Inside KFC.

While eating a crispy chicken leg, little Tuanzi quietly said, "sister, in the future, you can come and play with me twice in class, so that we can eat chicken legs twice more!"

Usually several brothers will not allow them to eat this junk food, but today the big brother is afraid to make an exception.

There is no doubt that big brother is trying to please sister sissy who wants to run away from home.

Susie rolled her eyes, "little Tuan Zi, are you afraid you don't want your sister to die young and travel around the world?"

Today, her big brother indulged her for a reason.

If she dares to lose her temper for three days or two, the big brother will clean her up so that she can't cry.

Su Yiqing's noble clothes are out of tune with KFC's environment, attracting frequent glances from customers in the store.

He himself calmly asked the three little birds, "where do you want to go after eating this?"

Little Tuanzi quickly raised his little paw. "Big brother, I want to buy clothes. It's not the little princess's clothes, but the cool and handsome clothes."

The smile on Su Yiqing's face gradually disappeared and even lost a little. "Doesn't Xiao Ruan like the little princess's skirts that big brother bought for you?"

So, has your lovely little sister begun to dislike her?

When xiaoruan saw the big brother, she immediately frowned and explained solemnly, "big brother, it's not da. Xiaoruan likes the little princess's skirt bought by big brother and wants some cool and handsome clothes.

I want to wear cool and handsome clothes. It doesn't look easy to provoke. No one dares to provoke me! "

"Does anyone dare to bully soft?" Su Yiqing's voice was mixed with some hostility. He dared to annoy his baby sister. He wanted to see who wanted to die.

"No, no!" xiaoruan waved her hand again and again, and suddenly found that it was more difficult to persuade her eldest brother to buy her another style of clothes than to do research before crossing!

Fortunately, at this time, Susie came forward actively, "brother, I also want to buy some cool and handsome clothes and pants, or wear skirts every day. How inconvenient!"

Since xiaotuanzi and Su Yan went to record the program for the first time and wore a skull t-shirt, Su Yan changed her cloakroom greatly after they came back.

As a result, she can only wear pink and tender clothes with the small group every day, like a delicate flower. She is no longer the cool girl she used to be.

Su Lei looked at the desire in the eyes of his two sisters and finally said, "brother, do you think sissy and soft clothes are almost Princess skirts in color and style, which is really a little too monotonous.

Girls should have different styles of clothes to show their different beautiful looks. "

As soon as Su Lei said these words, susisi and Su Ruan looked at him with great admiration.

Su Yiqing was finally persuaded, "OK, when you finish eating, your big brother will take you to buy clothes. You can buy whatever you want. In the future, your brothers won't let you have only princess skirts in your wardrobe!"

The two small groups were immediately happy, and the two small palms hit together, especially happy.

After eating KFC, Su Yiqing took three little guys straight to the mall.

Susie pulled the ball and was immersed in the ocean of joy.

Su Lei looked at his two sisters holding hands and couldn't help shaking his head. "Sure enough, from three to 80, as long as girls are keen on shopping!"

"Sister, I want to buy a gift for my brothers?" said Susie quietly

Susie looked at the little ball, frowned and blinked, "little ball, do you have money?"

The little ball shook his head, "No."

Because they are still young and have everything at home, they don't need to buy anything, so although several brothers secretly gave her a lot of assets, they didn't directly give her the money she can control.

"I have a little money," Susie hesitated. "But it's very few. Only a few hundred dollars is not enough to buy gifts for six brothers!"

Little Tuanzi's eyes lit up and nodded again and again, "enough, enough, we just need to buy some very simple things, and then go back and make gifts for our brothers."

After xiaotuanzi whispered his thoughts to Susie, Susie's eyes were as bright as the stars in the night sky, "OK, let's go quietly and buy these things and come back."

With that, the two little guys secretly glanced at Su Lei and Su Yiqing, who were bored and waiting for them, and left the children's clothing store with little jiojio upside down.

Turned to a jewelry store, cleaned up the target items and immediately returned to the children's clothing area.

He grabbed some matching clothes and gave them to the salesperson.

Then he went to Su Yiqing, "big brother, let's pick it!"

Just then, the salesman brought the packed clothes.

Su Yiqing took a look. "Is that all you want?"

Without waiting for the two children to talk, Su Yiqing said directly, "wrap up all the clothes in your store that are suitable for my two sisters' sizes and send them to this address."

He took the pen and paper from the salesperson and wrote down the address of the Su family villa.

At this time, a sudden voice came into Su Yiqing's ears, "my nephew is so generous in buying clothes for these two girls. I'm really willing. Girl Xi, your eldest brother is so kind to you. You have to be obedient and do more to serve your brothers and sisters.

Or maybe you'll be kicked out if you don't behave well one day. "

Zhang Fen walked into the store as she said in a strange way.

Susie's eyes were cold, and she didn't know why she was so unlucky today.

Su Quan responded at school. His older brother took them out of school to eat and play. Unexpectedly, he met Zhang Fen to respond to her.

Susie raised her little face and picked up her small eyebrows. "Slag is that everyone is slag like her!"

Su Zimei next to Zhang Fen immediately stood up, "who do you say is slag?"

"Whoever promises me will say who is scum!"

"You little bastard born of a cheap woman, don't you owe smoke?" Su Zimei was taken to the detention center by Susie and xiaotuanzi last time, and her previous resentment had not been vented.

Now I see Su Yiqing doting on Susie so much. Hatred and jealousy are driving her crazy.

She is also a cousin. She is still a legitimate cousin. Susie is just an illegitimate daughter.

Why is Susie better than her?

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