"Can I ask what you're going to do with... Basque?"Dumbledore looked at Solim calmly,"You should know that the huge value contained in a thousand-year-old basilisk will make many people want to get it - dead or alive. I'm not looking down on you, Solim, but I really don't recommend that you take the basilisk away."

Solem found it funny what Dumbledore said. The value of Basque itself is huge. Anyone who is a wizard knows this very well. There is no need for Dumbledore to remind him. Many people want it? Indeed, as long as they know this news, It is true that capable wizards will plan on the basilisk, but the gap between wanting to plan and actually preparing to take action is still quite large.

"Even if you take the basilisk away, where are you going to put it?"Dumbledore asked another question,"I don't think it can be put down in one bedroom."

""Headmaster," Solim finally realized that Dumbledore really didn't want the basilisk to leave Hogwarts.

"Can I ask, what are you planning to do by leaving Basque in the school?" Slytherin kept the Basilisk to defend against foreign enemies.

I don't think there will be a large number of enemies attacking Hogwarts in this era.

This is unrealistic.

Without external enemies, the Basilisk would have basically no effect on the school..

"After a pause, Solim continued:"Of course, I think Professor Snape may feel it is a pity.


The blood of the basilisk, the venom of the basilisk, and other objects on the basilisk are all used by potion masters.

Scales and eyeballs are also the best materials that alchemists dream of.

For ordinary wizards, It is said that the basilisk is just a terrible monster, but for those wizards with superb skills, the basilisk is a mobile treasure house.

People who will be interested in the basilisk, except for people like Kettleburn or Scarman People like De who regard magical creatures as their own lives are also potion masters and alchemist masters.

These people are very energetic people, and the materials on the basilisk will turn into bottles of top-quality potions in their hands.

Or they may be precious alchemy items, and these finished products will make all wizards flock to them.

Solim is not worried that anyone will come to kill the basilisk. The person who controls the basilisk now is Sirna. She is a direct descendant of Selwyn. As long as she has this relationship, the elders of the Selwyn family will definitely protect Sirna. In fact, Solim has already asked Sirna to write a letter home. I believe it will not be long before You will receive a reply later. With Selwyn as your backing, basically no one will come to you and feel uncomfortable.

Solim is not worried about whether they will directly kill the Basques to get the materials. Only fools would do that. To do this kind of thing. As long as the basilisk is in hand, Sirna's status in the family will rise sharply, and for the Selwyn family, this also means a steady stream of basilisk venom and blood, as well as solid scales

"It seems that you have made up your mind, so I won’t advise you."Dumbledore suddenly changed his tone,"Something may happen next semester, and I hope you can provide Harry with some help."

Huh? Really? I knew it! Sirius's escape from prison has nothing to do with you.

"Principal," Solim's expression was strange now,"You keep doing things like this, won't you get tired? Evans has complained to me more than once. If you keep doing this, he might die of overwork."

"said Mr. Summerby……"Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and said,"You and he have reached some consensus, right?"

Solim didn't want to pay attention to Dumbledore at all, and he changed the subject directly.

"So what do you want to do this time, principal? Solim asked,"Is it related to another Animagus in the school?""After saying this, Solim lowered his head and looked at his shoes.

Professor McGonagall is an Animagus known to all the teachers and students in the school, but it is obvious that Dumbledore does not think that what Solim said is right. It was Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore habitually looked for Solim's eyes, but he only saw the top of Solim's head. Sighing, Dumbledore didn't know how his student knew so much. And it was obvious that he lowered his head to prevent himself from using Legilimency on him. He had anticipated his reaction before he said those words. It was true.……

"I have never underestimated you or treated you like a child."Dumbledore said,"But you surprised me once again, Thorim."

Dumbledore looked at Solim carefully through the lenses,"How did you find out? Solim began to pretend to look at the furnishings in the principal's office, but did not look at Dumbledore.

"Evans discovered it all. You don't think that mouse can get away with it, do you?"

"But you got Mr. Summerby out."Dumbledore adjusted his glasses.

"Ah, that's right. Because I wasn’t sure if he was an Animagus at the time, and even if it was later determined that he was an Animagus, I still didn’t know who he was and what his purpose was."Solim saw the sorting hat. The sorting hat shook and stood out, which was a greeting to Solim. The portraits of the previous principals around him were still pretending to be asleep, but their ears were standing up.

"In that case...do you know who that rat is? Do you also know his purpose?"Dumbledore heard the meaning of Solim's words.

Solim nodded:"Yes, you can think so. After all, many things can be guessed after knowing the name. And his incident was considered a big event back then. After a pause, Solim then asked:"So...are you planning to get the guy from Azkaban out?""

Dumbledore did not answer, but asked Solim a question:"According to my observation, he has always maintained his Animagus form in school. You must have never seen his true face. So can you explain how you were sure that the mouse was his?"

"Prongs, Padfoot, Moony, and Wormtail. If you, principal, are still unclear, wait until next semester is over. I will explain it then. Solim bowed and said,"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first.""

Dumbledore didn't stop him this time.

He was thinking about what Solim had just said.

The four names just now were obviously nicknames, and they were nicknames with very obvious characteristics.

Dumbledore had already guessed who these four names represented.

, but he did not expect that Solim would know these old things so clearly.

Even the students back then rarely knew the nicknames of the four of them.

Apparently Solim had investigated everything that happened back then.

And many details have not been spared.

But this also made Dumbledore wonder: Why is Solim so concerned about these things related to Harry Potter? First the Sorcerer's Stone, and then the Gaunt family Ring, this year he took out Riddle's diary on his own initiative.

What does this child want to do? Dumbledore has been thinking about this question for a long time, but one thing Dumbledore is still sure of, that is, Solim is interested in Harry.

Leigh himself didn't have any intentions.

He seemed to be going after Voldemort.

After thinking about this, Dumbledore was temporarily relieved.

This can't be blamed on Dumbledore for overthinking, after all, it involves Voldemort.

And because of the existence of Horcruxes, it was very difficult to kill Voldemort completely.

Dumbledore failed once with Voldemort, and he could not allow himself to fail again.

Because he didn't have much time left, he had to make his original mistake a reality.

To make up for his mistakes, when he can still lift the wand, when he still has the ability to check Voldemort, he must end Voldemort, otherwise what happened more than ten years ago will happen again to this land.

Dumbledore could not allow it.

So for this reason, Dumbledore was extremely wary of all possible hidden dangers, because he could no longer afford another failure.

After leaving the principal's office, Solim felt There was excitement throughout the castle. Or rather, Gryffindor's excitement, because Gryffindor and the Headmaster's Office were both on the eighth floor.

Harry and Ron rescued Hermione from the Chamber of Secrets and solved the mastermind behind the scenes.

The news has spread in the castle at an alarming speed.

This means that students no longer have to worry about whether they will be attacked at the corner of the corridor, whether they will be petrified in an unexpected place, or even lose their lives..

And the mandrake is fully mature, and those petrified students will soon return to them.

The students are extremely excited about the double happiness.

Many senior students who are still in class today are also under the instructions of the professors.

Joined the carnival.

But this had nothing to do with Solim. Feeling the restless atmosphere in the castle, Solim walked towards the floor where Evans was. Now that the matter was over, and Evans had indeed helped. Solim was very busy, and it was unreasonable for others to just throw it aside after using it. Solim brought a gift to Evans. He believed that Evans would be satisfied and would continue to be on the same side as him.

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