Just as xiaotuanzi was trying to find a way, the pure black elegant butterfly Su Yifan gave her has returned.

The butterfly's Amber pupils lit up. Suddenly, a projection projected into the air appeared in front of the small ball.

Looking at Susie's swollen face like a pig's head, the little ball was angry immediately.

They slipped out of bed with their little fists. They dared to beat sissy's sister like this!

She must go and get Su Lei's brother and sissy's sister back, and she has to avenge sissy's sister. She has to call back!

Little Tuanzi angrily went out of the door. The little butterfly gently flapped its wings, and the light figure lightly followed her.

As soon as she went out, xiaotuanzi collided with Su Xiaowu who came to find her.

"Ouch!" the little ball raised his fleshy hand and rubbed his little nose.

Because of the pain, her big bright eyes were filled with a hazy mist, which made her look more lovable.

Su Xiaowu stopped his steps and hurriedly squatted down to check the small Tuanzi's nose. It was kneaded and pinched, so that the small Tuanzi's eyes, which were only foggy, were filled with tears.

"Fortunately, fortunately, there was no bleeding, and the bridge of the nose was not broken. It would not disfigure and affect his future marriage!" Su Xiaowu breathed a sigh of relief.

Little Tuanzi was angry and became a little puffer fish. He even wanted to bite the straight little brother.

She thinks that such a straight and gentle little brother has a high probability of becoming one of 30 million singles in the future!

But now is not the time to settle accounts with my little brother. The top priority now is to save brother Su Lei and sister Sisi.

Her big black eyes rolled around. She still needs help to implement her plan. My little brother should be able to help!

She hugged Su Xiaowu with her two small claws. Because she had some rough hands after long-term boxing practice, she dragged them into the room.

As Su Xiaowu walked along her strength, he shouted, "Hey, little Tuan Zi, what do you want to do? You won't murder your brother because his brother hit you!"

After xiaotuanzi entered the house, he closed the door and looked at his mouth helplessly.

The little brother who is no longer a bear child is still playing tricks!

She raised her little pink face and said to Su Xiaowu very seriously, "little brother, brother Su Lei and sister Sisi were bullied in the old house. Sister Sisi was beaten into a pig's head. We must save them!"

She motioned the butterfly to show Susie's projection to Su Xiaowu again.

When Su Xiaowu saw it, his fist crunched. "Those turtle grandsons, even a little girl named Susie, do they still have a bottom line!"

In Su Xiaowu's cognition, girls must not fight!

Even when he was a bear, he did things like lifting girls' skirts and cutting girls' hair, but he just thought that the little girl was very cute. Well, it was very similar to his family's little ball, and wanted to attract girls' attention.

Never touched a girl!

Xiaotuanzi also shook his fist seriously, "so we must go and save brother Su Lei and sister Sisi."

"The tyrant can't be expected in this matter." Su Xiaowu also seriously analyzed: "Su Lei and Su Sisi refused the tyrant to bring them back, and the tyrant will certainly not take the initiative to help them.

We can only do it ourselves. "

Little Tuanzi's eyes were shining and he pulled Su Xiaowu's sleeve. "Little brother, I've thought of a way, that is, I still need your help."

"What do you want my little brother to help? No matter what it is, my little brother is duty bound!" Su Xiaowu's heroic dry cloud straightened his small chest.

Xiaotuanzi pulled out her small bag, took out those strange things one by one and put them on her beautiful flower bed. While talking about the purpose of these things, she told Su Xiaowu her complete plan.

Su Xiaowu looked suspiciously at the pile of things she put on the bed and blushed. "Small ball, are you sure these things can have the effects you said?"

No wonder he suspected, mainly those small boxes, not only small, but also strange looking.

"Uh huh!" the small group nodded heavily. "These things are all given to me by the third brother. They are all high-tech, very powerful!"

Su xiaowumu

No, it's not just admiration, it should be sour!

More sour than the lemon fruit on the lemon tree!

From small to large, he pestered Su Yifan. He didn't know how many times, so he wanted to play with some of the gadgets he developed.

But Su Yifan always ignored him, despised him from head to toe, and then rejected him ruthlessly!

And xiaotuanzi, I just met Su Yifan for a few days and got so many things.

And the butterfly, God knows how much he wants!


These brothers are double labeled dogs. Their attitude towards their brothers and sisters is a heaven and an earth!

However, xiaotuanzi's idea was quite good. He squatted down and was as tall as xiaotuanzi. He smiled like a big gray wolf who only abducted children. "How can you thank your brother for helping you so much?"

He said, still nodding on his face.

It's so obvious that little Tuanzi can't pretend to be stupid.

He stood on tiptoe and gave Su Xiaowu a slap on his face.

Su Xiaowu immediately smiled contentedly.

After su Xiaowu went to make preparations, xiaotuanzi also took out all her things and checked them.

In fact, not all these things were given to her by her third brother. For example, the holographic projection used to deal with Su Miao was her own.

But this kind of thing can't be told to my little brother.

Everything is ready, only due to the east wind.

Originally, xiaotuanzi also discussed with Su Xiaowu how to save Su Lei's brother and Sisi's sister from his big brother in the evening.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, Su Yiqing called back and said he had something to deal with and would come back later.

Little Tuanzi and Su Xiaowu almost jumped up with joy. God helps them!

Time flies like a white horse, and it's evening in the twinkling of an eye.

Su Xiaowu and xiaotuanzi slipped out of the door hand in hand, got on the car that Su Xiaowu had already contacted, and went straight to the old house.

The car stopped outside the old house.

Xiaotuanzi and Su Xiaowu dragged the bag and a big box from the car.

Open the box and there is a big UAV inside.

Su Xiaowu, holding the remote control in his hand, was a little worried and said, "little Tuan, are you sure this UAV can bear your weight, and will the drone sound too loud, and will we reveal the stuffing?"

While playing with her other little things, xiaotuanzi said seriously: "don't worry, little brother! This UAV was specially modified by my third brother when I participated in the program with my third brother last time. It doesn't have any sound, and it can bear 100 kg. I'm only 30 kg!"

"Well!" although Su Xiaowu was a little worried, it was imperative to save them when he thought that Susie was beaten like that!

Finally, xiaotuanzi took out a pure white quilt from the box and put it on his head.

Then let the little brother safely tie himself to the UAV.

When the drone started, the small group was taken up and flew silently to Su Quan and Zhang Fen's room.

Because of the old lady's decision, Su Quan and Zhang Fen tossed about until this time, they finally accepted the fact that the old lady had gone to the nursing home and returned all the treasures left by Su Yiqing's parents to Su Yiqing.

But as soon as they fell asleep, they heard a frightening sound like a ghost roar.

With a quilt on his head and a voice transformer in his hand, xiaotuanzi suddenly turned into a sharp female ghost voice, "Su Quan, Zhang Fen, you dare to abuse my children. I want you to take your life now..."

At the same time, the holographic projection projected the image of Su Lei and Su Sisi's mother's seven orifices bleeding into Su Quan and Zhang Fen's room

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