Xiaotuan Zi quickly shook a pair of small fat hands. Xiaonaiyin explained anxiously, "no, it's not like this. It's soft and can't raise Yanyan. Wow, soft and small, can't make money!"

"Then let my uncles support me." Yanyan said confidently.

"No way!" the little Tuanzi's face was full of embarrassment. "My eldest brother, Su Lei, and sister Sisi, both my second uncle signed a custody transfer agreement. If Yanyan wants to come to our house, she also needs Yanyan's Baba to sign!"

"Wow!" Yanyan bit her big thumb and frowned. "Then I'll ask Baba to write me that itchy agreement when I go back today. If he doesn't write it, I'll cry and make trouble, and I'll roll all over the ground for a hug!"

Sissy reached out and patted Yanyan's cerebellar bag melon, "old sister, wake up. If you dare to go back and tell your mother, I respect you as a man!"

Yanyan looked at sissy and said seriously, "aunt, you can't call me an old sister. You have to call me a niece. Also, Yanyan is not a man, Yanyan is a little public!"

"Oh, the little guy is stupid and cute. The seniority is very clear!"

"Yan Yan ~ Yan Yan ~"

Just then, Yanyan's mother came.

"Soft, I'll pack up the little baggage when I go back. Wait for me!" Yanyan quickly asked xiaotuanzi and ran out.

Little Tuanzi squatted behind the bar, holding his little face full of meat in one hand, drew a circle on the ground in the other hand, and sighed faintly, "Hey ~ ~"

Sisi bent down mercilessly and looked at the small face of the little Tuanzi in a strange posture. "Why is the new baby daddy sighing?"

Xiaotuanzi frowned and raised a sad little face, "sister, I've thought about it. If Yanyan really comes to me, I still have to feed her by myself.

Can't make the big brother harder! "

Susie stretched out her hand and patted xiaotuanzi on the shoulder, "well, she has ambition and responsibility. But xiaotuanzi, do you know how much tuition you pay for a semester in the kindergarten you are now in?"

"How much?"

Susie stretched out an open claw. "It's not much, just 500000. Plus the living expenses, it's about one million. It's two million a year.

If you go to set up a bowl under the overpass and ask for a red ticket every day, it will take 20000 days, that is, almost 55 years. When you become a nearly 60 year old grandmother, you can earn enough tuition for Yanyan for one year. "

Little Tuanzi immediately fainted backward.

Fortunately, Su Lei, who came to find them, was quick-sighted and helped xiaotuanzi to avoid her close contact with the earth.

Su Lei frowned and looked at Susie. "What are you talking about with the little group?"

Susie shrugged. "The little ball is going to be numb for others. I've calculated a baby account for her!"

Xiaotuanzi patted her heart and shook her fat hands desperately, "no, no, it's not right. I'm going to make it clear to Yanyan that softness is not rich, so I can be her numb ~!"

Su Lei reluctantly glanced at the small ball whose face was scared white, took her little hand and said, "the auction will begin soon. Let's go to big brother."


"Mr. Su, you are really a good man! You come to jade tasting meetings every year and become a Buddha. You come again this year?"

When they came to Su Yiqing, a half hundred old man was shaking the red wine in the glass and said to Su Yiqing with a smile. The sarcasm in his tone was very obvious.

The little girl beside him was the blonde loris, the old enemy of xiaotuanzi and Susie.

Susie glanced at Loris proudly, "Oh, isn't this the last 20 million people who bought a hairband, silly money, little sister?"

"Yes, yes, sister, that's the little sister." xiaotuanzi's big eyes like the sky after the rain are clear and flawless. She tilted her small head and looked at Loris again and again. "Is the little sister swollen and doesn't wear that floating hair band?"

"Maybe they took it back and gave it up, ready to be a sign of their family's silly money and spread it forever!" Susie touched her chin and said solemnly.

Loris's face was green with anger. She clenched her teeth and said, "let's see. My grandfather came today. My grandfather is a famous gambling king. Your big brother is the biggest pig in the gambling field every year!"

Little Tuanzi turned his big eyes, suddenly turned around, pouted his small ass at Loris and patted her.

Then he turned back and made a face at his eyelids. "I'll see. I'm afraid of you!"

There was a little verbal battle here. Su Yiqing was also interested and cruel in the business smile on Luo lish's grandfather Rosen's face. "Master Luo, since ancient times, the waves in the Yangtze River have pushed the waves behind. Recently, there have been a lot of accidents in your mine?"

Rosen's proud face suddenly changed. "Did you move your hand?"

"Old man, be careful!" Su Yiqing said without changing his face. "You can only blame you for choosing the wrong partner."

Knowing that even if Qin sold all his assets, Su Yiqing and the Qin family were at odds. The Luo family dared to accept the investment of the Qin foundation and promised a high return to the Qin foundation.

If the Luo family does this because they are short of money and have to do it.

But the Luo family is not. They are simply squeezed by the door. They are reading about their previous cooperative relationship with the Qin family and want to support the Qin family.

The Luo family didn't interfere in the bad things the Qin family did before.

Now that the Qin family has fallen, the rest dare to jump around. Su Yiqing naturally wants to settle one by one.

Rosen's lips trembled. Qin was in front of him before. He had never met Su Yiqing head-on.

I saw that the old man of the Qin family treated Su Yiqing so carefully before. He was very disdainful in his heart. He thought that a hairy boy, no matter how he spread his name outside, it was just a false reputation. How powerful can he be?

But now, between three or two words, he already regretted. When he thought about the things that happened in the mine, why didn't he believe in evil and fight Su Yiqing before?

Seeing that Su Yiqing has taken several little guys to the VIP seat in the auction hall, it's too late for him to beg for mercy with Su Yiqing even now.

Besides, as Lao Qin said before, the Su family is cruel and cruel. It's no use begging for mercy in front of him. The more you beg for mercy, the more he will step you into the mud.

The only way not to be cleaned up by him is to be strong enough that Su Yiqing dare not move, so as to keep himself.

He bit his teeth. It's so far. It's just the end.

It is said that there are many good things in today's tasting meeting. As long as he buys them, he should be able to deal with the crisis at the mine temporarily.

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