the black bun. After the hands that fixed the long hair were released, the high horsetail was scattered, and the green silk shawl was scattered on the back of the fragrant shoulder jade, Hover in front of Ning long eyebrow.

Rather for a long time, he raised his hand and took the silver hairpin without changing his face, and gave thanks respectfully.

The curtain fell in the eyes of the disciples under the snow cliff, and all of a sudden it was boiling up. When many male disciples saw the cool and gorgeous master's hair falling like a waterfall, their hearts seemed to stop for half a beat.

One of the disciples said: "who dares to say that younger martial brother is useless for a long time? Isn't that an outstanding contribution? "

"Well! What elder martial brother said is very true.... "

The rest of the male disciples did not have time to agree. They only heard a slap. The excited disciple trembled, grabbed his wrist and cried out in pain. The palm of his hand was a red mark.

"Master, I'm wrong..."

The rest of the disciples were silent. They only dared to laugh in secret. Then they sighed with emotion that the master was so beautiful.

In her heart, she has been looking forward to the master's entering the purple court and becoming the rightful leader of the peak. Then the sword presses the four peaks. She takes over the inheritance of the patriarch and becomes the unique female sword immortal in the world.

This expectation is even greater than the expectation of breaking through one's own situation.

At this moment, Ning Changjiu turned around and aimed the silver hairpin at the sword star with aura. When he flew away, all the people slowly recovered and remembered that the protagonist at this moment should be the outer disciple.

I don't know what he wanted to do after he took the master's silver hairpin?

If you still make a mystery, even Ning Xiaoling will not be able to keep him.

In different thoughts, the silver hairpin, like a boat against the water, slowly rose into the sky and flew steadily towards the sword star.

It's a very spiritual thing to connect the sword fire with such a long distance. If you can directly control a small flying sword to fly to the sword star, almost all the disciples present can do it. Even if you can promote the sword fire from such a long distance, it's extremely limited. Let alone light the sword star, what do you want to do?

With her arms around her chest, Le Rou guessed: "maybe he just doesn't know how to practice, so he came up with this opportunistic way. After he sent the sword up, he found that he couldn't light the sword fire at all. His expression must be wonderful!"

Xu Weiran retorted: "younger martial brother should not be so stupid."

Yun Ze stretched out and said with a smile, "I think it's better to make a bonfire and dance. Maybe it will lead to thunder and thunder, and let the thunder and fire just hit the sword star..."

Xu Weiran said with a smile: "they are all disciples of the same school. There is no need to be so sarcastic."

In the sound of conversation, the silver hairpin had already arrived at the sword star. If it had not been for the silver hairpin's aura, it would be hard to see with the naked eye now.

And on the snow flat, the light field is slowly fading, and Lu said, "young, have you recovered?"

"Ah." Ning Xiaoling has been looking up at the flying silver hairpin. At this moment, Lu Jiajia opens her mouth, and she just comes back to herself. She looks at the iron armor in the light field, which is made of the virtual meaning of the sword.

"The sword armour can only exist in the realm of light. If you feel defeated, you can directly withdraw from the realm of light. Although the inheritance of sword spirit is very precious, it is by no means something that you have to fight for. Don't force it."

In order to light up the sword star, Ning Xiaoling had lost too much spiritual power. Lu Jiajia looked at her pale face and was worried.

Ning Xiaoling nodded: "Xiaoling knows."

Said, she took out a few spirit fruit from the bosom, gnawed.

"Elder martial brother... Is it really OK?" Ning Xiaoling gave him a worried look.

Ning long answered simply that he had nothing to do with it. He focused on the sword star with his expression, controlled the silver hairpin with his aura, and repeatedly poked at the star.

The disciples under the snow cliff are bored. They wonder if you find that the distance is too far to light the sword fire. Do you want to ease the embarrassment, or do you want to simply... Make the fire with diamonds?

But Lu Jiajia was a little solemn. She could vaguely see that every time Ning long left her hairpin, she could leave traces on the slightly weathered surface of the sword star. Those traces seemed to follow some strange tracks.

Ning Xiaoling, however, because she ate too fast and her cheeks were still bulging. She chewed hard and swallowed. She grabbed a handful of snow and wiped the corners of her mouth. Then she held the sword in her hand and walked toward the light field.

"Xiaoling..." Lu's words stopped. She was surprised at first, and then her mouth turned up slightly, showing a smile.

In the realm of light, the battle ended with great speed.

After entering the light field, Ning Xiaoling's whole body's dexterity was instantly stimulated, his body was as dexterous as a snow fox, and the sword in his hand was lit up again.

When the sword armour raised the iron sword like a token, Ning Xiaoling's figure was like a handful of blown snow, whirling rapidly in the wind, and the sword in her hand also pulled out one line after another.

When several rabbits were up and down, the sword armour just cut the next sword. Ning Xiaoling had cut dozens of swords around his side. Each sword was streamed and splashed with fire, such as chiseling nails with a hammer, which made the scale armour tremble.

After dozens of collisions, the sword armor removed countless scales.

After several times of lightning and flint fighting, Ning Xiaoling's body suddenly gave a beating. After bending her knees, she jumped up high and lit a fire with her sword. In the gap between the armor blocks, she chopped her head and waved her sword down.

The sound of broken jade suddenly rang out. The sword had cut into the snow. The armor behind him was broken and turned into light and dust. All that was left was the meaning of an ancient and clumsy sword, which twined around Ning Xiaoling.

The people under the snow cliff looked at her in surprise. Everything happened so fast that they didn't even have time to recall it. Ning Xiaoling had already broken her armor.

Lu Jiajia said with a smile: "if Xiaoling had just stepped into the fairyland, how could it take so much effort to light the sword fire?"

A word awakens people, everyone this just reaction come over, just ningxiaoling eat lingguo, homeopathy broke the situation.

Just a few miraculous fruits are certainly not enough to have such power. All the explanation can only be that Ning Xiaoling has the strength to break the border long ago, but he has been pressing for a long time, until just now.

It turned out that she had been hiding.

"Is the innate spirit so magical?" Le Rou said in a daze, then she was silent for a while, turned quietly and walked towards the inner peak.

At the moment, everyone's eyes fell on Ning Xiaoling, and no one noticed her.

Cloud choose side body way: "music soft younger martial sister, don't see that rather long?"

"What's good to see?" she said coldly? You can go to coax Ning Xiaoling later. She is much more powerful than me. She has been in fairyland for two months. Is she still human? "

At the moment, Ning long has taken back the silver hairpin and handed it back to Lu Jia.

Ning Xiaoling wiped the sweat on his forehead, clenched his fist and said, "come on, elder martial brother."

Ning long smile.

In full view of the public, he raised his sword.

The spirit power gushes out, falls on the sword body, stimulates the sword yuan and ignites the sword fire.

Ning long sword, from the central axis, now also light up, but far less than Ning Xiaoling so hot and bright.


Xu Wei Ran takes a look at the brightness of the sword fire. It looks like he has worn out the last wisp of patience. He turns and walks towards the direction where Le Rou leaves.

Many people in the field also showed disappointment.

Le Rou looks back and says in a low voice, "I shouldn't have expected anything from you... I've escaped teasing so many times before. I think it's Naning Xiaoling who helps you solve the problem secretly. Hum, she's so stupid and cute that she can cheat the master's favor. There are so many tricks behind her back!"

Looking at his sword, Lu Jiajia also knew that even if he put the sword star in front of his face, he could not light it.

But Ning long did not choose to light up the sword star.

What he as like as two peas of a sword, and a sword as a pen, he drew around the fire. After painting, he came to another place where he had smoothed the snow and drew the same pattern on the floor.

After that, Ning Changjiu came to the woodpile without expression and made a bonfire in front of everyone.

The dry wood was soon ignited and crackled in the pile.

"What does he want to do?"

Yunxuan rubs his chin and is very confused. He hesitates whether he wants to continue to watch or go after younger martial sister Lerou. After all, this is a good time to let younger martial sister Lerou change her heart

Since Ning Xiaoling defeated Jianjia, many of the disciples in the peak have lost their interest. Seeing Ning build a fire for a long time, they feel that he is insulting everyone's intelligence. Some of the disciples have left Xueping one after another, but they don't expect much. They just want to see what he is going to do.

On the snow cliff, Ning Changjiu hunted in white, waving his fingers and drawing something in mid air.

The voice of discussion began to whisper.

The next moment.

As she is about to enter the inner peak, she suddenly feels that there is a light behind her.

She turned hesitantly, and her eyes were white.

A sword star lit up, just like before, in the light of the moment, everything is as bright as day.

"This..." Le Rou raised her sleeve and covered her eyes. When the light was dim, she was in a daze for a while. Then she stood on tiptoe and looked into the snow cliff, searching for something quickly. Then she saw that the bright star of the sword was stable, and a beam of light was projected down. Between the light fields, the heavy armour and the iron sword were like order.

Le Rou stares at the sword armour.

This is not an illusion... Naning really lit up Jianxing for a long time!

What the hell is going on?

What happened in a short time? Isn't Ning Changchang an outsider disciple who has entered the mystery? Just now, the brightness of the sword fire can't be fake. The firewood stack... Le Rou's mind coagulates and looks at the firewood stack. Eh?

On the snow cliff, the original position of the firewood stack is a piece of burned debris, but the original burning firewood has disappeared.

Then, above the sky, something fell.

From the direction of the sword star, the charred wood dragged the light of the fire and the long gray smoke, and fell toward the snow cliff.

Looking up at the fallen wood, Lu Jia pursed her lips and opened her lips slightly. In her eyes illuminated by the sword star, the doubt did not fade away.

The previous bonfire was lit by sword fire. It was a real sword fire. At the moment when the fire lit up, she thought that if there was a way to send the fire up, maybe it could really light the sword star.

But why did the fire rise out of thin air in a moment?

What did the disciple who never let himself worry about do?

Looking at the trace carved with sword on the ground, Lu Jia suddenly understood it.

"Array?" Lu married and asked.

Ning long nodded: "xiaofeikong formation."

He painted the as like as two peas on the sword star, and drew the same inverse picture array on the snow cliff. After the formation of the method, the two array of remote sensing vibration came out the same frequency, and opened a space passage in a very short time, and sent the bonfire to the sword star at a speed of near distance.

Sword fire is an arrow, and the state is a bow. If the state is not enough for a long time, it is difficult to shoot the arrow into the sky. So he chose to build a bow himself, and the skeleton of the bow was his most familiar little flying array.

The voice of conversation on the snow cliff faintly fell to the ears of the disciples.

"It's like... An array?"

"Array? What array can be done? The level of teleportation array is not too high, but it's very difficult to learn. How can he

"Has he been studying this all the time in the library these two months?"

"It's an array... Shameless! How can you go so far when you have been practicing Taoism in such a fussy way? "

"It's all right. Can you light the sword star and defeat the sword armor?"


Ning Xiaoling looked at the bright star, rubbed his eyes and couldn't help smiling.

"My elder martial brother is so powerful!" Ning Xiaoling looked at him with admiration. She said that she was not worried about whether elder martial brother could defeat Jian Jia. After all, elder martial brother never let herself down. Ning long did not care about those comments and eyes. He walked slowly to the edge of the light field, but didn't step in. He quietly looked at the lacquer color behind the armor. His wrist was raised, and his palm was facing down to gather spiritual power. He skillfully gathered the bright spots around him“ Move the armor All of a sudden, Ning long light drink, fingers slide, again reverse painting small flying array, those firefly like light moment really light up. Under the light field, there are also glowing lights. Before the bonfire was lit, he drew two arrays on the snow cliff. One was destroyed after the sword star was lit. At this moment, the position of the light field cast by the sword star just covered the other array! The wind and snow burst. Ning long raised his foot and stepped into the light field. In his original position, a sword armour appeared out of thin air. Without the support of the light field, the sword armour was full of color. He raised the sword blankly, but lost the driving force and dissipated slowly. Ning Changjiu turns around and looks at the sword armor collapsing like smoke. At the moment, the light field has not dispersed, and the cliff on a snowy night, only his ink hair is ancient and quiet, and he is dressed in white and bathed in starlight.

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