"Your reputation?" Before Gu Chen could speak, Su Lei first snorted coldly: "Miss Wu, you look down on yourself too much. You are not worthy of defending Ruan Ran!"

Having said that, Su Lei handed the mobile page to Wu Shan, "Although the campus forum is anonymous, it is not a place outside the law, and these IPs with hair posts slandering the soft are all yours, Miss Wu.

Slandering and spreading rumors causing serious damage to the reputation of others can be sentenced to up to three years in prison. "

After Su Lei finished speaking, Wu Shan still wanted to quibble, but suddenly there was a commotion among the classmates who were watching the excitement, "Hey, why does our school forum have a real name?"

"Fortunately I didn't say anything in the forum."


It's just that some people are still in the mood to discuss, but some people don't even dare to say a word, so they quickly took out their mobile phones and started deleting their previous messages and posts.

Su Lei's indifferent eyes swept over the panicked people, "All the data in the forum has now been stored in the police evidence bank, even if you delete all the posts and comments now, the evidence has already been left. ."

The faces of many people in the crowd suddenly turned pale.

At this time, Su Yiqing looked at the principal with a cold expression and said, "Principal Han, Beijing University has been established for a hundred years, and the campus forum has attacked an innocent female student online.

Not only did the school not investigate the cause, but they also wanted to deal with innocent female students.

Can Principal Han explain why he did this? "

Principal Han was also a little confused for a while, and said blankly: "Mr. Su, have you misunderstood something? Ye Ruan's case has been widely spread, and it has indeed affected the reputation of Beijing University.

I personally contacted Ye Ruan's counselor, and after learning that Ye Ruan asked for leave, I also wanted to ask Ye Ruan to come back to find out the real situation, but I didn't think about dealing with Ye Ruan directly. "ŴŴŴ.

Gu Chen stood beside Ruan Ruan, looked at the principal and said, "This matter should indeed be a misunderstanding. I believe in the conduct of Principal Han."

The principal also took the opportunity to say, "Mr. Su, the school will definitely find out who is slandering Ye Ruan, and give Ye Ruan an explanation.

Mr. Su, do you need to negotiate with the police about this matter? It's better to arrest a few leaders. If you arrest all these students, it will affect the reputation of Beijing University. "

Su Yiqing didn't have the slightest wave on his face, just looked at the headmaster with oppressive eyes, "Headmaster Han thinks that a school's reputation is more important than a person's reputation?

So in order to maintain the reputation of Beijing University, I can wrong my sister to bear all the rumors alone, and let those who spread nonsense on the Internet go unpunished, right? "

The principal was speechless for a moment. For the sake of the overall situation, is it not normal to give up a little personal reputation?

Moreover, it's not that Ye Ruan's reputation will not be restored, or that there will be fewer arrests, lest things get bigger, and the rumors will affect the reputation of Beijing University for a hundred years!

As everyone knows, what is normal in his heart is absolutely impossible in the hearts of the Su family.

Their sister has suffered enough outside for so many years, and now it is naturally impossible to make them feel wronged.

Su Yifan stretched out his hand to hold the gold-rimmed glasses, took Su Yiqing's words and said to the principal, "Principal Han, as the principal of Beijing University, we understand that you want to safeguard the reputation of Beijing University.

But as older brothers, we also need to safeguard our younger sister's reputation, and please understand us too. "

At this time, Principal Han looked at Ye Ruan with some astonishment.

It was well known that the only little princess of the Su family went missing in the shipwreck. At Su Yifan's wedding, Su Ruan Ruan's body appeared inexplicably, which caused a lot of trouble.

Why did the Su family have another sister?

Is it really because Ye Ruan and Su Ruan Ruan look alike, they recognized their godsister?

But a god sister, is it necessary to protect her shortcoming so far?

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