Big Dream Master

Chapter 298: Only outsmart

Shen Luo saw at a glance that the clam monster had once again shown its real body, with the clam shells close to the left and right, and wanted to devour Nie Caizhu.

On the clam shell, you can see an inch-long crack, and there are obvious black scorch marks around it, which are obviously the traces left by the previous lightning talisman.

"Stop!" Shen Luo let out a loud shout, and a thunder talisman in his sleeve had been thrown out again.

After the clam demon had suffered a loss, he was already prepared for it. When the talisman light came on, a thick purple light suddenly appeared in the open clam shell, and a purple glow appeared in the sky, which looked like a Buddha's light.

As soon as the thunder-falling talisman exploded, the white thunder light was blocked by this purple cloud, and all its power disappeared, and it could no longer hurt the clam demon any more.

As the thunder light gradually disappeared, the purple clouds began to dissipate little by little.

However, at the moment when all the rays of light converged, a figure suddenly jumped out of the embers of the rays, and the two copper hammers in his hand slammed into the crack on the clam shell at the same time.

The clam demon obviously didn't anticipate Langsheng's surprise attack. Although the purple glow came on again, it failed to fully unfold it and was smashed by Langsheng's two hammers.

"Bang" "bang"

With two loud noises, a huge counter-shock force bounced, and Lang Sheng flew upside down and fell to the side.

The clam demon was also beaten into clam shells, and there was a loud shock.

Shen Luo took the opportunity to bully her body, and cast the oblique moon footwork under her feet, bringing up a fragment of moonlight, rushing to the giant clam like a phantom, holding Nie Caizhu's slender waist with one hand, and slapped the clam with one palm.

The strength of Qingyang's hand came out, and after hitting the mussel, it also stirred up a counter-shock force.

Shen Luo used this force to take Nie Caizhu back, and distanced herself from the clam monster with the oblique moon footwork. Nie Caizhu, who was held in his arms, was directly stunned.

"You are looking for death..."

The clam demon was finally extremely angry, her pinkish light shrunk, and her purple light flourished.

Seeing her body shrinking rapidly, she was directly transformed into a girl with an exquisite purple skirt. Her chest, back, hands, feet and limbs were covered with palm-sized pink and white armor, which seemed to be a clam shell.化.

In his hand, he also carried a three-foot-long white seedling knife, which looked like it was also made of a clam shell.

Shen Luo didn't dare to be careless, placed Nie Caizhu on the wall behind him, pressing the ghost howl ring with one hand, and holding a thunder falling talisman with the other, staring at the demon clam vigilantly.

The defensive power of this clam demon in the late stage of Bigu is really strong. I am afraid that at least four thunder-falling charms must be activated at the same time to break her clam shell defense forcefully. Unfortunately, there are only two thunder-falling charms left on him.

However, even if he has enough thunder-falling talisman against the enemy, with his current cultivation base in the early stage of bigu, he can't be stimulated at the same time. After all, in reality, his dantian veins are too far away from the dream, and the mana in his body is even more so.

It is equally difficult to get around her clam shell and directly attack its vitals.

Shen Luo regretted a little. He was too anxious when chasing it out earlier, and didn't bring the psychic contract of the underworld, otherwise he could try to summon the ecstasy horse face to help.

It wasn't that he hadn't thought about it. He took Nie Caizhu directly with a flying talisman to escape, but the monk could not run away from the temple. Since the clam demon could control Nie Caizhu's sleepwalking, he must have a clear picture of his family's situation.

If he left with Nie Caizhu, the clam monster would not be able to find it, and it would be impossible to guarantee that he would not attack his family.

Therefore, Shen Luo is now in a dilemma, but he can only go head-on. When he is not a last resort, he cannot escape.

While thinking about it, the purple-clothed girl transformed by the clam demon suddenly moved and charged towards Shen Luo.

Its speed was much faster than before, only the silhouette flashed, and the sharp knife in his hand was handed to Shen Luo's chest, and a bit of cold light flashed above the blade, which directly pierced Shen Luo to the heart.

After transforming into a purple-clothed girl, her speed has doubled!

However, the moment the blade entered the body, the purple-clothed girl noticed something was wrong, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Sure enough, the stabbed "sinking" figure suddenly dissipated, sliding out a series of vague afterimages of human figures, and the ground under the feet of the afterimages also seemed to be shattered by moonlight, transforming into patches of alternating light and dark. Moon Shadow moved sideways.

The sinking figure reappeared from the afterimage, and his body was intact, with no injuries at all.

His current oblique moon step has reached a great level. Although there is still a long way to go before he can display the Yimu Immortal Dungeons, he has been able to play freely in actual combat, and it has helped a lot.

Shen Luoying once again drew out a series of afterimages, but this time it went directly to the side of the demon clam. The ghost howl ring in his hand made a scream, and circles of visible sound waves surged out and went straight to the demon clam's armpit. go with.

The clam demon, incarnate as a girl, sank its elbows downwards, and the clam shells attached to his arms directly blocked the ghostly howling sound waves. A slight shock dissipated all the sound waves.

With a flick of his hand, a white flying knife shot out from the palm of his hand and pierced Chen's heart.

Shen Luo had to run the oblique moon step quickly and dodge it.

At this time, Lang Sheng had also stood up again and rushed to Shen Luo's side.

"This monk's cultivation base is far above you and me. It can only be outsmarted and cannot be defeated..." Shen Luo lowered his voice and said some arrangements to Lang Sheng.

"It's all about the master." Lang Sheng nodded repeatedly.

As soon as her words fell, the purple-clothed girl rushed towards the two of them. With a sudden wave of the white miao knife in her hand, a series of blade phantoms suddenly appeared, continuously, shrouded in sinking.

This time, Shen Luo didn't flee with an oblique moon step, but flicked his wrist, and dozens of water arrows shot out from his sleeve at the same time, hitting the blade phantom that was enveloped in all directions.

When the two collided, the tip of the water arrow suddenly burst into thunder, and dozens of small thunder symbols flashed at the same time, attracting dozens of snow-white thunder lights from the sky, and instantly blasted the surrounding houses and courtyard walls into flying bricks and dust, and smoke and dust everywhere.

In the the vision of the purple-clothed girl was blocked, her forward movement ceased, she suddenly heard the sound of the wind in her ears, and quickly turned her back. She actually pulled out an iron bridge and turned her back. Go down.

Two hammer shadows swept over his body immediately, bringing up two whistling whirlwinds, sweeping away the smoke and dust.

The purple-clothed girl put her hands on the ground, her figure suddenly rushed up, her hands swept out with a blade, and she was about to cut the shrimp soldiers in the middle.

But at this time, the body of the shrimp soldier was wrapped by a water rope, and suddenly pulled to the rear, able to avoid the blade of the purple-clothed girl, retreated into the smoke and disappeared.

The purple-clothed girl snorted coldly, and her figure suddenly jumped forward, chasing after Langsheng retreated.

But after only two steps, something tripped under her feet. When she looked down, it was a water rope with a small thunder talisman hanging over it.

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