After washing, Susie took her pillow and went into xiaotuanzi's room.

The Little Regiment was chubby and small, and his big eyes blinked.

The big brother and the little brother didn't come back and couldn't sleep at all.

"Sister!" seeing Susie, little Tuanzi's eyes lit up, wrapped in a small blanket, hands and feet, got up, sat on the bed and patted the position next to him.

When Susie climbs into the Bunny's bed.

Su Lei also knocked on the door outside. "Xiao Ruan, did you sleep?"

"Mu youwa, brother Su Lei, come in!"

Su Lei pushed the door in and looked at Susie with disgusting eyes.

"I can protect you here. Men and women are different. Hurry back to your room!" Susie said with her small arms hugging her chest and waiting for Su Lei.

Su Lei didn't bother to pay attention to her and began to shop on the carpet.

After spreading his little blanket, quilt and pillow, he looked at the small ball warmly and softly, "soft, how about going to bed?"

"OK." Xiaotuan nodded cleverly.

If she was alone in the room, she would silently wait until the big brother and the little brother came back, but sister Sisi and brother Su Lei came to accompany her.

If she doesn't sleep, they will be more worried!

Especially brother Su Lei, he had a delicate mind.

When he went out this time, he promised his big brother that he would look at them, so he must feel that it was his responsibility for his little brother to be taken away.

Su Lei turned off the light.

None of the three little guys spoke any more. They were quiet in the dark.

At first, they were still waiting silently in the dark, listening to what was happening outside.

But after all, they were all children, and they were tired of playing. The feeling of fatigue hit, and they couldn't stop it at all. Three even breathing sounds rang in the room.

When Su Yan got the news, he hurried back and quietly entered the small Tuanzi room.

I saw that xiaotuanzi and Susie were sleeping close together on the bed, and Su Lei also fell asleep with a small blanket on the carpet and a small quilt.

Su Yan didn't know whether he should be happy or sad for a moment.

Born in a family like them, they may have no worries about food and clothing and material satisfaction.

But they can get much less company than ordinary children.

When they were four children, even if they didn't see their parents much, they still had their parents at least.

But now these four small, small five and small soft should even forget what their parents look like.

Although sissy and Su Lei's father is still there, such a father is really not as good as none.

After su Yan thought about it, he asked Ah Xiang to find him a blanket and quilt. He spread the floor next to Su Lei and slept.


Su Xiaowu's hands and feet were tightly tied by hemp rope.

As the car sped along the road, he looked at the environment inside the car.

With an all leather interior and a sound system worth at least six figures, the owner of the car will certainly not be short of money.

"You didn't kidnap me for money," said Su Xiaowu calmly to the bodyguard in black and the beautiful host in cheongsam.

The co pilot's host Mingmei turned her head and looked at Su Xiaowu with a charming smile. "Children, you're not quite right. The person who tied you may not be for money, but we're for money."

"Oh! You were bought by money?" Su Xiaowu sneered, "how much money did they give you to tie you up, and I'll give you double!"

Bright and charming smile, "tut Tut, children, it's still too naive!"

While talking, the car had stopped.

Mingmei took a black cloth strip to cover Su Xiaowu's eyes and stuffed a ball of cloth into his mouth.

The man in the car picked him up and left.

Su Xiaowu frowned slightly, felt everything around him with his heart, and concentrated on his little ears.

The sound of opening the door rang.

Su Xiaowu was thrown heavily on the ground.

The fall made his bones ache, but he didn't even hum.

"Untie it for him!"

A thick voice sounded.

The blindfold was removed, and the figure in front of him gradually cleared up from the wrong shadow. His eagle Falcon like sharp eyes stared at the cigar smoking man in front of him.

The man pressed out his cigar in the ashtray and looked at Su Xiaowu with some pity. "It's a pity that he only seized such a good opportunity?

If you can catch the sharp sister of the Su brothers, see if Su Yiqing dares to jump! "

Su Xiaowu glanced sideways at the middle-aged man, "Oh, just because you want to catch my sister, dream!"

The middle-aged man smiled, "are you Xiao Wu Su Sihan? My name is Yan Li. According to the seniority, you should call me uncle. I held you when you were young!"

"Oh!" Su Xiaowu sneered, "don't make relatives with me if you are such a disgusting thing. I can't afford to lose this man!

You really miscalculated in trying to deal with the tyrant with the me.

The tyrant is a cold-blooded animal. He won't care about my life and death. "

"That little five, shall we gamble?" Yan Li played with two jade balls in his hand, making a crisp and pleasant sound between the collisions.

"What are you betting on?" Su Xiaowu asked warily but calmly.

"I bet your eldest brother Su Yiqing will come to save you." Yan Li's cold eyes locked on Su Xiaowu.

"How to bet?"

"If he doesn't come, I'll cut off your head and send it to Su's house. If he comes, I'll prepare a good needle for you!"

Su Xiaowu looked at the smile on his face and looked at the needle in the hand of the bodyguard next to him.

Although he didn't know what it was, his intuition told him that being stained with it was definitely more terrible than death!

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva subconsciously, and his smart eyes turned.

Although his eyes and mouth were loosened, his hands and feet were still tied and could not move at all.

And even if he could play, there were twelve bodyguards in the room. As for how many outside, he didn't know just now that he was blindfolded.

I don't know when the tyrant will find here!

Now all he can do is delay as much time as possible.

"Yan, if you want to cut off my head, let me be an understanding ghost!

What grudges does the tyrant have against you? If you don't break your hands, you won't let go of even one of my children? "

Yan Li's face suddenly became more sinister, "what hatred? He su Yiqing ate and smashed the pot! He betrayed me and made me lose 200 million goods by the customs. Do you think I should kill his brother?

Xiao Wu, don't blame your uncle. If you blame your life, why should you reincarnate as Su Yiqing's brother? "

Su Xiaowu smoked at the corners of his mouth!

Alas, the tyrant really screwed him up this time!

At this time, as the door was pushed open, a cold and cruel voice sounded, "Uncle Yan, it's just a mere 200 million. Where is it worth you to be so angry?"

Yan Li looked in his eyes. The bodyguard with a needle tube next to him immediately grabbed Su Xiaowu, and the needle went directly into Su Xiaowu's vein.

Su Xiaowu stared at Gu Chen, who came in cold, cool and handsome. There was only one thought left in his heart, "Mom, Gu Chen's outfit is killing people. He's finished!"

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