Susie looked at the small group. She was so brave to find Su Lei. If she counseled again, it would be too humiliating, so she nodded hard and cheered herself, "OK, let's go to find Su Lei."

The two children carried a small bag on their back and sneaked out of the door without the attention of the servants.

"Xiaotuanzi, Su Lei has a children's programming competition to participate in today. Based on my understanding of him, he will definitely go." susisi pointed to her simple map and said to xiaotuanzi: "The place where he participated in the programming competition is here. We are here now, about 1234568 blocks apart. I studied it last night. We have to take a subway and transfer twice to get there..."

Su Ruan looked at Susie as if she was saying how they should upgrade and fight strange. She couldn't help tilting her head and asked, "sister, why don't we take a car?"

Susie is embarrassed. Why is she so stupid?

I didn't expect that they didn't have to take public transport at all. They could take a taxi directly.

Just then, a taxi stopped slowly in front of them, "little doll, where are you going?"

"Let's go, let's go!" the Little Regiment hurriedly hopped and wanted to open the door, but his height was so limited that he couldn't pull the door handle.

The smile on the middle-aged driver's face is gentle and infinite. Men of this age really have no resistance to soft and cute dumplings.

He got out of the car, took the small ball to the back seat and fastened his seat belt.

The small ball's big round eyes smiled into a curved moon, "thank you, millet..."

The little milk sound is sweet, crisp, soft and sweet to people's heart.

Susie got into the car from the other side with her own hands and feet and sat down.

Then, she carefully took out her self-made map from her small bag and showed it to the driver's uncle, "uncle, you see, my sister and I want to go to this place to find my brother. Can you take us there?"

The middle-aged driver looked at the crumpled paper. Susie pointed to the position of a net with black lines.

How could he know what this mysterious net stands for in the little doll's magical little brain?

Susie looked at the driver and stared at her blankly. After reacting for a while, she patted the driver on the shoulder, "Oh, uncle, I understand. We have money."

Then she turned out a few red notes from her small bag and handed them to the driver, "uncle, are these enough for you?"

The driver was helpless, "little doll, it's not about money. It's my uncle who doesn't understand where you're going."

Susie frowned and stared at her map for a long time. She asked xiaotuanzi suspiciously, "xiaotuanzi, can't I draw a clear map?"

"Just..." Xiaotuan's face was full of seriousness. "Maybe it's a little unclear. Sister, just tell millet where we're going!"

Susie scratched her head. "But I don't know where that place is!"

Driver: "little doll, why don't you tell millet what you're going to do?"

"Our brother is participating in the programming competition. We want to cheer him on. Can you take us?" xiaotuanzi hurriedly replied.

The middle-aged driver's eyes lit up, "OK!"

The two children began to bite their ears. The driver's uncle looked at the two milk dolls carved in pink and jade from the rearview mirror, and the smile on his face spoiled a little.

The two sisters are so cute and adorable that they are popular.

I don't know if their parents saved the galaxy. They can have such cute two daughters and a brother who can enter the finals of the National Children's programming competition.

Unlike the two smelly boys in his family, he makes his home like a battlefield and a garbage dump all day.


I just want to put them back in the furnace and rebuild them!

The driver uncle sent the two small animals to the children's palace.

When the sisters slipped into the children's palace hand in hand, the children's programming competition had begun.

On the stage are some 5-8-year-old children, skillfully operating the keyboard and mouse.

Su Lei was also on the stage. He frowned and looked at the computer carefully, making the final preparations before the game.

He is very interested in and gifted in programming. Children's programming is a little Cass for him. He is not worried, but he is upset by the cheering sound of cheering for his children one after another.

Thinking of playing today's game, he had to go to the welfare home. His eyes were a little sour.

But after only a few seconds of distraction, he forced himself to concentrate. He must win the championship of today's competition. Only when he goes to the welfare home with honor will he not be despised and bullied!

He raised his hand and wiped the tears that fell unconsciously. He looked straight at the computer in front of him. Suddenly, he heard a voice of naimeng under the stage, "brother, come on, brother Su Lei, you are the fattest!"


Su Lei's heart seemed to be squeezed by a big hand. He suddenly looked up at the source of the sound.

Naimeng's small group sat on the seat, two fat lotus root like arms waving constantly, and his small mouth shouted at the top of his voice, come on, brother, come on!

Seeing him looking over, the Little Regiment shouted harder.

Susie, who was sitting next to her, shook her fist at him and made a sign of refueling, although her expression was a little disgusted.

Su Lei's heart was full of flavors for a moment.

How did they know he was playing here?

Why are they here?

I didn't see any brothers. Did they come by themselves?

There are a series of big question marks in Su Lei's small head.

But the game is not over yet. He can't be distracted.

However, naimeng's cute little girl immediately won the attention of the parents present, especially those who only have boys at home.

Cute enough to steal children.

The game officially began and the whole audience was silent.

Little Tuan Zi quickly stopped his voice. Little ass sat nervously on the stool. Little body was straight and stared at the stage, as if the person in the competition was herself.

Susie gave the little ball a grateful look.

Her and Su Lei's birth was a mistake, so they grew so big that they got only a handful of warmth.

And xiaotuanzi is definitely the one who gives them the most warmth in their short life.

The two children only focused on watching Su Lei operate the computer on the stage. They didn't notice that one of the parents off the stage had eyes on them and never left.

From the moment the sisters came in, Qian Jiani had noticed them.

When she saw the two little girls sitting down, she didn't see any of the Su brothers appear. She already had an idea in her heart.

The last time she was in a clothing store, she was taught a lesson by Su Ziyuan because of the smelly child.

On the parents' open day of the kindergarten yesterday, her second uncle's family was severely taught by Su Yiqing and Su Ziyuan. In order to make amends, the second uncle even cut off his second aunt's fingers. Therefore, they also spent a lot of money to bail him out.

Today, since the smelly child bumped into her hand, she has to teach her a good lesson and let them know her strength!

At least she was their sister-in-law, and it was right to teach them a lesson.

It's just that she is an adult. It's more or less inappropriate to go directly to the trouble of two little farts. She turns her eyes to Qian Sisi on the stage

The game is over, Su Lei wins!

The small ball jumped up from the seat like a small shell, "brother won, brother is so fat, brother, you are the pride of our family!"

Su Lei listened to the crisp and cute voice, and his ears turned red quietly.

The guilt in my heart spread.

Such a lovely sister, he actually pushed her down the stairs. At this time, he felt that there was no brother in the world who was less than him.

He decided that he would protect his sister all his life. He would fight with anyone who wanted to bully his sister.

After the competition in this group, Su Lei and other participants withdrew to the backstage to rest.

After all the competitions are finished, the final ranking will be carried out according to the speed and accuracy of the questions.

After su Lei stepped down, Susie took xiaotuanzi's hand, "xiaotuanzi, let's go backstage to find Su Lei."

But before they got backstage, they were stopped.

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