The originally dirty dough quickly turned into a bowl of snow-white dough under a pair of white and waxy hands.

Because the seasoning was too monotonous, xiaotuanzi went outside the door to collect a few shallots, chopped them and sprinkled them on the dough.

The face value of the patch instantly increased by several degrees.

Su Yifan took a bowl and ate it.

Xiaotuanzi ate a big whale. She thought she would have to work hard to persuade the clean and refined three brothers to eat the bowl of rough noodles.

"The noodles cooked by my sister are really delicious." Su Yifan doesn't forget to blow rainbow farts with a smile while eating quickly.

Xiaotuanzi's eyelids smoked. I don't know if she has been used to fighting with her third brother recently. She subconsciously said, "I forgot to wash onions just now."

Su Yifan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "it doesn't matter. After passing his sister's hand, this onion is the cleanest and most fragrant onion in the world."

Xiaotuanzi: "

Su Yifan really has no cleanliness habit. He doesn't dislike it at all. He eats a bowl of noodles quickly and gracefully, and finally there is no soup left.

This time, when I was lying in bed after washing again, I finally got rid of the protest of my third brother's stomach.

However, her third brother still moved his body gently as if bitten by some kind of insect.

Little Tuanzi was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. He drooped his eyelids and asked vaguely, "third brother, you have an uncomfortable stomach. Do you want to pull Baba?"

Su Yifan immediately stiffened and stopped moving. Then he sighed leisurely, "Alas, Baba is pulled, but my hand is not pulled."

"Then you can hold Baba in your hand!" after the sleepy little dumpling said, she realized what she said.

He suddenly woke up and looked at Su Yifan through the moonlight.

Su Yifan's face was indescribable.

Isn't his hint obvious enough?

Or is his sister's brain circuit too straight to understand his warm hint?

In the moonlight, he looked at the water moistening eyes of the small ball. Finally, he said to the small ball directly and pitifully: "sister, I need you to hold hands to fall asleep."

Xiaotuanzi: "

When she first came to the program, she thought that the fourth brother might not be easy to bring, but now she knows that the third brother is the hardest to bring.

She can only peel the corn by herself. She has to teach him to clean up the house. She has to cook noodles for him in the middle of the night. Now she has to hold hands to sleep.

But she was helpless. Her little claw still grabbed Su Yifan's big hand.

After all, he is his own brother. What else can he do if he is not spoiled?

Su Yifan wrapped his big hands around the soft and waxy claws of the small dumpling. The smile from the corners of his mouth was particularly sweet in the moonlight. Now, he was satisfied

Whoa, whoa

The rooster's loud beating awakened the sun, and the first ray of naughty sunshine jumped on the small ball's pink face.

The long eyelashes of small Tuanzi fluttered, casting a butterfly wing like shadow on her pink face.

She was gently moved by the little jiojio in the quilt. In order not to disturb her, Su Yifan, who had already awakened, kept a posture motionless. At this time, her body was stiff.

Then I saw the little Tuanzi open a pair of obsidian painted black and moist eyes, and smiled at him sweetly, "three brothers, good morning!"

Su Yifan immediately felt that his mood was as bright as today's sunshine.

It's worth being a vegetable for a month to see his sister wake up with such a milk and sweet smile, let alone keep him motionless for an hour or two!

Compared with the last trip, the program group really has an extra conscience this time.

Not only did they wake them up at 4 a.m. without a gong, they even prepared breakfast for them.

This time, Su Yifan was very conscious. When he heard the village radio, he took his breakfast.

When he came back, xiaotuanzi had changed his clothes and tied up two small tugs, but the small tug was loose and impetuous, so he didn't see it.

If it weren't for the support of small Tuanzi's appearance, it would be regarded as a little savage running out of the mountain.

However, Su Yifan didn't pay so much attention to the image as Su Yan, or he didn't care about the image at all. His own hair was like a chicken nest, so he ran to get breakfast.

Xiaotuanzi looked at a cup of milk, a cup of coffee, two eggs and two steamed buns in his plate, and stared at the coffee with big eyes.

Su Yifan saw her careful thinking, put the milk in front of her, took a sip of coffee and said, "little fart, you can't drink coffee."

Xiaotuan Zi puffed up his cheeks like a little puffer fish, "I'm not a little fart child!"

Su Yifan glanced at her condescending, "do you want to talk to Su Yan?"

Little Tuanzi was so angry that he bit his glutinous rice teeth. "Three brothers, you don't talk about martial virtue! It's agreed that this is the secret between us."

Su Yifan shook his coffee in front of the small ball, gently raised his eyebrows at her, "do you still want to drink coffee?"

Little Tuanzi's eyes turned cunningly, "brother three, I don't want to drink coffee. Do you want to have close contact with corn worms again? Or... Do you prefer maggots?"

Successfully saw that Su Yifan's face became as ugly as eating excrement in an instant, and ran out with his mouth covered. Xiaotuanzi was very satisfied, took a bite of steamed bread, took up milk and drank.

Well, the steamed bread is soft, the milk is sweet, and the eggs are delicious. The food of the program group is pretty good.

After breakfast, everyone received the task card of the program group.

Adults have to help the villagers do farm work in the village, and the task of the little guys is to go to the town outside the village.

They need to take some agricultural products to sell, and then use the money to buy the ingredients for today's noon and prepare surprises for their brother or father.

The farm product that the small group was given was 30 duck eggs.

It was just the time to go to the market. The market in the town was crowded and bustling.

Dudu, cocoa, Qingzi, Tongtong and little Tuanzi are five little guys. Look left and right. It's very novel.

Although xiaotuanzi has lived for two lives, she has never been to such a smoky place before or after crossing.

Only Gu Chen always looked like an old-fashioned little adult and closely followed behind the little Tuanzi.

Several little guys stood in front of a sugar painting booth and swallowed a mouthful of water.

Glancing at each other, the biggest doodle shouted, "boss, I want five sugar paintings."

"No, no, brother Dudu, it's six, and brother Gu Chen wants one too!" the Little Regiment quickly corrected Dudu.

Dudu looked back at Gu Chen, "Oh, sorry, I forgot Chen Chen. Boss, I want six sugar paintings. I want monkey king. What do you want?"

"I want dinosaurs!"

"I want page!"

"I want a bald head!"


The little guys scrambled to shout. After shouting, they were afraid they didn't know. They began to describe what they wanted.

At this time, Gu Chen, standing behind him, said coolly, "do you have money?"

Five little guys: "eh..."


Dudu was the most embarrassed. He wanted to invite his brothers and sisters to eat sugar paintings, but Gu Chen reminded him that all the things they brought were still in hand. Where did he get the money to buy sugar paintings?

At this time, xiaotuanzi found that Gu Chen's basket was empty, raised his little face, and asked Gu Chen softly: "brother Gu Chen, have you sold your eggs?"

"Er......" Gu Chen's face was hard to describe for a moment.

If it hadn't been said from the mouth of a four-year-old milk ball, it would have been a little disappointing

"Hmm!" Gu Chen nodded.

Little Tuanzi's big eyes were bright and full of the light of small calculation, "brother Gu Chen, you must have money, right?"

She said, holding Gu Chen's hand and shaking, "brother Gu Chen, will you pay for us first?"

Gu Chen glanced at Dudu, so Dudu invited him to pay. It felt... A little subtle!

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