"Brother, is xiaotuanzi awake?"

Just after hanging up the video, Susie's deliberately low voice came in, and then her small head also poked in.

Seeing that xiaotuanzi had woken up, everyone entered the room.

He reached out and pinched the little face of the little Tuanzi. "Poor little sister, your little body is too weak. How can you get out of the sea like this? After you go back, you must practice boxing with your sister and two brothers every day. Don't be lazy any more.

Let's go. My sister caught a lot of big fish and sliced fish himself. I'll give you a good patch! "

The little Tuanzi stretched out his white and tender hand and pinched Susie's small face. "That sister first gave Ruan your own fish slices. Ruan had a nightmare and had a lot of sweat. She had to wash it before eating!"

"Well, my sister asked Uncle Liu to cook you a seafood porridge with my sister's fish slices. When you wash it for nothing, my sister will feed you!"

"Thank you, sister!" Xiaotuan Nai smiled sweetly and gave two small dimples that could drown people.


Little Tuanzi was lying in the big bathtub. The warm water dispelled the cold fear in his dream. He was soaking comfortably, but suddenly he heard a loud bang.

The cruise ship also shook violently.

A Xiang stumbled into the bathroom in the violent shaking of the cruise ship, quickly picked up the small ball from the bathtub, wrapped it and dried it.

"Aunt Xiang, what's the matter?" Xiaotuan asked with a pair of black and white clear watery eyes.

Ah Xiang quickly dressed the little Tuanzi. There was a trace of unnatural flash in her eyes. Then she said softly, "nothing's wrong. Maybe a big fish caught and hit the boat!"

"Why was aunt Xiang so worried just now?" the little Tuanzi looked at Ah Xiang's eyes and asked.

Ah Xiang subconsciously avoided looking at Xiao Tuanzi, "because the little girl has just been seasick. Aunt Ah Xiang is afraid that the little girl will soak in the water for too long, water-cooled and catch a cold!"

The worry at the bottom of xiaotuanzi's eyes flashed. Aunt Xiang was lying to her. The bathtub she bathed had the function of constant temperature. The water could not be cold at all. Aunt Xiang was lying to her!

The dressed little ball slipped out of bed and was about to walk towards the door.

Ah Xiang hurriedly took her back to bed, spoiled and scolded, "young lady, you're just getting better from seasickness. You have a nightmare and you're sweating. The young master said, let you have a good rest in bed.

You see, aunt Xiang brought you all the seafood porridge! "

Xiaotuanzi opened his mouth and caught the seafood porridge fed by Aunt Xiang. It was delicious, tender and smooth. It was very delicious, but xiaoruan was not in the mood to taste delicious.

Something must have happened outside. How can she avoid aunt Xiang sneaking out?


"Big brother, it's them. They hurt our brother the day before yesterday. Yesterday, they asked the bodyguard to beat up our brother!"

The rainbow sugar brothers nodded and bowed to a pudgy man with long hair, Captain's hat, strong smoked makeup and braided part of his beard and hair. Captain cos Jack gave Su Lei and Su Xiaowu a vicious stare.

They fell into the hands of these two little devils for two days in a row. This scene must be found anyway!

So after they were beaten by bodyguards yesterday, they endured pain and squatted on the side of the cruise ship all night.

Today, I saw these kids get on the cruise ship again. I immediately contacted their new boss.

Their boss is amazing. He is a pirate who has just fled here from foreign waters and has a gun in his hand!

This time, with the boss, if these people dare not take money, they will directly kill them, and then sell their yachts on the black market, which can also make a lot of money!

Su Yiqing's cold eyes swept over seven rainbow youths and a group of Pirates dressed as non mainstream beggars, and the corners of his lips aroused a cold and fierce arc.

The short, fat captain with a gun in his hand shrank unconsciously under his terrible eyes.

The seven rainbow candies shrunk their shoulders.

Su Xiaowu thought he was cool and wiped his nose with his thumb. "Oh, these refined rainbow sweets are still very solid. They were beaten black and blue yesterday. Today they came to beat again!

Just right, I'll practice my hand! "

Su Xiaowu said and rushed out

"Bang!" a gun rang out.

While drinking the seafood porridge fed by Aunt Xiang, he was thinking about how to avoid the small dumpling that Aunt Xiang sneaked out.

He jumped out of bed and rushed to the deck.

On deck.

At the moment when the short and fat captain shot at Su Xiaowu, Su Yiqing rushed out and directly pressed Su Xiaowu on the deck.

The bullet almost flew out against Su Yiqing's scalp and shot into the sea!

All the bodyguards haven't reacted yet.

Susie only felt that her brain was down and empty at that moment. She even forgot to breathe. She only knew that she grabbed Su Lei around her.

Su Lei's heart also stopped beating at that moment. He couldn't imagine what would happen to the family they finally owned if one of his big brother and little brother was hit by a bullet.

As soon as xiaotuanzi rushed to the cabin door, she saw that thrilling moment. In her clear and bright eyes, she was gloomy in an instant!

Whoever dares to touch her brother will die!

Su Yiqing stood up, took Su Xiaowu to the bodyguard around him, and looked at the short fat captain like a dead man!

Su Xiaowu was terrified and obediently returned to the bodyguard's protection circle. He didn't dare to show off again.

Under Su Yiqing's eyes, the short fat captain subconsciously stepped back, picked up the gun and pointed at Su Yiqing, bluffing and yelling, "I don't want to kill today. Leave your yacht and get out in a lifeboat!"

"Oh!" Su Yiqing sneered cruelly, rushed directly over and kicked the short fat man in the stomach!

The short and fat man didn't even have time to lift his gun. The whole man had flown three meters away in a beautiful parabola and hit the deck hard.

The short fat man struggled to get up. Su Yiqing walked forward two handsome steps, and a silver Desert Eagle aimed at the middle of the short fat man's eyebrows.

The short fat man raised his hands in an instant and dared not move!

The bodyguards rushed up and held down the rainbow candy and the rest of the pirates!

At this time, Su Xiaowu, who was shocked and scared and lost face, rushed out, and the tips of his fists and feet rained on the rainbow hairs and pirates.

Su Lei, Su Sisi and xiaotuanzi also rushed up to share the common hatred with their little brother!

Su Yiqing was surprised to see xiaotuanzi rush out, but now he looked at xiaotuanzi beating people, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously aroused a little gentle smile.

It was as if those nervous thrills had never existed. He just played a game with his brothers and sisters.

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