Leaf Ruan follows Gu Chen back to her own small apartment.

It was not until she stepped into the house that she realized that something was wrong. It was clearly her house. How could she follow Gu Chen into the house? Gu Chen was even more familiar than her.

And after Gu Chen entered the door, he went directly to the kitchen.

Yeruan watched him skillfully take down the apron hanging on the wall and tie it around his waist. The man's fingers were long and the fingers flying up and down to tie the bow looked so beautiful.

The belt of the apron tightened his waist and perfectly outlined his wide shoulders and narrow waist.

From the angle of the kitchen door, ye Ruan looked at the man working in the kitchen. The man's side face was as perfect as a carving. Under the harmony of the natural light coming in from the window, it looked softer, but it was more beautiful as a relegated immortal falling from the mortal world, which struck a chord.

When guchen opened the refrigerator to get the food, the door of the refrigerator blocked his face. Ye Ruan came back to find that the two robots at home had been put away.

The kitchen, which had been consumed by her, was now filled with all kinds of fresh ingredients. The busy figure in the kitchen also filled the whole family with the smell of human fireworks.

In the evening, ye Ruan said good night to Gu Chen. When she closed the bedroom door of her room, she thought of the man in the next room. The empty space in her heart these days seemed to be filled.

She sat cross legged on the bed with her laptop on her lap.

After she opened the mailbox, there was a new email in the mailbox. She opened the email and downloaded the files in it. It was the whole story of last night that she had entrusted to investigate.

After reading the documents and various evidence materials at a glance, her eyes fell on the word "Wang Ya".

Although it was expected that Wang Ya would do it again, she couldn't wait to do it to her when their company was suffering a heavy blow and was in danger.

Ye Ruan shook her head slightly. For such a role, she could not even mention her interest in cleaning up.

However, in order to show her respect for her opponent, she checked the coordinates where Wang Ya is now.

It doesn't matter. After checking, she stared at the flashing red dots on the map. Wang Ya was in an abandoned factory.

Power has been cut off in the abandoned factory for a long time, and it is impossible to have a camera.

Based on her several contacts with Wang Ya and her understanding of Wang Ya, it is impossible for a young lady to go to such a place unless she is taken away by someone!

Thinking of this, ye Ruan unconsciously came up with a figure in her mind. Her heart beat closely. Could it be him?

Anyway, she didn't do it to Wang Ya. Wang Ya's life and death had nothing to do with her. She could have pretended that she didn't know anything, but she put down her laptop and took her mobile phone to go out.

Like a thief, she went out of her room quietly and closed the door in a very low voice.

However, when she felt the darkness and bent down to change shoes at the door, she still felt a sense of oppression coming from her head. She looked up and looked up at Gu Chen's dark and deep eyes.

The eyes were like a black hole, which instantly sucked her in, making her unable to extricate herself.

She unconsciously froze for a moment, and then showed a flattering smile, "how did you get up?"

"Where are you going?" There was no superfluous expression on guchen's face, and he did not answer the question calmly.

Ye Ruan quickly calmed down and said, "I can't sleep. I want to go out for a walk."

When she said this, Gu Chen stared at her eyes and said, "I'll go with you. You stand here and wait for me for a while."

Guchen's voice was like the song of a mermaid with the power of bewitchment. Ye Ruan wanted to go to the abandoned factory in the suburbs of Beijing secretly, but now she could go first, but her feet stopped in the same place with her own ideas.

After a while, Gu Chen came out wearing a motorcycle suit and carrying two helmets in his hands. One is his own black one, and the other is her white one, which is self-evident.

Yeruan was slightly surprised at his appearance.

Gu Chen looked at her lovely smile and smiled lightly. "Didn't he say that he couldn't sleep? He took you for a ride."

"Oh." Ye Ruan answered, and his appearance was a little clever, which made Gu Chen tremble.

As she followed Gu Chen to the elevator, she tilted her head and asked Gu Chen, "can you still ride a motorcycle?"

"Yes." Gu Chen pressed the elevator and simply agreed.

Ye Ruan continued to ask, "what else can you do besides motorcycles? Such as equestrian, archery, racing cars, helicopters, can you?"

Gu Chen's deep eyes fixed on her curious little appearance, suddenly bent down to breathe hot air in her ear, and said softly, "I won't tell you these for the time being. I'll keep them for you to find out later."

Originally, the two people took the elevator naturally. Now Gu Chen's approach made the whole elevator full of hot and ambiguous flavor.

But fortunately, the elevator jingled and reached the basement.

When ye Ruan got off the elevator, he looked around the garage and didn't see a handsome locomotive.

Gu Chen, who was holding her, stopped beside a black Bentley and opened the door for her, "get on the bus."

Ye Ruan looked at the motorcycle clothes he was wearing in a puzzled way. "I don't mean..."

Before she finished, Gu Chen raised her hand and gently scraped her delicate nose. "The locomotive is too loud. Driving in the city will disturb the people."

Gu Chen said, and thrust her into the copilot.

She was about to fasten her seat belt when Gu Chen's big hand grasped the seat belt in her hand.

She turned her head and looked at him. His voice was full of magnetism. "I'll help you!"

She was instantly as if she had been bewitched and stayed where she was, motionless.

Guchen put his head to help her fasten her seat belt. The pleasant smell of fresh wood on his body penetrated into the tip of her nose. After her heart missed a beat, it became active, just like a naughty little rabbit in her arms, and began to beat violently.

With a click, Gu Chen got up and sat up straight after fastening her seat belt.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Ye Ruan's taut and silly appearance, and his deep eyes were tinged with a successful smile.

As Gu Chen left far away, ye Ruan's body and mind dirty just relaxed a little, and the two helmets fell into her arms. At the same time, Gu Chen's magnetic voice with a smile came into her ears, "hold it well."

Ever since she was a child, yeruan has never felt that her own heart has been so chaotic as today. Even, she can't help looking at Gu Chen in the driver's seat with the rest of her eyes.

When she could not help peeping again, Gu Chen suddenly stepped on the brake and turned to look at her.

Her eyes were opposite. She was a little embarrassed to be caught. Subconsciously, she took back her sight, turned her head to one side, and pretended to be in the scenery outside.

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