Solim has become as busy as before. Recently, he has adjusted himself and taken a little rest. Now he is beginning to enrich himself again, practicing spells, potions, and transfiguration, but mainly practicing spells. After all, there is a spell that he must master next semester. Recently, he has been busy practicing Patronus. Curse - a person.

The Patronus Charm is not an unpopular spell as some books about spells say. Of course, you also have to look at the people it’s suitable for, right? It is true that few ordinary wizards have mastered the Patronus Charm, but many wizards working in the Ministry of Magic have mastered this spell. Especially for some units under the Auror Department and the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures, the entry requirements for these wizards include mastering the Patronus Charm.

The difficulty of learning the Patronus Charm is indeed very high. It is so difficult that Solim can only emit a little light mist from the time he first tried it until now. You know, the learning method Solim was referring to was Skull's textbook, which was written by the great wizard. After following it for two months, Solim could only achieve the level of emitting some light mist. This shows how difficult it is to learn the Patronus Charm.

When ordinary people practice the Patronus Charm, they try to recall happy things and inject their happy emotions into the magic to release the spell.

More advanced people use a firm will as the basis to release the Patronus Charm.

But Schooler's teaching materials provide much simpler methods than these - give yourself a joy spell before releasing the Patronus Charm.

This will greatly arouse joyful emotions.

At this time, release the Patronus Charm again.

It is much simpler, but Schooler's textbook also clearly points out the advantages and disadvantages of this method: The advantage is that this method can indeed release the wizard's Patronus Charm in a short period of time, making it easier to practice the Patronus Charm.

The wizards feel the feeling of successfully releasing this spell, but the disadvantage is that it is unstable.

After all, you can't cast a Joy Charm on yourself first and then release the Patronus Charm in actual combat.

This is unrealistic.

However, for the practice of Patronus Charm, Skuller's method can indeed allow practitioners to experience the feeling of successfully releasing the Patronus Charm in a short period of time. The feeling when releasing the spell is very important. As you become more and more familiar with it, A spell becomes more and more familiar with the feeling when it is successfully released, so the silent spell is not far away.

In addition to practicing magic spells, Solim was also sorting out the information on potion formulas during this time, and sorting out and recording the precise measurements he had experimented with.

All the books on potions in the wizarding world were ambiguous about the measurements when preparing them.

, filled with a lot of uncertain words such as some, a little, appropriate amount...


, which is very distressing when configuring potions.

When you cook, add a little more or a little less salt.

Although it may not taste good, it will still be swallowable.

But in the field of potions, if you put too much or too little of a material, the effect of the potion will be greatly reduced, or even the effect of the potion will be changed.

When Solim practiced configuring potions, he compared Skuller's teaching materials with the formulas obtained from Professor Snape, and organized and recorded the optimal formulas so that he could follow his own instructions when configuring them in the future.

The record is fine.

Although Solim has been very busy recently, he has not forgotten what he should do.

He also takes time every day to use the Marauder's Map to observe the movements of Harry and others.

Hermione seemed to have lost interest in the Chamber of Secrets after their last conversation, and did not participate in much of the chatter between Harry and Ron in the Gryffindor common room.

However, during a small classroom gathering, Hermione still told Solim about Harry getting a diary.

This was not beyond Solim's expectations.

After all, Solim thought he could see clearly what Dumbledore wanted to do.

With Harry and Ron's mushy minds, even if everyone in the school was petrified, they might not be able to find any clues.

If they had a diary, they wouldn't have to collect and identify many clues.

The excitement about the Chamber of Secrets in the castle has subsided a bit. Just when Solim was thinking about whether he should cause trouble recently, Lockhart made trouble first.

Early in the morning, when Solim and others went to have breakfast together, as soon as they entered the auditorium, they saw that all the walls had turned pink and were decorated with various ribbons. What was even more disgusting was that the ceiling Heart-shaped colored paper hangs from it.

Not only Solim and his group, but all the students who came to have breakfast were stunned at the door. They thought they had gone to the wrong place - but unfortunately, they did not.

The auditorium was gradually filled with students who came to have breakfast. At this time, Lockhart, who was wearing a fancy dress, stood up and shouted loudly:"Happy Valentine's Day!"

Professor McGonagall had a sullen face and was quickly destroying the breakfast in front of her. And Snape... I can only say that Lockhart is amazing. The expression on the face of Professor Snape, who has been paralyzed for thousands of years, made everyone see disgust and the urge to beat Lockhart.

Solim put a"closed ear plug" on himself and Sirna, and they were the only two people in the entire auditorium eating breakfast without being affected. Everyone else looked at the group walking in from the gate with their mouths open.……""Angel"?

Of course it can't be angels. These are goblins with makeup. They carry small wings and wear crowns. To be honest, if you don't look at their faces, they look like that. At first The students were still laughing and chatting about who had received the greeting card, but after class, these little dwarfs frequently broke into the classroom. Although some students found it interesting, it still made some students feel uncomfortable, such as Solim.

This is the third time that these dwarfs have broken into Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class. Professor McGonagall may have a strict personality, but she is not the kind of person who would take out her wand just because of such a thing. McGonagall Professor Ge's Transfiguration has always been a course that Solim attaches great importance to, and being interrupted again and again makes Solim extremely unhappy.

When these dwarfs broke into the classroom for the fourth time, Solim Finally, he stood up unbearably, took out his wand and cast a petrifying spell, hitting the goblin who had just stepped into the classroom.

It has to be said that compared to goblins, human wizards are still much worse in spell resistance. Even a Ordinary adult wizards will lie down on the ground when they are hit by Solim's petrification spell, but the goblin's movements just become much stiffer. He can still move, but the speed is greatly reduced.

Gran in the classroom The students of Fendo and Slytherin looked at Solim in surprise. Solim bowed to Professor McGonagall, turned around and walked to the goblin and said:

"If you and your accomplices dare to step into this classroom again... I will cut off your ears."After that, Solim closed the classroom door.

If the goblin's ears are cut off, it means that the goblin is a slave, which is a very severe punishment for the goblin.

After all this Solim returned to his seat, and Professor McGonagall added 5 points to Slytherin before continuing the class.

Professor McGonagall was also very annoyed by the frequent intrusions of goblins, but as a professor and a Gryffindor As the dean and vice-principal, Professor McGonagall cannot take action against these goblins.

Solim helped Professor McGonagall solve a problem, but other professors were not so lucky.

Except for Snape's Potions class , other professors could hardly attend classes.

These goblins were like visiting a market, coming in from time to time, and the classes were always interrupted.

In the end, many professors could only let students study by themselves.

Lockhart originally gave other professors The impression was not good. This time he had completely offended all the professors. Although Lockhart's behavior had always been"Lockhart", Solim's intuition told him that Lockhart was not It's so simple. He must have some purpose in coming to Hogwarts. It's just that Solim hasn't caught Lockhart's pigtails yet. As long as Solim finds something wrong with Lockhart, Snape must The professor would be happy to help Solim.

As for Evans, Solim reckoned he was even tempted to kill Lockhart now.

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