Susie and xiaotuanzi went upstairs with their claws. Not long after they returned to the room, there was a knock on the door.

When she opened the door and saw Su Lei, there were big question marks on her little head, "Hey, how could it be you? I thought it was a small ball. We made an appointment to dig earthworms and fish..."

Su Lei ignored Susie, went directly into her room and closed the door.

Susie looked at him with a serious and dignified look and suddenly reflected why he came.

"Don't think so much. Even if they come back, it has nothing to do with you," Susie said directly.

Su Lei sat down on the small sofa with a depressed face. "I hope it doesn't matter, but it doesn't matter. It's not what we say.

Grandma called me just now... "

Susie looked back at Su Lei in shock, and her little face was filled with anger. "Su Lei, did you get kicked by a donkey or squeezed by the door? Brother, they and Xiaotuan are so kind to us, and you still contact the old witch?

What do you want to do? You still want to take Su from your big brother. Su is yours, right?

You think so beautifully, why don't you go to heaven and stand side by side with the sun? "

Susie has a small mouth like a machine gun.

Su Lei rubbed his forehead reluctantly, "Susie, can you hear what I said first?

I said, "grandma called me today, not me!"

"Oh, what did she tell you?" Susie was stunned by Su Lei for a second and naturally ended her indignant criticism.

"It's still those words. Let me find a chance to go to big brother and help them steal information and bring down big brother." Su Lei didn't care. After saying that, he looked at Susie with black eyes, "I'm looking for you to discuss with you. If they must take us back after they come back, or because they come back, big brother, they don't want to take us back. What should we do?"

"Oh!" Susie sneered, "the first assumption is that you are worried too much. Even if our cheap father has a conscience and wants to take us back, do you think his wife will be willing?

As for the second question... "

Susie thought for a moment, "I think we'd better ask big brother directly!"

The excellent hesitation on Su Lei's face flashed, "do you know it's false for the third brother to break off the relationship with other brothers and Su Shi?"

"Hmm?" Susie's small eyebrows wrinkled into a wavy shape. "That's a good thing! It's just why you suddenly told me this?"

"I don't know why they did this, but I think it's probably because of Su Quan. Anyway, we also have half of Su Quan's blood in our bodies. In fact, they have no responsibility and obligation to take us in." although Su Lei tried his best to suppress the expression on his face, his tone still revealed his deep worry and pain.

Susie didn't think so much of him. She directly grabbed his collar and slipped him up. "Let's ask big brother!"

Su Lei hesitated, but susisi didn't give him a chance to refuse, so she took him to knock on Su Yiqing's study door.

"What are you looking for me?" Su Yiqing's eyes fell on them.

Although he was not willing to accept Susie and Sulei at first, he really treated them as his brothers and sisters these days.

Su Lei thought a lot before coming, but at this time, he had caught up with the ducks on the shelf. He still stood up without hesitation, "brother, my sister and I want to ask you, will you continue to take us in or send us to them when they come back?"

Su Yiqing looked directly at Su Lei's clear black eyes. After a moment of silence, he calmly asked, "what do you think? Do you want to stay or go to your father?"

"Stay!" Su Lei and Susie said in unison.

"OK, then stay." Su Yiqing replied, "I'll solve other things."

Su Lei's small body took a step back and bowed deeply at 90 degrees, "brother, thank you."

Su Yiqing's cold eyes were stained with a trace of warmth, "I really want to thank me. Just take good care of soft for me in the future."

Su Lei shook his fist and said firmly, "don't worry, brother. No matter what happens in the future, I will take good care of my sister even if I risk my life."

Susisi ran over and took Su Yiqing's big hand, slapped him forcibly, and said with Jianghu spirit: "brother, I'm not as sensational as Su Lei. I won't thank you for your kindness. The soft things will be on me in the future."

Su Yiqing smiled and rubbed their heads for the first time. "Just remember what you said today."

Little Tuanzi didn't know that her big brother had added a layer of solid protection to her. She had planned to dig earthworms with Susie, but when she was about to go out, she saw her brick machine light up a red alarm.

When she picked it up and looked, she found that the outer firewall of her system had been broken.

She quickly pressed her hands on the keyboard of the brick machine, repairing the loopholes in the firewall and strengthening the firewall.

After defending for a while, the opponent's attack strength gradually weakened. Her clear eyes turned and a pair of small meat hands were busy again.

Turning passivity into initiative, she wants to see who it is and how good network technology is. She dares to play a big knife in front of her door.

But the more he attacked, the tighter his eyebrows were.

Unexpectedly, without any obstacles, she directly broke through all the other party's firewalls. At the moment she entered the other party's network, six big words pop up on her screen, "welcome to Gu".

Xiaotuanzi was stunned in an instant, so she was so smooth just now. It was really the other party's intention!

But why?

However, no matter what the reason is, she has been trapped by the other party, so let it be as it comes.

She browsed each other's web page without psychological burden, but found that it was not Gu's intranet at all, but Gu Chen's personal home page.

The website is full of Gu Chen's personal introduction and various photos from small to large.

Xiaotuanzi was a little depressed at the beginning, but she was soon relieved. She didn't lose seeing so many handsome photos of Gu Chen.

At this time, Gu Chen looked at the browsing traces belonging to the small group on his desk computer, and a fox like sly smile came up at the corners of his mouth.

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