Big Dream Master

Chapter 296: Old white-haired woman

Nie Caizhu arrived in front of the Guanyin Hall, did not enter the hall, but went around the corridor beside the main hall, leading to the backyard.

Shen Luo took a look at the past and found that he had stopped unexpectedly, and was standing next to the well with his back facing him at the moment.

"Sure enough, there is something weird!" Shen Luo saw this scene more and more affirmed his conjecture.

At this moment, Nie Caizhu suddenly turned around, still "looking" towards Shen Luo with her eyes closed.

Shen Luo's heart tightened, and he immediately hid sideways behind a pillar, hiding his figure.

Just before he went to see it, there was a "gudong" sound from the backyard, as if something had fallen into the water.

Shen Luo shook his heart, and hurriedly chased it out, only to see that Nie Caizhu's figure had disappeared.

He immediately chased to the side of the well, leaned over and saw the water rippling in the well, and vaguely saw a figure sinking toward the bottom of the water.

Shen Luo was shocked, and immediately pinched a weird seal with both hands, muttering a word in his mouth.

When the voice fell, bursts of blue light appeared all over his body, and a very vague translucent blue light soon formed on the surface of the body. A layer of subtle water wave texture could be vaguely seen on the body, as if he was wearing a water suit. , Impressively it is the tactic of avoiding water.

It's just that there is so much difference between this water avoidance technique and when he first learned in the dream state, it is hard to say whether it has the power of defense.

Shen Luo didn't care much about it now, so he could only stand upright, jumped directly over the wellhead guardrail, and fell into the water.

The moment he fell into the water, he was slightly happy. Regardless of the defense, the silent nature of the water entry was not compromised at all, and even the ripples of the water did not arouse much.

He breathed freely under the water, and even had a sense of pleasure like a fish in the water, he immediately sank down and pursued towards the bottom of the water.

The well was much deeper than he expected, and only reached the bottom of the well after sinking into the water several tens of feet.

However, apart from the silt accumulated over the years, where is Nie Caizhu in the bottom of the water?

While he was puzzled, he suddenly realized that there was a horizontal wave coming from behind him, and he turned around to check it, only then noticed that there was a half-person-high hole on the dark well wall behind him.

Sinking didn't hesitate, he immediately entered Yokoi and went all the way.

After a short distance ahead, the horizontal passage suddenly began to gradually rise, and there were several bends.

As the terrain gets higher and higher, the water level in the channel begins to gradually drop, until finally the water surface is completely exposed.

With the light on his body, Shen Luo saw a line of wet footprints on the ground, extending to the depths of the passage, and then continued to chase him up.

After leaving a half-pillar of incense, he suddenly wrinkled his nose and smelled an unusual fragrance in the air in the tunnel.

He was no stranger to the smell. When Nie Caizhu came to the Yuanzhu Temple to worship the incense, he had smelled it when the "Buddha Light" was in this world, but the fragrance disappeared without waiting for him to find the source.

Shen Luo didn't care too much at the time, and now he understood that the smell was actually related to the weirdness in this well.

The more he chased forward, he found that the stronger the smell, and even Zhihai became a little psychedelic for a while.

Shen Luo hurriedly ran the nameless exercises, and a cool air rushed into his mind, only to dilute the psychedelic feeling a little bit.

He settled, twisted a few small thunder talisman in his sleeve, drove a few steps forward, after a little hesitation, immediately replaced it with a thunder talisman, and then continued to catch up.

Not far in front, the passage suddenly began to widen, and a piece of light came out from it.

Shen Luo put away the water avoidance tactics, followed carefully, and walked closer to take a look, only to find that there was a stone chamber in front of him.

The door of the stone room was open, and a stone table furnishings could be seen inside. A beautiful figure was sitting sideways there at the moment, and it was Nie Caizhu who was motionless.

Opposite her, there was a rickety white-haired old woman who was wearing a pink robe with a pink pearl in her ears, her face was full of deep folds, and she seemed to have Old age.

It's just that the old woman's face is full of smiles at the moment, her eyes are fixed on Nie Caizhu's cheeks, as if she is admiring a beautiful piece of porcelain, her expression is extremely focused, as if she can't tolerate anything else in her eyes.

He didn't even notice the prying eyes of the sinking.

Shen Luo also looked at the old woman, but he didn't find the slightest evil spirit in her body. He quietly twisted out the "mountain pass" hidden in his sleeve, wanting to find out.

As a result, the moment the talisman came out of the sleeve, it actually "screamed" and burned directly.

"What a strong demon spirit!" Shen Luo quickly dodged, but he was shocked in his heart.

The level of the mountain crossing talisman is limited, and the demon energy that can be detected is also limited. Once the demon is stronger than the late stage of bigu, the talisman will not be able to bear it and will burn by itself.

Shen Luo body affixed to the stone wall, shocked in her heart, the old woman in that room is at least a late stage monster.

Fortunately, the panic just now did not arouse the old woman in the house. Shen Luo quietly looked into the house again, and saw that the old woman was holding a blood-red nine-leaf clover in her forehand and sending it to Nie Caizhu’s mouth. go with.

Shen Luo's heart tightened, and he wanted to stop it immediately, but realized that there was aura on the nine-leaf clover, it was not a poison, so he resisted it and didn't take it hastily.

I saw that Nie Caizhu's eyes were still closed, her mouth closed one by one mechanically, and she chewed down the blood-red spirit grass bit by bit.

As her throat rolled for a while, the spiritual grass also completely fell into her abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of yellow demon energy visible to the naked eye appeared on his body, and it became more and more dense.

Upon seeing this, Shen Luo suddenly regretted it.

However, at this moment, Nie Caizhu's mouth suddenly uttered a painful snoring, and her eyes opened at this moment, an invisible breath washed away from her body, and a yellow light suddenly lit up behind her.

Shen Luozheng was surprised suddenly smelled a more intense scent of potpourri, which floated out of her body, directly covering the strange scent that had filled the surroundings.

At this time, a surprising scene appeared.

Behind Nie Caizhu, yellow rays of light gushing violently, a pair of yellow wings that resemble butterfly wings flapped out, and glittering light powder sprinkled on them from time to time, looming.

"It's done, it's done...this bloodline has finally matured, haha..." Seeing this, the old woman suddenly laughed wantonly as she was crazy.

Although Nie Caizhu had opened her eyes, she couldn't see much energy in her eyes. She still sat motionless on the spot, as if she didn't feel the slightest changes in front of her.

At this moment, the white-haired old woman suddenly stopped laughing, and a pink mist began to grow up all over her body, which soon filled the stone room.

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