"Big brother, don't fight first. Let Ruan play cards with the ugly little brother first, okay?" the little Tuan took Su Yiqing's clothes and played coquettish.

Looking at Su Yiqing with big eyes, he suddenly killed him with a crooked head. "Big brother, why don't we bet with them! If soft wins, does soft want that ugly little brother to become a soft young lady?"

Su Yiqing: "

If he didn't know that his little sister was only four years old, he would really think she was driving.

After being stunned for a moment, Su Yiqing looked at Chen Yuanhang and asked provocatively, "can Chen always promise?"

Chen Yuanhang was still hesitating. Chen Wei, who was aroused by blood, had shouted, "Dad, promise him! I can't lose to a little girl!"

Chen Yuanhang bit his teeth, "OK!"

Little soft and sweet looked at Chen Wei, "ugly little brother, you suck!"

Chen Wei glared at the small group fiercely, "don't regret it!"

The Little Regiment smiled sweeter, "soft won't regret, the person who regrets is a black pile of bastards!"

Chen Wei glanced at a tile of poker with a kind of vicious squint, confidently stretched out his claws, pulled out one, and threw it directly on the table, a plum blossom a.

He proudly showed two small buckteeth, smiled and sat back.

Little soft, short arms and legs, stretched hard and couldn't reach the cards in the middle of the table.

He could only toot his mouth and open a pair of innocent and aural big eyes to the Dutch official, "millet, can you help Ruan take that card?"

He Guan listened to the little milk sound, like a clear spring in the mountains, trickling through his heart, and his face was involuntarily warm for a few minutes.

Step forward and use the card sending tool to accurately push the card of little soft finger in front of her.

"Thank you, millet." xiaoruan pressed the card tightly with her two small claws, and didn't mean to turn it over.

Chen Wei snorted coldly and continued to draw a card. It was also directly thrown away, or a square a.

The look on his face became more and more proud and obscene. He drew three cards in total. He had already drawn two a's. He didn't believe that the little girl's film could also draw two a's.

The Dutch officer pushed the little soft finger card in front of her.

Her two small white claws pressed again!

Chen Wei took the third one. This time he didn't throw it out completely. He just opened a corner and took a quiet look!

But the smile on his face was more complacent and obscene.

Su Yiqing's heart mentioned his throat and eyes, and his dark and deep eyes were cold and fierce.

If the card Chen Wei didn't show up was a big ghost, xiaoruan would have no chance of winning.

Although the small soft energy perspective card face, but the card is drawn by Chen Wei first. If he takes all the big cards away, even the small soft energy perspective is useless!

"Millet, I want that card!" the little soft and tender finger pointed to one of the cards again.

He Guan still pushed the card in front of her. She pressed it with her little claw and said crisply, "ugly little brother, I count to three. Shall we flip the card together?"

"One, two, three!"

"Shua!" Chen Wei threw his last card on the table, a kid!

The two chubby little fingers of xiaotuanzi clumsily grabbed the cards on the table, picked them up one by one and turned them over.

Is the first a, the second a

This time it was the Chen family's turn to be nervous. The huge casino was so quiet that everyone could hear their breathing clearly.

Only xiaoruan continued to pick the last card calmly. After turning over, a pair of beautiful big eyes smiled into two curved moons, "a big ghost, Ruan won, big brother, Ruan won!"

Su Yiqing's hanging heart finally fell back.

One hand picked up the small ball and held it in his arms, "small soft, great!"

Fu Wen, who was behind him, had left a knife and a stack of documents in front of Chen Yuanhang. "Mr. Chen, start after signing!"

"No, it's impossible!" he retreated two steps in horror and looked at Su Yiqing angrily. "Surnamed Su, you dare cheat. Shit, I'll kill you!"

Then he and the bodyguard behind him picked up the guy.

And his ugly son with buckteeth jumped out of his chair and wanted to run.

Fu Wen rushed over and slipped him back. "Smelly boy, where do you want to run? Do you want to be a sister for our little lady?"

Chen Wei's face turned white with fear.

At the same time, a smell of urine spread, and his pants were wet at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Su Yiqing, let go of my son!" Chen Yuanhang shouted angrily.

Su Yiqing coldly hooked the corner of his mouth and picked up the knife Fu Wen threw on the table.

"Shua!" he inserted it into the table. "As long as President Chen is willing to admit defeat, I will naturally give it back to you after I turn your son into a daughter!"

Chen Yuanhang panicked at once, "no... no! I can sign the words and chop the fingers. Just, please let my son go!"

This is his only son, and because he has been playing with flowers for many years, he can't control his lower half. He has long lost his function.

If this son is abandoned, he will be extinct!

"Ah!" Su Yi snorted coldly and looked at Chen Yuanhang with his eyebrows. "Mr. Chen, stop talking nonsense and start!"

Chen Yuanhang gritted his teeth and signed his name on the document.

Isn't it 50% of the company's shares?

As long as people are all right, sooner or later he will double his claim from Su Yiqing.

After signing, Liu Hong took the pile of documents and nodded to Su Yiqing after checking them. "You go first with the documents."

Liu Hong nodded and turned away.

Chen Yuanhang's bodyguard wants to stop him. Su Yiqing gives Chen Yuanhang a cold look.

Chen Yuanhang bit his teeth and waved. The bodyguard directly let Liu Hong leave.

Chen Yuanhang pulled out the shining dagger inserted on the table, put his left hand on the table, and cut it directly as soon as his eyes were closed.

Su Yiqing held the small ball in one hand and pressed her small head on her shoulder with the other hand to prevent her from seeing the bloody scene. She also covered her ears by the way.

The arc of his mouth became colder and more fierce. "Fu Wen, do it!"

Fu Wenyi took Chen Wei in his hand, and the other hand fell with a knife, which directly broke his 3000 troubles!

Dare to have dirty thoughts about their little girl

"Ah!" a pig like scream resounded through the casino.

"Don't --"

Ignoring the pain of his fingers, Chen Yuanhang threw himself at his son with a wail.

Fu Wen directly threw his son who smelled of urine to him.

He caught his son and howled his heart out!

Su Yiqing took the small ball in his arms and turned directly, "go!"

Chen Yuanhang flushed his eyes and handed Chen Wei over to his next men, "Su Yiqing, it's not so easy for you to go!"

Su Yi ignored him. A group of bodyguards guarded behind him and blocked the people on Chen Yuanhang's side.

Chen Yuanhang's blood red eyes were full of malice. He bit his teeth and winked at Chen Wei's confidant.

Go straight in the opposite direction to Su Yiqing.

Fu Wen looked at Chen Yuanhang's actions and felt that there was something wrong. "Boss, if Chen went there, would he..." and fraud!


Before Fu Wen finished his words, a huge explosion rang through the whole Haicheng.

Black smoke soared into the sky, and the original Grand Chen's Casino was razed to the ground in an instant.

At that moment, Su Yiqing almost subconsciously held the small ball tightly in his arms. Before he could do anything else, he had been overturned by the explosion and rushed forward involuntarily!

At the same time, the casino collapsed and chunks of steel and cement fell from above.

In a panic, Xiaotuan lost consciousness before he even had time to do any action!

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