After Gu Chen followed Mr. Meier upstairs, Ye Ruan went downstairs to chat with Mrs. Meier along with Lao Qi and Xiao Qi.

Mrs. Meyer warmly invited them to stay for lunch together. New Biquge

They can't refuse.

By lunchtime, Mr. Meyer and Gu Chen also finalized the cooperation agreement between Meyer Technology and Mr. Gu.

After lunch, the Meier family wanted to go back to country m according to their itinerary, and Gu Chen sent them to the car outside the manor.

When Ye Ruan followed Gu Chen back to the Little Pig Peggy Manor, Qi Lao, Xiao Yiyi and Xiao Qi were already waiting for her in the living room with the lawyer.

Seeing her back, the lawyer immediately took out a thick stack of documents.

After she sat down, the lawyer took out the documents one by one and read them to her one by one.

After the lawyer explained the contract to her, she looked at Xiao Yiyi and Xiao Qi in surprise, "Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, this..."

According to what the lawyer just said, it is already stated in the contract that all future profits from the gallery and hospital that Xiao Qi and Xiao Yiyi gave her will be hers. Xiao Qi and Xiao Yiyi are responsible.

In other words, she is absolutely guaranteed to make money without losing money.

She didn't know what to say for a while.

Xiao Yiyi walked to her side and rubbed her hair naturally, "In the future, don't call us senior brother, call us cousin together with Gu Chen. This gift was given to junior sister and sister as well.

You can accept it with peace of mind. If you encounter trouble in the future, if you need help, just ask your cousin. "

Xiao Yiyi had already said this, and she would be hypocritical if she said refusal. She suppressed the unspeakable emotions in her heart, smiled and said to Xiao Yiyi and Xiao Qi: "Thank you second cousin, thank you five cousin."

"Hey, you're welcome." Xiao Qi and Xiao Yiyi answered in unison.

I don't know if it was her illusion, she always felt that when they agreed to this, there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

But she didn't have time to take a closer look. The housekeeper came in and said to her respectfully, "Miss Ye, there is a courier outside who delivered your courier. It is said that it is very important and you must sign for it in person."

Ye Ruan's heart skipped a beat, but she didn't show it at all. She smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go right now."

She walked out of the manor quickly, and outside the gate of the manor, she saw that familiar figure.

Ye Heng has a superior figure, even in express clothes, she is tall and straight, but this tall and straight posture is murderous and cold even if she just looks at the back, even if she is his sister, she can't feel any warmth from him. .

She walked straight over and asked politely, "Hello, is there my courier?"

Ye Heng turned his head, glanced at her with a pair of gloomy eyes, and handed a package and a pen to her, "Ms. Ye Ruan?"


At the same time as Ye Ruan responded, Ye Heng pointed to a place on the express slip and said, "Please sign for it here."

Ye Ruan signed the name, politely returned the pen, and thanked Ye Heng.

When she returned to the villa with the package, her heart was about to pop out of her throat. She had thought about it countless times on the way. If Gu Chen wanted to see what she bought, how should she tell Gu Chen? .

However, there was still a bit of luck in his heart, Gu Chen usually wouldn't ask her about these little things.

As a result, as soon as she walked into the living room, Gu Chen, who was talking to Elder Qi, Xiao Yiyi and Xiao Qian, looked at her and asked, "Did you buy something valuable online? Why do you need to sign for it in person?" Xinbiquge provides you with the fastest small milk group of the big guys is the update of the black heart lotus, chapter 1106 The express sent by my brother is free to read.

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